SEP/OCT 2018 SINGAPORE’S WIDEST CIRCULATED AUTO AND LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE SEP / OCT 2018 OCT AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE PAGE ROAD SAFETY 12 CARNIVAL PAGE PACK LIKE A PRO FOR 28 YOUR NEXT ROAD TRIP PAGE HOW ARE STREETS, ROADS 31 AND AVENUES DEFINED? ROAD TRIP TO KOREA PAGE AA-WANBAO 10TH 56 ANNIVERSARY DRIVE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE DEAR AA MEMBERS In June this year, I joined the AA Wanbao 10th Anniversary Drive: PUBLISHER Fly Drive to Jeju and Seoul. It was refreshing to be able to drive around Jeju Island using electric vehicles in a convoy. It was also a privilege to spend time with our members, and I look forward to sharing more of such memories with you. Thanks to our members and partners for making the trip such a success. You may have noticed that we have updated the Highway mobile app with a new interface. We hope the change improves your reading experience. Do let us know what you think about it — AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE we are always open to suggestions to help us improve. I’m pleased to share that the redevelopment of the PRESIDENT AA Centre at 2 Kung Chong Road is making good Mr Bernard Tay progress. On 19 June 2018, we held a Topping-Up DEPUTY PRESIDENT Ceremony for the building. The symbolic ceremony Mr Low Beng Tin was held to mark the completion of the structural phase of the building. Members can look forward to SECRETARY Mr Chia Ho Choon visiting it soon in 2019. The Association makes a concerted effort to TREASURER regularly promote road safety awareness. We Mr Rankin B. Yeo participated in the Teck Ghee National Day Carnival on 11 August 2018 to continue COMMITTEE MEMBERS driving much-needed recognition of the LTC (RET) Chan Chik Weng topic. At the event, we discovered that Dr S Chandra Mohan many people don’t know where a heavy Mr Alvin Phua Mr Robert Tan vehicle’s blind spots are, putting them in Prof Tay Boon Keng grave danger when they approach such Mr Darryl Wee vehicles while travelling on the roads. If you, Mr David Wong too, don’t know where these blind spots are, Mr Thomas Yeoh turn to page 8. As a driver, you are responsible for EDITORIAL BOARD your own actions to prevent getting into an Mr Lee Wai Mun accident. But doing the right thing doesn’t Ms Grace Wong protect you from accidents caused by another Ms Celeste Ng Mr David Vella road user’s recklessness, such as the unsafe behaviour that children often display. Children may not be fully aware of the dangers and may make the wrong judgement, so we have to be HIGHWAYH IS THE BI-MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF THE particularly alert and careful. Page 22 explains AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE some methods that would be useful for you. EXCLUSIVELY DISTRIBUTED TO AA MEMBERS. We hope you can make use of the tips to stay 535 KALLANG BAHRU, #02-08 GB POINT S339351 safe, and protect the safety of others. Happy driving. TEL: 6333 8811 FAX: 6733 5094 EMAIL: [email protected] WWW.AAS.COM.SG AA Singapore Bernard Tay @AASGNews President, AA Singapore company/automobile-association-of-singapore @AutomobileAssociationSG HIGHWAY 3 INSIDE 03 FROM THE PRESIDENT 06 EDITOR’S NOTE THE FRONT 07 PRESSROOM 7RSSLQJ8S&HUHPRQ\5RDG 6DIHW\&DUQLYDODW7HFN*KHH /,9(6%XFNOH8S&DPSDLJQ (FR'ULYLQJ:RUNVKRS *HW'RF3OXV3ULYLOHJH3ULYDF\ 3ROLF\8SGDWH 16 COMPLIMENTS 