VOL xri ALEXANDRIA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY JUNE 21 1907 JNO 21 rTTTTTTtTTTYTYTTTTrfftTTfT COUNTY AND DISTRICT NEWS Glen Norman Dunvegan Crops here look fine and promising On Wcdnostlay, June 5th, at West- North Lancaster Miss Ellen J. Kelly,, of Cornwall, arrived home, on Saturday on an ex- The ram here on Fiidav l.vst ^vas minster Church Alansc, Winnipeg, by Rev. Clarence McKinnon, pastor of tended visit. very much appreciated. IMlCMl Rev. W. A. Morrison will preach at aMr. A I>. McGregor h.ts ut present llie clinic}’, .Vgucs Brownlea Dickson. Mr. Arch. .J. Robinson, who for cUIcsi daiightor of John Dickson, for- North Lancaster on Sunday, 23rd a gang of men building an aiMiUon ► As isusual with us we have an ^ some time now has been a resident to his barn. Alex, is <iu u,)-iO’(iatc merly Ol Dunvegan, was united in of Port Arthur, is ,it present visiting inst., at 7.30 p.m. H ► e.ttra ettborate display of choi- Mr. Gutian Chevrier is at present farmer,.and is bound to iivu up {■.> his marriage lo John Francis Sweeney. ► cest Majmalade, Orange, Lemon,. relatives in North Lancaster. reputation. The bride was attended by her sister, Mr. W. Brady, Lancaster, transact- the guest of his sou James Chevrier, ► Grape Iruit aud Pineapple. carriage manufacturer. A number of our aporis atlemicl a xMiss Alary Dickson, while Mr. Pear- ed business in town on Friday. party at Baggan given hv Wm. son performed the duties of groonr;- Mr. D. I). Chisholm, St. Raph.aels, The funeral of the late Donald -Mc- Gillis, which took place on Saturday MuÜonald. They arc loud in their man. At the conclusion of the cere- loc.al a.gcnt of the Sun Life Assurance praises of Mr. McDonald's hospilai- mony an elaborate dinner was served ► Our Canned Goods ^ Co., paid North Lancaster a business to St. Raphaels, was largely aUend- ed by the residents of North Lancas- ity. < to the invited guests at the residence E Rank First Quality 3 visit on Saturday. John A. Gillies, O.C. C CuMpanv, of the bridejs father, 498 Langside St. Miss Florence McDonald, of Corn- ter. On Friday niorning last, the chim- dutii Kcgt., left on Monday for J’ot- The bride received many handsome wall, is at present the guest of her awaw with a large number of imr. presents, which included a number sister, Mrs. A. J. McDonald. ney on the residence of Miss Maggie who will undergo the aLuiial tuumng from this neighborhood as when a re- We also have all kinds of ^ Mr. K. A. Morrison, of DaUiousie McArthur took lire and hlazed furious ly for a few minutes. Luckily tho the Militia Camp. We wish Uicm sident in this district the bride was fresh fruits including Califronia ◄ Mills, renewed acciuaintanccs in town W'iiid was not high at the time olhci success and a safe letura. one of our most popular young ladies. Oranges, Apples, Pineapples, ^ on Thursday. -Air. U. McLeod paid J. .J. Ah.T’.ae a Congratulations. Mr. Louis Marleau, of St. Teles- wise we would have had to record a Bananas and Lemons. ^ serious loss. biLsiness call on Tuesday. pliore, was busily engaged last week Wo understand that Mr. Ncii Mor- drawing lumber from North Lancas- Road work is the order of the day. Skye A fine piece of work will be complet- rison has invested in real estate here ter. rdr. aud Alii. A. U. McDonald at- ► G B. Û10C0LAÏBS, finest in 3 ed in town in a lew days under the Mr. .Joachim Rozou has nearly com tended tJie luiicral of -Mr Donanl Alc- EMPRESS SHOES ^ the Land, ^ ^ jiloted the mason work of the cellar supervision of -Mr. Nap. Major, path- (Too late for Iv'.t issue.) master. Gillis, of North Lancaster. .ur. Aies. -McIntosh Eft S.iturday of his new house whicli he purposes Messrs. Alex. R. AlcDunald ami .V ► Phone us your wants. ^ Everything .is ready for the great lo spend ilic summer at North Wake- erecting. AicKinnon visited fricmls :u I oiesl ► 3 Mr. aud Mrs. Joseph A. Rozou, of race meet here on July 1st. Tlie ener fiein. For All Occasions. getic comniitU'.j is leaving noUiiii,g Dale recently. Mr. and (Mrs. No:. McRae, of -dthol Alexandria, Sundayed at his parent- Mr. Roddie Al. AlcLeod has added a p D. j. MCDONALD, 3 undone to have it the best ever. Valu were tlie guests of ii'S hroUier, Don- ► ◄ al home here. new arti.'tic Page Wire fence lo las ► Miss Delia Major returned home on able purses are hung up for the diner ald, last week. F*r eyerr neéd YOU can choose and appropriate P Pliono 3C Alexandria, Ont^ ent