Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.42.222.166 on 1 April 1967. Downloaded from Arch. Dis. Childh., 1967, 42, 166. Hydrocephalus: Electrocardiographic Localization of the Catheter in Ventriculo-atrial Shunts G. BROCKLEHURST, J. R. W. GLEAVE, R. A. MILLAR, and AILEEN K. ADAMS From the Department of Neurological Surgery and Neurology, and the Department of Anaesthetics, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge Among the surgical methods used in the treatment the cardiac shadow of the infant. This paper of hydrocephalus, procedures in which the cerebro- describes the use and reliability of an electro- spinal fluid from the ventricular system is drained cardiographic method for localization of the tip of through a valve directly into the venous side of the the catheter. systemic circulation are now well established. Electrocardiographic recordings using an intra- However, the advantages ofa low operative mortality cardiac catheter as a recording electrode (known and a high initial rate of success in the control of the variously as intracardiac electrography, or intra- hydrocephalus must be weighed against the fact that cavity electrocardiography) have been extensively revision of these shunts is frequently necessary investigated since 1945, mostly in the course of (Scarff, 1963). A common cause of this is the studies upon infants with congenital heart lesions. blockage of the lower end of the shunt, which The findings were fully reported by Watson occurs when the catheter is situated in vessels of (Watson, 1962, 1964a, b) who measured the pressure copyright. relatively small lumen such as the innominate or and electric changes simultaneously, and showed internal jugular vein, whereas catheters situated that in a catheter drawn through the right atrium well within the right atrium and surrounded by a into the inferior vena cava, there was a gradual relatively large volume of turbulent blood continue change in the polarity of the P wave. This was to drain freely. The initial siting of the cardiac negative high in the atrium, biphasic in the mid- catheter well within the right atrium is clearly cavity, and positive low in the chamber. These important, and particularly so in infants and children changes were constant and a reflection ofthe position in whom the catheter is drawn out of the atrium into of the recording electrode relative to the wave of http://adc.bmj.com/ the smaller veins by natural body growth. Methods atrial excitation, which is moving away from the tip involving the direct measurement of the length of of the catheter in the upper part of the atrium and catheter from the site of insertion, or the localization travelling towards it in the lower part (Watson, of the opacified catheter tip by radiographs taken 1964a). during operation, are dependent upon the assump- Mark and Sweet (1960) first reported the applica- tion of a fixed relation between the atrium and tion of this type of electrocardiography to localiza- anatomical or radiological landmarks-an assump- tion of the cardiac catheter in ventriculo-atrial on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected tion that many radiologists consider to be unjustified, shunts. They used the electrocardiograph to certainly in the infant. Furthermore, the relation- indicate the passage of the catheter tip into the right ship of the catheter tip to the vertebral bodies alters ventricle by the observation of the extrasystoles. considerably with different x-ray projections. The Robertson, Schick, Morgan, and Matson (1961) relationship of the catheter tip to the cardiac outline published an account of the technique used in 38 can sometimes be determined on good radiographs, patients; the standard lead I components were taken when the catheter tip is well opacified. Localiza- and the left arm electrode was attached to the tion by this method requires a high standard of cardiac catheter. This arrangement produced an operative radiography with rapid repetition of films, ECG with a downward deflection of the P wave in dye injection into the catheter, and some inaccurate the great veins of the neck, a notched P wave in the assumptions regarding the position of the atrium in superior vena cava and upper atrium, a biphasic pattern in the mid-atrium, and reversal of the P Received July 26, 1966. wave in the lower part of the atrium. McClaurin, 166 Arch Dis Child: first published as 10.1136/adc.42.222.166 on 1 April 1967. Downloaded from Hydrocephalus: Electrocardiographic Localization of the Catheter 167 Glass, and Kaplan (1963) gave an account of a described by Richards and Freeman (1964), or of twice method using the chest lead attached to the cardiac normal saline as described by other authors. When the catheter, and reported their results in 52 patients. vein selected for the insertion of the cardiac catheter has been exposed in the upper