17 ASK AA <RXUPRWRULQJTXHVWLRQV E DQVZHUHG LAND OF 18 HEALTH RISING FUN ,I\RXUH\HVODFNVGHSWK SHUFHSWLRQ\RXUGULYLQJPD\EH LPSDLUHG 20 ROAD RULES REVIEW +RZVKRXOG\RXUHVSRQGZKHQ 34 KEEPING THE 45 INDULGE DQHPHUJHQF\YHKLFOHQHDUV\RX" DISTANCE HAVE A SOAKING GOOD TIME 22 SAFETY MATTERS HighwayFRPSDUHVWKUHH +HUHDUHƓYHZDWHUSDUNVWREHDW WKHKHDW 8QGHUVWDQGDOLWWOHFKLOG PRGHOVZLWKDQWLFROOLVLRQ SV\FKRORJ\WRKHOS\RXDYRLG IHDWXUHV 50 AUTOVENTURE URDGDFFLGHQWVLQYROYLQJ\RXQJ 38 SMARTEN YOUR HOME *UHDWGULYLQJKROLGD\SDFNDJHVIRU RQHV 6PDUWKRPHV\VWHPVDQGWKH WKHDGYHQWXURXV 24 KNOW YOUR CAR JDGJHWVWKDWJRZLWKWKHP 7\UHURWDWLRQDQGW\UHEDODQFLQJ 40 AASHOP IRUVPRRWKHUDQGVDIHUULGHV PITSTOP *UHDWGHDOVIRU$$0HPEHUV 26 IN PERSON 48 CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES HighwayFKDWVZLWK'HUHN:RQJ 58 DWRZWUXFNGULYHUIURP$$ōV LIFESTYLE WORKSHOPS & COURSES 5RDGVLGH$VVLVWDQFH6HUYLFHV7HDP 62 42 TRAVEL PRIVILEGE PARTNERS LAND OF RISING FUN ) %GLVFRXQWVVSHFLDOVRQKHDOWK FEATURES 2NLQDZDERDVWVVRPHRI DQGZHOOQHVVWUHDWPHQWVDQGKRWHO -DSDQōVPRVWEHDXWLIXO VWD\SURPRWLRQVIRU$$0HPEHUV 28 PACK LIKE A PRO FOR EHDFKHV WKURXJKRXWWKH\HDU YOUR NEXT ROAD TRIP +HUHōVDKDQG\SDFNLQJOLVW SEP/OCT 31 STREET, ROAD OR AVENUE? 'LVFRYHUWKHQDPLQJFRQYHQWLRQ IRUURDGZD\V 2018 4 HIGHWAY EDITOR’S NOTE WHAT’S IN A NAME? PUBLISHING AGENT SEP/OCT 2018 SINGAPORE’S WIDEST CIRCULATED AUTO AND LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE Have you wondered why there are so AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION OF SINGAPORE many terms for those strips of land on PAGE ROAD SAFETY 12 CARNIVAL which all vehicles travel? What makes a PAGE PACK LIKE A PRO FOR 28 YOUR NEXT ROAD TRIP PAGE HOW ARE STREETS, ROADS 31 AND AVENUES DEFINED? ROAD TRIP ‘road’ a road and a ‘street’ a street? What’s TO KOREA PAGE AA-WANBAO 10TH 56 ANNIVERSARY DRIVE the difference between a ‘boulevard’ and a ‘drive’? Is there some sort of logic to the naming convention, or is it completely THINKFARM PTE LTD arbitrary and random? Find out in the 3 Changi South Lane feature on page 31. The other feature in Kingsmen Creative Centre this issue, on page 28, offers plenty of ideas for what to pack on a Singapore 486118 road trip, including references and guides by AA Singapore. Tel: 65 6831 1299 Highway recently had a chat with one of the tow truck drivers www.thinkfarm.sg IURP$$6LQJDSRUHōV5RDGVLGH$VVLVWDQFH6HUYLFHV7HDPŋŴLSWR MANAGING DIRECTOR the In Person section, on page 26, for our conversation with Christopher Tay Derek Wong. One thing Derek shared was that, when thunderstorms occur, he won’t be able to perform a tow EDITORIAL because of safety concerns. Chua Kim Beng We bet, though, that thunderstorms are the last thing on your ART mind in the sweltering heat that has been striking Singapore the Regina Wong past couple of weeks. Stay cool splashing around in one of the Melissa Poon waterparks listed in the Indulge section (page 45). You can also read all about the Eco-Driving Workshop CLIENT RELATIONSHIP FRQGXFWHGE\$$6$FDGHP\RQ0D\IRUFRPSDQLHVZLWKŴHHWV Jessie Kek of vehicles; refer to a report on page 12. CONTRIBUTORS It’s another jam-packed issue of Highway — happy reading! Adaline Teo, Ahmad Iskandar, Fiona Chen, Jon White, Justin Loh, Ki’ern Tan, Tan Ju Kuang ADVERTISING SALES ENQUIRIES TEL: 6831 1299 Chua Kim Beng EMAIL: [email protected] Editor Highway is wholly owned by the Automobile Association of Singapore and contracted to be