Inmate Statistical Profile All Active Inmates Information within contains data on all offenders with Scribe Status of INMATE, including those Out To Court, Reprieves, Conditional Transfers, Escapes, etc Produced for General Distribution Georgia Department of Corrections Office of Information Technology Data Management Section 01-SEP-19 Profile_all_inmates_2019_08.pdf Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Contents All Active Inmates Produced for General Distribution Table of Contents Demographic information 4 Current age, broken out in ten year age groups 5 Race group 6 Marital status, self-reported at entry to prison 7 Number of Inmates with Dependents, self-reported at entry to prison 8 Religious affiliation, self-reported at entry to prison 9 Home county - self-reported at entry to prison 14 Employment status before prison, self-reported at entry to prison 15 Age at admission 17 Age at admission 20 Height, measured at entry to prison 22 Weight, measured at entry to prison 23 Military service Correctional information 24 Type of admission to prison 25 Current / last supervision level 26 Current / last institution type 27 Institution type - transitional centers 28 Institution type - county prisons 30 Institution type - state prisons 32 Institution type - private prisons 33 Institution type - inmate boot camp 34 Number of disciplinary reports 35 Number of transfers 36 Number of escapes 37 Split sentence - Probation to follow 38 Probable future release type of still active inmates 39 Time served in current (or last) institution Educational, psychological and physical information 40 Highest grade level attained 41 Culture fair IQ scores Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Contents All Active Inmates Produced for General Distribution Table of Contents Educational, psychological and physical information 42 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) reading score 43 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) math score 44 Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) spelling score 45 Current / last mental health treatment level 46 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'P' overall condition ('P'hysical) 47 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'U' upper body 48 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'L' lower body 49 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'H' hearing 50 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'E' vision 51 PULHESDWIT medical scale -'S' psychiatric 52 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'D' dental 53 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'W' work ability 54 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'I' impairment 55 PULHESDWIT medical scale - 'T' transportability Crimes and criminal history information 56 Number of prior Georgia incarcerations 57 Prison sentence in years 58 Primary offense, broken out into felonies vs misdemeanors 59 Primary offense, broken out into six broad crime categories 60 Primary offense, detailed offense code 69 County of conviction of primary offense 74 Circuit of conviction of primary offense 76 Years served (jail + prison) in this incarceration Medical information 77 Results of most recent HIV test 78 Results of most recent tuberculosis test 79 Results of most recent syphilis test 80 Results of most recent Hepatitis-C test Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Page 4 All Active Inmates Produced for General Distribution Current age, broken out in ten-year age groups COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Male Female Total Current Age Count Col % Row % Count Col % Row % Total Col % Teens (1-19) 633 1.25% 94.34% 38 0.94% 5.66% 671 1.22% Twenties (20-29) 13,433 26.45% 92.95% 1,019 25.31% 7.05% 14,452 26.37% Thirties (30-39) 15,552 30.63% 91.48% 1,448 35.97% 8.52% 17,000 31.02% Forties (40-49) 10,865 21.40% 92.32% 904 22.45% 7.68% 11,769 21.47% Fifties (50-59) 6,989 13.76% 93.76% 465 11.55% 6.24% 7,454 13.60% Sixties (60-69) 2,647 5.21% 95.32% 130 3.23% 4.68% 2,777 5.07% Seventy + (70 and above) 660 1.30% 96.77% 22 0.55% 3.23% 682 1.24% Total Reported 50,779 100% 92.65% 4,026 100% 7.35% 54,805 100% Not Reported 290 1 291 Grand Total 51,069 4,027 55,096 Mean (average) 38.62 37.56 38.54 Median (middle) 37 36 37 Mode (most frequent) 28 28 28 Current age group Inmate Statistical Profile Page 4 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Page 5 All Active Inmates Produced for General Distribution Race group COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Male Female Total Race Group Count Col % Row % Count Col % Row % Total Col % 1 White 17,497 34.26% 87.98% 2,390 59.35% 12.02% 19,887 36.10% 2 Black 31,258 61.21% 95.27% 1,551 38.52% 4.73% 32,809 59.55% 5 