SOUTHWEST SAN JOSE SPECIFIC PLAN INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF CLAREMONT Appendix Appendix F. Noise Background and Modeling Data June 2016 SOUTHWEST SAN JOSE SPECIFIC PLAN INITIAL STUDY/MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION CITY OF CLAREMONT Appendix This page intentionally left blank. PlaceWorks r CHAPTER 6 PUBLIC SAfETY AND NOISE ELEMENT r CLAREMONT GENERAL PLAN r BRAND C IIJ IN THIU I J a THE CITY Of CLAREMONT GENERAL PLAN r F-1 6 Ie SAFETY AND NOISE T Claremont General Plan Table of Contents Chapter 6 Public Safety and Noise Element 6 1 Our Vision ASafe and Nurturing Place to me Work and Play uo uouo muuuummuuuumuuuum um6 1 mmm uum umm u m How We Identify and Guard AgUnst Hazards m m 62 Public Safety mummmummmmmumummm mmmmmmmuummumuummumummm mmmmmmmmmumuommmmmu63 Public Safety Goals and Policiesuum muummmmumuummmmmmmmm mmmuuummmmmmmm mmummmmu 632 mum umummmm muumuumuuuuuuummuuuuuuuu u u u u uuu uuuumuu uuuumuummmumuum639 Noiseuo Ust ofTabies 6 1 Earthquake Magnitude and Intensity Comparison uuuuuummmm uumm mmmmmmmmumuummmmmmmm 6ii 6 2 Magrutude and Intensity of Maximum Credible Earthquake MCE for Faults PotentiaUy Impacting Claremont uuummm muomumm m uommu m uumum muuuuuummmmmuuu 6 6 mm 6 3 Claremont Fire Station Locations mumm muum uuummmmummumm mmmmmmmumuoummmmmmumm 628 6 4 Arterial Segments Generating and Ldn in Excess of 6ii dBummmmmm mmmmmmumuumummmmmmmm6 43 6 ii Claremont Land Use Noise Guide6nes ummm uom mmmmm mmmmmummmmumm muuummmmmmuuumu6 47 Ust of Hgures 6 1 Faults muummmmuuommumuomummmmmmmumuuummumummmm mmmmmuummmmmmmmmmmmmumuuuuuu6 7 6 2 EarthquakeInduced Landslides and Uquefactionuuuu u uuu uuuuu u uuuu u m u 6 9 63 San Antonio Dam Inundation muououmm muummmmmuum mmmuuouuommuuu u mmmum u mmmuuum u u u 6 13 F-2 CITY OF CLAREMONT GENERAL PLAN mmmuum muuuU U mm 64 High Fire Areas mmumuuuommmmuo uommmuuuommuuuu uoUuomum uouummmmuuuu6 16 6ii Cable Airport Safety Zonesuuuummmmmum m mmmmuuouommuuuu muuuuu mu mmuummumummmmmuuu 6 18 66 Noise Contour200iiuuu mummuuu uuuummmuuuomum mmmmmmmuuommmmmuomuuuumumuuuuuu UUUuuum6 41 6 mu m 7 Cable Airport Noise Contours uummmmuummmumuuuummmuuuu u mmmmuumuumm m uo 6 44 mummuuuu U U uUmmmmuumuu m 68 Future Noise Contours mmmmmuumumumuumuu uu uuuum uUmmu uumm648 I Sustainability Icon The leaf icon identifies goals and policies involving sustainability see example The leaf signifies that the concept of sustainability either economic environmental andor social is promoted by that particular goal and policy F-3 PUBLIC SAFETY AND NOISE ELEMENT f HAPTER 6 UlhIC SAFETY AND NOISE Claremont General Plan Our Vision A Safe and Nurturing Place to Live WOIK and PI Iaremont takes pride in maintaining a safe environment and for its dtizens Public safety meaM prornoIin protection Public Safety Noise Statement from hazards and providinlt a secure environment to live Vision it c work play and learn impossile 10 predict was This Vision Statement cnfted by the our future history of local disMteB shows that CJaremont Is vulnerable Citiuns Committee for ClaremonL Public to excessive noise and hazards such as food inundation earthquakes Safety and Noise Subcommittee wildfire nwd fIow 1ands1ide and traflIc safety Maintainil1ll a safe environment requires constant assessment of the Qty s Reeds hazards The presence of fau1t iIIes hiDside terrain wiIdIind fire interface the 10 and 210 Feeways and the San Antonio Dam more than a few public safety and noise concerns Since many natural and manmade hazaIds have regjonaI impacts the Qty coordinates with regjonaI state aod J aMndes to mitigate natura1 hazards and noise abatement GIanimonL an intqral networi of communities with fealures and ciwr8e populWons and the provisions for publjc saJayym areess and equal pl9tectiolto all dllzens PAGE 6 1 F-4 PUBLIC SAFETY AND NOISE ELEMENT Noise Excessive noise can disrupt our lives From the continuous thrum of cars and trucks traveling the freeways to the unnerving whine of gasoline powered leaf blowers on an otherwise quiet morning noise can interrupt our conversations ourthoughts and our leisure activities Noise sensitivity varies depending on the time of day its duration and pitch and preferences of individuaJs Despite this variability most residents agree that too much noise or the wrong type of noise irritates LIS and can adversely affect our health In Claremont transportation corridors are the major source of noise The I 0 freeway the 21 0 freeway and the Metrolink and planned Gold Line train tracks all traverse the breadth of the City west to east In addition aircraft operations at Cable Airport and Brackett field and aircraft flights from Ontario International Airport fly over Claremont San Bernardino Metrolink Line The San Bernardino Line is Metrolink s busiest line The line connects downtown