Prisoners in the KI*N G's #E tt C H Prison, \ of the Pariih of St. George in the County of Surry, Pat­ ternmaker. in the County of Surry. William Wardsworth, late of the PariJh of Christ Church in the County of Surry, now ofthe Pariih of St. Gecrgu in First Notice. the said County of Surry, Victualler. James Cooley, late of the PariJh o'f St. Mary Matfellon, Jonas Dimant, formerly of Kingston upon Thames in the otherwise Whitechapel, Victualler. ' County of Surry, Carpenter and Victualler, late ot" Hamp­ James Hobbs, formerly of Calne in the County of Wilts, ton Wick in theCounty ofMiddlefex, CA penter. late qf Blackman-street Southwark in the County of Surry, James Scouler the Elder, formerly of Duk"'s Court in the Pa­ Cordwainer, Haberdasher and Hosier. riJh of St. Martin in the F.elds, late of tht pjr ih of St. Jimes Wilks, formerly of Rebio Hood's Court in the Parisli Ann, both in theCounty of Middlesex, K-rpsichoi-i-makcr. t of St. Mary le Bow, la^e of Little St. Thomas the Apostle, William Holford, formerly of Sunbury, late o; Kr.ighisbr.d^c both in London, Dealer in Cotton. in the County of Middlesex., Merchant. William Vaux, • fortherly of Wboburh in Buckinghamshire, Ezra Waite, formerly of WcT, bank -tt reet, late of Edw H- late of Knightsbridge in the Councy of Middlesex, Spade street, both in the P.uiwi tt St. Mary lo Ben in the: Couniy and Shovel-maker. of Middlesex, Carpenter. Geofge'Spencer the Elder, formerly of the City of Bath in the Robert Woodward, f.rrnerly of Eastcheap, late us SeacoaJ- County of Somerset, Dealer and Chapman, late of Red lane in the PariJh of St. Sepulchie, London, Victualler a.'.d Cross-alley in the Parish of St. George the Martyr within Painter. the Boroughw'ick of Southwark in the County of Surry, Samuel Horton, formerly of Orange-court C; slit-sti eet Lei­ Cloth-worker. cester-fields in the PariJh of St. Martin in the fields in the johrt Mitchell, formerly of Deptford, late of Greenwich in the County ofMiddlefex, ble of Suffolk-ilrest in the i'jiisli of County of Kent, Mariner. St. George the Maityr in Soutliwaik in thc County of Suny, William Berridge, late of S\ John's in the Back-street Horf­ Taylor. lydown in the Couhty of Surry, Cooper. Williani Palmer, formerly of Liskeard, late of Saltasli, in-the Johh Cockerill, formerlyof L^ads in the Parisli of Kingston, County of Cornwall, Butcher and Grazier. late os Bistiops Hall, both inthe County of Somerset, Gen- Jofiah Smith, late of Peckham Rye Camberwell in the Cour.ty tlerilan. ( ofSurry, Chandler. Joshua Lassell, formerly of Windmill-street, lateof Crown- Henry Banting, formerly of Abingdon in the Parish of St. court, both in the Parish of St. James in the Liberty of HeJlen in the County of Berks, late of Mint-stieet in ?li3 Westminster, Stay-maker. ;? Parish of St. George Southwark in the County <.f Simy, John Lee's, formerly of North-Audley-street in the Parisli of Butcher. St. George Hanover-square, late of Oxford-stnet in the Parisli John Flower, formerly of Somerton and Co'e, b:-,th in th*; of St.. Mary le Bon,bo'th in she County of Middlesex, Coach- County of Somerset, late ot the PariJh of St. GCOI-^J South­ "nlafcer: wark in the County of Suny, Rope-maker. Jbhri Willding, formerly of the PariJh of Churton in the Thomas Oldfield, Jate of Chelsea in the County of Mid-.lh-.rex, County of Salop, late r f the Parisli o.' Twickenham in the Brewer. •Cottrity of Middlesex, Cordwainer. John Bayley, formerly of Union-street Hanover squais in the Charles Stewart, forrrierly of Highgate, late of Clerkenwell Pariih of St. George in tha Cuunty of Middlesex, late of Gi%eh in ih'e Cotinty of Middlesex, Gentleman. Berkhamstead in the County of Heilford, Gentleir.m. Benjamin Robinson, formerly of Pcnoineton-ftreet Ratcli*T Second Notice. Highway in the County of Middltll::, late of tT.e Up^er Henry AT-fWortli, fonrrtrly of Clapton,.Labourer, late-of Stam­ Water Gate Deptford in the County of Kent, Victu.-.ller. ford-hill, Victualler,, both in the Parish of St, John Hack- John Drury, forme-.ly of St. Sivit-ur's Southv.vrk in the ' ney in the County of Middlesex. Countv of Surry, late of Drury-lane in ihe Ci unty of Thomas Linton, forAierly of Bishops Waltham, late of Fare- Mid.lleJi.-x, Mercer/ .