February 25, 2014 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 160, Pt. 3 3303 HONORING CLAYTON SHRUGA HONORING MR. JIM BRICKER ON I extend my deepest congratulations to Col- HIS RETIREMENT orado State University Extension—Jefferson HON. SAM GRAVES County for 25 years of leadership and inspira- tion you provide in our community. I look for- OF MISSOURI HON. CATHY McMORRIS RODGERS OF WASHINGTON ward to many more years of your service. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Tuesday, February 25, 2014 HONORING MR. JERRY L. SMITH Mr. GRAVES of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I Mrs. MCMORRIS RODGERS. Mr. Speaker, proudly pause to recognize Clayton Shruga. I rise today to honor Jim Bricker, who has re- HON. BENNIE G. THOMPSON Clayton is a very special young man who has tired after over fifty years of service in Wash- OF MISSISSIPPI exemplified the finest qualities of citizenship ington state. Throughout his career, Mr. Brick- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and leadership by taking an active part in the er has shown a passion for education policy, Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Boy Scouts of America, Troop 314, and earn- including serving on the Council for Higher Mr. THOMPSON of Mississippi. Mr. Speak- ing the most prestigious award of Eagle Scout. Education, the Office of Financial Manage- er, I rise today to honor a hardworking and Clayton has been very active with his troop, ment, and the State Senate, where he worked participating in many scout activities. Over the self motivated man, Mr. Jerry L. Smith. as staff director of Committee Services. His in- Mr. Jerry Smith was born in Hollandale, Mis- many years Clayton has been involved with terest in education reached into the class- scouting, he has not only earned numerous sissippi on July 27, 1953 to Rev. C. B. and room, where he spent 38 years teaching as an Hattie Smith. He was reared on a farm. He merit badges, but also the respect of his fam- adjunct professor at the University of Puget ily, peers, and community. Most notably, Clay- graduated from Anguilla High School in 1971 Sound and at Pacific Lutheran University. and in May 1975 from Mississippi Valley State ton has contributed to his community through Serving his country as a colonel in the Ma- his Eagle Scout project. University with a B. S. Degree in Industrial rine Corps for 33 years, Mr. Bricker had the Technology. Mr. Speaker, I proudly ask you to join me in distinguished honor of being the Senior Officer Mr. Smith was enlisted in the U.S. Air Force commending Clayton Shruga for his accom- in the Northwest for the past five years. His as a Second Lieutenant from July, 1975 to Au- plishments with the Boy Scouts of America fervor for the integrity of the legislative proc- gust, 1978. In 1979, he started working for and for his efforts put forth in achieving the ess helped him play a critical role in major Asmco as a plant manager for 10 years. He highest distinction of Eagle Scout. pieces of education legislation, including the started farming around 1994 and has been founding of Evergreen State College in 1967. farming ever since. His motto is, ‘‘In order to f He later served in the executive offices of four make your life better you have to get up each governors, ending as Governor Gardner’s HONORING CAPTAIN CHARLES R. day and strive for that’’. Special Assistant for National Affairs. BURROWS FOR HEROIC ACHIEVE- Mr. Smith is married to Patsy Smith and to For the past 22 years he worked as the Di- MENT that union they have one child, Nicholas. He rector of Government Affairs at PEMCO Fi- is an active member of St. Paul M. B. Church. nancial Services, where he improved insur- Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me HON. SEAN P. DUFFY ance policy. At age 50, Mr. Bricker ran his in recognizing Mr. Jerry L. Smith. OF WISCONSIN very first marathon, and continues to cultivate f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a passion for the outdoors and for physical ex- ercise. IN RECOGNITION OF BETH Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Even in retirement, Mr. Bricker remains HUNKAPILLER Mr. DUFFY. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to dedicated to improving education and will con- present the Navy Commendation Medal to tinue to serve as a member of the Washington HON. JACKIE SPEIER Captain Charles R. Burrows for heroic State Board for Community and Technical Col- OF CALIFORNIA achievement while serving as an F Division leges. A man of integrity and high principle, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his humility and his impact on the state of Junior Officer, Secondary Battery Officer, 5th Tuesday, February 25, 2014 Division Officer, and Senior Officer of the Washington and on his country will long be re- Ms. SPEIER. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor Deck Underway from December 1942 until membered. Beth Hunkapiller who has been named San September 1945. Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in honoring Mr. Bricker for a lifetime of dedicated Carlos Citizen of the Year for her outstanding During his service, Captain Burrows partici- and numerous contributions to San Carlos pated in fourteen major operations against the service. f schools and the community at large. Beth is a enemy while stationed aboard the USS Ten- 20-year veteran of the San Carlos School nessee in the South Pacific. COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY Board, and has worked tirelessly to ensure As stated by Captain Burrow’s commanding EXTENSION—JEFFERSON COUNTY that our children have access to a quality edu- officer, John B. Heffernan, Captain Burrows, cation and to outstanding facilities. ‘‘by his initiative, perseverance, outstanding HON. ED PERLMUTTER Beth was instrumental in creating the San ability, and the foresight with which he antici- OF COLORADO Carlos Charter Learning Center, the first char- pated developments, he planned, trained, di- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ter school in California. She served as a rected, and maintained a secondary battery founding member and chair of the State Board organization which met the most exacting re- Tuesday, February 25, 2014 of Education’s Advisory Commission on Char- quirements of the operations in which the USS Mr. PERLMUTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise ter Schools. She also served as the Depart- Tennessee participated.’’ today to recognize and applaud Colorado ment of Education’s Charter School Division Captain Burrows demonstrated immeas- State University Extension—Jefferson County Director. She currently is the chair of the urable heroism during the Saipan and Oki- for achieving 25 years of outstanding member- board of directors of Aspire Public Schools, nawa campaigns when the USS Tennessee ship in the West Chamber serving Jefferson the largest charter school organization in Cali- was under continuous heavy attack from op- County. fornia. position battleships as well as kamikaze air at- Membership in a Chamber of Commerce It was Beth’s experience as a parent that tacks. comes with commitment, dedication and con- got her deeply involved in education. She was By his exceptional ability, personal initiative tribution to community. Chamber members are a volunteer teacher in her son’s co-op nursery and unwavering dedication to duty, Captain leaders in the community mentoring other school and a Girl Scout Daisy troop coordi- Charles Burrows upheld the highest traditions businesses, creating positive environments for nator. She later served as Heather PTA presi- of the United States Naval Service. business to thrive. The West Chamber serving dent, Heather Fun Day Chair, a member of an Mr. Speaker, please join me in honoring Jefferson County is a strong and vibrant orga- Ad Hoc Superintendent Selection Citizen Captain Burrows and thanking him for his nization today due to members like Colorado Committee, and a campaign chair for the courage and his service to our country. State University Extension—Jefferson County. Committee to Defeat the Voucher. VerDate Sep 11 2014 15:00 Jun 14, 2018 Jkt 039102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR14\E25FE4.000 E25FE4 rmajette on DSKBCKNHB2PROD with BOUND RECORD.
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