CURRICULUM VITAE Ronald L. Snell March 2021 Department of Astronomy Room: LGRT 517 K LGRT 619 Phone: 413-545-1949 University of Massachusetts, Amherst Fax: 413-545-4223 Amherst, MA 01003 E-mail: [email protected] Education: 1979 Ph.D.(Astronomy) University of Texas 1975 M.A.(Astronomy) University of Texas 1973 B.A.(Physics) B.A.(Astronomy) University of Kansas Professional Employment History: 2000-09 University of Massachusetts Head, Department of Astronomy 1999-10 University of Massachusetts Chair, Five College Astronomy Department 1999-00 University of Massachusetts Acting Head, Department of Astronomy 1992- University of Massachusetts Professor 1987-92 University of Massachusetts Associate Professor 1984-87 University of Massachusetts Assistant Professor 1982-84 University of Massachusetts Senior Postdoctoral Research Associate 1979-82 University of Massachusetts Postdoctoral Research Associate 1976-79 University Texas Student Union Instructor Informal Courses 1973-79 University of Texas Research and Teaching Assistant 1972-73 University of Kansas Teaching Assistant 1972 U.S. Naval Observatory Summer Science Assistant Research Specialization: Physics and Chemistry of Interstellar Molecular Clouds, Star Formation, and Radio Astronomy Techniques Ph.D. Students Supervised: Mark H. Heyer (1986) Gerald Moriarty-Schieven (1988) Youngung Lee (1992) John Carpenter (1994) Edward Bergin (1995) Books Authored: Fundamentals of Radio Astronomy: Observational Methods, by Jonathan Marr, Ronald Snell and Stanley Kurtz, Taylor and Francis Publishing, CRC Press (2015). Fundamentals of Radio Astronomy: Astrophysics, by Ronald Snell, Stanley Kurtz, and Jonathan Marr, submitted, Taylor and Francis Publishing, CRC Press (2019). Books Edited: Molecular Clouds in the Milky Way and External Galaxies, Robert Dickman, Ronald Snell, and Judith Young,, Lecture Notes in Physics, vol. 315, Springer-Verlag (1988) Refereed Publications: 1. "The Infrared Excess of Cool Giant Stars: A Chromospheric Contribution," Lambert, D.L. and Snell, R.L., MNRAS, 172, 277 (1975). 2. "The Evolution of Low Temperature White Dwarfs to Thermonuclear Runaway," Duncan, M.J., Mazurek, T.J., Snell, R.L., and Wheeler, J.C., Astrophy. Lett., 17, 19 (1976). 3. "A Solar Model with a Rotating Magnetized Core," Snell, R.L, Wheeler, J.C., and Wilson, J.R., Astrophy. Lett., 17, 157 (1976). 4. "The 12C/13C Ratio in Stellar Atmospheres. VI. Five Luminous Cool Stars," Hinkle, K.H., Lambert, D.L., and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 210, 684 (1976). 5. "Self-Reversed CO Profiles in Collapsing Molecular Clouds," Snell, R.L. and Loren, R.B., Ap.J., 211, 122 (1977). 6. "Emission from Highly Excited Rotational States of HC3N in Dense Clouds," Morris, M., Snell, R.L. and Vanden Bout, P.A., Ap.J., 216, 738 (1977). 7. "Detection of Interstellar DNC," Snell, R.L. and Wootten, H.A., Ap.J.(Lett.), 216, L111 (1977). 8. "Observations of DCO+: The Electron Abundance in Dark Clouds," Guelin, M., Langer, W.D., Snell, R.L. and Wootten, H.A., Ap.J., 217, L165 (1977). 9. "Observations of Interstellar Lithium Toward Per and Aur," Vanden Bout, P.A., Snell, R.L., Vogt, S.S., and Tull, R.G., Ap.J., 221, 598 (1978). 