E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 1996 No. 85 Senate The Senate met at 9 a.m., and was U.S. SENATE, we can get that done before noon called to order by the Honorable PAUL PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, today. I know we have cleared some COVERDELL, a Senator from the State Washington, DC, June 11, 1996. nominations. We will take those up, of Georgia. To the Senate: hopefully, between 9:15 and 10 o'clock. I Under the provisions of rule I, section 3, of repeat what I have said many times: I the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby PRAYER appoint the Honorable Paul COVERDELL, a do not like holding nominations and The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John Senator from the State of Georgia, to per- have not made it a practice personally. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: form the duties of the Chair. Hopefully, those who have the prob- Gracious Father, there is no greater STROM THURMOUND, lems can work them out either today joy than to be Your friend. Along with President pro tempore. or after I am gone, because there are Abraham and Moses, and men and Mr. COVERDELL thereupon assumed many families here trying to make women throughout the ages, we accept the chair as Acting President pro tem- plans. Holding up their nominations the awesome privilege of a friendship pore. makes it difficult. Of course, personally, I am still hope- with You. To be called a friend of God f ful we can clear the World Trade Orga- is a source of strength and courage. nization legislation. At one time it was When this assurance pervades our RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY cleared in the U.S. Senate. All it does minds, hearts, and wills, we can pray LEADER is to give Congress a role in the event for Your guidance and know that You The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- there are arbitrary decisions made by will not only show us the way, but pore. The Chair recognizes the major- faceless, nameless bureaucrats in Gene- walk with us. ity leader, the Senator from Kansas. va where we can exit from the World Thank You for helping us be the kind f Trade Organization. It seems to me it of friends to others that You have been SCHEDULE is something we would want to do. It is to us. May we express Your loyalty, supported by the President, supported Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, there will faithfulness, and consistency. We are by Mickey Kantor, the former U.S. thankful for the lasting friendships es- be a period for morning business this Trade Representative. In fact, it was tablished and deepened over the years morning from 9 o'clock until 10 part of an agreement when I agreed to here in the Senate. These friendships o'clock. I ask unanimous consent that support it, standing with the President weather the storms of conflict, party from 9:45 a.m. until 10 o'clock, I might on the White House lawnÐthe GATT differences, and political tensions. have that 15 minutes. agreement which was part of that Today, on behalf of both parties, I ex- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- agreement. I hope the administration press our gratitude to You, Father, for pore. Without objection, it is so or- would be helpful. our friend, BOB DOLE. Thank You for dered. As I understand, all the holds are on his commitment to You expressed so Mr. DOLE. From 10 o'clock to 12 the other side of the aisle. I would like faithfully in his leadership and service noon, the time will be under the con- to complete action on that before noon here in the Senate. He leaves the Sen- trol, I think, of Senator NICKLES. At 12 today. If it is not possible, it is not pos- ate this afternoon, but You know he o'clock or thereabouts, I will make a sible. Senator DASCHLE had indicated can never leave the place he holds in brief statement. Then there will be re- on Thursday he would be pleased to our hearts. Bless him with the knowl- cess until 2:15 for the weekly policy help. I am certain he will over the next edge of Your love and our esteem. In luncheons. At 2:15, the Senate will few hours. If anybody has any problems the name of Jesus. Amen. swear in SHEILA FRAHM, as a U.S. Sen- with that legislation, I think if they f ator, as my successor. understood itÐand it is not very com- Following the swearing in, it is my plicatedÐit simply says that Congress APPOINTMENT OF ACTING understanding we will begin debate on should have a role, too. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE the budget resolution, the conference There is a great deal of concern by The PRESIDING OFFICER. The report, 10 hours, and votes, therefore, people all over America who may have clerk will read a communication to the are possible on the budget resolution lost their jobs to foreign competitionÐ Senate from the President pro tempore conference report or any other items at least they believe they have lost [Mr. THURMOND]. that may be cleared for action. their jobs to foreign competitionÐ The assistant legislative clerk read We are still trying to break the log- they are concerned about all these, as follows: jam on nominations. I am not certain whether it is GATT or NAFTA, all · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S6021 S6022 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 11, 1996 these trade agreements where we are It was that way on the Agriculture great honorÐand a wonderful oppor- exporting jobs. This gives Congress the Committee. We would be locked in tunity to have had the privilege of responsibility and a role in determin- tough debate, arguments, differences of serving on some of the committees he ing whether or not we should withdraw views based on regional considerations, has served on, some he has chaired, and from the World Trade Organization. sometimes party differences. The to be a part of this Senate that has In my view, it is legislation that chairman from Georgia, Senator Tal- been led by BOB DOLE, the Senator should have been passed sometime ago. madge, was trying to get everybody to- from Kansas. I understand it is acceptable to the gether. Time after time after time it So we wish him all the best and know House if we can free it from the Senate. was BOB DOLE who ended up being the that he will enjoy many more successes Senator BYRD has had an interest in it. force and the catalyst that brought the and many more triumphs in the years He has improved it some. He has an committee to a point where it agreed ahead. We are confident of that, and we amendment, I think, that strengthens and reported out legislation. That leg- bid him a fond farewell. it more. It is not a partisan issue. I islation would ultimately become law. Mr. KYL addressed the Chair. hope we can clear it this morning. If Senator DOLE, as a member of the Fi- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- not, I know sometimes things do not nance CommitteeÐI did not have the ator from Arizona is recognized. work in this place. good fortune to be a member thereÐ f I also thank Chaplain Ogilvie for his but as chairman of that committee, I thoughts and his prayers. can recall his handling legislation on TRIBUTE TO SENATOR BOB DOLE Between now and 9:45, I assume the the floor of the Senate into the late Mr. KYL. Mr. President, I would like time will be equally divided. hours of the evening with the patience to join the Senator from Mississippi in f and the calm determination to see the paying tribute to the Senator from MORNING BUSINESS bill through, dealing with the compet- Kansas, the distinguished majority ing interests, the offering of amend- leader. All of us who have served in The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- ments, Democrats and Republicans this body can tell storiesÐeven those pore. The Chair advises the majority alike, getting a fair hearing on their of us who have served a very short pe- leader there is a period of morning proposals of what should be in the bill riod of time, such as myselfÐthat re- business with Senators permitted to and what should not be in the bill. And flect the qualities of BOB DOLE's lead- speak not to exceed 5 minutes. finally, after sometimes days, bringing ership. Those of us who are partisan f that bill to a point where it would pass Republicans can only hope that a ma- GODSPEED TO SENATOR DOLE the Senate and then ultimately be en- jority of American citizens can get to Mr. COCHRAN. Mr. President, I rise acted into law. know BOB DOLE as well as we know to join all of those in the Senate today A legislative leader, in the truest him. If they do, then those of us who to wish Godspeed to our distinguished sense of the word, on a wide range of is- would like to see BOB DOLE be Presi- majority leader and colleague, BOB sues, some issues that other Senators dent know that the American people DOLE, as he departs the Senate and em- did not want to work on, like in the would choose wisely in that case.
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