THISTHIS CIRCULAR CIRCULAR IS ISIMPORTANT IMPORTANT AND AND REQUIRES REQUIRES YOUR YOUR IMMEDIATE IMMEDIATE ATTENTION ATTENTION THISTHIS CIRCULARCIRCULAR ISIS IMPORTANTIMPORTANT ANDAND REQUIRESREQUIRES YOURYOUR IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE ATTENTIONATTENTION If youIf you are are in anyin any doubt doubt as toas theto the course course of actionof action you you should should take, take you, you should should consult consult your your stockbroker, stockbroker, bank bank manager, manager, solicitor, solicitor, accountantIfIfaccountant youyou areare or inin otheror anyany otherTHIS doubtprofessionaldoubt professional CIRCULAR asas toto thethe adviser courseadvisercourse IS immediately. IMPORTANT of ofimmediately. actionaction youyou shouldshould AND taketakeREQUIRES,,, youyouyou shouldshouldshould YOUR consultconsultconsult IMMEDIATE youryouryour stockbroker,stockbroker,stockbroker, ATTENTION bankbankbank manager,manager,manager, solicitor,solicitor,solicitor, accountantaccountant oror otherother professionalprofessional adviseradviser immediately.immediately. accountant orTHIS other CIRCULARprofessional adviser IS IMPORTANT immediately. AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION BursaIfBursa youMalaysia Malaysiaare in Securitiesany Securities doubt Berhad as Berhad to thetakes takescourse no noresponsibility of responsibility action you for should forthe thecontents takecontents, youof this ofshould this Circular, Circular, consult makes yourmakes no stockbroker, norepresentation representation bank as to asmanager, itsto itsaccuracy accur solicitor,acy or or BursaBursaaccountantcompletenessMalaysiaMalaysia or and other SecuritiesSecuritiesTHIS expressly professional CIRCULAR BerhadBerhad disclaims takesadvisertakes anyIS nono IMPORTANTliability immediately. responsibilityresponsibility whatsoever for forAND the thefor REQUIRES contentscontentsany loss ofhowsoeverof thisthis YOUR Circular,Circular, arising IMMEDIATE makesmakes from nonoor representationduerepresentation ATTENTION to your reliance asas toto itsuitspon accuraccur theacy acywhole oror completenessIf youBursa areMalaysia in andany expressly doubtSecurities as disclaimsto Berhad the course takesany liability ofno action responsibility whatsoever you should for for the takeany contents ,loss you howsoever should of this consult Circular, arising your from makes stockbroker, or dueno representation to your bank reliance manager, as uponto its the solicitor,accur wholeacy or or anycompletenesscompletenessor any part part of theof andand thecontents contentsexpresslyexpressly of thisof disclaimsdisclaims this Circular. Circular. anyany You liabilityliabilityYou should should whatsoeverwhatsoever rely rely on onyour forforyour own anyany own evaluation lossloss evaluation howsoeverhowsoever to assessto arisingassessarising the the frommeritsfrom merits oror and duedue and risks toto risks youryour of theof reliancereliance theProposed Proposed uuponpon Mandate thethe Mandate wholewhole accountantIfBursa you Malaysiaare or in other any Securities doubtprofessional as Berhad to the adviser takescourse immediately.no of responsibility action you should for the takecontents, you ofshould this Circular, consult yourmakes stockbroker, no