APPENDIX A AGENCY COORDINATION APPENDIX A-1 AGENCY COORDINATION ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION IDOT District 1, McHenry County IL 47 from US 14 to Charles Road Environmental Assessment Information – Project Introduction This was the first presentation of the IL Route 47 project to the NEPA/404 Merger Team. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the project to the merger team, provide a brief overview of project progress to date, and identify future merger team coordination plans. An information packet was distributed to the group containing a presentation outline, a copy of the slides from the presentation, and the draft project Purpose and Need. The presentation was conducted by Darcie Gabrisko of Strand Associates, the project consultant. The presentation began with a brief overview of the project corridor. IL Route 47 is a strategic regional arterial (SRA) located in central McHenry County in the City of Woodstock and unincorporated McHenry County. The southern terminus of the project is US Route 14, which is a major arterial crossroad and source of traffic for the corridor. The northern terminus, Charles Road, is also a designated SRA Route and represents the northern edge of the urban area beyond which corridor traffic volumes decrease substantially. The project schedule was presented. The project will be processed as an environmental assessment and will follow the NEPA/404 merger process, unless the results of the environmental survey deem it unnecessary. The Phase I process for this project is expected to continue through late 2012. Project corridor characteristics were then presented. This included a description of the existing corridor. The existing IL Route 47 can be considered as three sections. The south end is mostly a mix of industrial and commercial land uses. The middle section is mainly commercial transitioning to high density residential. The north section is a rural cross section with adjacent agriculture. Aerial images were presented showing the existing corridor with potentially sensitive features on 11x17 corridor maps. The project is proceeding as an environmental assessment. Environmental aspects of the project were discussed. Social/economic impacts may include acquisition of R.O.W with potential relocations possible. Agriculture impacts are possible as the north section of the corridor include farm lands. Culturally significant buildings may exist from IL Route 120 to Ware Road, but no buildings are currently on the Register of Historic Places. Air quality and Noise will both be analyzed for the preferred alternative. In an initial search for special waste sites, 17 sites were identified. 4(f) involvement is possible as there are special lands, including parks and schools, throughout the corridor. The environmental survey is ongoing and results have not yet been received. This project will follow IDOT’s procedures for Context Sensitive Solutions (CSS). Public involvement and outreach activities include development of a Citizen Advisory Group, one on one meetings, 3 public meetings, one public hearings, a website, and four newsletter publications. To date, three CAG meetings have been held, to identify corridor issues, present deficiencies, and solicit preliminary input for the development of alternatives. One public meeting has been held to collect corridor issues. The second public meeting is planned for September 2010 and will present the draft purpose and need and solicit corridor alternatives. The draft project Purpose and Need has been completed and reviewed by FHWA and IDOT. The Purpose and Need was distributed for preliminary review, and formal concurrence will be targeted at the February 2011 NEPA/404 Merger meeting. It is anticipated a presentation of the range of alternatives will also be included at the February 2011 meeting. A brief summary of the main points of the Purpose and Need were highlighted. These points are: Corridor safety, there were 635 crashes from 2006-2008 and 60.3% being rear end crashes. There were no fatalities and 10 type A injuries. Increasing delays and congestion. There are four intersections where the existing level of service is D. The future no build scenario yields 2 intersections with LOS D, 1 with LOS E, and 3 with LOS F. Lack of access management. There are 190 driveways and 31 intersections throughout the corridor with generally no access management principles utilized. Pedestrian and bicycle accommodations. There is currently intermittent sidewalk and no bike paths Page 12 of 25 September 8 and 9, 2010 NEPA-404 Merger Meeting Summary throughout the corridor. Geometric deficiencies. Six major intersections are on a skew of at least 15 degrees and three intersections exceed 30 degrees. There is a deficient vertical curve at Ware Road. AGENCY QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS USEPA (West) asked why the project termini were chosen as they were, given an adjacent environmental study immediately south of this corridor. In particular, they were concerned that separating the two studies might preclude evaluation of alternatives involving an IL Route 47 on new alignment. The study team indicated that the purpose and need for this north section of IL Route 47 was unique given the advanced development of the City of Woodstock. This north IL Route 47 study corridor passing through Woodstock is significantly built-up with residential and commercial development. It was also noted the existing ADT’s were indicative that the traffic demand in this corridor is interior to the City of Woodstock. The existing traffic volumes at the south terminus increase to almost 26,000 vpd. By the time vehicles reach the north end of the project, the ADT has decreased to 4,000 vpd due to traffic exiting corridor at the various east-west side streets and developments located along the roadway. This was further supported by the vast majority of public comments suggesting improvement needs along the existing IL Route 47 corridor. Note an IL Route 47 bypass of Woodstock has been proposed and will be considered, however, it is not anticipated to be able to address the purpose and needs of the existing north IL Route 47 corridor passing through the City of Woodstock. While the section of IL Route 47 south of US Route 14 is significantly less developed, the majority of land uses along IL Route 47 are planned for commercial and residential uses. This south study of IL Route 47 is located within the Kishwaukee River watershed which contains sensitive plant and animal species as well as highly permeable soils. It is anticipated an IL Route 47 on new alignment would have more impacts on these sensitive environmental features than improvements on existing alignment and would not address the planned development along the existing IL Route 47 corridor. Concerning regional land use planning efforts along IL Route 47, an “Illinois Tomorrow” grant was awarded that provided funding for a land use based study of the Illinois Route 47 corridor from within Kane County northward to the Wisconsin State line. Kane and McHenry Counties as well as the City of Woodstock and Village of Huntley participated in this study which evaluated current as well as proposed land uses and resulted in the development of a planning document that combines the comprehensive planning efforts of all the communities along the corridor. The two independent IL Route 47 studies support these regional planning efforts. With no further questions the meeting was concluded. Page 13 of 25 September 8 and 9, 2010 NEPA-404 Merger Meeting Summary NEPA1404 Merger Meeting September 8, 2010 Phone No. E-mail J{7-7~ 5"­ 5'64 c:: 0,/{ (Ilto/f) 910812010 NEPA-404 Merger Meeting Page I of 13, Name Or anization Phone No. E-mail ;l1fr/1v!f- b~tJ ~bj C;-Y'h7 / AtI'l0!l t'{-/}Jh/lOJ ~ b,0' 6~t·~ ~,Q)?~rr()f1S(D" 144.w,A r(\ .lt~ () L .J. RenL~(L 9/0812010 h'EPA-404 Merger Meeting Page20rt 3 Name Orszanization Phone No. E-mail I 1 ):> r ;/l)' q l k)~/~#~ f//pv/fr ~on-fl~)t~/.~ 2J?- t.jL;1 Z f/9f}iJ ~f-/1, v' '" ,r/),~ v"/ , ~/ 5ic~'tt~r'tt J::{)u", l'30C­ Zt1- -{[,2. .­ 5u:-tt, Sf.H & l\tI'~I~I) ;j""'; sflA "",,414/1'1 Fx '-;-D/<!AL 2 f7·-"I';5r-.!f1iit~ ~ ffeL-1e.hf4t:1i.~J"/t};ihihil;C ' " yJl Jvn 3 117J' +Jt.J: t. 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