Sectionlll: Appendix 1. AgreementStatement AppendixA z. SiteSafety Plan Agreement AppendixB .J- HazardWaiver AppendixC HazardEvaluation Guidelines AppendixD 5. Accident/lncident/NearMiss AppendixE 6. ProjectPersonnel AppendixF Sect'lon lV: MaterialSaiety Data Sheets Benzene Ethylbenzene Gasolines:Automotive Kerosene Oils,Fuel 1-D Oils,Fuel 2-D PolychlorinatedBiphenyl Toluene m-Xylene o-Xylene p-Xylene SectionV: SiteDescription and History - _ Engineers ? l I 1. Introduction The HarrisonGarage Pro.iect will be dividedinto five phases as follows: 1. Phasel: Removalof two subsurfacegasoline tanks and associatedpiping andpumps. 2. Phasell: Removalof hydrauliclifts in iheservice area garage (Harrison Street). 3. Phaselll: Removalof twowaste oil tanks, an asbestoslagged pipe and possiblythe removalof an additionalhydraulic lift in thebasement (Alice Street). 4. PhaselV: Scopingof subsurfacecontamination. 5. PhaseV: Remediationof contamination. This SiteSafety Plan is applicableto all phases.The startingand sequenceof each phasewill depend on the arrangementamong the interestedparties. 1.1 Background AlvinBacharach and BarbaraJean Borsukhave retained to assesssite conditionsand provide a Site Safety PlanaI 1432-1434HaTiison Street and 1435Alice StreetGarages, Oakland, California (Section 5). The purposeof ths SitsSafety Plan o (SSP)is to provide Engineers, lield personneland subcontractorswith an undeistandlngof the polentia'lchemic?Fnd pny'sicalhazards that existor may arise whilethe tasksof this proiectare performed. This SSPdescribes the proceduresto be followedto reducaemployee exposure to potentialhealth hazards that may be presenton the projectsite.'Th6 emeigency respglse proceduresnecessary to respondto suchhazards are alsodescribed within this SSP.The SSPis primarrlydesigned to guideproiect personnel on how to respondto normalor extremecondjtions that may ariseduring the proiectexecution. Some of the sitecharacterizations contained in the SSPare basedon th€ site assessmentreports of SubsurfaceConsultant, Engineers,and . Datafrom Chromolablaboratory analysesand resultsof s?mplesfiom the subie-I5rTewere also considered. See AppendixG for detailedsite assessment reports. Normalconditions are whenth€ oetroleumhvdrocarbon vaoors in the ambientair are below50 ppm as monitoredwith an OVA.Ccjnditions are eitreme when the petroleum hydrocarbonvapors in the ambientair are above50 ppm as monitoredwith an OVA. 1.2 Objective The primaryobjective ls to ensurethe wellbeing of observers,field personnel and the communitysurrounding the sublect property. To do this,project staff, cli€nt personnel and approvedsubcontractors shall acknowledge and adhereto the policiesand proceduresestablished herein. Accordingly, all personnel assigned to thisprojecl shall o readthis SSPand signthe Agreementsand Acknowledgem€ntStatement (Appendix A) I S;reS3'ery Plan - pag8 1 - ambientair with an O2ILELmeter. lf the LELreading exceeds 20%, leave tne sitelmmediately and contact the fire department. - Contamination:Contact with contaminatedsurface or surfacessuspected of beingcontaminated should be avoided.This includes working through' kneelingor placingequipment in puddles,mud, discolored. surfaces or,on drumsdnd iltner contblners. Eating, smoking, drinking and/or theapplication of cosmeticsis prohibitedon thissite in theimmediate work area. Inrs reducesthe likellhood of contaminationby ingestion. - FallingOb.iects: Hard hats mustbe worn by allproiect.staff and observers whenEver'constructionactivity is takingplace (i.e.,'drilling, excavation, etc')' - VehicleTraffic: All proiectstaff and observerswill be requiredto wear a iluorescentsafetv vesfat all trmes while on site.In addition,use flags, tapes, barricadesand conesto desiqnaterestricted areas. - FYnlnqinn .Prnlpa .-.--lion: f"ptosion-prooflighting will be usedin thebasement ar6aduring all work. Explbsion-pioofvedtilati5n equipment will be usedto controlairborne contaminant levels during all work withinthe garagearea. SeeTable ll for the locationof venlilationequipment and otherprecautlons needed. 2.3.2 WellInstallation, Developrnent, Gauging, Baling, Sampling Skinand eyecontact with contaminated groundwater and/or soil may occur during thesetask6. Butyl nitrile rubber or neopreinegloves and approvedsafety go.ggles should be worn when contactwith contaminated substance and/or splashis posslble. 2.3.3 SamplesPreservation Whenhydrochloric acid (HCL)is used,skin and eye contactcan occur.This hazardcan be redu6edwith the use bi butytnitrile rubber or n6oprenegloves and the use of safety goggres. 