10. "New Diffuse Interstellar Bands in the Wavelength Region 6500 A - 8900 A," Sanner, F., Snell, R.L., and Vanden Bout, P.A., Ap.J., 226, 460 (1978). 11. "Molecular Abundance Variations in Interstellar Clouds," Wootten, H.A., Evans, N.J. II, Snell, R.L., and Vanden Bout, P.A., Ap.J. (Lett.), 225, L143 (1978). 12. “A Study of Interstellar Dark Clouds”, Snell, R.L., Ph.D. thesis submitted to the University of Texas (1979). 13. "Observations of Interstellar HNC, DNC, and HN13C: Temperature Effects on Deuterium Fractionation," Snell, R.L. and Wootten, H.A., Ap.J., 228, 748 (1979). 14. "The Determination of Electron Abundances in Interstellar Clouds," Wootten, H.A., Snell, R.L., and Glassgold, A., Ap.J., 234, 876 (1979). 15. "Rotational Fine Structure Lines of Interstellar C2 Toward Persei," Chaffee, F.H., Lutz, B.L., Black,, J.H., Vanden Bout, P.A. and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 236, 474 (1980). 16. "Measurements of the Interstellar 12CH+/13CH+ Abundance," Vanden Bout, P.A. and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 236, 460 (1980). 17. "Detection of C2H in Cold Dark Clouds," Wootten, H.A., Bozyan, E.P., Garrett, D.B., Loren, R.B, and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 239, 844 (1980). 18. "Observations of CO in L1551: Evidence for Stellar-Wind Driven Shocks," Snell, R.L., Loren, R.B., and Plambeck, Ap.J. (Lett.), 239, L17 (1980). 19. "Detection of Deuterated Cyanoactylene in the Interstellar Cloud TMC1," Langer, W.D., Schloerb, F.P., Snell, R.L., and Young, J.S., Ap.J. (Lett.), 239, L129 (1980). + 20. "Models of Molecular Clouds and the Abundance of H2CO and HCO ," Wootten, H.A., Snell, R.L., and Evans, N.J., Ap.J., 240, 532 (1980). 21. "A Study of Nine Interstellar Dark Clouds," Snell, R.L., Ap.J. Suppl., 45, 121 (1981). 22. "Observations of HC3N, HC5N, and HC7N in Molecular Clouds," Snell, R.L., Schloerb, F.P., Young, J.S., Hjalmarson, Aa., and Friberg, P., Ap.J., 244, 45 (1981). 23. "Detection of High Excitation Rotational Lines Of Cyanoacetylene in the OMC-1 Region," Loren, R., Erickson, N.R., Snell, R.L., Mundy, L., and Davis, J.H., Ap.J. (Lett.), 244, L107 (1981). 24. "High-Resolution Profiles of the 5780A Interstellar Diffuse Band," Snell, R.L. and Vanden Bout, P.A., Ap.J., 244, 844 (1981). 25. "High Resolution J=2-1 and J=1-0 Carbon Monoxide Line Profiles of Self-Reversed Molecular Clouds," Loren, R.B., Plambeck, R.L., Davis, J.H., and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 245, 495 (1981). 26. "Detection of Interstellar CO+ Toward OMC-1," Erickson, N.R., Snell, R.L., Loren, R.B., Mundy, L., and Plambeck, R.L., Ap.J. (Lett.), 245, L83 (1981). 27. "Observations of Interstellar Lithium Toward Scorpii, 1 Scorpii, and 55 Cygni," Snell, R.L. and Vanden Bout, P.A., Ap.J., 250, 160 (1981). 28. "Interstellar Chemistry: Polycyanoacetylene Formation", Langer, W.D., Schloerb, F.P., Snell, R.L.,and Young, J.S., Science, 214, 688 (1981). 29. "Observations of High Velocity Molecular Gas Near Herbig-Haro Objects HH 7-11," Snell, R.L. and Edwards, S., Ap.J., 251, 103 (1981). 30. "Detection of Deuteriocyanobutadiyne in the Interstellar Cloud TMC 1," Schloerb, F.P., Snell, R.L., Langer, W.D., and Young, J.S., Ap.J. (Lett.), 251, L37, (1981). 