University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2000s) Student Newspapers 9-19-2005 Current, September 19, 2005 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, September 19, 2005" (2005). Current (2000s). 265. https://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s/265 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2000s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. VOLUME 38 Sept. 19, 2005 ISSUE 1160 r e for campu new. and ;nformat;on THECURRENTONlINE.COM .1IIIIiI---IIIIII-..------ ..... --~II!II----...III!IIIiI---------- ----------. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - ST.lOUIS l aVina students seme into MSllile BY PAUL HACKBARTH mate evacuated to Baton Rouge, La. to Williams started classes Tuesday, Sept Siciliani welcomed about 8 stu­ News Editor stay with friends. 'We only left with 6. She chose UM-St. Louis since she dents to her general psychology class book bags, thinking we were going to planned to attend graduate school here this semester Siciliani spent the past Eighty-five Katrina students spent be there for a couple of days," she said. after Dillard. two weeks letting Katrina students the last few weeks adjusting to UM-St After staying in Baton Rouge for Williams has been trying to catch make up assignments and catch up in Louis, and one student has found that two days, Williams discovered most up in her classes and become used to a reading. Displaced students were also simple things like classmates sharing utilities in New Orleans wouJd be dis­ new way of learning. "In my comput­ promptly registered on MyGateway. notes are key to adjusting. connected for about three months. er science class here, it's really differ­ 'We had to do a lot of work to catch Kya Williams, junior, computer sci­ Williams was unable to return to cam­ ent from the way we learned. We use these folks up," she said. "It's very ence, came to UM-St Louis from pus or her apartment since the bridge different programs down there," she important, we know, during a crisis Dillard University in New Orleans. crossing Lake Ponchartrain was inac­ said. like this, [for these students] to have Originally from St Louis, Williams cessible. At her apartment in New In WillianlS' psychology class, she some sort of routine." left ' Dillard after Hurricane Katrina Orleans, she heard that the water level said faculty and fellow students have Siciliani explained how she is help­ devastated the college. rose to about 20 feet. "It feels like a been helpful by shating notes. ing Katrina students get back to nor­ Kevin Ottleyl The Current "My campUs is under five to nine dream," she said. Williams talked about her psychology malcy. Kya Williams managed to escape the devastation .inflicted by feet of water," Williams saieL Williams came to live with her professor, Jennifer Siciliani. "She's a Hurricane Katrina and is currently living with family here in St. On Sunday night before the stonn mother in St Louis and chose to con­ very good teacher, even though I've Louis. made landfall, Williams and her room- tinue her education at UM-St. Louis. only been in her class a couple times." see KATRINA, page 12 UMSL athletics will Larger than ... art remain NCAA .Div. II . affairs, improving visibility of athlet­ University Assembly ics on campus and creating more internal and external funding. hears report from The goals of the task forces rec­ ommendations are to create the fun­ task force on athletics damental changes needed to facili­ tate the Chancellor's long-tenn goal BY BE'" SwOFFORD of moving from NCAA Division II News Associate to Division L Of the 16 recommen­ dations, numbers one and tv,ro dealt The UM-St Louis University with the restructuring of athletics Assembly and Faculty Senate met in under student affairs. a joint session for the first time this "Athletics is funded primarily by semester on Sept 13, in the Ie. students, involves students and is for Penney building. e benefit of students. recommen­ Among the many issues dis­ dation one reads. ''Thus, it seeIlli cussed were the presentation of rec­ logical to place students athletics in ommendations from the student affairs." The task force also Chancellor's Task Force on Athletics recommended improving visibility and the elections for replacement of athletics on campus. conunittee members and senators. Recommendation three suggested "The job of the [Athletics] Task the athletic director make herself Force was to look at athletics in a more visible on campus and in the broad aspect and ask tough que.s­ community, while recommendations tions," Chancellor Thomas George 13 through 15 recommended several said. "Questions 'as basic as 'Should ways to improve athletics visibility we even have athletics. '" on campus. The