DeCarlo Breaks Up During SI C Probe SEE STORY BELOW Clearing, Colder Clearing and becoming colder THEDAILY "DVfflQTF'Q FINAL today. Fair but very cold to- night and tomorrow. I "gar / lUJKJlOl£J1\ EDITION Monmouth County'* Home Newspaper tor 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 161 BED BANK, N. J., FHIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1970 28 PAGES 10 CENTS •niiiiiiiina BIllllil^ Shore Soldier Charged in Massacre By BOB NORTON Military sources who pro- alleged atrocities against (ho case. At the time he was as severe as life imprison- WASHINGTON (AP) — vided the number, said the Vietnamese civilians for two a lieutenant commanding a ment. Charges filed yesterday specifications against Will- reasons: platoon. The Army must first de- against an Army officer al- Ingham do not say whether Reasons Listed He is also the fifth U.S. cide, however, that he will leged a second massacre of he actually killed the victims —It expanded the Army in- serviceman formally accused actually go on trial, a de- South Vietnamese civilians or ordered it done by the vestigation of what happened in connection with the con- termination which will be occurred near the hamlet of platoon he commanded. at Song My to include a sec- troversial operation. made after officers conduct My Lai March 16, 1888, jt • The alleged incident in ond infantry company — B what amounts to a grand jury has been learned. which Willingham stands ac- Others Charged Company, 4th Batallion, 3rd proceeding to weigh the evi- The Pentagon is not releas- cused, occurred about two In addition to Calley, two Infantry, Americal Division. dence against Willingham, ing details, but military miles from My Lai where, ac- sergeants and a private who The probe had focused pre- Willingham was due to get sources told The Associated cording to the Army, Calley served with C Company have viously on Calley's'unit, C out of service last Tuesday Press 20 deaths are alleged killed 102 civilians March 16, been charged. Company, 1st Battalion, 20th when he was advised that in unpremeditated murder 1068. Infantry. Army sources said they ex- charges were prepared charges lodged against Capt. against him. Thomas K. Willingham, 25, Both incidents occurred the — It was the first time in- pect now that other in- of Allenhurst, N. J. same day and were part of formation disclosed In testi- dividuals who served with He was held on active duty Willingham may be charged. The Pentagon is withhold- the same U.S. military opera- mony by a special Army and had the accusations ing the number of victims set tion conducted in the Song panel meeting at the Pen- Pentagon officials say all formally read to him yester- forth in the specifications My area, which encompasses tagon has been used as the together 37 individuals — 15 day after obtaining a civilian pending a required investiga- My Lai and several other basis for charges against one soldiers and 22 ex-soldiers- lawyer, Robert McKinley of tion to determine if Willing- hamlets. of the men involved in the are now considered under in- Newark, N.J. • vestigation. ham will, like 1st Lt. William The Willingham develop-" Song My operation. He also was appointed a L. Calley Jr., be court-mar- ment was viewed as signifi- Willingham is the highest If tried and convicted, Will- military lawyer, Capt. Jerold tialed. cant in the unfolding Story of ranking officer yet charged in ingham could draw a penalty (See Area, Pg. 2, Col. 1) Friends Praise am SCENE OF ARMS HAUL — This West Long Branch building was the scene of a raid that netted federal agents a cache of arms including a submachine gun and ALLENHURST - Resi- In AHenhurst; where every- sister, Lucy, of Clark Town- physical education at Murray J. Davison Van Note, Jr., a antitank rocket' launcher Wednesday. [Register Staff Photo) dents of this tiny community one knows just about every- ship. His father, an execu- State College in Kentucky, buddy, called Willingham "a on the Jersey coast remem- one else, Willingham is re- tive for a New York City drug where he earned his second tremendous person." Another ber Capt. Thomas K. Willing- membered as a football star, firm, died several years ago. lieutenant bars in the ROTC buddy, Bill Sullivan, a stock ham as a "typical American a better than average stu- The family could not be program upon graduation. broker, said he couldn't be- boy" who went to war and dent and "an all around good reached for comment. Loved Children lieve the charges against Wil- Antitank Rocket Gun returned with a Viet Cong guy-" Knew as Boy People say Willingham lingham were true. "He's a bullet wound near his lung. Neighbors who saw him "I knew him