BANISH GUILT AND STAAAY COOL WITH SOLAR-POWERED AIR What’s the BRAIDWOOD’S NEW GOODWILL CON … SOONISH big idea? AMBASSADOR tt :// ews.a .e .a /? = h p n nu du u p 950 by Amanda Beasley Those of you who consider yourselves envi- Meet Lyree Newell, the 2009 Braidwood Show’s Miss Showgirl ronmentally friendly must be feeling a little perhaps your Uncle Steve? THE BUBBLY 19-year- Lyree said that although winning the com- guilty after the recent bout of hot weather. Es- Scientists from the Max Planck Institute in old from Braidwood com- petition hadn’t sunk in yet – she felt great. pecially from the hours spent under the air con- Germany have just announced they have peted against other 18–25 “I’m famous today!” she said with a ditioner. mapped some of the genome of a Neanderthal year-olds to come out laugh. “It’s just a bit of fun which is Not only are traditional air conditioners man and found that it is unlikely they ever bred on top. The girls were great!” powered by the grid, which means fossil fuels with modern humans. We know from archae- judged in areas including The Araluen Landcare volunteer loves via the power station, they also contain refrig- ology however that the two species did share a Photo: Marcele Martins communication skills, entering competitions. She recently entered erants, powerful greenhouse gases which can habitat, and so were likely to be in contact with community involvement, rural and general The Land Newspaper’s Hunks and Spunks escape when the machines are retired to the each other. knowledge, grooming and confidence. competition where she was placed in the tip. This is the first time the genome of an ex- As an ambassador for the Braid-wood top 10 out of 300 contestants and dreams Prepare to feel guilty no more. Professor tinct creature has been detailed. The genome Show, Miss Showgirl is required to of representing Braidwood at Sydney’s Mike Dennis at the Australian National Uni- consists of all the genes a creature has, and perform community work as well as work Easter Show next year. versity has designed a solar-powered air con- these genes are found by looking at DNA. on the Show’s committee. – Monica Masters ditioner that could revolutionise the way we The scientists used a Neanderthal fossil cool our houses and offices. bone from Croatia and carefully extracted some The solar-powered air conditioner is extra DNA from the cells, taking care not to con- MANIPULATING YOUR GAM- a near-miss, the same parts of the brain “lit up” clever because, rather than converting sunlight taminate it with human DNA or get it mixed BLING STREAK as when they had a win. The morale of the story? A near miss is as into electricity, it uses heat from the sun di- up with bacteria that were living in the bones. http://sciencenow.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/ good as win for the brain, definitely not as good rectly, to drive the air compressor. This system Which brings us to the next revelation from full/2009/211/2 for your bank balance, but very good for the can also use water as a refrigerant, making it the genome: early humans and Neanderthals Do you feel lucky? How about when you nearly much safer when it comes to disposal. could probably talk to each other. But how can win something? casino. Finally, since it has few moving parts, the you tell that from a genome map? It is reported that casinos often set their system should be very cheap to manufacture. A gene called FOXP2 is involved in speech machines to make near-misses in games such BURRA AND ACTEW Unfortunately, we will have to wait until at least in humans, but details of this gene in other as fruit machines because it is more likely to 2011 for the finished product to hit the shelves. closely-related species like chimpanzees are entice the customer to play again. Scientists at MORE AGREEABLE different. Neanderthals, it would appear, have the University of Cambridge wanted to see NEANDERTHALS NOT LIKE US… AT A 10 MARCH community meeting, BUT W COU D CHAT IF the same version of the gene as humans, lead- what was going on in the brains of people ex- E L ing scientists to believe they could speak like periencing this effect. ACTEW outlined its proposed route which, NEEDED us too. They made up a simple fruit machine game as far as the Burra portion of the route is http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7886477.stm Scientists aim to finish the map and find and got the volunteers to play it while their concerned, now largely follows the route of the Williamsdale