published bi-monthly by ThinkFarm Pte Ltd. No material may be reproduced in part or in whole without prior written consent from the Publisher. Views and opinions expressed in Highway are not necessarily those of the Publisher or the Editors. Publication of an article or advertisement does not imply that the service or product is endorsed by the Automobile Association of Singapore unless VSHFLƓFDOO\VWDWHG$OWKRXJKUHDVRQDEOHFDUHKDVEHHQWDNHQ to ensure the accuracy and objectivity of the information provided in this publication, neither the Publisher, Editors nor their employees and agents can be held liable for any errors or omissions, nor can any action be taken based on the views expressed or information provided within this publication. MCI (P) 030/07/2018 6 HIGHWAY NEWS, HAPPENINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTS AT AA TOPPING-UP CEREMONY The structural phase of AA Singapore’s premises at Kung Chong Road has been completed. AA Singapore President Mr Bernard Tay and CEO Mr Lee Wai Mun (front left row and front right row respectively) holding their shovels of cement at the topping-up ceremony. A topping-up ceremony was held on 19 June 2018 at AA Singapore’s new premises at 2 Kung Chong Road. The symbolic ceremony is widely practised in the construction industry and usually held to mark the completion of the structural phase of the entire construction process. AA Singapore’s topping-up ceremony saw AA President Mr Bernard Tay and CEO Mr Lee :DL0XQV\PEROLFDOO\ƓOOLQJDŴRRU area with cement using a shovel decorated with a red ribbon. Everyone then adjourned to another level to enjoy the refreshments. Expected to be open to members in 2019, the seven-storey building ZLWKDWRWDOJURVVŴRRUDUHDRIRYHU 7,000sqm will house AA Singapore and its subsidiaries, including Thumbs up to Autoswift Recovery Pte Ltd. the structural completion. HIGHWAY 7 NEWS, HAPPENINGS & ANNOUNCEMENTS AT AA SAFETY IN MIND The Road Safety Carnival at Teck Ghee served timely advice to seniors and their families about road safety. The Teck Ghee National Day Other interesting activities Carnival, held on 11 August 2018, included an interactive quiz by included a Road Safety for Seniors AAS Academy — participants and Families exhibition to raise were given an activity card and general road safety awareness. received a gift upon completing The event was supported by all AA Singapore’s booth the Automobile Association of stations. Singapore (AA Singapore). AAS Academy also highlighted Held in conjunction with Teck the importance of understanding Ghee Constituency’s National Day the rules and regulations of using a celebration, the Carnival took place personal mobility device (PMD). An excited kid at the open-air carpark next to An online PMD Risk Assessment aboard the prime mover. Block 324, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3. test was developed to enhance Abuzz with activities the entire day, the event attracted residents in the surrounding neighbourhoods. They swarmed to the carpark to check out the numerous booths manned by the various partners. At the booths occupied by AA Singapore, the focus was on educating the public about blind spots when driving. There were opportunities for visitors to experience sitting in a prime mover, which helps them better understand blind spots and danger zones from a driver’s point of view.
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