recommendations Task Force on Athletics Chairman ranged ii-om hiring student interns to Steve Moehrle made his presentation create media promoting athletics to to the University i\ssembly in a full better utilizing the internet and cam­ hall of facuJty, students, staff and pus publications to promote campus administration representatives. The athletic events. Brian Fagnanil The CUn-/ml recommendations presented by the Artist Marguerite Perret poses with work from her new exhibit, "Paradise Recast: From Wilderness to Garden Mall," during the open­ taskforce included restructuring ing reception Sept. 9. It will be on display at Galley 210 until Oct. 29. campus athletics under student see ATHLETICS, page 12 Tsunami relief effort brings $8,000 to Sri Lanka Pedestrian struck while The devasta­ Jody Miller led the tion of the crossing Natural Bridge tsunami last UMSL effort to raise December BY PAUL HACKBARTH Natural Bridge Road for his class in shows in this Benton Hall. image of Sri News Editor money for schools "I was walking with my head Lanka. UM­ down, and I heard something. I don't St. Louis A male U11-St. Louis graduate know if it was the car screeching hit by tsunami criminology student was struck by a car while when it hit the brakes. I looked up 'and associate crossing Natural Bridge Road at saw the [pedestrian] on the hood of BY PAUL HACKBARTH & professor approximately 11 am on Monday, the car. He rolled and hit the wind­ Jody Miller MELISSA HAYDE'" Sept 12. shield and rolled off and landed by has led a News Editor & Staf!lIlriter The pedestrian, whose name has the left front tire," Curtis said. fundraising not been released, was identified as a "I just stood there for about 10 campaign While the nation is still getting teacbing assistant in the community seconds. I was in shock. It felt wrong with the back to normal after Hunicane psychology department from Great to leave the accident and walk away," Center for Katrina, one UM-St. Louis profes­ Britain. The pedestrian was taken to Curtis said. "None of us really knew International sor is helping others in Southeast DePaul Hospital in Bridgeton, Mo. exactly what to do in that kind of sit­ Studies to Asia get back to normal from the Curt Coonrod, vice provost of stu­ uation." raise money tsunami last December. dent affairs, said, "I actually saw him The pedestrian was unconscious, for two Jody Miller, criminology profes­ in the hospital within minutes after but when he came to, Curtis said, schools in Sri sor and coordinator of the UM-St the accident I received a call from the 'The first thing I remember him say­ Lanka. Louis Tsunami Reconstruction "UMSL police and was notified." ing was 'Will someone go down to Coonrod was unsure of the full extent be Campaign, visited Sri Lanka in July Photo by Sumeeda Liyanage Stadler and tell my work I won't in to view the progress ' made by the of the graduate student's injuries or today?'" Since Curtis was heading to University's contributions after the International Studies, set a goal to The initial contributions UM-St "We originally chose one partic­ current condition. class in Stadler Hall., Curtis went to island was devastated by the tsuna­ develop a concrete project that the Louis students, faculty and staff ular schooL We didn't know how Many UM-St. Louis students wit­ the psychology department office and mi. Miller agreed to be the on-site University would be fully responsi­ made helped rebuild Thambilivul much money we could raise," Miller nessed the accident Phillip Curtis, told the secretary. coordinator for the implementation ble for. Since January 2005, the Maha Vidyalaya, a Sri Lankan sec­ sophomore, undeclared, parked bis of the University's fund raising. organization has raised more than ondary school located on the east vehicle near the Music Building on see TSU"'AMI, page 12 Miller, along with the Center of $8 ,000. coast of the country. South Campus and was crossing see PEDESTRIA"', page 12 latest in· What do you Ralph Fiennes sports dream? in the must­ INDEX see film of Bulletin~·. __Board_____ _. .__ _ .~ ·M . ___2_ Crimeline 2 the year -_._-----------_.. _._--.. _-----_._-- ~~_.,_. _ __" _ __ ._4-5 ~P~~~ ... _. ____ .___ .. """ .. _. __._tQ 9:Qss~.Q!Q. " "~y~~~_._ . _. .. _J} See page 7 See page 8 See page 10 "-'---'-'-''-=''''=--=--'~'.''''''':':'''---'--='--'-..J Classifieds 13 I,i '" Page 2 7k Current. September 19) 2005 - . 71te Current Mike Sberwin • Editor-ill-Chief ~ Kate Drolet • .IJanaging Editor Michael Pelikan • Busil'IessMal'lager Tom Wombacher' Ad1'mising Director Judi linville • AiMser Put it on the Board! Call 516-5174 for details or email [email protected] ···ITio·re·info·· on·'thls··event: ··· ............
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