representation bank asmanager, to its accur solicitor,acy or as setororas any anysetout out partinpart thisin ofof this Circularthethe Circular contentscontents. ofof thisthis Circular.Circular. YouYou shouldshould relyrely onon youryour ownown evaluationevaluation toto assessassess thethe meritsmerits andand risksrisks ofof thethe ProposedProposed MandateMandate accountantcompleteness or and other expressly professional disclaims adviser any liability immediately. whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or due to your reliance upon the whole Bursaasas setsetMalaysia outout inin thisthis Securities CircularCircular .Berhad.. takes no responsibility for the contents of this Circular, makes no representation as to its accuracy or or any part of the contents of this Circular. You should rely on your own evaluation to assess the merits and risks of the Proposed Mandate completenessBursa Malaysia and expressly Securities disclaims Berhad takesany liability no responsibility whatsoever for for the any contents loss howsoever of this Circular, arising from makes or nodue representation to your reliance as utopon its theaccur wholeacy or as set out in this Circular. or completenessany part of the and contents expressly of this disclaims Circular. anyYou liability should whatsoever rely on your for own any evaluationloss howsoever to assess arising the frommerits or and due risks to your of the reliance Proposed upon Mandate the whole as orset any out partin this of Circularthe contents. of this Circular. You should rely on your own evaluation to assess the merits and risks of the Proposed Mandate as set out in this Circular. UEMUEM EDGENTA EDGENTA BERHAD BERHAD UEMUEM(Incorporated EDGENTAEDGENTA(Incorporated in Malaysia)in Malaysia) BERHADBERHAD (Company(Incorporated(Incorporated(Company No. No. 5067 inin 5067Malaysia)Malaysia)-M)-M) UEM EDGENTA((CompanyCompany No.No. 50675067 BERHAD--M)M) UEM EDGENTA(Incorporated(Company No. in 5067Malaysia)BERHAD-M) (Company No. 5067-M) UEM(Incorporated EDGENTA in Malaysia) BERHAD (Company(Incorporated No. 5067in Malaysia)-M) (Company No. 5067-M) CIRCULARCIRCULAR TO TO SHAREHOLDERS SHAREHOLDERSININ RELATION RELATION TO TO THE THE CIRCULARCIRCULAR TOTO SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS ININ RELATIONRELATION TOTO THETHE CIRCULAR TO SHAREHOLDERS IN RELATION TO THE (I)(I) PROPOSEDPROPOSED RENEWALRENEWAL OFOF EXISTINGEXISTING SHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’ MANDATEMANDATE FORFOR (I)(I) PROPOSEDPROPOSEDCIRCULAR RENEWALRENEWAL TO SHAREHOLDERS OFOF EXISTINGEXISTINGIN RELATIONSHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’ TO THE MANDATEMANDATE FORFOR (I) RECURRENTPROPOSEDRECURRENTCIRCULAR RELATED RENEWALRELATED TOPARTY PARTYSHAREHOLDERSOF TRANSACTIONS EXISTINGTRANSACTIONS INSHAREHOLDERS’ RELATION OF OF A AREVENUE TOREVENUE THE MANDATE OR OR TRADING TRADING FOR (I) NATURE;RECURRENTRECURRENTPROPOSEDNATURE;ANDAND RENEWALRELATEDRELATED PARTYPARTYOF EXISTINGTRANSACTIONSTRANSACTIONS SHAREHOLDERS’ OFOF AA REVENUEREVENUE MANDATE OROR TRADINGTRADING FOR NATURE;NATURE; ANDAND (I) PROPOSEDRECURRENTNATURE; ANDRENEWAL RELATED OFPARTY EXISTING TRANSACTIONS SHAREHOLDERS’ OF A REVENUE MANDATE OR TRADING FOR (II(I)(II) ) PROPOSEDPROPOSEDNATURE; ANDNEW