• 'r*~i 'r ' RED BANK, N. J.,.THtJRSDAY, MAY 23,1946. SECTION ONE-PAGES'! TO ••>. i 'JV Field Day For Market In Angus Beef Raisers Council Sets $750 Holiday Issue Report Making Sve The Moamouth, County Angus Property Beef association, of which Harry Notice H. Neuberger of Everett road is For Tavern Licenses The Red Bank Register will Recent Realty Sales \ secretary, is planning a Field.day appear Wednesday, May 28, at Hsokhooksen farm for Satur- instead of Thursday, this be- Sales In Knollwood, day, June 1. There will be morn- ing due to Memorial Day fall- : ing and afternoon sessions, and Package Stores To Pay $375 In ing, on* publication day. Ray H. Stillman And .' , those interested la the breeding or In order that our advertisers Pickiiey Park And Middletown feeding ot ,1>eef cattle will see Proposed Ordinance Amendment will get the full pulling power type" demonstrations of the best .of Tae Register's large circu- - Associates Close Several Deals Aberdeen Angus beef cattle. There Hany sales of building plots and lation for that issue, we will will be Judging contests and other The Red Bank mayor and coun- advance our publication to Ray H. StUlman * Associate* ot ffmall tracts of acreage have been J features. As an added topic of in- cil, Monday night voted to scrap made by the Joseph- G. McCue Fire Department Tinton Falls Co. Wednesday, a* stated above. Batontowqihavfl sold-for Mr. and terest, Dr. John Schmltt of the tbe proposed ordinance amendment We - respectfully, solicit the Red Bank Needs Mrs. Winfleld JJMttawrlght their •agency of Rumson and Red Bank New Jersey College of Agriculture which would have raised bar liquor in recent weeks, in "a wide variety 'further co-operation of our beautiful river front property lo? Minstrel, Revue at New Brunswick will speak on license fees to-$900, and passed on correspondents to send In their cated on'SttVerside avenue, Little Of locations. Sbme of these have "Fly Control' With DDT." Ha8New350-Gal. Added Floats L- beir*sold to veterans who plan to first reading a substitute amend- weekly-news letters' a day ear- Silver. There are spacious land- i ment boosting the fees lier and, of course, we hope scaped lawns. The'river frontage Is lj, atari construction this *umme?rtstit Repeats Tonight Those attending are asked to W sv wr,ge number have been pur- bring picnic lunch. Chevrolet Pumper Fees tor package stores, which had our advertisers will arrange For July Fourth 500 feet. This residence Is one-of the ^ehaaed by non-veterans who are Hockhockaen farm, the home of- been proposed at (450, were', simil- accordingly to forward copy oldest In this section ana-has been ' arly reduced to $375. Fees are cur- earlier to make the edition. completely modernized. It has a «j taking advantage of the present St. James Fund Dr. Robert A. Cooke, is located on Firemen Drive New very large living room with fire* ' t, loir'prices of vacant land. the> Colt's Neok-Eatontown road, rently set at 1600 and -*240, respec- • Santangelo Asks tively, on licenses. which will ex- place, dining room with large' pic- >'ii tract of approximately six To Benefit Half about midway between these two Apparatus From ture window commanding an un- ^'MM*. located on the west side of villages. Arrows will point the way pire June 30. All Communities Mayor Charles R. English opened obstructed view of the river to the ' S.lfcClees road, Middletown town-. Of Net Receipts from Batontown and Colt's Neck. Schenectady ' J. J. Newberry Co. To Participate . • • ocean, modern kitchen, office and K ablft has been purchased by Maj. the meeting with an announcement powder room, on the first floor; sec- - »rederlck Walsh from Edwin L. The Red Bank fire department's that the governing body had, after ond floor, three master bedrooms, Tinton Falls volunteer' fire com- "consideration of fees In contiguous fs Celebrating A meeting of the committee for ' Best The entire piece is In wood- minstrel and revue, which was the pany has finally secured a new fire two tile baths; modern heating sys- , hnd, ffth young oak trees, dog- Borb Not To Use communities," decided that the in- the Independence day and welcome tern. Outbuildings include, a two* most successful affair of its kind apparatus, largely through their home celebration was held in the wood and laurel covering the hlll- when presented a month ago, will own efforts. It's a Chevrolet heavy crease was excessive. He then 35th Anniversary car garage. