m m m sM B u c h a n a n R e c o r d . PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY, j~ o i-3 3 s r O r . s i o x j ^v i i e s . ------ AT ------ TERMS. SI.SO PER YEAR JTATABLK IN ADYANOT. UMIISIHG BiltS HADE KHQWH OH APPLICATION. VOLUME XXVH BUCHANAN, BERRIEN COUNTY, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 1893. NUMBER 36. ------FOR------ OFFICE—In Record Building,OakStreet HAVE YOU SEEN ves!, d’ye see, and'I'tliinlFTlrsiuimiem Business Directory. GRAND DISPLAY Ttie Resident Patient. in you.’ _ i “ ‘What am I to do, then?’ SABBATH SERVICES. “ ‘I’ll tel! you. I’ll take the house, fur­ SERVICES are held every Sabbath at 10:30 By A. OOHA1T DOYLE. I SPOT CASH nish it, pay the maids and run the whole O o'clock a . it., at the Church o f the “ Larger Hope also, Sabbath School services iiniaediste- The Knee Pant Suits place. All you have to do is just to wear By Authority of Congress. y after the morning meeting. Prayer and conf er- I cannot be sure of the exact date, for out your chair in the consulting room. 3jco meeting every Thursday evening. A cordial invitation is extended to all. some of iny memoranda upon the matter I’ll let you have pocket money and every­ have been mislaid, but it must have been thing. Then you baud over to me three- UNITED BRETHREN CHURCH—Rev. H. H. toward the end of the first year anting U. S. Gov’t I1 Ftory, Pastor. Sabbath services: Sabbath G. W. NOBLE quarters of what you earn, and you keep H. BINNS, School 9:15 a. M.; Preaching 10:30 A. jl ; Young which Holmes and I shared chambers in the other quarter for yourself.’ People's Sleeting 6:00 r . M-; Preaching 7:00 r . si. Baker street. It was boisterous October “ This was tho strange proposal, Mr. Baking Powder Prayer Meeting and Bible Reading Thursday even­ Bought in Yew York, for §3, $2.50, $3 and ing" T:00. Everybody invited to all these services. weather, and we had both remained in­ Holmes, with which the man Blessing- OPPOSITE HOTEL. $4. They are just the thing for your boys. doors all day—I because I feared with my O.O.F.—Bnchanan Lodge So. 15 holds its ton approached me. I won't weary you T ests. I. regular meeting, at Odd Fellows Hall, on shaken Health to face the keen autumn with the account of how we bargained each Tuesday evening. wind, while he was deep in some of those and negotiated. It ended in my moving Nobby Youths5 Suits, abstruse chemical investigations which 7i & A. M.—Bnchanan Lodge H o. 6S holds a into tho bouse next lady-day. and start­ The report of the analyses of Baking Powders, made “ What" then?” • . regular meeting Monday evening on or before absorbed him utterly as long as he was ing in practice on very much the some “ Blessington has committed suicide.” 1 -AND- by the TJ. S. Government (Chemical Division, A g’l the full moon in each month. engaged upon them. Toward evening, conditions as he had suggested. He came Holmes whistled. OF H.—Buchanan Grange Ho 40 meets on however, the breaking of a test tube himself to live with me in the character Dep’t), shows the Royal superior to all other powders, “ Yes, bo hanged himself during the P > the second and fourth Saturday o f each brought his research to a premature end­ of a resident patient. His heart was night.” aonth, at 2 o ’clock r. st. Styiish Suits for the Head of the House. and gives its leavening strength and thestrengthof each ing, and he sprang up from his chair weak, it appears, and ho needed constant We had entered, and the doctor had IVe are now showing the most magnifi­ I 0.13. \V.—Buchanan Lodge No. 93 holdalls with an exclamation of impatience and medical supervision. He turned the two of the other cream of tartar powders tested as follows : preceded us into what was evidently his i i . reular meeting the 1st and 3d Tuesday even­ cent collection of Dress floods, Silks ami a clouded brow. ing o f each month. Velvets ever opened in this city. The fol­ Neat and Tasty Neckwear, . best rooms on the first floor into a sitting waiting room. lowing are some of the new fabrics: “ A day’s work ruined, Watson,” said room and bedroom for himself. He was LEAVENING GAS. “ I really hardly Iroow what I am do­ it A. R. Wm. Perrott*Post Ho.