NEWRENEWAL SHAREHOLDERS’ SHAREHOLDERS’ OF EXISTING MANDATE MANDATE SHAREHOLDERS’ FOR FOR ADDITIONAL ADDITIONAL MANDATE RECURRENT RECURRENT FOR (II(II)) RECURRENTPROPOSEDPROPOSED NEWRELATEDNEW SHAREHOLDERS’SHAREHOLDERS’ PARTY TRANSACTIONS MANDATEMANDATE OFFORFOR A ADDITIONALADDITIONALREVENUE OR RECURRENTRECURRENT TRADING (II) RELATENATURE;RECURRENTPROPOSEDRELATED ANDDPARTY PARTY NEW RELATED TRANSACTIONS TRANSACTIONSSHAREHOLDERS’ PARTY OFTRANSACTIONS OF A MANDATEAREVENUE REVENUE ORFOR OROF TRADING TRADINGAADDITIONAL REVENUE NATURE NATURE ORRECURRENT TRADING (II) RELATENATURE;RELATEPROPOSEDDD AND PARTYPARTY NEW TRANSACTIONSTRANSACTIONSSHAREHOLDERS’ OFOF MANDATEAA REVENUEREVENUE FOR OROR TRADINGTRADINGADDITIONAL NATURENATURE RECURRENT (II) PROPOSEDRELATED PARTYNEW SHAREHOLDERS’ TRANSACTIONS OFMANDATE A REVENUE FOR OR ADDITIONAL TRADING NATURE RECURRENT (II) RELATEPROPOSEDD PARTY NEW TRANSACTIONS SHAREHOLDERS’ OF AMANDATE REVENUE ORFOR TRADING ADDITIONAL NATURE RECURRENT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS OF A REVENUE OR TRADING NATURE th TheThe Notice Notice of theof theFifty Fifty-Fifth-Fifth Annual Annual General General Meeting Meeting (“5 (“5th55AGMAGM”) together”) together with with the theProxy Proxy Form Form are areset setout out in thein theAnnual Annual Report Report 201 2017 of7 of ththth UEMTheTheUEM Edgenta NoticeNotice Edgenta ofofBerhad the theBerhad FiftyFifty(“UEM--(Fifth“FifthUEM Edgenta AnnualAnnual Edgenta General”General or” theor the “MeetingMeetingCompany“Company (“(“55”)55thdespatche”)AGMAGMdespatche”)”) dtogethertogethertogether togetherd together withwithwith with with thethethe this ProxyProxyProxy this Circular. Circular. FormFormForm areareare setsetset outoutout ininin thethethe AnnualAnnualAnnual ReportReportReport 20120177ofof UEMUEM EdgentaEdgenta BerhadBerhad((““UEMUEM EdgentaEdgenta”” oror thethethe““CompanyCompany”)”)despatchedespatchedd togethertogether withwith thisthis Circular.Circular. UEM Edgenta Berhad (“UEMth Edgenta” or the “Company”) despatched together with this Circular. DateTheDate and Notice and time time ofof the theof Fiftythe 55 th5-5FifthAGMAGM Annual General: : MeetingThursThursday (“day, 5150,th1May0AGMMay 2018”) 2018 togetherat 10.00at 10.00 with a.m. a.m. the Proxy Form are set out in the Annual Report 2017 of ththth DateDate andand timetime ofof thethe 5555th AGMAGM ::: ThursThursdayday,,,1100MayMay 20182018atat 10.0010.00 a.m.a.m. DateUEM andEdgenta time Berhadof the 5(5“UEMAGM Edgenta” or the: “ThursCompanydayth , 1”)0despatcheMay 2018d attogether 10.00 a.m.with this Circular. VenueTheVenue Notice of AGMof of AGM the Fifty-Fifth Annual General: Meeting:BanquetBanquet (“55 Hall, Hall,AGM Menara Menara”) together Korporat, Korporat, with Persada the Persada Proxy PLUS, PLUS,Form Persimpangan are Persimpangan set out in Bertingkat the Bertingkat Annual Subang, Report Subang, 201KM15, KM15,7 of th UEMVenueTheVenueDate Edgenta Notice and ofof AGM AGMtime ofBerhad the of Fiftythe(“ UEM5-5Fifthth AGM EdgentaAnnual General” or the:: :“MeetingLebuhrayaCompanyBanquetBanquetThursLebuhraya (“day5 ”)Baru Hall,5Hall,, 1 despatcheBaru0AGM LembahMay MenaraMenara Lembah”) 2018 dtogether togetherKorporat,Klang,Korporat,at
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