Clinical P RACTIC E Congenital Epulis: A Surprise in the Neonate Contact Author Taylor P. McGuire, BSc, DDS, FRCD(C); Petrus P. Gomes, DDS, MSc, PhD; Dr. Sándor Marshall M. Freilich, BSc, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C); Email: george.sandor@ George K.B. Sándor, MD, DDS, PhD, FRCD(C), FRCSC, FACS utoronto.ca ABSTRACT A newborn infant with congenital epulis can be a striking sight for both parents and health care professionals involved in neonatal care. These tumours of the infant mouth can be remarkably large, occupying much of the oral cavity and posing a risk of airway obstruction or interfering with feeding. Dentists should be able to recognize these swell- ings as they may be asked to consult and provide information to parents and other prac- titioners regarding treatment of these lesions. © J Can Dent Assoc 2006; 72(8):747–50 MeSH Key Words: gingival neoplasms/complications; gingival neoplasms/congenital; granular cell This article has been peer reviewed. tumor/congenital; infant, newborn he congenital granular cell tumour of the The diagnosis is usually clinical, although newborn, also known as congenital epulis, difficulties may occur when the index of sus- Tis rare. It occurs on the gingiva of the picion is low or when the origin of the tumour anterior alveolar ridge of the jaws. These lesions is hard to determine. In such cases, the dif- behave in a benign manner and no recurrent ferential diagnosis is wide and imaging has or metastatic lesions have been reported.1 They a contributing role to play. Antenatal ultra- are seen 3 times more frequently in the maxil- sonographic features of congenital epulis have lary alveolus than in the mandibular alveolus been described sporadically,10–13 but postnatal and the female to male ratio is 10:1.1–3 The ultrasonographic findings have seldom been typical location is the alveolar ridge of the described. Correlative prenatal ultrasound and maxilla near the canine, but the mandibular postnatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) region can also be involved.3 findings have been reported.4 The etiology of the condition is unknown. Surgical excision is generally indicated Several theories have been suggested, namely, and no recurrences have been reported. myoblastic, odontogenic, neurogenic, fibro- Spontaneous regression of the lesion is rare.14 blastic, histiocytic and endocrinologic.1,2 Histologically, the lesion is similar to the There are usually no associated dental abnor- granular cell tumour, although pseudoepi- malities or congenital malformations,4 except theliomatous hyperplasia does not occur in for occasional reports of a hypoplastic or the congenital epulis. Thus, the tumour mass absent tooth and the possibility of mild mid- comprises sheets of large, closely packed face hypoplasia.4,5 cells showing fine, granular, eosinophilic The tumour presents in the alveolar mucosa cytoplasm.15 as a smooth-surfaced sessile or pedunculated This report documents the presentation mass with a normal to reddish colour.6,7 Its and management of a congenital granular cell size varies from several millimetres to a few tumour of the maxillary alveolar ridge found centimetres in diameter, and it may interfere in a newborn and treated with prompt surgical with respiration or feeding.8,9 excision. ���JCDA • www.cda-adc.ca/jcda • October 2006, Vol. 72, No. 8 • 747 ––– Sándor––– Figure 1: Appearance of a large mass of Figure 2: Three-dimensional CT scan Figure 3: T1 weighted MRI image the oral cavity arising from the gingiva of showing the large mass protruding through in the sagittal plane showing a mass the anterior maxilla in a neonate female. the mouth. attached to the anterior maxillary gingiva. Figure 4: Lesion ready for removal in the Figure 5: Excised pedunculated lesion. Figure 6: Granular cells present in the operating room with patient’s airway histologic specimen. secured using an oral endotracheal tube. �ase Report Computed tomography (CT) (Fig. 2) and MRI (Fig. 3) A newborn girl was referred immediately after were performed to determine the extent and character- delivery for examination of a mass protruding from her istics of the soft tissue mass. Both techniques revealed a mouth (Fig. 1). The pregnancy was normal and vaginal lobular well-defined mass arising from the maxillary delivery occurred at 37 weeks. An ultrasound performed ridge, displacing the upper lip, without involvement of the in the 29th week of gestation showed no abnormalities. unerupted teeth and without extension into the soft palate No family history of hereditary diseases was reported. or intracranially. There was no significant enhancement On clinical examination, a midline, pedunculated, of the lesion indicating that it was probably not vascular 3-cm–diameter round soft tissue mass exhibiting a in nature. smooth erythematous surface and located in the mid- Although congenital epuli can complicate general line was found to be attached to the anterior gingiva of anesthesia by interfering with endotracheal intubation, the maxilla. The mass prevented normal closure of the this was not a factor in this case. The lesion was gently mouth and interfered with