'X57.:5r- • ’ J-''W ’■T SBN TUESDAV, a u g u s t 28, 1968 ;$anrl)f8tpr ^timing Hm Gi'’ "M * t---- ------------------------------- - A r m g k Daily Nat Prcai Ron Par Mw 'Waah aisad The WdRther The clasa.of^lMd of East Hart­ 41 <ff .^Cpmmcre* traffie and parking Jn n n tL 1M8 :^ iO)out Town ford Hlgl. School will hold Its 30th i)wnersWant cbnimjlttaa. ,T1i« nfieetlng'Waa haid PoMcast of D. S. Wenthar Bnnna reunion In O ^ ber. M»mbers of to flnil Jwt' if a parking lot was MERCURY the class in this\area who are In­ wanted ' DK that , location and to 12 ,70 1 Pafa' and eoel aimlglik. Bow In Mahchfcster «S^u»dron of terested irf attemmg are asked to You Should/ ' Know. i . diacuaa podaipla leata arrange- ^ Air Patrol wlli KoW a party contact Mrs. Stelia^ravell Leber, Parking Lot i^enta^ Guf your Besf Deal Now At .Mtnghai •( tha AndR 80a. T hondaj m a tO j frdr. High dance on WedneMdy nigrht in- 84 High St., or Mrs. Eileen Dailey George W, Elliott . ^ : Rnirann nf OlfwiIaMon . nene 78. ;ead of the weekly raeeUng. Each Schweir, Mountain View St,, Wap- ^ M ancheiter-^A City of ViUago Chorm . ^ em^er may invite a gueiit of the plng, by the middle of September. In North End oppoaite lex. The dreae pf the even­ As miperlntendent of cemetqrles, George' W. Elliott directs the op­ MORIARTY ing viHUTm -civilian clothea,^ Action which could cventualiy VOL. LXXVO, NtX. 279 , (TWEN^-POUR PAGBS-rTWO S0CTIQNS) Members of the 1-adies Aid So­ eration of the tonin’a three ceme­ ftAi^CHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 195S ’ (CSaaelfMl Aevartiteig m s P a ft t t ) PRICE nVB CENTS P i-‘ ciety of the Zion Lutheran Church teries. a Job that nearly doubled lead to the eitabllehmen't of a Members of the Italian Ameri­ will meet tonight at the Holmes in cost of operation since 1945 and, public parking lot In the rear of can Club are requested to meet at Funeral Home, 400 Main ^ St., at ■:<i: the clubhouse at 7 o'clock tonight 7:t5 to pay respecLf to a late mem­ through the siiperlntendent'a ef- N. Xfaln St. itorea waa taken laat BROTHERS forta. more than doubled in rev­ night. '! Probe Witness to proceed from there to the W. P, ber. Mrs. Minnie SadrosinakI, who enge to the town. Qulsh, Funeral Home to pay re­ LIFE died Sunday. -w The cemetery coat 823,566 In - North End property owneri lUY NOWi SAVB NOW! t ■ spects to a late member, Giovanni 1945. The coat of operation la now meeting then in the Chanber of Pesee, who died ^unday. Tlie HI-League of Kinanuel Lu- Commerce Building alt agreed they Suffers Severe thqi>n Church will sponsor an Ice $45,000. Income to the. town from "definitely” do waiit aiich a lot. cream social In Luther hall Thiira- the cemetery superintendent's di­ They also decided to write to the The annual session of the Con­ rection has rlasn frpm 111,596 to MANCHESTER H eaxt Attack necticut State Gtange wiU be held day evening from 6:30 to 9 o’clock. Town Parking Authority (TPA) The proceeds wil benefit their “On 126,300. suggesting a .meeting aa "early aa m u M o m - m ii T in Hartford Oct., 16-18, Delegates The superintendent asaumed his from State Granges will dlscii.ss lo Texas” fund The young people jiosslble” to diacuaa their ideaa re- 301 Center St. Ml 3-5135 -L Wa^hingrton, Aug. 27 {fP)— will serve a choice of sundaes, cof­ position In 1945 as director of the 'garding, lease arrangements, what proposed changes in by-laws. The .xemelfry^ department when- the rnnmu iV 4 it ■ . Most of ths opposition to state­ The ^nate Rackets Commit­ Sixth Degree yrill be conferred on fee. punch and cooktes^o the pub-' buildings would be raxed if the Juneau, Alaska, Aug. 27 <A>)T lie. East, weal, snd Biickland (>eme- parking lot was atithorfaed, and r-Vast, nigged and beautiful hood in Alaska had bfgn baaed tee said Bolbert (Barney) Friday evening, Oct. 17. Isrles ware consolidated by the on a faar that increased costa of ,Bakerv 300-pouhd aide to top what compensation ; the ownera Alaska— alim in population late General Manager George would receive for the Iqaa of In­ state government' would mean a Teamsters union x^ses, to­ Waddell Into a single unit, but mighty in size and poten­ new boost In taxes for the terri­ come from theae buildinga.. ^ day suffered a'severe' heart o|cik.s Observe Mtarle«l Per|>etiial <’»re It- was also suggested the area tial— is going to become the tory’s 215,000 residents. F.lllott established perpetual care However, the heavy outpouring a tta ck .. \ OPEN WEDNESDAY be