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald ', tide, which extends to Cooper road. Ocean Ave. Strip stated the revised figure, which Red Bank borough hall Tuesday F. McGlmsey of New York City * have a repeat performance tonight duty flra truck with 350-gallon evening, at which Chairman Felix The property was originally owned on the stage of the Red Bank Cath- pumper and ibooster and is one Rex. G. Williams of Stardust Inn, are the purchasers. Mr. McGlmsey , - , tf. the Frost family and was ac- wbo is chairman of the newly Firm Started Santangelo announced committee Is an sxecutlvo of the Karaghaua- - olic high school auditorium, the net Offered By R. R. the trucks released by the govern- chairmen, and extended an lnvita- quired a few. years ago by Robert receipts of which will be equally ment It is the third of Its kind formed Red Bank Taverns associ- Ian Rug Company,- Mrs. McGlmsey Hartshorne who, In turn, sold it to ation, agreed was satisfactory to With One Store | tion - to surrounding communities a professional Interior decorator, divided between the St. James For Parking Cars Monmoutb county, the. other two 1 and organizations to participate in Mr. Beit. It adjoins the lovely home school building fund and the fire- having been recently purchased by the bar men. each with offices on Fifth Avenue, - «f Mrs. Wilbur B. Ruthrauff, and The meeting was attended by 25 In Pennsylvania the event, particularly in entering New York. They propose to make men's 75th anniversary fund. » -' . , fire companies' at Wanamana and floats. % other nearby estates Include those The same cast' which previously The offer of the Central railroaa Freehold. ' . " ' tavern owners and their associ- Little Sllver'their permanent real- of Mr. Best, Dexter Blagden, entertained capacity audiences at ates, represented by lawyer.Harry J. J. Newberry company, nation- Mr. Santangelo stressed the point dence, commuting daily, to their of- company offering the right of way The committee, which hat been that more floats'are desired. He fices In New York city. ' f Amory L, Haskell and J. G. Tlmo- each of the two nightly shows will through the business section of Sea working for the new apparatus, Klatsky. Following the mayor's In- ally known 5-10-25-cent stores, Is •iflst- Maj. Walsh Is convalescing announced that exceptional prizes be, performing this evening and Bright for parking purposes was comprises Thomas Calandrlello, formal explanation and the formal this month celebrating Its 35th an- The same agency has also Mid *' ftpm wounds received In Northern ,m>t accepted by the mayor and voting procedure, Harry G. Degen- niversary. Starting with one store were being offered for the best Pet. Galatro'. orchestra will fur^uncU a night's chairman; David Scott and Ernest floats and urged that all .organiza- for Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Grimm of . Trane* last year, and on his recov- nlsh the musicamnxlr-nl backgroundhsekerauiul . »<• Pilllt, who with William S. England ring; local beer distributor and for- in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, in ery and discharge from the army, meeting. When the offer was re- tions in the county take part in the Newark their Colonial 4'ome In ' . The department voted to perform, and Leon Buckalew made a-trip ti mer Democratic councilman, asked 1911, the firm grew steadily, until West Long Branch. There are seven plans to build a house on the new- the show again in appreciation of ceived at the previous council it now has 488 stores in operation patriotic celebration. meeting it-was decided to seek the Schen'ecUdy, New Tork, and ar council ''what had prompted rais- Other than preliminary instruc- rooms, including three fireplace* , ly acquired property., the co-operation they have received rived with the track Tuesday nigh ing the license fees?" Councilman in 45 states; employing -over 16,000 and other attractive Early Ameri- In using the auditorium for the last opinion of tbe Sea Bright Lions men and women. tions io committee heads present, •ales of plots made recently by club-composed of prominent busi- n Tinton Falls. •»•• J. Albert VanScholk, who origin- the chairman announced new com- can features. The purchasers are . the McCue agency include several snowing and In previous years. At a short meeting of the com- ally presented the discarded amend- . J. J. Newberry, still active in the Mr. and Mrs. William I. Weldner . Rev. James J. Duffy, parish ad- nessmen, before taking any dlflnite business as chairman of the board mittee heads, Including Thomas in the Knollwood section of Fair action. Tbe club, in a letter- to the pany Tuesday night, presided over ment, answered "one of. the reasons Irving Brown, chairman of the pub- of Fair Haven. Mr. Weidner is as- > Haven, for which the agency Is ex- ministrator, and Sister Mary Elea- by the president, Edward Carney, was to save money for the taxpay- of director*, started work at an sociated with the Joseph Williams . nor, «chool principal, head the St. council,' recommended, beautinca- early age. He served tor some time licity committee; Arthur Slattery dv»ive agent. Among these buyers tion of the strip instead, with tbe much satisfaction" was expressed ers." .
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