Road. Where it does enter What do you imagine when you hear the word out more about our ancient cousins. They don’t brain was being scanned. They were playing private properties it mostly follows bound- Neanderthal? How about a big man-like crea- plan to explain anything about your Uncle for real (but small amounts) of money. The aries and fencelines. ture with a small forehead and long arms? Or Steve though. scientists found that when the volunteers had The two exceptions to this are the Will- iamsdale end, where the pipeline will bisect a large farming property, and the Burra Road end, where the pipeline dog-legs along McDiarmid Road and through properties on McDiarmid and Burra Roads. ACTEW responding to environmental concerns Palerang Council Sale of Land for Overdue Rates The Burra Urila Residents and Ratepayers Local Government Act 1993 Association will continue to lobby for the Notice is hereby given to the persons named hereunder that Palerang Council has resolved in pursuance of Section 713 pipeline to enter the Burra Creek near the of the Local Government Act 1993 to sell the land described hereunder (of which the persons named appear to be the junction of the Williamsdale and Burra Roads, owners or in which they appear to have an interest) and on which the amount of rates and charges in each instance instead of the proposed outfall at the Burra stated as at 5 February 2009 is due and payable: Creek bridge across the Burra Road. ACTEW Description of the Land Total amount of rates seem quite responsive to this option. Owner or person having an interest (Lot, Section,Deposited Plan and rates and charges The option would have the advantage of in the land Street Address) outstanding ACTEW avoiding having to dig a pipeline FLAMIA Guiseppe Lot 1 DP 136420 across private properties in the McDiarmid/ 1303A Bungendore Road BYWONG $3,533.07 Burra Road area, which will further reduce FOX Matthew Andrew Lot 3 DP 860517 disruption to a number of landowners. It FOX Catherine Michelle 46 Glendale Lane BYWONG $8,287.49 would also have the advantage that the Burra STATE Bank of NSW LTD Creek could be reinstated between the Will- GLEESON Michael Alexander Lot 77 DP 754870 iamsdale/Burra Road junction and the point BENNETT Cathy Anne 58 Foxlow Street CAPTAINS FLAT $23,500.58 where the creek enters the Googong Fore- COWIE Charles Lot 12 DP 252149 shores Reserve east of the Burra Road (the 274 Foxlow Street CAPTAINS FLAT $17,628.03 current proposed outfall location). FUNG Nelson Sing-Chow Lot 10 DP 255514 The ACT Government has given ACTEW 52 Kearns Parade CARWOOLA $16,407.46 approval to continue with the project, and we understand that the public will have the oppor- BASSINGTHWAIGHTE Archie Ernest Lot 5 Section 9 DP 758602 STEPHEN John Richard Mayfield Road LARBERT $3,488.24 tunity to comment on government Environ- ROBERTS William mental Impact Statements when lodged. – Wendy Bell, Burra Urila Residents SHURMER John Lot 15 DP 755934 s ss ci i COOK Samuel Off Burke Street MAJORS CREEK $3,775.28 and Ratepayer A o at on TREEHY David Lot 79 DP 755934 8 King Street MAJORS CREEK $3,193.43 HAMILTON John Lot 10 DP 755934 Off Wallaces Gap Road MAJORS CREEK $3,404.26 WELSH John Lot 11 DP 755934 Off Wallaces Gap Road MAJORS CREEK $3,026.08 DAVIS Seth Lot 1 DP 755943 Off Nerriga Road MARLOWE $4,825.35 MOONEY Peter Geoffrey Lot 87 DP 755964 Off Burden Drive OALLEN $4,102.15 AUSTRALIAN SOFTWOOD Lot 1 DP 129453 CORPORATION PTY LTD Lot 11 DP 256371 Oallen Road OALLEN $2,585.76 FARMTELL MANAGEMENT Lot 2 DP 562067 SERVICES PTY LTD Kain Cross Road KRAWARREE $3,260.54 BUNGENDORE TARAGO In default of payment to the Council of the amount stated in the column described in the Table above as “Total amount 3/33 Ellendon St 5 Wallace St of rates and charges outstanding” in addition to any other rates and charges (including interest) becoming due and PO Box 368, Tarago 2580 payable after publication of this notice the said land will be offered for sale by Public Auction at Palerang Council Office, Bungendore 2621 Tel: 0409 992 111 10 Majara Street Bungendore on Saturday 13 June 2009, commencing at 10am. The settlement of the amounts due and Tel: 6238 0192 Fax: 8323 4231 payable must be made in full by cash or Bank Cheque at Council Offices by 4pm on the day preceding the day fixed for ERINDALE: Unit 3 Erindale Chambers the sale. Comrie St ACT 2903 Tel: 6231 4700 April 2009 PAGE: 4 Advertising 0418 731 691 adverts@ palerangbulletin.com.au.
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