Survey of Agent for Intelligent Information Retrieval

Survey of Agent for Intelligent Information Retrieval

Vi DO ( o 600 Z_ mW'}¥$M(Otz!sb<7)3-l — R1H$ : R96002 &TI ?B% 8 f 9 J9 ws®a DISCLAJ laia Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document 1W»%9r C-RiE- f?--%ooa. *5 M “ *7 ■“ K : i - y x > f , Jd® 'f '/ ? 7 x - a, AZSn#, 7 h 7- >7 , 't'-’fx > v > A Survey of Agent for Intelligent Information Retrieval by T. Yazawa Abstract Intelligent Software Agent (in short ’Agent ’) is a new software paradigm that can process various services autonomously and cooperatively like a human. The survey of various software systems using agents leads to a conclusion that the autonomy and cooperativity of an agent are realized by the following five essential functions. The functions are: to express responsibility, belief, planning and human knowledge, to communicate with other agents, to plan with other agents cooperatively to solve given problems, to adapt to the current situations of users and other environments, and to behave as a more useful agent system that has been learned by experimenta ­ tion. By its autonomy and cooperativity, agent-based information retrieval system will effectively work on diversified and enormous information sources such as the Internet. STER (Communication and Information Research Laboratory, Rep. No. R96002) (¥-t&8^9 ft 2 0#cf.g) *i kTMmr iv-7* nmmM. 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