October 10, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H9537 her husband's dealer of six years under the Whereas there are an estimated 200 million veloping a nationally recognized pro- Utah DDLA law. pages of pornography, hate, violence, and gram called Operation Blue Ridge MAKING IT A FEDERAL CASE abuse on the Internet; Thunder, Sheriff Brown and his office This legislation, intended to extend the Whereas there are multitudes of strangers have targeted pedophiles that use the who use the Internet to enter homes, talk to drug dealer liability to the Federal level, Internet to reach children. While law would establish a vehicle for persons in the and ``groom'' children, and will take inde- cent advantages of those children if given a enforcement officials in Bedford Coun- 38 states that have not enacted a similar law ty, Virginia and elsewhere have been (and to those in the twelve states listed chance; above if the Federal law is preferable). How- Whereas children have been raped, as- successful in apprehending on-line ever, the amendment would only allow an in- saulted, kidnapped, and deprived of their in- predators, there is no substitute for dividual who used drugs to recover damages nocence by individuals they met on the having parents and children that are if they worked with authorities to provide Internet; and aware and educated on the dangers information on all of that individual's nar- Whereas September 2000 is Internet Safety that exist on the Internet and how to cotics sources. Awareness Month: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representa- keep children safe from online preda- The Latham amendment is different from tors. With the aid of grants from the the Drug Dealer Liability Act laws in these tivesÐ states in that it only extends liability to per- (1) urges the citizens of the United States U.S. Department of Justice, the Bed- sons who are found to have knowingly pro- to recognize and support educational pro- ford County sheriff's office has also vided or manufactured the drugs that grams that make surfing on the Internet safe conducted Internet safety programs harmed the individual or party filing the and fun; dubbed Safe Surfin' in the local suit. The state laws are based on a broad (2) supports initiatives to educate parents, schools. They hope to make children market liability standard that holds dealers children, educators, and community leaders about the enormous possibilities and the po- aware of the dangers and teach them liable based on the premise that a dealer is how to surf the Internet safely. involved in the illegal drug trade in a par- tential dangers of the Internet; (3) urges all Americans to become informed I want to commend many of my col- ticular area and so is directly or indirectly leagues who attended the demonstra- involved in the promotion of the illegal about the Internet and to support proactive drugs that harmed the plaintiff. efforts that will provide Internet safety for tion here in the Capitol in September The Latham amendment fills a void in two children and for future generations to come; of 1999 on Operation Blue Ridge Thun- ways: (1) it provides compensation for the and der that was provided by the Bedford victims of crime, and (2) it holds the drug (4) expresses the sincere appreciation of County sheriff's office. The demonstra- dealers accountable that escape criminal the House of Representatives for the thou- tion showed the extensive presence of sands of law enforcement officials who are punishmentÐwhether it be as a result of get- pedophiles and predators online and il- ting off on a technicality or because a person aggressively working to protect America's children while they are online. lustrated the importance and necessity may deal to a ``behind the scenes'' white col- of Internet safety awareness and edu- lar crowd as opposed to the more con- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- cation. spicuous street gangs. Those ``high dollar'' ant to the rule, the gentleman from The Commonwealth of Virginia rec- dealers are less likely to be apprehended by Florida (Mr. BILIRAKIS) and the gen- law enforcementÐwhy should they get off ognized September as Internet Child tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. MAR- scot-free? Like the wife in Utah, more family Safety Awareness Month and has run KEY) each will control 20 minutes. members may be willing to take matters public service announcements on tele- The Chair recognizes the gentleman into their own hands and go after those who vision and radio warning parents of the from Florida (Mr. BILIRAKIS). deal this poison to our children and other dangers that exist on the Internet. I loved ones. GENERAL LEAVE commend the Commonwealth for its Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I ask proactive role in promoting Internet yield back the balance of my time. unanimous consent that all Members safety, and I hope that my colleagues Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield may have 5 legislative days within will join me in passing this resolution back the balance of my time. which to revise and extend their re- raising awareness to the dangers of the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. GIB- marks on this legislation and to insert Internet and supporting efforts to edu- BONS). The question is on the motion extraneous material on the resolution. cate parents and children on the safe offered by the gentleman from Florida The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there use of the Internet. (Mr. BILIRAKIS) that the House suspend objection to the request of the gen- Mr. MARKEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield the rules and pass the bill, H.R. 1042. tleman from Florida? myself such time as I may consume. The question was taken; and (two- There was no objection. Mr. Speaker, I rise to congratulate thirds having voted in favor thereof) Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I yield the authors of this very well thought the rules were suspended and the bill such time as he may consume to the out House resolution. As we move deep- was passed. gentleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODE). er and deeper into the Internet era, we A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. GOODE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in reach the Dickensian conclusion that the table. support of H. Res. 575, a resolution to it is the best of wires and it is the f promote Internet safety awareness. As worst of wires simultaneously, that it SUPPORTING INTERNET SAFETY more and more Americans are utilizing has the ability to enable and to enno- AWARENESS the Internet and many children in this ble but it also has the ability to de- country have access to the Internet, it grade and to debase. It is this duality Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I move is important that we raise awareness of personality that we are talking to suspend the rules and agree to the to the dangers that the Internet can about here today. resolution (H. Res. 575) supporting pose, especially to children. This resolution is one that basically Internet safety awareness, as amended. As this resolution reflects, the Na- urges all citizens of the country, par- The Clerk read as follows: tional Center for Missing and Exploited ents and educators, librarians, law en- H. RES. 575 Children estimates that one out of five forcement officials, everyone in our so- Whereas the Internet provides citizens of missing 15-, 16- and 17-year-olds in ciety to take a more active role in sup- the United States with the technology for re- America are due to Internet activity. porting educational programs that help search, education, entertainment, and com- There are many predators that use the munication; to make Internet surfing safe for young Whereas millions of Americans, many Internet to make contact and gain in- people in our country and to generally school libraries and classrooms, and many formation on unsuspecting children. support all of the programs in our public libraries are connected to the Inter- Children have been raped, assaulted country that promote Internet safety. net; and kidnapped by individuals they met It is a straightforward, common Whereas more than 1 out of 5 missing 15- to on the Internet. sense resolution. The gentleman from 17-year-old teenagers have disappeared be- In Bedford County, Virginia, a coun- Texas (Mr. GREEN), a good Democratic cause of someone they met while chatting on ty that I represent along with the gen- Member, added language to this bill the Internet; Whereas there are an estimated 10,000 tleman from Virginia (Mr. GOODLATTE), which also commends the law enforce- Internet websites designed for or by individ- we are proud of the diligent work that ment community for everything that uals who have a sexual preference for chil- Sheriff Mike Brown and his office have they are doing to help to promote an dren; done to combat Internet predators. De- environment in which children are not VerDate 02-OCT-2000 05:06 Oct 11, 2000 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00031 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10OC7.070 pfrm01 PsN: H10PT1 H9538 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE October 10, 2000 exploited online. We all know that we 300,000 children are now involved in the of the American people is very valu- have a child online privacy act that illegal sex trade. This event was held able. I again commend the gentleman protects children 12 and under in terms to assist Members of Congress in exam- from Virginia (Mr. GOODE) for his lead- of their privacy as they use commer- ining how law enforcement agencies ership on this issue and urge my col- cial online sites, but we do not have are fighting child pornography and sex- leagues to support this resolution.
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