LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE EXCELLENCE... THE LIVINGSTONE WAY 701 WEST MONROE STREET | SALISBURY, NC 28144 OFFICE: (800) 835 - 3435 OFFICE OF ADMISSIONS www.livingstone.edu @livingstone1879 Our Accreditation Status Livingstone College is accredited by the Southern Associ- ation of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award certificates, associate and baccalaureate degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane Decatur, GA 30033-4097 or call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Livingstone College. 3 3 3 SALISBURYSALISBURY NORTHSALISBURYSALISBURY CAROLINA Livingstone College is located in historic Salisbury, NORTHNorthNORTHNORTH Carolina. CAROLINA CAROLINACAROLINA Salisbury is home to the famed North Carolina Livingstonesoft drink, College Cheerwine; is located grocery in historic food Salisbury, store chainNorth Carolina. Livingstone CollegeLivingstone is located College in is historic located inSalisbury, historic Salisbury, North Carolina. North Carolina. Salisbury is the home to famed North Carolina soft drink, Salisbury is theSalisburyFood home Lion; tois the famed and home the North to National famed Carolina North Sportcasters softCarolina drink, soft and drink, Cheerwine, regional supermarket Food Lion, and the National Cheerwine, regionalCheerwine,Sportswriters supermarket regional Association. supermarket Food Lion, Food and Lion, the Nationaland the National Sportscasters and Sportswriters Association. SportscastersSportscasters and Sportswriters and Sportswriters Association. Association. DISTANCE FROM LIVINGSTONE Charlotte, NC – 43 miles (45 minutes) Greensboro, NC – 53 miles (1 hour) Winston Salem, NC – 40 miles (45 mins) The College is within an hour’s drive north From I-85 North: Distance From Livingstone TheTheThe College CollegeCollege isis withinwithinwithin anan hour’shour’s drive drivedrive northnorth north FromFrom I-85I-85 North:North: Durham,Distance NC From – 104 Livingstone miles (1.5 hours) of Charlotte and south of the Piedmont TakeFROM Exit 76 I-85 NORTH: Charlotte, NC – 43 miles (45 minutes) ofTriadofof Charlotte CharlotteCharlotte area (Greensboro,and andand south southsouth of ofofWinston-Salem,the thethe Piedmont PiedmontPiedmont TurnTakeTake right ExitExit 7676onto E. Innes St. Charlotte,Charlotte, NCNC –– 4343 milesmiles (45(45 minutes)minutes) Take Exit 76, turn right onto E. Innes Raleigh,Greensboro, NC NC – – 127 53 miles miles (1 hour) (2 hours) The College is withinTriadTriad anareaarea hour’s (Greensboro,(Greensboro, drive north Winston-Salem,Winston-Salem, From I-85 North:TurnTurn rightright ontoonto E.E. InnesInnes St.St. DistanceGreensboro, From NC Livingstone – 53 miles (1 hour) Triadand High area Point). (Greensboro, Charlotte Winston-Salem, is the second Turn left onto S. Craige St. Winston Salem, NC – 40 miles (45 minutes) of Charlotte and south of the Piedmont Take Exit 76 Winston Salem, NC – 40 miles (45 minutes) largestandand HighHigh financial Point).Point). center CharlotteCharlotte in the isis nationthethe secondsecond (after TurnSt.TurnTurnTurn right leftleft left onto ontoonto onto S. S.W. CraigeCraigeS. Monroe Craige St.St. St. St.Turn right Charlotte,Asheville,Durham, NC NC – NC 43– 104 miles – miles130 (45 (1.5miles minutes) hours) (2 hours) Triad area (Greensboro,andlargestlargest High financialfinancial Point). Winston-Salem, Charlottecentercenter inin thetheis the nationnation secondTurn (after(after right ontoTurnTurn rightrightE. Innes ontoonto St. W.W. MonroeMonroe St.St. Greensboro,Raleigh,Durham, NC NC – – –127 53 104 miles miles miles (2 (1 (1.5hours) hour) hours) New York) and the 10th fastest growing city onto W. Monroe St. Columbia,Raleigh,Raleigh, NCNC –SC– 127127 – milesmiles 134 (2 (2miles hours)hours) (2 hours) New York) and the 10th fastest growing city WinstonAsheville, Salem, NC NC – 130 – 40 miles miles (2 hours) (45 minutes) and High Point).largestin theCharlotte U.S.financial that is isthecenter continually second in the rankednationTurn (afteron left ontoFrom S. I-85 Craige South: St. Columbia,Asheville, SC NC – – 134 130 miles miles (2 (2 hours) hours) FromFrom I-85I-85 South:South: Durham, NC – 104 miles (1.5 hours) largest financial“bestinin center thethe of” U.S.U.S. inlists thatthethat for nation isisbusiness, continuallycontinually (after economy rankedrankedTurn and on onright Takeonto Exit W. 76Monroe St. Richmond,Columbia,Columbia, VA SCSC VA –– 252134134 – miles252miles miles (4(2(2 hours)hours) (4 hours) New York) and the 10th fastest growing TakeTake ExitExit 7676 Raleigh,Richmond,Richmond, NC – 127 VAVA miles –– 252252 (2 milesmiles hours) (4(4 hours)hours) lifestyles.