events, and a line brass band will home, and it adds very much to the Mr. -Ucx. \V. McLeod, of Belling- Sunday after a week’s visit at the ippcaittuco ol same. be in attendance to liven up the pro- iiam, 'Wash., arrived home Tmsday “Empress” Shoe with the assurance of correct fashion Atlantic Hotel, Alexandria. .Mr. Joim A. AIcDouald. of,Bela\va, Ï 3 We are pleased to learn of the ceedings. Clialk down the day and on a Visit to her paonts. and fit and moderate price. The elegance of ‘Empress’ ► < and Miss Anna B. AlcDmiald, UIUM. iAAÀAAAAAAAAÀAAAAAAAAÀÀAAA speedy recovery of Mr. Leon Paul date, Monday, July 1st, 1ÜÜ7. N.V., visited friciid.s m Forest Dale Mr. M. Carter is et.g.aged wilh Mr. Sboes is the result of l)Oth beauty of disign and beauty Rozon, who was seriously ill last Sunday last. .). N. .McLeod buildin-< ,i large addi- of fit. Most shoes simply cover the foot. The “Em- week. Mr. Allan MiDonaU, co*iUa.:to- tion to his dwellin,g. niaxville fUi,;. Ilugli Mcliito.sh and her moth- press” supports, braces and aids it. One well fitted Dr. J. Y. Baker, Dalhousie Mills, iuis started a large nuiubci of men passed through town on Sunday last. at woiK on the large d»aiu running er arrived irom Forget, Sask., Mon- pair will prove this. See the new’models just ret eived. The mgny friends of Mrs. James through part of this section 1; wiU day. OPTICAL LOGIC Black will learn with pleasure of Rev. J. 'i'. Daley returned on Fri- take some time to complete same, Mr. D. McIntosh was at Dal- her rapid recovery from her recent day last ironi Montreal where no at- keith Wediiesd.iy visiting hi.s sister, It is not gontrally known that hut we are sure .Mr. AlcDonuUl will illness. tended the Rresbyteriau General As- he up to thi contract. who is seriously ill. nearly everyoni who attains the sembly. Doi\ald iVlcPhcc age of forty yems should be wear- Mr. F. D. McCrimmon, Lancaster, Wo welcome to our midst Messrs. paid us a Hying visit last w'cek. Mr. Allions, of .N'ew York, wa-: Uié -M. Morrison and D. K. .McDonald wlioi ing glasses for dose work, and if guest of Mr. and .’dis. lieniv loi they do not th^’,are sacrificing the Mr. Belair, of St. Timothy, was arrived home from Cobalt Alonday the guest last week of his daughter lew days List week. last after an absence’of several weeks l^HNB 2 9 ALEXANDRIA reserve force oflthe eye. On and after ' Monday, the 17th This is not adiseased condition Mrs. G. Filfe. They speak in glowing terms of that Mr. F. Dupuis, .St. Raphaels, called inst., the mail will arrive at -Ma.x- district. Tlie Men’s Store but a natural o(e which arises from villo station at the following houis tho loss of Mus(ul»r power in the on friends here on Thursday on his Mr. A. D. McGregor spent Sumlay way to St. Telesphore. Going east, il.ib a.m., 0.52 ii.m. Go last the guest of Cote St. George The Store of Good Values eye, due to contnued use. iiig west, 11.20 a.m. and 5.32 p.m. Another oonjition which is quite Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Condic, of Bains iiiends. On his return home he was J. A. McMillan. M.L.A., Ale.xan- provelant amonj people of all ages ville, paid North Lancaster a busi- accompanied by his uncle, who will dria, called on friends here on A! on- is that of astigUatism, which is due ness visit on Thursday. Mr. Condie be ids guest for some time. day while on ills way to St. Elmo. 0 an unsymetrpal fermation of the possesses a fine team of matched Mr. J. R. McDonald visited Dal- txterior suifacâof the eyes, and is horses. Mr. and Mxs. A. M. Campbell, o housie Mills the latter part of last The luiirgest Crowd Domiuionvillc, left on Monday on i prolific sourc0of headaches, eye- The Bell Telephone gang under the week, direction of Mr. llarkness intend com trip to the West. They purpose spenu IMcssrs. 'James A. McDonald and ever seen in Alexandria ain, etc, . wiii. iikeiy iie iii evidence on Both iif thesq conditions should pleting their work here this week. ing some time in and around Ediuon Alex. U.^ McDonald paid Alexamlria a Mr. Marleau, who rented Mr. Mc- ton. Their many friends here wisi bii.siness visit on Widay last. the fiOtii inst —just five bo ooriected, anl will be done by us . dayi îîmm today—Our Town successfully antat a sm-.ll expense. ) Donald’s farm, had a bee which last- them a very pleasant journey. Airs. Sayant and the Alisses Suy- ed two days for the purpose of erect Mr.
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