Los Angeles Union Station to San Bernardino Over 30 trains slop at Claremont TransCenter on a daily basis Scope of Noise Element In recognition of the adverse health effects associated with excessive noise the California Government Code Section 6li302 f very specifically identifies the types of community noise to be addressed in the General Plan The Noise Element is to identify noise sources from Highways and freeways Primary arterials and major local streets Passenger and freight on line railroad operations and ground rapid transit systems Commercial general aviation heliport and military airport operations aircraft overflights jet engine tests stands and all other ground facilities and maintenance functions related to airport operations Local industrial plants including but not limited to railroad classification yards PAGE 6 39 F-5 CITY OF CLAREMONT GENERAL PLAN Other stationary ground noise sources identified by local agencies as contributing to the community noise environment Noise Metrics Evaluating noise is complex The unit of measurement is an A weighted sound pressure level or dB A which accounts for sound pressure level as well as the pitch of sound and the way the average human ear responds to the pressure and pitch Health considerations associated with excessive noise exposure include hearing loss or damage interference with oral communication and interference with sleep At prolonged exposure at sound levels over 81i dB A a person experiences hearing loss At 60 dB A noise impairs speech intelligence and sound levels over 40 to 41i dB A can disturb sleep To account for the fact that noise during night time hours can be more irksome than day time noise acousticians have developed noise metrics that apply a weighed ambient noise level average over a 24 hour period giving penalties to noise that occurs during the 10 00 P M to 7 00 AM period These metrics are defined as either the Community Equivalent Noise Level CNEL or Day Night Level Ldn Noise contour maps similar to topographic maps that show steepness of terrain can then be developed to identify noise level averages throughout the community Noise Conditions in 2005 Figure 6 6 shows noise exposure contours in the City of Claremont represented by Ldn for baseline year 2001i These contours take into account the following noise sources Traffic Noise Noise from the freeways crossing Claremont exceeds 65 Ldn which is generally considered a threshold noise level for residential use Freeways are under the state s jurisdiction and local jurisdictions encountered difficulties through the years having Caltrans address community noise concerns Concerned Claremont community members organized Citizens Against Freeway Noise following the opening of the 210 Freeway The group held public meetings to 31 Wieland Associates Inc Evaluation ofthe Existing Noise Environmentfor the City of Claremont General Plan February 2005 p 5 32 Wieland Associates Inc p 10 PAGE 6 40 F-6 roo T 1 i I I L e e i rnJ I 1 II Vi j l V l I t 4 J fsY 1 Pif f f t fjjIC 7 b 4 i I 1 i V 1 I J l Ji 1 P r I x It l I I I I J J 0 iI I 1 I J V I i J tI 1 v l l V r IW li ptJ H I f I f l J o I n f I vi M I tIlI J 0 l I II 10 1 Ii I rot J o I I jRl l r r I 1 I L i Jt I t I 1 i r i L 1 r o I I I I 0 lJl I III J n 1 iI II I I 1 I 11 1 y f L r It O I r 1 c 0 I t I j 60 1r 60 60 I 601e 1 65 65 L U 70 70 11 r 70 1 I 70 70 t 70 70 1L70 J4Vt oT r II J7 III r r 1 j 1 1 ctI F Jl JjLH t7 f i 1M w 1 if I I 5 I II 1 t rJ l tI II I J i I I I n d 11 II 1 f I U I lr l z II t JA g I 01 10 I r l I t I I r1 rl i 1 t2 lH i rbil p I j f li 1 R 1 I l @ i l i I j I L 11 11 65 T i 65 o 6g J J raID 11 65 6 raID W 6U r iio 11 1i i It II 6 Ei 1 iriB 1 IF I i iL II J I c Ii II i ii T j I E lit I lt Ii I I kS I I o C Il JL c I I 12 c 1 1 i r I J JL J H r li I f I llr ir y J jl 11 rpr l I L 111 I o J i j 60 60 J I i rr I y lk IF i F II U r d ijll f 1 r60t01 60 i 1 5 1 I 1 11 iJ r r if J 6o 7 M S J1 l 1G5 JlL l l i r CLAREMONT h E dt 711 j n n l1 J Y1ul I 1 GENERAL i 1IV 1 6 T I PLAN P 1 Ii I o1 is I r ii 6 o ll JIII i Iof Bt r iS 5 I I v 70 P 70 iJ Ji I L fL v i T u 7f 0 7 L 65 65 n I I I I If s liMS li Noise Contours City Bound 1ry 60 cr EL Sphere of nflul nce 6 CNEL 70 CNEL 7 CNfL Figure 6 6 Source Vidmd A i lcs 200 o O S I 5 2 Noise Contours 2005 rt Kll0MtH RS Mill l AI 0 0 25 0 5 0 75 AHE IO TEEH PL F-7 CITY OF CLAREMONT GENERAL PLAN address noise abatement issues and made recommendations regarding freeway noise impacts in Claremont Caltrans has refused to implement any of these recommendations and noise from the freeway continues to rise as the number of vehicles using the freeway increase As a result noise from the freeway remains an important issue for many residents in the community To achieve any relief from the noise
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