31. "Determination of Density Structure in Dark Clouds From CS Observations", Snell, R. L., Langer, W. D., and Frerking, M. A., Ap.J., 255, 149 (1982). 32. "A Study of DCO+ Emission Regions in Interstellar Clouds," Wootten, H.S., Loren, R.B., and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 255, 160 (1982). 33. "Observations of High Velocity Molecular Gas Near Herbig-Haro Objects: HH 24-27 and HH 1-2", Snell, R. L. and Edwards, S., Ap.J., 259, 668 (1982). 34. "Vibrationally Excited Cyanoacetylene in the Orion Molecular Cloud", Goldsmith, P. F., Snell, R. L., Deguchi, S., Krotkov, R., and Linke, R., Ap.J., 260, 147 (1982). 35. "A Search for High Velocity Molecular Gas Around T Tauri Stars", Edwards, S. and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 261, 151 (1982). 36. "Detection of Bipolar CO Outflow in Orion", Erickson, N.R., Goldsmith, P.F., Snell, R.L., Berson, R.L., Huguenin, G.R., Ulich, B.L., Lada, C.J., Ap.J. (Lett.), 261, L103 (1982). 37. "J=2-1 CO Observations of Molecular Clouds with High Velocity Gas: Evidence for Clumpy Outflows", Plambeck, R.L., Snell, R.L., and Loren R.B., Ap.J., 266, 321 (1983). 38. "Six-Centimeter H2CO Observations: Envelopes of Dark Clouds", Vanden Bout, P.A., Snell, R.L., and Wilson, T.L., Astron. Astrophys., 118, 337 (1983). 39. "Structure of Dense Molecular Gas in TMC 1 from Observations of Three Transitions of HC3N", Schloerb, F.P., and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 267, 163 (1983). 40. "A Survey of High Velocity Molecular Gas in the Vicinity of Herbig-Haro Objects, I", Edwards, S. and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 270, 605 (1983). 41. "Cyanoacetylene as a Density Probe of Molecular Clouds", Vanden Bout, P. A., Loren, R. B., Snell, R. L., and Wootten, A., Ap.J., 271, 161 (1983). 42. "Radio Images of the Bipolar HII Region S106", Bally, J., Snell, R.L., and Predmore, R., Ap.J., 272, 154 (1983). 43. "Vibrationally Excited CH3CN and HC3N in Orion", Goldsmith, P.F., Krotkov, R., Snell, R.L., Brown, R.D., and Godfrey, P., Ap.J., 274, 184 (1983). 44. "Models of Molecular Clouds: I. Multitransition Study of CS", Snell, R.L., Mundy, L.G., Goldsmith, P.F., Evans, N.J. II., Erickson, N.R., Ap.J., 276, 625 (1984). 45. "A Survey of High Velocity Molecular Gas in the Vicinity of Herbig-Haro Objects, II", Edwards, S., and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 281, 237 (1984). 46. "Large Scale Structure of Molecular Gas in Heiles Cloud 2: A Remarkable Rotating Ring", Schloerb, F.P., and Snell, R.L., Ap.J., 283, 129 (1984). 47. "High Velocity Molecular Jets", Snell, R.L., Scoville, N.Z., Sanders, D.B., and Erickson, N.R., Ap.J., 284, 176 (1984). 48. "Bipolar Outflows in Dark Clouds", Goldsmith, P.F., Snell, R.L., Langer, W.D., and Hemeon- Heyer, M., Ap.J., 286, 599 (1984). 49. "Search for Molecular Oxygen In Dense Interstellar Clouds", Goldsmith, P.F., Snell, R.L., Erickson, N.R., Dickman, R.L., Schloerb, F.P., and Irvine, W.M., Ap.J., 289, 613 (1985). 50. "Radio and Optical Observations of the Jets in L1551", Snell, R.L., Bally, J., Strom, S., and Strom, K., Ap.J., 290, 587 (1985). 51. "Structure and Physical Properties of the Bipolar Outflow L1551", Snell, R.L.
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