www.porticolibrerias.es Nº 872 PÓRTICOSemanal Historia medieval 56 12 enero 2009 Responsable de la Sección: Concha Aguirre Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo Obras generales: 001 — 030 Fuentes y ciencias auxiliares: 031 — 060 Arte — Arqueología: 061 — 087 Filología — Literatura: 088 — 095 Filosofía — Teología — Ciencia — Cultura: 096 — 123 Derecho — Instituciones: 124 — 137 Historia económica y social: 138 — 162 Iglesia — Religión: 163 — 181 Bizancio — Oriente cristiano: 182 — 191 Islam: 192 — 200 Judaica: 201 — 211 OBRAS GENERALES 001 Bolton, T.: The Empire of Cnut the Great. Conquest and the Consolidation of Power in Northern Europe in the Early Eleventh Century 2008 – xvi + 352 pp. € 123,80 002 Brown, M.: Bannockburn. The Scottish War and the British Isles 1307- 1323 2008 – 224 pp. € 27,65 003 Cabañas González, M. D. / C. L. López / G. del Ser Quijano: Isabel la Católica y su época. Estudios y selección de textos 2007 – 261 pp., lám.col. € 23,00 INDICE: 1. Isabel, de infanta a reina: Castilla entre dos bandos — Lucha por la herencia — 2. Los fundamentos de la monarquía hispánica: La Santa Hermandad. Mano dura — Poder sobre las cortes — PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 872 — Historia medieval 56 2 La forja de la unión — 3. La organización del reino: Retos por Oriente y Occidente — La mayor aljama de Castilla: Ávila — La gran frustración de la reina. Los herederos — 4. La impronta de la reina: Luto por la «esperanza de España entera» — Religiosidad y justicia. El testamento — La educación de los hijos. Letras, música y modales — Así se contó. Selección de textos: De infanta a reina — Creación del espacio para una gran potencia — Diseño del estado moderno — Legado y semblanza de la reina. 004 Cammarosano, P.: Storia dell’Italia medievale. Dal VI all’XI secolo 2008 – 466 pp. € 21,85 005 De Rosa, E.: Alfonso I d’Aragona. Il re che ha fatto il Rinascimento a Napoli 2007 – 129 pp. € 24,00 006 Delbrueck, H.: History of the Art of War, III: Medieval Warfare 1990 – 712 pp., 9 fig. € 43,60 007 Deswarte, T. / P. Senac, eds.: Guerre, pouvoir et idéologies dans l’Espa- gne chrétiennes aux alentours de l’an mil. Actes du colloque organisé par le Centre d’études supérieures de civilisation médiévale Poitiers-Angoulême, (26, 27 et 28 septembre 2002) 2005 – 225 pp., fot. € 36,00 INDICE: À la confluence de deux mondes: A. P. Bronisch: La noción de guerra en el reino de León y el concepto de djihad hacia el año mil — C. Aillet: Aux marges de l’Islam: le château des Deux Frères et le dernier des Ghassanides — P. Sénac: Al-Mansûr et la reconquête — J. Tolan: Affreux vacarme: sons de cloches et voix de muezzins dans la polémique interconfessionnelle en péninsule ibérique — La guerre, enjeu de pouvoir: P. Araguas: Le château dans l’Espagne chrétienne autour de l’an mil — X. Dectot: Tombeaux et pouvoir royal dans le León autour de l’an mil — C. Laliena Corbera: Guerra sagrada y poder real en Aragón y Navarra en el transcurso del siglo XI — J. López Quiroga: El «mito-motor» de la Reconquista como proceso de etnogénesis socio-política — A. Rucquoi: Maintien et création du droit dans l’Espagne chrétienne (950-1050) — L’Eglise et les idéologies: T. Deswarte: Saint Jacques refusé en Catalogne: la lettre de l’abbé Césaire de Montser- rat au pape Jean XIII ([970]) — P. Henriet: Mille formis Daemon. Usages et fonctions de la Croix dans l’Hispania des IXº-XIº siècles — P. Josserand: Par-delà l’an mil: le discours des origines dans l’ordre de Santiago au Moyen Âge — M. Zimmermann: Le clergé et la guerre en Catalogne aux alentours de l’an mil — M. Aurell: Conclusion. PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 872 — Historia medieval 56 3 008 S. BRINK / N. PRICE, eds. THE VIKING WORLD 2008 — xxiii + 717 pp., fig. € 185,00 INDICE: 1. Viking Age Scandinavia. People, Society and Social Institutions: L. Hedeager: Scandinavia before the viking age — S. Brink: Law and society: polities and legal customs in viking Scandinavia — I. Zachrisson: The sámi and their interaction with the nordic peoples — A. G. Magnúsdóttir: Women and sexual politics — S. Brink: Slavery in the viking age — Living Space: S. Brink: Naming the land — J.-H. Fallgren: Farm and village in the viking age — L. Jørgensen: Manor, cult and market at lake Tissø — D. Skre: The development of urbanism in Scandinavia — B. Ambrosiani: Birka — V. Hilberg: Hedeby: an outline of its research history — D. Skre: Kaupang – ‘Skíringssalr’ — T. Christensen: Lejre and Roskilde — C. Feveile: Ribe — D. Carlsson: ‘Ridanaes’: a viking age port of trade at Fröjel, Gotland — J. N. Nielsen: Sebbersund — J. Ros: Sigtuna — B. Hårdh: Viking age Uppåkra and Lund — Technology and Trade: S. M. Sindbœk: Local and long-distance exchange — S. H. Gullbekk: Coinage and monetary economies — J. Bill: Viking ships and the sea — A. Larsson: Viking age textiles — J. Ljungkvist: Handicrafts — Warfare and Weaponry: G. Williams: Raiding and warfare — A. Pedersen: Viking weaponry — Pre-Christian Religion and Belief: A. Hultgård: The religion of the vikings — J. P. Schjødt: The old norse gods — O. Sundqvist: Cult leaders, rulers and religion — G. Steinsland: Rulers as offspring of gods and giantesses: on the mythology of pagan norse rulership — M. C. Ross: The creation of old norse mythology — C. Raudvere: Popular religion in the viking age — N. Price: Sorcery and circumpolar traditions in old norse belief — A.