breastfeeding. The mass posed no immediate airway concerns. Feeding by a nasogastric pushed to the side, the airway was visualized and an tube was instituted. oral endotracheal tube was inserted (Fig. 4). The lesion General physical examination, including laboratory was completely excised under general anesthesia, with tests, were otherwise normal. Conventional ultrasonog- minimal intraoperative hemorrhage (Fig. 5). Regular raphy with Doppler imaging showed a nonhomogen- oral feeding was initiated immediately after surgery and eous, solid, space-occupying lesion measuring 3 cm. The was well tolerated. The infant was able to breastfeed on origin and extension of the mass could not be confidently the third day after surgery and was discharged with her determined based on ultrasonographic findings alone. mother on the fifth day. At 2 weeks after surgery, the 748 JCDA • www.cda-adc.ca/jcda • October 2006, Vol. 72, No. 8 • ––– Congenital Epulis ––– patient was reviewed and was noted to be thriving and pigmented neurectodermal tumours of infancy and gaining weight. rhadomyosarcoma. Histologic examination of the specimen revealed an The congenital epulis is an oral mass that presents at unencapsulated lesion covered with squamous epithe- birth in neonates. The lesion likely develops late in utero lium. The lesion was composed of homogeneous cells as it is often not detected on antenatal ultrasound. While with granular eosinophilic cytoplasm and basophilic cen- the lesion is visually impressive and equally distressing, it trally located nuclei (Fig. 6). These findings were consistent is ultimately a benign lesion. If there is any fear of airway with congenital granular cell tumour of the newborn. obstruction or difficulty with feeding, then prompt sur- gical treatment is necessary. Dentists may be consulted �iscussion initially regarding such cases and should be aware of the Congenital epulis, also known as granular cell tumour potential for airway compromise and familiar with the a of the gingiva, congenital granular cell myoblastoma, or differential diagnosis. Newmann’s tumour, following the first published case,16 is encountered exclusively in newborns. The tumour THE AUTHORS usually arises at the future site of the maxillary canine or the lateral incisors, but the unerupted teeth are not Dr. McGuire is a fellow in facial cosmetic and reconstructive involved. The etiology remains unknown and controver- surgery at Baptist Memorial Golden Triangle Hospital and the sial. Congenital epulis differs from other granular cell Center for Oral and Facial Surgery, Columbus, Mississippi. tumours encountered in adults by its exclusive origin from the neonatal gingiva, the scattered presence of odontogenic epithelium, the more elaborate vasculature 15 Dr. Gomes is assistant professor at Manaus University, and the lack of interstitial cells with angulate bodies. Manaus, Brazil. The clinical presentation consists of a lobular or ovoid, sessile or pedunculated swelling covered by a smooth Dr. Freilich is staff pediatric oral and maxillofacial sur- mucosal surface, usually in the maxilla. A provisional geon, The Hospital for Sick Children and Bloorview Kids’ diagnosis is often made clinically at birth and is confirmed Rehab; and associate in dentistry at the faculty of dentistry, histologically. Although the histogenesis of congenital University of Toronto, Ontario. He maintains a private practice in North Toronto. epulis is not certain, it is thought to be a non-neoplastic, 17–19 degenerative or reactive lesion. Its distinct visual Dr. Sándor is clinical director of the graduate program in presentation usually allows for direct clinical exam- oral and maxillofacial surgery and anesthesia, Mount Sinai ination at birth. When the lesion is large and interferes Hospital; coordinator of pediatric oral and maxillofacial surgery, Hospital for Sick Children and Bloorview Kids’ with feeding and breathing, the treatment is simple sur- Rehab; professor of oral and maxillofacial surgery, University gical excision under either local or general anesthesia. of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, and docent, University of Complete surgical excision is curative. Recurrence fol- Oulu, Oulu, Finland. 9 lowing incomplete excision has not been reported, Correspondence to: Professor George K.B. Sándor, The Hospital for Sick making wide surgical excision unnecessary. Some very Children, S-525, 555 University Ave., Toronto, ON M5G 1X8. small lesions have reportedly undergone spontaneous The authors have no declared financial interests. regression.14,20 Imaging in cases of congenital epulis may be important, especially for antenatal diagnosis using References 10–13 1. Chami RG, Wang HS. Large congenital epulis of newborn. J Pediatr Surg ultrasound ; the earliest reported case was identified 1986; 21(11):929–30. in a 31-week-old fetus.14 In our case, ultrasound performed 2. Inan M, Yalcin O, Pul M. Congenital fibrous epulis in the infant. Yonsei in the 29th week of gestation did not reveal any abnor- Med J 2002; 43(5):675–7. 3. Bernhoft CH, Gilhuus-Moe O, Bang G. Congenital epulis in the newborn.
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