i836 THE LONDON GAZETTE, 19 MARCH, 1937 objection to the application may do so by 3. To extend the limits within which the registered letter addressed to the Director of Corporation are authorised to supply gas (here- Gas Administration, Board of Trade, Great inafter called " the existing limits ") so as to George Street, London, S.W.I and dispatched include in addition to the existing limits the on or before Monday, the I2th day of April present limits of supply of the Company, that 1937. Any such objection shall state the is to say, the Parishes of Quorndon Mount- specific grounds of objection and a copy of the sorrel and Barrow-upon-Soar in the Rural Dis- objection shall be forwarded to the applicants trict of Barrow-upon-Soar in the County of or their agents at the same time as it is sent Leicester as such parishes existed immediately to the Board of Trade. prior to the first day of April 1936 (hereinafter Dated this i6th day of March 1937. referred to as " the added limits "). 4. To authorise the Corporation to make WOODCOCK & SONS, West View, Hasling- differential charges for Gas supplied within the den, Lancashire, Solicitors for the added limits and to enact provisions in regard (129) applicants. to the declared calorific value of the gas supplied by the Corporation in such limits. 5. To authorise the Corporation to hold and use for the purposes of their undertaking the lands hereinafter described and thereon to con- tinue maintain erect alter improve renew or dis- COUNTY BOROUGH OF DARLINGTON. continue the existing gas works of the Com- pany and to make and store gas and residual GAS UNDERTAKINGS ACTS 1920-1934. and manufactured products and to deal in such NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to the products. Darlington Gas (Charges) Order 1929 that as from the ist day of July 1937 the Darlington The said lands are: — Corporation will supply gas of a calorific value Existing Quorndon Gas lands. of 500 British Thermal Units per cubic foot. All those lands, now belonging to and occupied by the Company containing by Dated this i8th day of March 1937. admeasurement 3 roods and 7 perches or H. HOPKINS, thereabouts situate in the parish of Quorndon Town Clerk. aforesaid bounded on the North by the River Soar on the East by other land belonging Town Clerk's Office, to the Company and next hereinafter (126) Darlington. described on tile South partly by the main road leading from Loughborough to Leicester and partly by property formerly belonging or reputed to belong to Mrs. Ann Greaves and Mr. John Sleath Smith but now belong- ing to various owners and on the West partly Board of Trade.—1937. by property formerly belonging to the said Ann Greaves and partly by other property belonging to the Company and lastly herein- LOUGHBOROUGH GAS. after described. Application for Special Order under the Gas To provide that the said lands and the lands Undertakings Acts 1920 to 1934. hereinafter described shall be excluded from NOTICE is hereby given that application is the quantity of the land which the Corporation intended to be made to the Board of Trade by are authorised to purchase by agreement for the Mayor Aldermen and Burgesses of the gasworks purposes under Section 153 of the Borough of Loughborough (hereinafter called Loughborough Corporation Act 1899: — "the Corporation" and "the borough" re- spectively) whose address is the Town Hall All that piece of land belonging to and Loughborough for a Special Order under the occupied by the Company situate in the said Gas Undertakings Acts 1920 to 1934 for the parish of Quorndon aforesaid adjoining the following or some of the following, amongst land hereinbefore described and bounded on other purposes (that is to say): — or towards the South-west by the main road 1. To authorise the transfer to and vesting leading from Loughborough to Leicester (to in the Corporation of the Gas Undertaking which road it has a frontage of seventeen carried on by the Quomdon and Mountsorrel feet) and containing by admeasurment 985 Gas Coke and Coal Company (hereinafter square yards or thereabouts which said piece called " the Company") within the limits of land was conveyed by Joseph Hall to the hereinafter described upon and subject Company on the 8th day of July 1924. to such terms and for such consideration as All that messuage or tenement known as have been agreed upon or as may be specified " Wood View " situate and being in the said in the Order and (if deemed expedient) to con- parish of Quorndon and adjoining the main firm any agreement entered into between the road leading from Loughborough to Leicester. Corporation and the Company relating to such And also all that paddock field or parcel of vesting and transfer and the payment of com- land situate adjoining thereto containing by pensation for loss of office to directors and admeasurement one acre or thereabouts which officers of the Company. property is now in the occupation of Fred 2. To repeal (with or without exception) the Draper. Quorndon and Mountsorrel Gas Order 1884 and 6. To confer further powers upon the Cor- the Quorndon and Mountsorrel Gas (Charges) poration in connection with their gas under- Order 1923 and any other Act or Order relating taking including particularly provisions to gas undertaking of the Company. empowering the Corporation to open and break.
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