-S. Gräslund: The material culture of old norse religion — N. Price: Dying and the dead: viking age mortuary behaviour — Language, Literature and Art: M. P. Barnes: The scandinavian languages in the viking age — H. Williams: Runes — J. Jesch: Poetry in the viking age — T. Gunnell: The performance of the poetic edda — L. Lönnroth: The icelandic sagas — A. Faulkes: Snorri Sturluson: his life and work — G. Nordal: The sagas of icelanders — S. Mitchell: The heroic and legendary sagas — D. M. Wilson: The development of viking art — 2. The Viking Expansion. The British Isles: C. Downham: Vikings in England — D. N. Dumville: Viking in insular chronicling — J. D. Richards: Viking settlement in England — D. M. Hadley: The creation of the Danelaw — R. Hall: York — D. M. Wilson: The isle of Man — G. Fellows-Jensen: Scandinavian place names in the British isles — M. Redknap: The vikings in Wales — J. H. Barrett: The norse in Scotland — D. Ó Corráin: The vikings and Ireland — P. F. Wallace: Archaeological evidence for the different expressions of Scandinavian settlement in Ireland, 840-1100 — Continental Europe Continúa en la pág. 4 PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 872 — Historia medieval 56 4 and the Mediterranean: J. Callmer: Scandinavia and the continent in the viking age — J. Renaud: The duchy of Normandy — N. Price: The viking conquest of Brittany — N. Price: The vikings in Spain, North Africa and the Mediterranean — The Baltic: T. Edgren: The viking age in Finland — H. Valk: The vikings and the eastern Baltic — Russia and the East: J. Shepard: The viking Rus and Byzantium — F. Androshchuk: The vikings in the east — E. Mikkelsen: The vikings and islam — J. E. Montgomery: Arabic sources on the vikings — The North Atlantic: G. Sigurðsson: The north Atlantic expansion — J. V. Sigurðsson: Iceland — S. V. Arge: The Faroe islands — J. Arneborg: The norse settlements in Greenland — P. Buckland: The north Atlantic farm: an evironmental view — B. Vallace: The discovery of Vinland — P. Sutherland: Norse and natives in the eastern Arctic — 3. Scandinavia Enters the European Stage. The Coming of Christianity: S. Brink: Christianisation and the emergence of the early church in Scnadinavia — A.-S. Gräslund / L. Lager: Runestones and the christian missions — A.-S. Gräslund: The material culture of the christianisation — The Development of Nation States (Ríki): C. Krag: The creation of Norway — E. Rœsdahl: The emergence of Denmark and the reign of Harald Bluetooth — N. Lund: Cnut the Great and his empire — T. Lindkvist: The emergence of Sweden. 009 Dodd, G. / D. Biggs, eds.: The Reign of Henry IV. Rebellion and Survival, 1403-1413 2008 – 264 pp., fig. € 69,50 010 Favier, J.: Le roi Rene 2008 – 754 pp. € 30,16 011 Fugelso, K. / C. L. Robinson, eds.: Studies in Medievalism, 16 — 2008: Medievalism in Technology Old and New 2008 – 224 pp., 14 fig. € 64,30 INDICE: A. C. Montoya: Contes du style des troubadours: the memory of the medieval in seventeenth- century french fairy tales — A. D. Pionke: A ritual failure: the Eglinton tournament, the victorian medieval revival, and victorian ritual culture — G. K. McKay: An eastern medieval revival: byzantine art and nineteenth-century french painting — C. Heady: «I am weary of that foolish tale»: Yeats’s revision of Tennysons’ Idylls in «Time and the witch Vivien» — B. Brasington: The doughboy comes to Chartres: stars and stripes and the middle ages — S. Mengozzi: Constructing difference: the guidonian hand and the musical space of historical others — Medievalism in Video Games: C. L. Robinson: An introduction to medievalist video games — O. M. Traxel: Medieval and pseudo-medieval elements in computer role- playing games use and interactivity — A. S. Kaufman: Romancing the game: magic, writing, and the feminine in Neverwinter nights — B. Moberly / K. Moberly: Revising the future: the medieval self and PÓRTICO LIBRERÍAS PS 872 — Historia medieval 56 5 the sovereign ethics of empire in Star Wars: kinghts of the old republic — L. S. Mayer: Promises of monsters: the rethinking of gender in MMORPGs. 012 García Edo, V.: Blasco de Alagón, ca. 1190-1239 2008 – 240 pp., lám.col. € 60,00 013 García González, J. J.: Castilla en tiempos de Fernán González 2008 – 437 pp., 135 fig. € 27,00 014 Hurlet, F., ed.: Les empires. Antiquité et moyen âge. Analyse comparée 2008 – 252 pp., fig. € 18,00 INDICE: P. Villard: L’empire néo-assyrien — C. Pébarthe: Quand Athènes dominait le monde grec: l’empire oublié (477-404) — L.
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