“best“best of”of” Livingstone listslists forfor business,business, is easily accessibleeconomyeconomy andviaand Turn left onto E. Innes St. Washington, DC – 360 miles (5.5 hours) New York) and the 10th fastest growing city TurnTurn leftleft ontoonto E.E. InnesInnes St.St. Asheville,Washington,Washington, NC – 130 DC DCmiles – 360 – 360(2 miles hours) miles (5.5 hours) (5.5 hours) citylifestyles.lifestyles. in the LivingstoneLivingstoneU.S. that is isiscontinually easilyeasily accessibleaccessible ranked viavia TurnFROM left onto I-85S. Craige SOUTH: St. Baltimore, MD – 403 miles (6 hours) in the U.S. thatInterstate is continually 85. ranked on From I-85 South: Columbia,Atlanta,Baltimore,Baltimore, SC GA – MD134 MD– 282 –miles– 403403miles miles miles(2 (4.5 hours) (6(6hours) hours)hours) InterstateInterstate 85.85. TurnTurn leftleft ontoonto S.S. CraigeCraige St.St. TurnTake right Exit onto76, turn W. Monroe left onto St. E. Innes Baltimore,Atlanta, GA MD– 282 – miles 403 (4.5miles hours) (6 hours) “best of” lists foron “bestbusiness, of” lists economy for business, and economyTake Exit 76TurnTurn rightright ontoonto W.W. MonroeMonroe St.St. Richmond,Jacksonville, VA – 252FL – miles425 miles (4 hours) (6 hours) Turn left onto E. Innes St. Washington,Jacksonville,Jacksonville, DC – FLFL 360 –– 425425 miles milesmiles (5.5 (6(6 hours)hours) hours) lifestyles. Livingstoneand lifestyles. is easily Livingstone accessible viais easily St.Turn left onto S. Craige St. Turn right Atlanta, GA – 282 miles (4.5 hours) Turn left onto S. Craige St. Baltimore, MD – 403 miles (6 hours) Interstate 85. onto W. Monroe St. Atlanta,Jacksonville, GA – 282 miles FL – (4.5 425 hours) miles (6 hours) accessible via Interstate 85. Turn right onto W. Monroe St. CONSIDERINGCONSIDERING AA VISITVISIT TOTO OUROUR CAMPUS?CAMPUS? Jacksonville, FL – 425 miles (6 hours) DailyDailyCONSIDERING ToursTours AvailableAvailable A VISIT TO OUR CAMPUS? CONSIDERINGMonday - Friday A VISIT TO OUR CAMPUS? MondayDAILY -TOURS Friday AVAILABLE 10:00 AM & 2:00 PM 10:00Monday10:00 AMAM - Friday && 2:002:00 PMPM Daily Tours10:00 AMAvailable & 2:00 PM Once you have walked beneath thy maples Once you have walked beneath thy maples Monday - Fridayand thy oaks, you will want to make andOnce thy you oaks, have you walked will want beneath to make thy maples 10:00 AM &Livingstone 2:00 PM College your choice. Please Livingstoneand thy oaks, College you will your want choice. to make Please Livingstone contact us at (800) 835-3435 option #1 to contact us at (800) 835-3435 option #1 to Once you havescheduleCollege walked youran appointment. beneath choice. Please thy maples contact us at (800) schedule an appointment. and thy oaks,835-3435 you will option want #1 to to make schedule an appointment. Livingstone College your choice. Please contact us at (800) 835-3435 option #1 to schedule an appointment. CHOOSE LIVINGSTONE HERE’S WHY: Livingstone College offers a “Total Learning Envi- ronment”with its holistic approach to academic prepara- COLLEGE tion. Livingstone maintains a student-centered environment and approach to learning. The College is dedicated to providing a first-rate education and preparing students to be leaders in their communities, fields of study and today’s global society. Many advantages of choosing Livingstone College include: TRADITION & A CHRISTIAN- BASED DEDICATED FACULTY AND HIGH-QUALITY ENVIRONMENT - Livingstone College has a rich INSTRUCTION - Faculty members with years of history uniquely steeped in the tradition of the experience both teaching and working in their African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. fields. MERIT-BASED SCHOLARSHIPS - Greater re- STUDY ABROAD - Take undergraduate and wards for your academic success in high school. graduate courses from faculty from around the world to enhance your perspective. LOCATION - Easily accessible central location right off I-85 for residents of North Carolina and LOW STUDENT-FACULTY RATIO - Smaller surrounding states. classes with more personal attention and support. FLEXIBILITY - Classes and study options to meet SUPPORTIVE ENVIRONMENT - Support at each students’ schedule – day, weekend & evening stage of your college education from enrollment college, double major, minor and continuing counseling, tutoring for students and assistance education. with internships to career assistance upon grad- uation. AFFORDABLE – Relatively low cost tuition, the availability of financial aid and no out-of-state tuition & fees. 5 Undergraduate ABOUTABOUT LIVINGSTONE LIVINGSTONE COLLEGE COLLEGEDegrees Offered After three brief sessions,Division directed of Business by principals Bishop C.R. HarrisBusiness and Administration Professor A.S. Richardson, Accounting the Institute ultimately Economics closed in Concord. In 1881, Dr. Joseph CharlesEntrepreneurship Price and Bishop J.W. Computer Information Systems Hood changed their roles
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