FRTOAT. MAT 16, INO iHmurl|iystpr E otn in g IfpraUi ATenge Daily Net Prea* Ran _ TIte WsBtiiy busy by fixing up old cars and rid' B I BI M -e M M -n., -n A A- Ol — ^ -e A A A . A ^ B V Mra. 'Abbie Edwarda, praaident Leroy B. Schober, son of Mr. For the Meath of April, 1958 —— and Mrs. Walter E. Schober of 52 Private Campbell ing motorcycles,” Campbell said. of Mary Buahnell Chahay Auxili­ Exchange Speaker When summer comes there are Tbday gaaersBy fair aad wank About Town ary, No. 12. tJnltad- Spanish War Delmont street, was yesterday ini­ L x t ^ l l l r l l l f a tiated into Phi Kappa Phi, nation­ Serving in Japan several pools for the use of Allied 111 4%* a mghaat teenpamtnm ntnr Id. Ta- Votarana, urgoa all mambara to Occupation forces.” He was hare 9,891 A bsmbmI*! m*a> for th« d«* attend tha mamorlal aanrica Sun­ al honor society at the University Foi PRESCRIPnONS night Cnir aiki eeoL Bnaday fair of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michi­ referring to the twelve lane Meiji Meenbar at tfea Afldit m n n b m ot Ui« SlMmor day morning a t 10:45 at the South Headquartsrs, Far Bast Air to partly chmdy. OoM Lode*. o< Italy, Methodist church. They should be* gan. pool built for the never-held UVL 2 - 9 9 4 6 Bnreao at ChealaHnaa M anehetter^’A Ciiy of ViUago Chtsrm •rin tw bald Saturday momlnc at at the church before 10:80 to take Forces, Tokyo, Japan—(Okayed) Olympic games in 1940, the Shlba •taht o'clock at S t Jamea’i church, their places with the other patri­ The marriage of Miss Gloria —Private First a a s s WUIlam R. Park eight lane pool and the Air pronpt*freedeivenf th e dacaaaad m « n b « ja r a Mrs. otic organiaatlons in seats re- Mae Gibbons, daughter of Mr. and Campbell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forces'-’own private pool at the AdvertMng oa Pbgo 18) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1950 (TWELVE PAGES) PRIUC POUR CENTS Aatoaia flarr, Mrt. Lucy S%rr, Mra. aen'ad for th^m. Mrs. E. Glen Gibbons of 674 Cen­ Everett Campbell, 831 Blast Cen­ National City gym in Tokyo. VOL. LXIX, NO. 202 Itanr Trivtano,. Mra. Filomana ter street, to Michael Anthony ter street, Manchester, recently ar­ H Maatroplatro, Mra. A n th a Oarl- Mrs. Wilbur UtUe, president, Lepore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank rived in Tbkyo, Japan, to assume Ey baldl and Mra. Ansala DaSimona. and Mrs. Ruth Hlckox. secreUry Lepore of Hartford, will take his new duties as a mechanic in Aftermath of Chicago's Disaster U. S. Readies of tha, American Legion Auxiliary, place tomorrow afternoon at three the Far Blast Air Forces Head­ W ESTO W N PH i Many Probes DaUfbtara of Liberty No. 125. are planning to attend the dinner o'clock in the Renter Congrega­ quarters Motor Pool. PHARMACY : Nation-Wide Crime L. O. U L, hava baen Invitad to at- tomorrow in honor of the national tional church. PBC Campbell attended Man­ 48f RARITOIKO ROAD salt ll«KEB 9 R B E r ^ • -vena — president, Mrs. Norman Sheehe of chester High school In 1947, prior A Crackdown tand tba 12 annlvartary obaarv* Are Launched c t C9iartar Oak Lodfa of Rockford. Illinois. The dinner will St. Mary's Men’s Club is pre­ to entering military service in Hartford and Smorsaabord auppar, be held at the Gam, Ocean Beach, senting the Y. W. C. A. Choral August, 1948, in Hartford. He was *••••••• Probe Launched Tbumday avanlnf, Juno 15. at New London. Club of Hartford in a concert at subsequently assigned to Lackland Into Tragedy On the Czechs r ta ja hall. Park Road. Weat Hart­ Whiton Memorial Hall this eve­ Air Rase, San Antonio, Texas, for ford. At^thla tlma tha aupreme Pop Smith and his Old Time Or­ ning at 8:1.5. Guest soloist will Basic Training, and then Langley «rand miatroia, Mra. Catherine Ly- chestra will fiimlah the music for be Boris Evtushenko, basso. Tick­ Alf Ba*e, Hampton, Virginia. Last ConHulaIr in By Senate Body S»wi of Now York will make her the old fashioned sqviare dance to ets may be obtained from club "When I get home in July of Sift Facte in Chicago oftldal vlalt Mambara planning to be held tonight. 8:30 to midnight, members, at St Mary’a parish '53, I'm going to be a mechanic in The Army and Navy Trolley Crash Which Nation Fares Closing a t t a ^ ahould talaphona Mra. Lily at the Community “Y”. The dance office or from Potterton's. Manchester. Right now I keep As Answer to New llunlop, 2-0938 by June. 1. is being sponsored by the Man­ Took Toll of 32 Lives Moune Depends on Human Long Awaited Action chester Rotary Club for its Youth The Army and Navy Auxiliary a u b Demand by Prague Heiirtbreak for a Living Start* in Floridff as Project Fund. Refreshments will sponsored Mrs. Lura Mohrbacher Ncwihm R. HMrstea —Conductor Is Held be available. in another one of her entertain­ RICH, CULTIVATED Bulletin! Atlsnts. May 27.