Other 58 .11% 90.63% 6 .15% 9.38% 64 .12% 6 Asian 179 .35% 94.71% 10 .25% 5.29% 189 .34% 9 Unknown 15 .03% 100.00% 15 .03% 10 Hispanic 2,037 3.99% 96.72% 69 1.71% 3.28% 2,106 3.82% 12 Native American 24 .05% 96.00% 1 .02% 4.00% 25 .05% 13 Native Hawaiian 1 .01% 100.00% 1 .01% Total Reported 51,069 100% 92.69% 4,027 100% 7.31% 55,096 100% Not Reported 0 0 0 Grand Total 51,069 4,027 55,096 Mode (most frequent) Black White Black Race group Inmate Statistical Profile Page 5 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Page 6 All Active Inmates Produced for General Distribution Marital status, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Male Female Total Marital Status Count Col % Row % Count Col % Row % Total Col % 0 Unknown 1,614 3.16% 90.27% 174 4.32% 9.73% 1,788 3.25% D Divorced 4,784 9.37% 89.19% 580 14.40% 10.81% 5,364 9.74% M Married 6,701 13.12% 91.03% 660 16.39% 8.97% 7,361 13.36% S Separated 1,748 3.42% 85.43% 298 7.40% 14.57% 2,046 3.71% U Unmarried 35,627 69.76% 94.23% 2,183 54.21% 5.77% 37,810 68.63% W Widow 595 1.17% 81.84% 132 3.28% 18.16% 727 1.32% Total Reported 51,069 100% 92.69% 4,027 100% 7.31% 55,096 100% Not Reported 0 0 0 Grand Total 51,069 4,027 55,096 Mode (most frequent) Unmarried Unmarried Unmarried Marital status Inmate Statistical Profile Page 6 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Page 7 All Active Inmates Produced for General Distribution Number of Inmates with Dependents, Self-Reported at Entry to Prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Male Female Total Number of dependents Count Col % Row % Count Col % Row % Total Col % 0 15,606 36.71% 92.52% 1,262 36.07% 7.48% 16,868 36.67% 1 9,792 23.04% 93.41% 691 19.75% 6.59% 10,483 22.79% 2 7,456 17.54% 91.69% 676 19.32% 8.31% 8,132 17.68% 3 4,553 10.71% 90.57% 474 13.55% 9.43% 5,027 10.93% 4 2,406 5.66% 91.27% 230 6.57% 8.73% 2,636 5.73% 5 1,239 2.91% 93.02% 93 2.66% 6.98% 1,332 2.90% 6 659 1.55% 94.55% 38 1.09% 5.45% 697 1.52% 7 321 0.76% 95.25% 16 0.46% 4.75% 337 0.73% 8 181 0.43% 94.27% 11 0.31% 5.73% 192 0.42% 9 95 0.22% 96.94% 3 0.09% 3.06% 98 0.21% 10 85 0.20% 96.59% 3 0.09% 3.41% 88 0.19% Over 10 113 0.27% 98.26% 2 0.06% 1.74% 115 0.25% Total Reported 42,506 100% 92.39% 3,499 100% 7.61% 46,005 100.0% Not Reported 8,563 528 9,091 Grand Total 51,069 4,027 55,096 Mean (average) 1.53 1.54 1.53 Median (middle) 1 1 1 Mode (most frequent) 0 0 0 Number of Inmates with Dependents Inmate Statistical Profile Page 7 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Page 8 All Active Inmates Produced for General Distribution Religious affiliation, self-reported at entry to prison COL % - percent each COUNT is of its particular column ROW % - percent each COUNT is of its particular row Male Female Total Religious Affiliation Count Col % Row % Count Col % Row % Total Col % 1 Islam 1,992 7.70% 96.70% 68 2.13% 3.30% 2,060 7.08% 2 Catholic 1,196 4.62% 86.35% 189 5.91% 13.65% 1,385 4.76% 3 Baptist 13,246 51.18% 87.88% 1,827 57.15% 12.12% 15,073 51.84% 4 Methodist 390 1.51% 85.53% 66 2.06% 14.47% 456 1.57% 5 Episcopal 38 .15% 86.36% 6 .19% 13.64% 44 .15% 6 Presbyterian 67 .26% 90.54% 7 .22% 9.46% 74 .25% 7 Church Of God 385 1.49% 91.67% 35 1.09% 8.33% 420 1.44% 8 Holiness 486 1.88% 84.23% 91 2.85% 15.77% 577 1.98% 9 Jewish 86 .33% 85.15% 15 .47% 14.85% 101 .35% 10 Anglican 36 .14% 94.74% 2 .06% 5.26% 38 .13% 11 Greek Orthodox 6 .02% 75.00% 2 .06% 25.00% 8 .03% 12 Hindu 20 .08% 95.24% 1 .03% 4.76% 21 .07% 13 Buddhist 67 .26% 90.54% 7 .22% 9.46% 74 .25% 14 Taoist 4 .02% 100.00% 4 .01% 15 Shintoist 2 .01% 100.00% 2 .01% 16 Seventh Day Adventist 69 .27% 89.61% 8 .25% 10.39% 77 .26% 17 Jehovah Witness 273 1.05% 86.12% 44 1.38% 13.88% 317 1.09% 18 Latter Day Saints 28 .11% 87.50% 4 .13% 12.50% 32 .11% 19 Quaker 2 .01% 100.00% 2 .01% 20 Other Prot 1,516 5.86% 96.01% 63 1.97% 3.99% 1,579 5.43% 21 Messianic Judaism 37 .14% 77.08% 11 .34% 22.92% 48 .17% 23 Hebrew Israelite 47 .18% 97.92% 1 .03% 2.08% 48 .17% 24 Nation Of Islam 32 .12% 84.21% 6 .19% 15.79% 38 .13% 25 Native American 19 .07% 95.00% 1 .03% 5.00% 20 .07% 26 Pagan 7 .03% 70.00% 3 .09% 30.00% 10 .03% 27 Pentecostal 86 .33% 72.27% 33 1.03% 27.73% 119 .41% 28 Rastafari 9 .03% 69.23% 4 .13% 30.77% 13 .04% 29 Wiccan 26 .10% 86.67% 4 .13% 13.33% 30 .10% 30 No Religion 1,351 5.22% 90.37% 144 4.50% 9.63% 1,495 5.14% 31 Christian - 2,993 11.57% 84.50% 549 17.17% 15.50% 3,542 12.18% Unspecified 96 None 1,363 5.27% 99.56% 6 .19% .44% 1,369 4.71% Total Reported 25,879 100% 89% 3,197 100% 11% 29,076 100% Not Reported 25,190 830 26,020 Grand Total 51,069 4,027 55,096 Religious affiliation Inmate Statistical Profile Page 8 Georgia Dept of Corrections Inmate Statistical Profile 01-SEP-19 Page 9 All Active Inmates
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