Planning, Design and Access Statement for proposed new ‘glamping’ tourism development located at Land at Glororum, North Northumberland Application prepared on behalf of Mr and Mrs Rodgerson November 2020 Glororum November 2020 page |2 CONTENTS 1 Executive Summary 3 2 Introduction, site and surroundings 5 3 Planning history 6 4 Proposed development 7 5 Planning Policy 8 6 Analysis of key planning matters 16 7 Conclusions 18 Glororum November 2020 page |3 1 Executive Summary 1.1 This Planning, Design and Access Statement (Statement) has been prepared by Edesign Architecture and Planning on behalf of the applicant Mr and Mrs Rodgerson (applicant), in respect of a planning application for the development of a proposed newoff grid ‘glamping1’ site located at lands near Glororum, north Northumberland. 1.2 The statement relates to a full planning application seeking consent for the development of a proposed new ‘glamping’ site comprising of 10 yurts (circular canvas tents), set at ground level. A new toilet / shower block is proposed along with a car parking area with a gravel surface. 1.3 Edesign Architecture and Planning has been engaged by the applicant to design and prepare the plans for the proposed new ‘glamping’ development, advise on the key planning aspects of this proposal, provide this statement and to act as agent for the applicant. 1.4 We have undertaken a thorough review of applicable National and Local Development Planning Policies and other relevant planning documents. 1.5 The documents which are considered to be ‘material’ to the determination of the planning application are: - • National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) February 2019; • Saved Policies from the Berwick-upon-Tweed Local Plan; and • North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan July 2018 1.6 The proposed site is within a rural picturesque landscape which has guided the design for this proposal from the outset. As part of the application, and in recognition of the qualities of the area we have commissioned the preparation of a Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) to review and mitigate against any potential impacts of the new scheme. The conclusions of this assessment are that there will be no detrimental impact on the character of the countryside setting, and views within this part of north Northumberland as a result of this proposal. 1.7 Both the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and the applicable local plan – Saved Policies of the Berwick-upon-Tweed Local Plan 1999 recognise the importance of the rural economy and tourism in this part of north Northumberland. 1 The term Glamping is used to refer to luxury camping Glororum November 2020 page |4 1.8 This application forms the basis of a unique, high quality sustainable new tourist accommodation, which will enhance the range, choice and quality of the tourism offer in this part of north Northumberland. 1.9 In support of our application we have commissioned the preparation of an Ecological Assessment which investigates any impacts on the natural habitat of this area as a result of the proposal. The report concludes that the proposal will have no detrimental impacts on the natural habitat. 1.10 The proposed operating hours of the site are between March to December annually. 1.11 The proposal incorporates high quality new planting within the site, and, new native hedgerow along the site boundaries with specimen tree planting to create subtle new landscape improvements, whilst forming a natural interface with the rural environment. 1.12 The whole concept of this proposal is to embrace principles for it to be sustainable and have positive ‘light touch’ impact on the landscape. 1.13 This proposal if granted planning permission will lead to the creation of a high-quality tourism business within this extremely popular area, which will sustain and create new local jobs and assist in supporting the economy of north Northumberland. 1.14 Our assessment demonstrates that this application is completely in accordance with the relevant saved local plan polices – F4 and R9, North Northumberland Coast Neighbourhood Plan Policy R25 and the National Planning Policy Framework, and therefore we seek the Council’s support and approval of this application. Glororum November 2020 page |5 2 Introduction, site and surroundings 2.1 This Statement has been prepared on behalf of the applicants, in respect of a planning application for the proposed ‘glamping’ development comprising of a new 10 pitch site (yurts) set upon t ground level, with internal new planting, new toilet and shower block and parking. This proposal will require an improved access to be a taken from the adjacent public road. The Site 2.2 The site is currently agricultural land located to the south-east of Glororum Bed and Breakfast and Glororum Holiday Park. The site measures approximately 3.53 hectares in size. 2.3 The agricultural land is relatively level and has a good level of natural screening from the adjacent public road. The Surroundings 2.4 The site lies approximately 1 km south-west from the village of Bamburgh with its nationally renowned castle. The site at present is in agricultural use and relatively flat. 2.5 This statement should be read in conjunction with the documentation submitted in support of this application: - • Completed planning application form; • Plans showing proposed lay out of site; • Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment; and • Ecology Assessment Report 2.6 A thorough review of various proposals maps (see section 5 of this report) shows that the site is not located within the most sensitive designated landscapes – Coastal Zone, the North Northumberland Heritage Coast, Northumberland Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB), Special Protection Area (SPA) or Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), however we recognise that this is still an important landscape area and therefore the design and appearance of the site has been given due consideration. Glororum November 2020 page |6 3 Planning History 3.1 A review of the Northumberland County Council Planning portal shows that there is no relevant planning history for this site. Glororum November 2020 page |7 4 Proposed development 4.1 The proposal comprises of a sensitively well-designed camping style development of 10 yurts (circular canvas tents), set at ground level. Each yurt will include a small compost toilet a timber picnic bench and a wood fired timber hot bath / tub within picket fence. 4.2 A separate toilet / shower block is proposed to the north of the site. This will contain 10 individual toilet and shower units (in light of Covid regulations) for each of the yurts. The building will be clad in Siberian larch and allowed to naturally weather. The roof will be finished in insulated sheeting, black in colour. Solar PV panels will be positioned on the roof and will allow for the development to be completely sustainable and off grid. 4.3 A car parking area will be located to the rear of the toilet block and the surface will be finished in gravel. The proposed entrance will utilise the existing field access point and will form a widened access junction constructed and finished in tarmac for the first 5 metres preventing gravel from entering the road. Once within the development all vehicles will be left in the car park and only small gravel paths will lead to the individual yurts. The paths will be illuminated at night by small solar powered lights. 4.4 The location plan submitted as part of this application shows that the application site lies to the south-east of the hamlet of Glororum – Glororum Holiday Park; Farne View Coquet Cottages and Glororum Bed and Breakfast. The site layout has been carefully designed in order to ensure that the site has minimal impact on the natural surrounding landscape. The LVIA submitted as part of this planning submission has been carefully checked to ensure the proposal is sympathetic to the surroundings. Visuals have been developed from key local areas towards the site to check and ensure the development does not create any adverse visual impacts to the area. 4.5 In order to assist in reducing the visual impacts form the proposal new and improved boundary planting schemes are designed along all site boundaries. New post and wire fencing is proposed along with native planting including beach and hawthorn hedging. Within the site wild meadows will break up and divide sections with further hedge planting and specimen trees creating unique focal points whilst improving natural screening. The increase in the natural landscape within and around the site will provide ecological benefits and encourage biodiversity within the immediate area. The Ecological report included within the submission demonstrates that the proposal will have no adverse impacts on the natural habitats within the site and wider area. Glororum November 2020 page |8 5 Planning Policy 5.1 Section 38(6) of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and section 70(2) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 requires decisions to made in accordance with Development Plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. 5.2 The purpose of the planning system, as detailed within the National Planning Policy Framework, is ‘to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development’. 5.3 Achieving sustainable development means that the planning system has three overarching objectives; a) an economic objective – to help build a strong, responsive and competitive economy…; b) a social objective – to support strong, vibrant and healthy communities…; and c) an environmental objective – to contribute to protecting and enhancing our natural, built and historic environment National Planning Policy 5.4 The National Planning Policy Framework document was published in February 2019. The NPPF introduced a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The Presumption in favour of Sustainable Development 5.5 At the heart of NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development, which should be seen as a ‘golden thread’ running through both plan-making and decision-taking.
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