ISSN 0278-8403 ASSOCIATION FOR BEHAVIORAL AND COGNITIVE THERAPIES VOLUME 38, NO. 7•OCTOBER 2015 the Behavior Therapist special The Biomedical Model issue of Psychological Problems PRESIDENT’SMESSAGE Co-Editors: Brett Deacon, University of Wollongong Dean McKay, Fordham University The Biomedical Model: Caveat Emptor PRESIDENT'SMESSAGE | Jonathan S. Abramowitz The Biomedical Model: Caveat Emptor 169 Brett Deacon and Dean McKay Jonathan S. Abramowitz, University Introduction to the Special Issue 172 of North Carolina–Chapel Hill Scott O. Lilienfeld, Seth J. Schwartz, Alan Meca, Katheryn C. Sauvigné, Sally Satel THIS SPECIAL ISSUE of tBT on Neurocentrism: Implications for Psychotherapy Practice and Research 173 the biomedical model and treatment of mental illness Kichuk, Matthew S. Lebowitz, T. Grover Adams Jr. covers thought-provoking Can Biomedical Models of Psychopathology Interfere topics for clinicians, With Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment Processes? 181 researchers, and students Amitai Abramovitch and Avraham Schweiger alike. The biomedical model Misuse of Cognitive Neuropsychology in Psychiatry proposes that mental disor- Research: The Intoxicating Appeal of Neo-Reductionism 187 ders are medical diseases caused by abnormalities in brain structure or Robert Whitaker function, or in genetics; and that treatment Anatomy of an Epidemic: must therefore address such biological mecha- The History and Science of a Failed Paradigm of Care 192 nisms. A heady atmosphere of excitement and Glen Spielmans anticipation presently surrounds the biomed- When Marketing Met Science: Evidence Regarding ical model, bolstered by the widespread belief Modern Antidepressants and Antipsychotic Medications 199 that we are on the verge of discoveries in neuro- science that will transform our understanding Jeffrey R. Lacasse and Jonathan Leo and treatment of mental illness. On the one Antidepressants and the Chemical Imbalance Theory hand, there is a certain allure in the idea that of Depression: A Reflection and Update on the Discourse 206 mental illnesses are medical diseases like Joanna Moncrieff meningitis or diabetes. Yet the truth is that The Myths and Realities of Drug Treatment for Mental Disorders 214 there is no credible scientific evidence for this assumption. No studies have convincingly Stanton Peele shown that mental illnesses are caused by Why Neurobiological Models broken brain parts or bad genes. Yet there is evi- Can't Contain Mental Disorder and Addiction 218 dence that promoting the biomedical model Steven C. Hayes, Brandon T. Sanford, Timothy K. Feeney can be harmful to our patients. I’ll get back to all Using the Functional and Contextual Approach of of this; but first let me congratulate tBT editor Modern Evolution Science to Direct Thinking About Psychopathology 222 Brett Deacon, who haS amassed an unparalleled collection of writings from a diverse range of Peter Kinderman scholars to address this important and wide- A Psychological Model of Mental Health and Well-Being: ranging topic from various angles. I am pleased Rational but Radical 227 to have the opportunity to provide some open- Brett J. Deacon and Dean McKay ing remarks. The Biomedical Model of Psychological Problems: President George H. W. Bush proclaimed A Call for Critical Dialogue 231 the 1990s as the “Decade of the Brain,” and the [contents continued on p. 170] [continued on p. 171] October • 2015 169 the Behavior Therapist Contents continued from p. 169 Published by the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies 305 Seventh Avenue - 16th Floor New York, NY 10001 | www.abct.org (212) 647-1890 | Fax: (212) 647-1865 ,'&$ ,"",%#! EDITOR ··················· Brett Deacon ▼ Editorial Assistant .......... Melissa Them Patrick B. McGrath, Andrea Kass, Pooja Dave, Shona Vas Access and Equity ...... Monnica Williams ABCT 2015: My Kind of Town, Chicago! 236 Behavior Assessment ........ Matthew Tull Book Reviews ··············· C. Alix Timko Call for Continuing Education Sessions 239 Clinical Forum Kim Gratz ················· Call for Nominations for ABCT Officers 240 Clinical Training Update ... Steven E. Bruce Institutional Settings. ....... Dennis Combs Welcome, New Members! 241 Lighter Side··············· Elizabeth Moore Call for Award Nominations 242 Medical and Health Care Settings ................... Laura E. Dreer News and Notes. ......... Nicholas Forand Nathaniel Herr James W. Sturges Shannon Wiltsey-Stirman Professional and Legislative Issues ........ Susan Wenze Public Health Issues. ........... Giao Tran Research-Practice Links ··················· David J. Hansen Research-Training Links······················· Stephen Hupp Science Forum ············· Jeffrey M. Lohr Michael Anestis Student Forum ·············· David DiLillo Shannon Blakey Technology Update ....... Steve Whiteside INSTRUCTIONS Ñçê AUTHORS ABCT President ..... Jonathan Abramowitz The Association for Behavioral and Cog- Submissions must be accompanied by a Executive Director········ Mary Jane Eimer nitive Therapies publishes the Behavior Copyright Transfer Form (a form is Director of Education & Therapist as a service to its membership. printed on p. 35 of the February 2011 Meeting Services ······· ····· Linda M. Still Eight issues are published annually. The issue of tBT, or download a form from Director of Communications David Teisler purpose is to provide a vehicle for the our website): submissions will not be Director of Outreach rapid dissemination of news, recent reviewed without a copyright transfer & Partnerships ············ Tammy Schuler advances, and innovative applications in form. Prior to publication authors will be Managing Editor ...... Stephanie Schwartz behavior therapy. asked to submit a final electronic version Feature articles that are approxi- of their manuscript. Authors submitting Copyright © 2015 by the Association for Behavioral and materials to tBT do so with the under- Cognitive Therapies. All rights reserved. No part of this mately 16 double-spaced manuscript publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any pages may be submitted. standing that the copyright of the pub- form, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, includ- lished materials shall be assigned exclu- Brief articles, approximately 6 to 12 ing photocopy, recording, or any information storage sively to ABCT. Electronic submissions and retrieval system, without permission in writing from double-spaced manuscript pages, are the copyright owner. are preferred and should be directed to preferred. Subscription information: tBT is published in 8 issues the editor, Brett Deacon, Ph.D., at per year. It is provided free to ABCT members. Feature articles and brief articles Nonmember subscriptions are available at $40.00 per [email protected]. Please include year (+$32.00 airmail postage outside North America). should be accompanied by a 75- to the phrase tBT submission and the Change of address: 6 to 8 weeks are required for address 100-word abstract. author’s last name (e.g., tBT Submission - changes. Send both old and new addresses to the ABCT office. Letters to the Editor may be used to Smith et al.) in the subject line of your e- ABCT is committed to a policy of equal opportunity respond to articles published in the mail. Include the corresponding author’s in all of its activities, including employment. ABCT does e-mail address on the cover page of the not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, reli- Behavior TheraPist or to voice a profeS- gion, national or ethnic origin, sex, sexual orientation, sional opinion. Letters should be lim- manuscript attachment. Please also gender identity or expression, age, disability, or veteran ited to approximately 3 double-spaced include, as an attachment, the completed status. All items published in the Behavior Therapist, includ- manuscript pages. copyright transfer document. ing advertisements, are for the information of our read- ers, and publication does not imply endorsement by the Association. 170 PRESIDENT’ SMESSAGE: BIOMEDICAL MODEL years since then have seen numerous initia- fear, a description of activity in the amyg- nisms of how such putative causation tives and advances in studying this most dala cannot capture the experience of anx- might work have yet to be convincingly complex of human organs. To be sure, neu- iety—although it might help us understand explained (Miller, 2010). roscience aids in our knowledge of many what is unfolding in the brain when one Finally, many clinicians and mental areas of mental and behavioral health. Yet experiences anxiety. health advocacy groups appeal to biomed- some have heralded this work as placing us Gregory A. Miller’s (2010) analogy aptly ical models as a rationale for negating on the cusp of confirming that the “under- elucidates this point: the best way to under- blame and stigma. National antistigma lying basis” or “fundamental etiology” of stand architecture is not to reduce it to the campaigns have promoted the “disease like psychopathology is in the brain and our raw materials used to build the structures. any other medical disease” meme in efforts genes. Leading the charge is the National Although the nature of the building mate- to convince the public that mental disor- Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), whose rials puts constraints on the types of struc- ders are medical illnesses for which suffer- Strategic Plan for Research states that tures that can be built, it does not charac- ers do not deserve blame or discrimination. “Fundamental to our mission is the propo- terize the structure’s
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