eviva 1 Interest A week Jong revival sponsored by the Baptist Student Union held the spotlight of campus at­ week before the revival began and prayer by Dean Herndon and ages, always filled with power, ed in these and other rnacluiga tention last week. Dr. James Hor- featured Dr. G. Earl Guinn as the BSU council were rewarded seemed to be just the type of mes­ played a great part in 'the suc­ lun, pastor of the First Baptist speaker. in a mighty way by one of the sage that the student body was cess of the meeting. Church of Monroe was the evan­ The * theme for the revival. most successful revivals that we waiting for. These two men, The real story of revival is not gelist and Mr. Ben Carter of the emphasizing lhe call and duly have seen on this campus. The working closely with Dean Hern­ of young people, especially high BSU council began its preparation don and the other leaders have written in the numbers of decis­ First Baptist Church of Temple, ions and there were many in tho Texas, was the music director.1 A school and college student* was several weeks ago, in naming as shown themselves to bc real men week before the revival proper "The Matchless Partner." the revival team, Mr. Ben Carter of God. meeting, but in the hearts of stu­ •started, special prayer emphasis Last year a religious "focus from Temple, Texas and Rev. Tho revival services had just dents. Revival is badly needed all was developed on the campus, week" was held instead of the James Horlon from Monroe. Lou­ started when prayer groups be­ this time. We at Louisiana college and the B. S. U. held special usual revival. Baptist leaders isiana. These two men led us in a gan to organize on the campus will prove how much this meet­ prayer sessions: from all over conducted seminard wonderful way. Mr, Carter's in the Dormitories. Thos* pray* ing has meant to us in the months with the students, discussing the singing added a spirit to the ser­ er groups have answered a need During the services prayer various activities of religious life- vice as only his singing can create.' that has long b?en present on to come. Let us continue the spirit meetings were held each evening Mere is a student evaluation of He proved to be a willing and our campus, that need being a of the wonderful meeting and before lhe revival sessions. ihe revival: helpful friend to many of the stu­ spirit of understanding and prove that this revival has really- A bon-fire service held the The many weeks of hard work dent body. Rev Horton's mess­ friendliness. The power gensrat- been a revival THE LOUISIANA COLLEGE VOLUME XXXXV PINEVILLE, LOUISIANA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18. 1953 NUMBER 13 Stierman and James Named to Head Trustees Approve Development Program Wildcat Staffs for Second Semester Both the editorial and the business sections of the ege; Library Building Planned Wildcat had new directors this week as the faculty employed as a pari of ihe new expansion program. An assist­ committee on publications appointed Bill Stierman to Archilects are still busily draw­ field house with inside swimming ant librarian, Mr. Sammy Dy­ edit the paper and Billy Ray James to manage the ing plans for Louisiana College's pool, three new dormitories—two son wiU become assistant librar­ business of the paper. long awaited library, due to start for men and one for women? a ian in September. rising as soon after the completion president's home, a cafeteria ad­ As previously announced, thei Billy Ray James is a Junior from Homer, major­ of the student center as possible, joining the dining room, a new construction of a new home econ­ the library is only the first build­ athletic stadium and the remodel­ ing in Bible. James had not ing authorized by the board of omics cottage on the campus will •worked on th© Wildcat staff be­ trustees after completion of the ing of the present library into begin soon. fore he assumed the duties pre- " student center Also approved by classrooms. The College Board of Trustees viously filled by Roy Lee John­ Norred Named the trustees are: a new fine arts An assistant dean and a full voted to discontinue manufactur­ son. Johnson resigned his post building, a new gymnasium and lime hand director will also bo ing electric current and purchase because of conflicting duties. electricity from the Central Lou-, Athenian Head isiana Electric Company. The col- Bill Stierman, a second sem­ lge has been operating its own ester senior, who lives in Pine­ Elizabeth "Libby" Norred be­ power plant for many years, and, ville, replaces Lewis Eisclstcin the equipment will be held in re­ who resigned. Stierman also was came the