neck, the catheter and attached The alterations in the P wave were the same as those syringe are placed on the dry gauze squares on the small recorded by Robertson et al. (1961). Post-operative Mayo table above the patient. One end of a pre-steril- radiographs showed positions in relation to the ized wire lead is connected by an alligator clip to the vertebral column, which ranged from T5 to T8. metal needle inserted in the catheter and the other end of Richards and Freeman (1964) used a simpler the lead is passed outside the sterile field to the anaesthe- method of recording in over 350 cases: the lead II tist. For the recording in the majority of cases the components were employed, the right arm lead 'reverse' lead I components have been used. In this being attached to the cardiac catheter and the left arrangement the right arm lead is attached to the cardiac leg lead remaining on the limb. They found that a catheter, and the left arm lead to the right arm. Stain- less steel needles inserted subcutaneously are more normal lead II ECG pattern was obtained when the convenient electrodes than the standard metal plates catheter was in the superior vena cava (i.e. an requiring electrode jelly. In other cases we have used upright P wave) and that at the junction of the the lead II components as outlined above. The syringe superior vena cava with atrium the P wave became attached to the cardiac catheter is used to inject fresh tall and notched. The notched P wave became saline if it is required to improve electrical conductivity. highest in the middle of the atrium and in the lower The ECG is displayed on an oscilloscope and recorded atrium the P wave became biphasic. They stated on a direct writer. The cardiac catheter is then passed that the P wave became inverted in the inferior vena downwards from the neck pausing frequently to watch cava, but no evidence is adduced in their paper to the changing ECG pattern. Using the lead I reversed or lead II method, the upright P wave becomes initially confirm their suppositions as to the actual sites of peaked, then tall and notched, then biphasic, and finally these P wave changes. inverted. In the majority of cases we have left the In our series of 70 cases of ventriculo-atrial cardiac catheter where the P wave is displayed as tallest shunting operations, using the Pudenz Heyer Valve and notched, but more recently we have been leaving it and ECG control, we have based our assumptions where the P wave is biphasic. In accordance with the regarding the site of the P changes on the evidence experimental evidence quoted above we believe that these copyright. produced by Watson (1964b). Our technique of points represent upper and middle atrium, respectively. recording, however, produces a complex similar to that of a lead II ECG when the catheter is in the TABLE I great veins of the neck, i.e. an upright P wave. Ventriculo-atrial Shunt: Localization of Atrial This then undergoes the changes described by Catheter Using Electrocardiographic Control. Watson but with a reverse polarity. Tall and Cases of Hydrocephalus Operated Upon, Grouped spiked, biphasic, and inverted correspond, respect- According to Cause http://adc.bmj.com/ ively, to upper atrium, middle atrium, and low atrium or inferior vena cava. Primary Revisions Operation Method Meningomyeloceles (all types) 33 6 Hydrocephalus with birth trauma 10 1 The Pudenz Heyer Shunt is made of silicone rubber. Congenital hydrocephalus 7 0 children There is a cardiac catheter containing a non-return Post-meningitic hydrocephalus 3 0 Benign aqueduct stenosis 2 0 valve in the lower end: to this is attached a catheter Tumours . 5 0 adults which drains CSF from the lateral ventricle of the brain, Head injuries . 3 0 on September 27, 2021 by guest. Protected and the two are joined via a small spherical reservoir Total .63 7 which fits into a burr hole in the skull; this reservoir can be used as a device for flushing the shunt and also indicates the site of any blockage by its behaviour on compression. At the start of each operative procedure Results the opening pressure of the cardiac catheter is assessed. In Table I the cases ofhydrocephalus treated have Then a blunt-ended metal needle is firmly inserted into been grouped according to their cause, and it will be the upper end of the cardiac catheter, which is noted that among 70 cases there are 10 adults. flushed with normal saline to ensure freedom from all air Fig. 1 shows the pattern of changing P wave as the bubbles, and left immersed with its attached syringe in a 4 bath of normal saline until required. Attention to these catheter tip is advanced downwards, and position details and the use of dry towels under the exposed is slightly in advance of that in position 3 and shows cardiac catheter and recording lead have enabled us to the P wave biphasic.
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