WIGTON. 280 CU:\IBRRLAND. [KELLY's WIGTON is a small market town, township awl parish, and some IJoetieal and conLroversial wurk", received his and the head of a union and count,y court, district, educatiun in the Granunar schuol here, and died 23 pleasantly situated in a healthy and attractive neighbour­ Sept. 1766. hood, with a station on the Maryport and Carlisle rail­ A handsome drinking fuuntain ",as erecled in 1872 in way, and is II miles south-west-hy-west from Carlisle, 15 the Market place at a cost of £12,000 by G. Moore, esq. north-north-east from Cockermouth, 16 east-nurth-east as a memorial to his wife, who died in Dec. r8S8; it from Maryport, 21 north-west-by-west from Penrith, and is 32 feet in heigoht, and constructed of Yar~ously coloured 305. from London, in the Mid division of the county, granite from Shap in Westmorland, and is surmounted Cumberland ward, Allerdale-below-Derwent petty ses­ by a massive gilt cross ~ on the four sides uf tbe struc­ sional divsion, rural deanery of 'Vigton, and arch­ ture are four bas-reliefs in bronze, after designs by the deaconry and diocese of CaI'lisle. Tlul parish is about 7 late Thomas \Voolner esq. R..!., representing the four miles in length from north to soutb, and 5 in breadth, acts of mercy, viz., Healing the Sick, Feeding the lUld is divided into three townships-viz., Wigton-cum­ Hungry, Instructing the IgnoranL and C'lotbing the Woodside, Oulton and Waverlon. .l'\aked; the water flows into four granite basins, one on The" Local Government Act, 1858" (2r and 22 Yict. c. each side, and at the base are troughs for the use of 98), was adopted by the district r6 April, 1875, but under cattle; tbe whole is beautifully carved, polished and the provisions of the Act of 1894 (56 and 57 Yiet. c. 73) gilt; at the four angles are lamp standards uf cast iron; the government of the town is now vested in an Urban the sI ructure was erected from designs by Mr. J. T. District Council of r2 members. The town is ligbted with Knowles, of London. gas by a company esooblished in 1831 with works in Charities.-Barwise's charity of ros. a year, derived Wigton; water is supplied by the Urban District Council from rents, is for distribution in money; T. Thomlin­ from the Boiling spring, about 6 miles south, on the son's of £3 yearly, left by will in 1798, is also applicable gravitation system. In 1881 the sewerage "'orks were to the relief of the poor; J. Thomlinson's of £13 per fXJmpleted at a cost of £9,000, from plans by :\iI'. J. S. annum (less deduction for land tax) is assigned to the Hodgson a.E. of Hexham. yie~r as part of his stipend if resident, but if not it is The parish church of St. Mary, rebuilt in 1788, on the given to the poor; Sanderson's, consisting of £4,SOO in site of an ancient edifice constructed probably in part (~onsols, bequeathed in 1832, produces £135 a year for with materials taken from the Roman station, Olenacum the relief of the poor, and is distributed in money yearly (Old Carlisle), which is abuut a mile south, is now an to 20 poor persons, who must be natives of and residents­ edifice of red sandstone, in the style of the 18th century, in Wigwn; it is in the trust of the vicar, churchwardens consisting of chancel, nave, aisles, west porch and an and 8 others; Rodge's bequest of £goo invested in per­ embattled western tower cuntaining one bd!. The sona! securities produces £31 10S. yearly for educational church wali restured in 1882 at a cost of £1,35°, under purposes, which sum is now (r8g7) given in rewards to the direction of Mr. C. J. Fergnson l".S.A., architect, the school children for regular attendance; Barnes's of Carlisle, and now affords r,200 sitt.ing-s. In the charity is now lost; in 1724 the Rev. John Tomlinsun left churchyard was buried, in 1!l5u, Mr. Juhn Rooke of £120 per annum for six widows of beneficed clergymen, .A.ikhead, an eminen~ geologist and writer on political ur those of curates of two YP3.rs' standing, hut this bene­ economy; and there is also a s,tone to Thomas 'Varcop, I faction is now abolished. vicar, dated 163(.2, with a rhyming' epitaph said to have The Mechanics' Institution in 'Vest street, built in been cut by himself, but now almost illegible. The 1849, contains a news-roum, and is well supplied with registers date fmm the year 16r3. The living is a bouks amI newspapers. vicarage; net yearly value, £371, with glebe