president of the Athen­ serve. not associated with the Wildcat ian Literary Society last week, The new library will cost about before his appointment, but ho replacing Benny Catron, who S400.000. The college has §120,000 had worked in various phases of graduated at mid term. Presiding on hand, and the assurance or tho commercial journalism before. al her first meeting last Tuesday, ecord at Baylor; Louisiana Baptist Convention of; Before his appointment as Editor a regular income for capital ho had worked for the Pineville she directed the election of new needs. The gift of S100,000, which, News. members. makes up most of the money cur­ No otlic staff changes were The new Athenian members us First in Extemp rently on hand, was made by Mrs. made immediately, except that R W. Norton, Sr., and Mrs. James Joe Rice was appointed Sports will not bc announced until the Continuing to score impressive E Smitherman, Jr. of Shrevcport. Editor of the- paper. election of new members by tho victories in southern speech tour­ place. Tom Hall and Stanley Cadmians. Several Athenians naments, the Louisiana College Clark got to the quarter finals The only major change plan­ and so did Charles Slagg and ned by the new Editor was tho have been dropped from the rolls debaters won a second place in Clarence McCord. E.W. McDonald makeup of the paper. A new according to rules concerning pay­ debating, a first in individual Louisiana .CoUege established "Wildcat" banner Has been ment of dues and unexcused ab- competition, and generally did its best team record of the year prepared to harmonize with the outstanding work in a 100 team against debaters from Texas, Lou­ Ss New Physics ''modern look"7' planned for the competition at Baylor University isiana, Oklahoma, Kansas and paper. Miss Norred, vec-president last last week. Arkansas. Eisclstcln resigned becauso semester, is a home economies All the debate squads went Pat Brister and Allene Shirley Professor Here numerous activities had made it major, and a junior. She was in to the semi-finals in their cate­ defeated teams from Southern Professor E. W. McDonald, possible for him to devote en­ large responsible for last year's gories and Allene Shirley and Methodist University, Mary Har­ n,ew assistnat professor of phy­ ough attention to the paper. party. Pat Bxisler ended up in second din Baylor, and Baylor University sics at La. College, began his dropping their last match to work at the coUege this semester. Southwestern Kansas. Mr. McDonald replaces Prof. Nor- Stagg and McCord, junior de­ ris Sills, who recently left to ac­ baters, won four straight victories cept civil service employment in Miniature Stage Sets Show Student's over Oklahoma City University, Alabama. Wharton Jr. CoUege, Southwest­ Mr. McDonald was born in Dry ern Kansas and Texas A. and I. Prong, La. and attended public They were eliminated in the quar­ schools there until 1942. then Ingenuity, But Aid In Play Production terfinals by Texas Christian graduated from Bolton High in If a small girl walked into the University. 1943. He was employed as a radio Hall and Clark defeated S. L. L, repairmen untU he entered the Speech Department her heart Navy in 1944, and served as a would be filled with admiration, pared by students of Professor ature set for the play. Baylor, L. S. U. and S. M. U. In and she would probably go home Frank Bennett's play production tho final rounds they beat the radio technician until his disf- University of Oklahoma and the charge in 1946, when he was em­ to get her dolls and take advan­ ctass. Each student selected a Finding enough miniature fur­ ployed as a CivUian Electronics tage of the many "doll houses". University of Houston, finaUy play, read it carefully, and then niture and -accessories! didn't falling to a team from S. M. U. Technician at Camp Polk, La. Eleven carefuly constructed mini­ He entered L S. U. in the,spring ature stage sets have been pre­ went about constructing: a mini- phase the ingenious students Tom HaU took a first place in semester of 1947 and later was who took advantage of every senior men's extemporaneous employed as chief engineer of ra­ possible source. Toy furniture speaking and a second in ora­ dio station KSYL in Alexandria, tory. from 1947 to 1949, simultaneous­ Drama Department Readies The Rock' from five and ton cent stores ly attending La. CoUege. was the main source of sup­ ply, although the plastic frame Nichols Shows Use Professor McDonald returned To Be Presented On March 5, 6 to L. S. U. in Juno 1949 and rece­ Play furniture occasionally had to of Potter's Wheel ived the B.
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