‘12. Regular he, striding across to the window. “ Ha, Of. meeting on the first and third Saturday a man of singular habits, shunning com­ ing,” he cried. “ The police are already the stars are out and the wind has fallen! Per cent. Cubic in. Tier oz. venlng of each month. Visiting comrades al­ Fancy Hopsacking. STYLISH HATS, pany and very seldom going out. His upstairs. It has shaken me most dread­ ways welcom e. What do you say to a ramble through life was irregular, hut in one respect be ROYAL, Absolutely Pure, 13.06 160.6 fully.” London?” OMAN’S RELIEF CORPS, Wm .Perrott Post Granite CJoth. In all shades anil shapes. was regularity itself. Every evening at 12.58 151J “ When did yon find it out?” Ho. 81. Meetings held regularly, In Grange Holmes had shaken off his temporary ill the same hour he walked into the con­ “ Ho has a enp of tea taken in to him W HaU, first and third Saturday of each month. The OTHER POWDERS 11.13 133-6 Check Natte. humor, and his characteristic talk, with sulting room, examined the hooks, put early every morning. When the maid TESTED are reported to con­ 110.26 123.3 -pO B E R T HENDERSON, M. D., Physician and its keen observance of detail and subtle down five and threepence for every entered about 7, there the unfortunate J a > Surgeon. Office, Rough's Opera House Block. ! redescent Diagonal. FINE FOOT W EAR tain both lime and sulphuric 114. Residence, Ho. 90 Front Street. Calls answered power of inference, held mo amused and guinea that I had earned and carried the 9-53 fellow was hanging in tho middle of the all hours o f the day and night. Scotch Basket Weaves. inthralled. It was 10 o’clock before we rest off to the strong box in Ms own acid, and'to be of the follow­ 9.29 h i .6 room. Ho had tied his cord to tho hook For Ladies, Misses and Children. The reached Balter street again. A brougham ing strengths respectively, 8.03 / i L. BAXLEY, Homeopathic Physician and Satin Jacquard. best-line of $2 Shoes in Berrien County.'1 room. 96.5 on which the heavy lamp used to hang, t j . Surgeon. Office and residence in ImhoJf's was waiting at the door. “ I may say with confidence that he 7.28 8 7.4 and he had jumped off from the very box block, Buchanan, 3Iich. Plow Slioes for all. Natty Bluchers for Fancy Knitted Effects. men at $2.00. “ Hum! A doctor’s, general practi­ never had occasion to regret his specula­ that ho showed us j’esterday.” S. MEAD, Manufacturer of Lumber. Cus tioner’s, I perceive,” said Holmes. “ Hot tion. From the first it was a success. W o hoth ascended, followed hy the . ton Sawing promptly attended to on short Velour Tigre. been long in practico or had much to do. These tests, made in the Gov’t Laboratory, by impartial M notice. Buchanan. Mich. A few good cases and the reputation doctor. Fancy Whip Cord. LOOK AT US BEFORE YOU BUY. Gome to consult us, I fancy. Lucky we wliich I had won in the hospital brought and unprejudiced official chemists, furnish the highest It was a dreadful sight which met us C. COVEN ICY, Attorney at Law. Office came back.” m . over Roe A Ringer}'s hardware Store. Bu­ me rapidly to the front, and during the evidence that the “ Royal ” is the best baking powder. as wo entered the bedroom door. I have chanan,J Mich. Two Toned Suitings. II. A R IE L H A TH A W A Y , Salesman. I was sufficiently conversant with last few years I have made him a rich spoken of the impression of flabbiness Holmes’ methods to he able to follow his man. I do not complain of it. It was which this man Blessington conveyed. ff. B.\REIt, 31. D., Physician and Surgeon reasoning and to see that tlienatnre and 1 I J. Office over U. II. Baker a store. Diseases of We have them all in great variety at at­ business. Perhaps Mr. Blessington might H ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 WALL ST., NEW-YORK. As he dangled from the hook it was ex­ women and children and Surgery specialties. tractive prices, for which onr Dress Goods state of the various medical instruments have used Ms power in a more charitable aggerated and intensified until he was department is noted. But some are only in the wicker basket which hung in the spirit, but still he had his rights, and he scarce human in his appearance. The H. M. Brodriclc, M.D., one of a kind and just a dress pattern at lamplight inside the brougham had giv­ took them. neck only was drawn like a plucked PHYSICIAN, AC. that, so, to get the choice of this first open­ en Mm the data l'or his swift deduction: ing of Fall atul Winter Dress Goods, we “ Some weeks ago Mr.
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