smmssmssfrom ; the associated ~ press nagsK^.-r^ News Roundup: Black From the-State, Association Nation & World Endorses Petition ,. By. JOHN BRONSON - The association claims that the "hiring and utilization of more black pro- The World Collegian Staff Writer University "is not providing education for fessors, assistants and staff," and "the certain segments of the Commonwealth," appointing of a full time alack recruiter Red China ' s Li u Shao-chi Out of Power The Douglas Association last night and it points to the fact that out of an endorsed a faculty petition\vhich asks for to directly work with the groups involved TOKYO — Without mentioning him by name, Peking enrollment exceeding 25,000, there are and provide them with the incentive changes in the University's admissions approximately 310 black students. radio declared yesterday that Liu Shao-chi, president of policy. needed to continue." Red "China, has been stripped of all his official functions in The association, a group of black stu- Secondly, the association states that The association quotes President the Chinese Communist party and government. dents, issued a statement calling for the it would be in the best interests of the Walker as saying, "The purpose of this "We have" completely disposed of the antirevolution- recruitment of black students. University "to educate potential promis- land grant university, stated in its char- waste- ing youth from minority and impoverish- ary elements led by China's Khrushchev into the "With the overwhelming apathy and' ter, was 'to teach agriculture and the me- basket of history and he no longer has power and authority ed groups, since the Uniyersity realizes chanic arts to the sons and daughters of indifference of a large number of the that it is important to develop leaders in the party and government," said a Peking -broadcast faculty and administration the working classes.'" monitored in Tokyo and translated here into Japanese. , support must from all walks of life." " has been the epithet -for Liu be given to the petition initiated by Prof. Lost Sight of 'Concepts' "China's Khrushchev Nicholas Sanders," the statement "says. In its last reason for supporting the Shao-chi for almost two years during the struggle which petition, the association maintains that a Continuing, the association states; has gone by the name of "great proletarian cultural revo- This petition recommends that the more diversified student body "con- "Because of the dynamic nature of lution." It is used to brand him as a "revisionist." University Faculty Senate "introduce tributes to the development of a fuller education itself , the University found it- "The declaration of proletarian victory," said the broad- changes in admissions standards in order educational experience." self in a position where it had to progress to admit to all University degree pro- cast,, "is therefore not just a claim but a fact." Other Proposals according to the demands of our chang- ' " ' grams many more students from '*- *'*' ¦ ing world; but, in its growth, it lost sight , minority group and poverty In addition to supporting the petition, the Douglas Association has proposed of the vital concept of educating those : 'New Jersey' Guns Sink Part of Island backgrounds." very sons and daughters it deemed so im- The association cites three several items that might be added to the SAIGON — The battleship New Jersey unleashed a reasons faculty' portant in 1855. " for supporting the faculty petition. - s proposal for action. 30-minute barrage on a North Vietnamese coastal island The association suggests that pre- "With the adoption of the petition of from which U.S. planes have been subjected to frequent University 'Committed' viously approved exchange program with Prof, Sanders and the suggestions of the antiaircraft fire, the U.S. Command said yesterday. First, "As President Eric A. Walker Alabama A&M involving black undergra- Douglas Association, we believe that the The 16-inch guns of the world's only active battleship has stated ~ , 'the University is committed duate and graduate-students be expand- student body, as a whole, will attain a pounded three-mile square. Hon , -Mat island Monday with to educate all segments .of the population, ed. "This would enable all those involved richer and more meaningful educational shells capable of penetrating 30'feet of reinforced concrete. including those who, for a number of to have the experience of association with experience; also, the University will have Aerial spotters said later that at least one antiaircraft reasons, economic or other, do not have people from a more diversified taken a step toward returning to that battery was destroyed and- a large chunk of the island it- the opportunity to take advantage of background than already exists," the vital goal of educating the 'sons and self fell into the gulf of Tonkin. - educational opportunities generally statement says. daughters of the working classes,'" the "Vinh . —Collealar, " Pho to by Pierre Belliclnl Hon Mat is 22 miles northeast of and 14 miles RALLY 'ROUND-THE TEAM, BOYS:-A few days ago available.'" Another proposal concerns the statement concludes. south of the 19th Parallel,' the northern boundary for there was a nasty Tumor going around that Penn Staters U.S. planes and warships operating against North Vietnam. were (whisper it) apathetic. But nobody could have proved It was the northernmost sortie to date for the 56,000- • ' it by the thousands of jubilant tans who welcomed the ton New Jersey, which arrived in the war zone two .weeks Lions back to Happy Valley Monday morning. Above, * * ago. The ship has been cruising the coast, firing at selected somewhat stunned, g Mike Reid, Charlie Piilman, Steve tar ets, mostly supply routes and areas of concentrated Smear and John Kulka find the cheers a'good welcome military activity. home. But the crowd was also responsible for $1,300 worth * * * of damage to University property,..' The Nation Co-Author of Petition Moon Planning Begi ns With Apollo in Space $1, 300 in Damages ' SPACE CENTER. HOUSTON —-Apollo 7, sailing sweet and true into its second hundred hours in space, has opened 'Happ y for Supp ort ' the,door, for firm planning on putting three men around the moon on Christmas Day. Caused During Rall y Sanders " the flight of Apollo 7 Nicholas Sanders, assistant raised in the petition , their academic efforts. professors, but only enough to A reliable source said yesterday professor of education and one said. •The various faculties show that "there will be facul- is going so well that high National Aeronautics and Space firm up • Damages estimated at $1,300 team doesn't like what's hap- of the co-authors of the faculty The proposals for action should make a "special effort ty support in planning and Administration officials are meeting this week to resulted from the frantic petition on University admis- outlined in the petition include: to include in their departments enacting any programs neces- around the moon. One source set launch , fren- pened one bit." a date for a flight zied pre-dawn rally held Mon- One of the two large plate- sions,, said last night that he Criteria for admitting the Negro faculty members," sitated by action on the peti- day ias Dec. 21, this year. • ~ day to welcome home the vic- glass windows at Keeler's. Bo- "was very.happy to hear that black - student and the poor . The petition will ^-h-e^ tibii.'~—- - _ JThe crew, Navy Capt. Walter M. Schirra Jr., Walter ~-" , took torious Nittany 136ns:' okstore' was smashed during the Douglas Association sup- youth should emphasize the presented to the University "No rhatter who is admitted Cunningham and Air Force Maj. Donn F. Eisele, student's motivation and Senate in the hopes that some it is the faculty in the end who of the ' world's highest sick Traffic signs, the rally. Manager Ben Swan- ports the petition," and that America on a televised tour trash recep- proposals of the ability in social concerns, specific proposals evolve. bear a large part of the rdom yesterday. They ignored their colds long enough to tacles, chain fences and posts son estimated the value of the the additional window at between S400 and Association's statement would rather than his performance on "There/ may be some responsibility for these pro- perform some zero-gravity acrobatics. were either smashed, bent or the Scholastic Aptitude Test or changes with the petition," grams," said Sanders. He ex- " ' " -uprooted. ¦ , S500. "probably be submitted to the •- . • * "All we know is that the win- University Senate along with his high school record. said Sanders, "but the most plained that for any tutoring or Borough PoIice' . Wallace |-Chief John dow damage was done before the petition."' ' • ' , : - •An intensive recruitment important point is to get some; .counseling^ that needs to be Candid atesX ^/j ajoge Bprhi i Booed R. Juba said that.damages ¦ effort - should be .made to- at 'thing done — not-- follow^ " the clone. Tthe "students go to the - * five-in -the morning," Swansea -' , The ' 'maffi 'purpose of The KANSAS CITY — Hubert H.. Humphrey, in an elabo- signs and trash receptacles said. "This isn't celebrating, tract more minority and poor petition to the letter. It's open faculty. ration on his Vietnam stand, said yesterday he would stop amounted to between S200 and petition is to show faculty sup- students into our graduate and to study." "It is important for disad- it's malicious damage." port for changing admissions the bombing of North Vietnam "period." He called Richard S300. "We have no objection if A University spokesman said undergraduate levels of study. Sanders said that there are vantaged' students to know that M. Nixon "chicken-hearted" for declining to debate him they (the students) want to standards "in order to admit A special effort should be approximately 200 signatures people here care," he added.
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