and residence, Highmoor, the residence of Edwill Hodge Banks elq. in the gift of the Bishop of' Carlisle, and held since 188o .LP., D.L. is a. fine mudern mansion of stone, with a by the Rev. John Bainbridge Kayss M.A. of Trinity Col­ towel' 13S feet in height, containing a clock, ID ehiming lege, Dublin, chaplain to Wigton uIliun and surrol{ute. bells cast by Severin Van Aerschodt of Lonvain, and one The Catholie church, erected in r836, and dedicated to striking bell by Taylor of Loughborough, whicb is the St. Cut,hbeJrt, is an edifice in the Gothic style, from fourth largest in England, and weighs 8 tons 16 cwt.; designs by Benomi, and consists of chancel, nave, tran­ besides striking the quarters the carillon machine plays sept, chapel, added in 18i57 at the cost of Miss Aglionby 28 different melodies, varying each day, and there is also a of Wigbm Hall, south porch, and a turret containing keyboard for playing by hand any tune not on the barrel; one bell: there are 400 sittings. The convent of Sisters the clock is wound up hy a gas engine; the house is sur­ of Mercy, who teach the school and visit the sick and rounded by beautiful ornamental grounds and a deer park poor, was also built in 1857. of 150 acres, containing- a herd of 60 red and 90 fallow deer. The Wesleyan chapel in High slireet was erected in Lord Leconfield is lord of the manor or barony of Wig­ 1883, and will seat 400 persons. ton, and holds a court leet and baron in Septem"her The Congregational chapel in Water street, built in annually. 1834, has 550 'sitting-s'. The land is generally low. hut dry and fertile, the soil The Primitive Methodist chapel, erected in r864, sea.ts varying from 10 anl, clay and gravel. The area of the 300, and there is a Friends' Meeting House in '''est tuwnship of "'igtun is 3,14r acres; rateable value,£rr,593. street built in 1829 of red freestone, and seating 500. The population of the township in 18g.r was o.h346, includ­ The Cemetery at Station Hill was formed in 1857, and I ing 9 officers and 120 inmates in the workl,ouse; of the comprises an area of 5 acres, but has no mortuary chapel; urban district, 3,965, and of the parish, 5,102. it is under the cuntrol of a joint Burial committee of 9 Parish Clerk, Henry Bewes. members. The manufacture of checks, ginghams and winseys is .AIKHEAD is a small hamlet in the township and carried on here; the other principal industries are I parish of 'Yigton, consisting of three farms, I mile west­ tanning, brewing and the making of spade and shon~1 bv-north. This was the birthplace of John Rooke esq. handles; a trade in timber is also maintained. The a' COpiUUlI writer un political economy and geology; hia rivers Waver and \Vampool, on which are sever(ll Corn works include "Free Trade in COl'n," "Free and Safe mills, pass near the to"'TI. Coal is olJtained f!'Olll a Government," "A Treatise OIl Geology," and the" Geo­ distance of about three miles. logy of CnmberlUlld, of lVestrnorland, of Northumber­ The market is held every Tuesday in the open street land and of Durham;" his portrait appears in B. R. Ha,.­ for corn and all kinds of farm producp, and on St. don's picture, "The Banishment of Aristides," painted in Thomas's Day there is a largoe market for meat, apples 1845; he died ill I 856, and was Lu.ried at ·Wigton. and honey. Fairs are held on the 20th of February for OULTON is a small townShip in the parish of Wigton. horses and cattle, which was formerly one of the largest 2 miles north-west from that town. John Lindow esq. in this part of the country; and on the 5th of .April is lord of the manor. The area is 2,878 acres; rate­ for cattlo and merchandise; and Whit-Tuesday and Mar­ able value, £3,004; the population in r8g1 was 317. tinmas Tuesday for hiring (lgricultural servants. Buard School (mixed), built in 1874, for 80 children; Several persons of celebrity were natives of this pbce­ average attendance, 50; 'Villiam Little, mast·er among others, Robert Smirke. R..!., the historical painter, i and father of Sir Robert Smirke, kt., R.A., the dis-I WAVERTON is a township and village on the river tingnished architect; he was born here in 175 2, and died i \Vaver, 2~ miles west-south-west from Wigton; it con­ in London, 5 Jan. 1845; George Barnes. the mathemati- I sists of a small village and a number of scattered farm.
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