as a boy from loved children. Kids in the Number One all-Ameri- But the Army has accused last summer while he was around town," Police Sgt. community remember him can guy," Sullivan said. Willingham, 25, and married Paul Dexter said. "He as a Iifepard at the Allen- home on leave also remember And sitting in ' the living just six weeks, of "unpre- him as a war hero who seemed like a typical Ameri- hurst Beach Club and an or- Found in Weapons Raid meditated murder" in the al- can boy." ganizer of the summer rec- room of her home, Mrs. Gi- stopped a bullet that nearly ronda leaned back, reflecting: leged My Lai massage of took his life. ' Willingham attended As- reation program there. WEST LONG BRANCH - A spokes- the federal official, adding that there was 1968. bury Park High School, where Eleven-year-old Steven Gi- "A bullet missed his lung. "He was a fine boy," said It really was a miracle he man for the federal organized crime task no definite evidence linking the Vrsenal to He was platoon leader in Mrs. Ralph Gironda; who' he was'a star linebacker, but, ronda said Willingham force said yesterday that in addition to a the Cosa Nostra. was graduated from the ex- stressed physical fitness. survived. I'm not a hawk on the Army battalion which lives near the $60,000 Willing- Vietnam at alj, but I just submachine gun and an antitank rocket "1 don't know what his game is — made the sweep through the ham residence. "I can't con- clusive Croydon Hall Acade- "If he ever saw a fat kid launcher seized in a raid here Wednesday Poulin," said the federal official. "Gangemi my, a private school in near- on the beach, he'd say 'push- can't believe it. I just can't South Vietnamese hamlet, an ceive of Wm doing anything believe it." "there are other weapons that I'm not at seems to have been doing business for operation In which several like that, He's certainly not by Middletown Township. ups'," the boy said. "He liberty to discuss." Poulin—selling guns." civilians, including children, the kind who would do things "I can't believe he could helped kids get in shape." Allenhurst Borough Clerk Arrested in the raid at a res'idence at Gangemi was charged with dealing in allegedly were murdered. like that." be involved in such a thing," Dr. Harry Hoehn, who has John Edinger put it this way: 180 Monmouth Road here were Vincent weapons without a license and Poulin with Willingham spent most of Willingham's mother, Mrs. William Bruno, who coached known Willingham for yean, "He was quiet, well-man- Poulin, 50, and Samuel Gangemi, 43. possession of illegal firearms and failing to his lifein.AUenhurst, a well- Marie Willingham, lives in football at Asbury Park High described him as "soft spok- nered and he always was. a keep records of firearms. School, said. "He was an out- en ... just a good kid . Poulin owns the building, whose first to-do community of 1,800 per- Allenhurst. He also has an good boy as far as I was con- floor Is an antique shop, where most of Poulin is a licensed gun dealer. "He's sons which is filled with gra- older brother, Charles, 28, of standing mail;'' never a problem growing the weapons were found. Gangemi is a got a dealership, but he's not entitled to cious, old-fashioned homes. Houston, Tex., and an older Willinghani majored in up as a youngster." cerned." • • v , former Jersey City policeman and a do what he's been doing," said the official. nephew of former Jersey City Mayor The two men were arraigned before ItmilfflllHHMiltiiiniullll Thomas Gangemi. U. S. Magistrate David Goldstein in Asbury "There might be some talking done Park. They were released in their own and that might lead us somewhere," said recognizance. Breaks Down The inside story A .look at Jane Hollander's new Job __ Page W TRENTON (AP) - Angelo DeCarlo was ordered to tes- illness although he was "ob- United Jewish Appeal workers begta drive plans - Page II "Gyp" DeCarlo, who broke tify before the commission or viously distraught." Escalation in Mideast down under questioning about The burly, gray-haired De- Braddock picks Ellis over Frazier .Page 14 face an indefinite prison sen- his alleged connections with Carlo, was described Wednes- tence for contempt. Croydon Hall wins 10th of year Page M organized crime, had another day by his lawyer, Michael Rumson-Falr Haven at KUllngton .— Page IS date with the State Investi- Hyland refused to say if Querques, as a very ill man, Worries U.S. Officials gation Commission today. the reputed Cosa Nostra suffering from cancer and ENJOYMENT, YOUR The reputed Mafia leader member had provided respon- with "only a tenuous hold on The Nickelodeon ...
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