—(Ab—A Senate Committee ment programs at the Hospital Newman R. Thurston, national Chicago. May 27—m —A half mouse whose living depends on RUMMAGE The Annual Youth Banquet at Annex on HaHford road last eve­ treasurer of The National Ex' dozen separate investigations were Washington, May 37—</r<— the heartbreak of humans Approve* Bill to CurB Emanuel Lutheran church will be ning. The patients greatly appre­ change Club, will be the gueet of The I'nltfvd Mlatro today order­ threw Judge Ralph Pharr's LOAM being made today in connection ed Oofiimunlst Uzerhoslo- Bookmaker*; Secrecy held this evening at 8:30. Wil­ ciate these programs which are in honor and principal speaker at BINGO courlnxim Into turmoil yeiter- SALE liam Youngdahl, eon of Governor charge of the Y, W. C. A. with the street car-gasoline truck vakla to riote Ux New York day. Unseen by Uie judge hut Surround* Operation* Luther Youngdahl of Minnesota, this year’s convention of the Con­ Order New! Special $2J9 crash in which 32 persona were coasulate. in clear view of 60 divorce- who is studying at Yale Univer­ necticut State Exchange Clubs. On. Td. In Tm ek Load Lets Every Saturday Night killed Thursday. seeking women, the small gray Saturday St 9 :3 0 sity. will be guest speaker. There Chapter 1094, Women of the The 1950 meeting will be held in Minimum 8 Yds. flOJW Some of the points the investi­ Washington, May 27. i/Pi The mouse bounded halfway up tho Miami, F-la.. May 27—(A^— The are a few tickets still available Moose, will hold a meeting tonight the Hotel Elton, Waterbury, on gators are attempting to clear ap­ United States was reported set to­ Judgo'a hnu'h and period long awaited and much discussedx Emanuel Lutheran at the White Ragle hall on North June 17 and 18. THomaa R. Brown Also Fin, Gravel, Oradlag, for those who deslri to come. T8« Siga ot m STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP peared to be the rate of speed the day for a new crackdown on one around iablo logs. Senate Investigation of crime and Church street at eight o'clock. After the and Joseph A. White will represent Fewer Shovel, BuDdoalng, ete. crowded trolley was moving and regular business meeting a Jewel­ the Exchange Club of Manchester of the Soviet bloc countries this The horrified women, Ini-lud- gambling aclivltlea on a nation­ The Covenant League will meet WORTHY SERVICl the discrepancy in passengers' ac­ Ing Bailiff Dorothy Jackaon, AUSPICES tomorrow evening at eight o’clock ry party will be held. All members at the annual meeting of the state counts on the operation of the car’s time Czechoslovakia. wide scale has been launched here are welcome to invite friends to organization, it waa announced to­ 142 Bast Onter 8L 20 REGULAR GAMES 3 SPEQALS hastily tucked Iholr (eot under at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ern­ Nussdorf Const. Co. rear doors. Officials Indicated the Czech them. One fled the courtroom by Senator Kefauver (D-Tenn). WOMEN’S MISSIONARY attend. Refreshments will be day by Club President Thomas R. Consulate General In New York est Johnson of 28 Oak Grove 87 DeerSeld Drive TeL 8408 Manehestar Thirty-one of the estimated 48 to demand protection from The Invs'tlgBtlon, begun yea- SOCIETY street. served. Brown. persons In the trolley — including might be closed as one possible re­ I .Sheriff's Deputy O. Onion Der­ terday with dramatic awiftneaa the motorman — perished minutes sult of a demand by Prague- (or a rick. after the car crashed Into the big second reduction In the American and secrecy, resumed early today diplomatic staff In Czechoslovakia. *'I assured her as good as I gasojiine truck. The driver of the could, " Derrick said. "1 told behind locked and closed guarded double trailer truck, which con­ The Consulate General Is the doors In the federal building. This Is ths aceae. May 28. along State street near 83rd street, on the South SMe of Chicago where S3 persons met death when a xlreet ear last establishment Cuniiminist her Mickey waa a pel and the tained some 8,000 gallons of gas­ collided with a gasoline truck (left) and burst Into flames. Five buildings (left background), ignited by the burning giixnllnr, were gutted only living he han is crumbs With Sen.
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