surveyed and the Parking Aj^th- 49th state of the Union. The attack cam# juat a. few 25lli Aiiniversarv as a part of the purchase agree­ orlty would be asked to spell out AlaMia voters crowded to the at the' polls was viewed by most ALL DAY ment for cemetery lota. Prior to observers as an'indication’ that houn before Baker was to have' what part It would play In paving, poUs In record''number yesterday testified In the rackets hearings,^ Mr. and .Mrs. Nickodem F. WoJ- that time lota were sold either on lighting snd marking the proppaed and, by -a wide margin approved statehood was headed for approval rlk, 1.18 Wetherell St. were honor­ a perpetual of annual care baala. here Uirmigh college,” the aiiper- lot. ‘ by a wide margin. Chairman John L. McClellan (D- admiaaion of the territory to the Ark) announced Baker’s illness as Raps Story DOUBLE ed with a surprise parly Sunday Tilts, he reported, resulted In 's tntendent said. "Some of Manches- The meeting waa held by th e ! Union. With 109 precincts report­ "It’s a wonderful night,” said WORIJ) GREEN on llie oifHslon of ihelr i.^th wed­ Isrge vnliiine of bllla, hoohkeep- ter'.N doctors and lawyers were newly formed property owners! Interior, Secretary Fred A. Seaton, he opened the hearing, ing, Immediate statehood had re­ Robret F. Kennedy, committee ding anniver.aary. Altogether 12.'i li g and correspondence and unpaid summer, employes in the ceme­ committee consisting of John ; ceived yee votes on 19,007 ballots. the administration's greatest accounts for vsrioiis reasons. Kl- counsel, told reporters first reports Rans STAMPS relatives and frienda were preaenl teries, and we even now have two Merz, Stillmsn Keith. D an t e Votes against statehood totaled IXKtster of Alaskan atat^ood. He Opposes EVERV WTCDNESDAV from Maine. New Hampsldre, New llott listed the desth of the imme­ teachers here. " he added. PaganI and Mr, iinil Mrs. ifebert .^pnly 8,814. Seaton was in Juneau for the vote were that Baker’s condition was diate lot own#r, moving lo other critical. He was' taken to George York. New Britain and ttila town. KllioU was born in lielaml Aug. Sandals. They rtwn the land on ■ 'Two other proposltior.s, which tabulation last night, The -couple attended Maas in citle; nr neglict of obligations ss which It W.SS recommended the ■ Extends A "rhe voting was sc, heavy at Washington Hospital here. On N e^oes causes of the amount of work in­ 6. IP(*7, and rnlered the United must 6e approved if. statehood la Kennedy said Baker, soh-ln-law FAIRWAY New Ynrk City Sunday In the Slates when he was nine. He was parking.Int ahoiild be located. The to beedme a fact, glso were pass­ many precincts that ths supply ’54 Verdict j church in which they were irisiTled volved In malnlalii the cemetery of former Iowa Democratic State educaled in Manchester tschools. recommendation was made after ing by th6 game margin. Proposi­ of ofBclai election ballots-was ex­ 876 MAIN STREET ' 2.7 years ago. In the meantime a records « two traffic surveys In the area hausted before the polls closed. Chairman Jacob More. wa«. strick­ Little Rock, Ar^., Aug. 27 jeomniKtee from - Polish Women's .Some parts of the cenielei y were The beginning of an extensive tion two on^Uje ballot dealt with en , at hl8 hotel shortly before, he W ^ in g to n , Aug. 27 (JF)— military inreei was started when sometime ago. g6 r d ia l in v it At io n acceptance of the present boun­ lAirplanes were pi«ssed into serv- (/P)— The Arkniims House , Allianr-e. Group^No; 246. consisting iinkepl because of unpaid accoiinls, The committee was formed last - would have, started for the Senate. and Senate, within a few min­ President Einenhower said to­ of .Mrs Stephen Yencha, .Mrs Con-, and the cemetery was not entirely he Joiner! Hie Navy for four years daries aa boundaries of the new -ici to carry new supplies of bal- Office lauding. Rl 16 He then worked al Cheney week d)irlng a meeting of the own- j TO MOTHERS and CHILDREN and state. Proposition three provides Idts to some precincts. At others, utes apart, today gaves'lnash- day he may have told friends I Stanly Kose, ,Mra. .lean Klejna, presentahle al all times. Hie ceiiie- ers with the TPA and the Chamber ! $I(>0 Bills In. Envelope lery ciews'hsd to iiialntalii these Bros, for nine years. When he'was for the transfer ot 108,35<J,000 sample election ballots were put The committee had planned to ing approval to Gov.
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