2.3.4 CleaningEquipment Skinand eve contactwith trisodium phosphate methanol or othercleaning substances can occuri,vhile cleaning equipment. This hazard can be reducedwith the use of butyl nitrilerubber or neoprenegloves and the use of safetygoggles. t) ) SileSaJety Plan - page3 - 3. PersonnelProtective Equioment 'l 1 Annontehle lorrolc LevelD isthe minimumacceptable level for thissite in non-confinedareas. Level C is acceptablefor thissite in confinedareas. ModifiedLevelD/Sidewalk: Cover-allslvork uniform Sieeltoe and shankboots Butylnitrile rubber or neoprenegloves (optional) Splashgoggles/safety glasses ii potentialfor splash Hardhat Fluorescentvest Tyveksuit (optional) Hearingprotection (as appropriate) LevelC/lnside Building (Conf ined n reas): fullface respirator.NIOSH approved, wlth organic vapor cartridges Tyveksuits (if splashhazard is possible,a coatedsuit must be worn) Butylnitrile rubber or neoprenegloves Steeltoe and shankboots OuterBoots/chemical resistant innerdisposable gloves (two pair recommended) hard hat fluorescentvest hearingprotection (as appropriate) LevelB: - airsupplied respirator - coatedTyvek suit, such as Saranex - Butylnitrile rubber or neoprenegloves - Innerlatex or vinvloloves - Steeltoe andshani boots - outer boots/chemical resistant - Hardhat - Fluorescentvest - HArrinrr rrra\t6.li^^ /.. an-.^^ri.t6\ | \clr clPP' '.JPr rara, LevelA: This is the highestlevel of skinand respiratoryprotection. lt includesall of Level D. 4. DecontaminationProceclures 4.1 Procedures All operationsconducted at thissite have the potentialto contaminaterhonitoring equrpmentand personnel protective equipment (PPE). To preventthe transfer ot contaminationto vehicles,adrninistrative areas and personnel,the followingprocedures o must be followed: SireSaiery Plan - page5 - theMaterial Safety Data Sheets located in Section 4. The following is a healthanalysis of thesechemicals: Gasolineconstituents can be divided into five maior groups: alkanes, alkenes, cvcloalkanes.aromatics and additives. The aromatics are the constituents generally r6gardedto be of thegreatest toxic concern. The maior aromatics in galoline.are be-nzene,toluene, ethll benzeneand xylene. Of these, benzene is consideredthe most toxic.On'e characierisiic efiect of gasolineand its aromatic constituents istheir ability to irritatethe skin when repeated or prclongedexposure occurs. Benzene Benzenecan enter the bodythrough inhalation, lngestion and skin contact. Studies have notedthat chronic exposure to benzenevapol can produce neurotoxic and hemotopoietic(blood system) effects. Other effects can include headache, dizziness, nausea,convullions, coma ahd possible death if exposureis notreversed' One significdnteffect from chron'c behzene exposure is bonemarrow toxicity. There is also aiassociatiOnbetvveen chronic exposures to benzeneand the develOpment of certan typesof leukemia. Toluene Inhalationexposure to toluenevallor can produce effects such as centralnervous systemdepr6ssion. Depending oh exposurefactors signs.and symptoms can include h-eadache,dizziness, idtigue, muscular weakness, incoordination, drowsiness, collapse andDossible coma. Toluene can be a skinand mucous membrane irritant and studies o havejshown that high levels ol tolueneexposure can cause liver and kidney damage. Ethvlbenzene Exposureto ethylbenzene at highvapor concentrations may produce irritation to the skin,eyes and u'pper respiratory tract. Overexposure to ethyl benzene vapors can producecentral nervous system depression with symptoms of headache,nausea, ilizziness,shortness of brrjathand unsteadiness.Prolbnged skin exposure to ethyl benzenemay result in dryingand cracking of the skin (dermatitis). Solvent resistant glovesshould be worn during sampling to preventexposure to the sk'n. Xylenes Dependingon exposureiactors, inhalation exposure to xylenevapor may produce centralnervous system excitation followed by depression.Exposure to xylenevapor can producedizzinesi, staggering, drowsiness and unconsciousness. Atvery high concentrations,xylene vapor may produce lung irritation, nausea, vomiting and. abdominalpain. Xylene is notknown to possessthe chronic bone marrow toxicity of benzene,but liver'enlargement and nerve-cell damage have been noted from chronic overexoosure. f)iccal /Koracano Dieseland kerosenefuel components are less volatile than gasoline. Alphatic hydrocarbonsmay be saturatedor unsaturatedopen chain,branched or unbranched molecule.Health precautions include ventilation for confinedspaces. Symptoms of over exposureinclude nausea, vomiting, lung irritation and headache. aT Sile Salety Plan ' page 7 - TasksPerJormed Within a CcriLrreoScace - The scopeof r,vorkfor thiscroject cjoes not include confined space entry such as tanks,but wilL entail work r''rrthin a building which, for the purposesof.this olan.is considereda confineclarea. All work within confined areas requlres the useof LevelC protectiveequipment (see Section 3.0). Allmonitoring equipment must
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