-Karh, toth JA Hampshire, Dealer and Chapman, Marcus Levy, junior, formerly of Devonftire-street near John Bradfhaw, late of Cirencester in theCounty of Gloucester, Bisliopsgate, late of Beny-street St. Maiy A:;e, both in ilie , Colraf-maker. City cf Lo:.don, Merchant. Thomas Lee, formerly of Scotland-yard, Shopkeeper, late of John Miller, formerly of Bedford-court Covent Garden, lute trie,PariJh •or" St. Mary. Islington, both in the County of of Park-Jlreet Westminster, both in ihe County of Middle­ • Middlelex, Taylor and Victualler, sex, Surgeon. Hugh Butcher, formerly of Eye in the County of Suffolk, late Thomas Hargrave, formerly of Johnson's-court Ctarng Cross, of Portsmouth in Hampfliire, Baker. late of Clarges-llrcet Piccadilly, both in the County of John Wilson Davenport, formerly os the PariJh of St. Paul Middlesex, Gentleman. Shadwell, Shop-keeper, late of Laystall-street in the Parisli Williani B'.-ulter, formerly of Aylffbury-slreet St. J?.:TICSTS ' of St. Andrew Holoom, both ih the County of Middlesex, Cleikenwell, Buckle-maker, late of Long-lane West Sni.th- Victualler* . field in the City of London, Victualler. Mary Nitch, late of the PariJh of. St. Catherine near the Mary Roy, formerly of Bethnal Green in the County of Mid­ Tower in the County of Middlesex, Widow. dlesex, Jate of Clapton in the Parisli of Hackney in the Henry Cox, formerly of Oake-hill in the PariJh of Froxfield said County of Middlesex, Kabe*dasiier. in Wiltshire, Miller, late of Great Marlow in Buckingham­ Rebecca Francis, formerly of Holy-street CUre-market in ths shire, Shopkeeper. Parish of St. Clemer.t Danes in the Ccunty <f Middlesex, Charles Ednott,, forsnerry of Allhallows London-wall, late of late of Clare Market in the Pariih and County alcrclaid, Highgate in the County of Middlesex, Peruke maker. Poulterer. Anthony Richards, formerly of Great Marlborough-street in John Stebbing, formerly of'the PariJh of IckJii gham in the the County of Middlesex, late of Fawley in the County of County of Suft'olk, Farmer, late of the Hamlet cf R-itchlf Southampton, Gentleman. in the Paiisli of St. Ann Limehouse in the Cour.ty of Mid­ Christopher Randall, late of the PariJh of St. Mary Rother­ dlesex, Scavenger. hith in the County of Surr), Brewer and Victualler. Charles Ccsins, formerly of King's Row Shad Tharrus in tho Mathew Young, formerly ofthe PariJh of St. Paul, Shadw'ell, Parisli of St. John Southwark, late of JViiiit-sir-et St. Sugar-baker, latebf Hoxton ih the Parisli of St. Leonard George Southwark, both in the County ot Suiry, Gentle­ Shoreditch," Victualler, both in the County of Middlesex. man, William Johnfoi?,.formerly, of Kingston upon Hull in York­ George Tubb, formeily of Tothill-street in the Parisli of Sr, shire, late o'f Wapping in the Parisli of St. Juhn Wapping Margaret Westminster, l.-te of High-street in the Parifli of , in the County bf Middlesex, Mariner. St. George Blocinsbury, both in ttie Ccun'y of Miiiiil-.s-.Xj William Ciirson, formerly of St.Peter of Hungate Norwich in Cheesemonger. the. County. of Norfolk, Peruke-maker, late Servant in William Jackson, late of Queen-street Sr. Savlom's in the Henrietta-street in the Parisli of St. Paul Covent-garden Borough of Southwark in the County cf Surry, Needle- .. in the County of Middlesex. maker. John Waitt, formerly of Moor Linch in the County of So­ ! John Bcazley, formerly of Busliy Heath in the Parifi of merset, late of Wimbleton in the County os Suny, Harrow in theCounty of Middles*.x, iate of Tottenham- Shepherd. court Road in the Parish of St. Pancras in the i":k! County J6hn Pitney, late of St. Martin's-lane in the Parisli of St. of Middlesex, Gentleman. Martin in the'Fields in the County of Middlesex, firickt James Coren, formerly of Tyb'irr-Road in the Pari fi of S'. Mary le Dbn, lateof Carnaby Market, oo.h in theCounty Isaac Epdiell, forrrierly of Edmond-street in. Liverpool Laaca- of Middlesex, Whitesmith and Victuaher. Ihirt, late of Tcthil-street in the Pariih of St. Margare- Stephen Walter, formerly of Orange-street in the Parish of ' Westminster fh the Courity of Middlesex, Farrier and White­ St. Saviour Southwark, late of Queen Hythe in the C ty smith. t of London, Hatter and Victualler. Joseph Lea, .formerly of Ayliff-street in the PariJh of St. Mary Samuel Hilliard, late of the Pariih os St. Leonard Shoreditch Matfellon 'otherwise White Chappie in the County of Mid- in the County os Middlesex, Weaver. fllesex, late of White Fryars, London, Taylor. Sarah Inward, late cf Snow's Fields in the Borough of 'outh- fifarft Prieftmin, senneflv ofthe Parish of St. George Bloorfts- wark, Spinster. - bury, latebf trie Pa*riJh bf St. Martin ih the Fields, both Willia J Adney, formeily of Bethnal Green, late cf Scotland ,ih the Couhty of Middlesex, Taylor and Cutter. * Green in the Parisli of Endfield, both in the County cf WiHiaita Barnett, formerly of Chartcery-lane in the Parisli of Middlesex, Gentleman. St. Daostan in th<? Weft ih the Countyof Middlelex, lafe Richard Wo.dcofk, late of Biackwall in the Ci.ur.ty of Mid­ .
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