Corella,1994, 18i5li 148-154 THE DISTRIBUTIONAND ABUNDANCEOF PALEARCTICAND AUSTRALASTANWADERS (Charadrii) IN COASTALVICTORIA PETERDANN Dcpannl:nt of Zoologr. tlnivcrsit] of Mcll)ournc. Purkvittc. Viclori . l05l l']rt\enl l(ldr(t\: Pcn{uin Rc\clvc a(JnrInittccol MrnrgcrrrcIl(. I) O. Bori 91. ('owcs. Phillip Isllnd. Victorir. l()22 IU[it ul 2.1Au{ur! 1r)90 A surveyof the dislr bulionand numbersof wadersin coastalVictoria was carriedout in December, 1979 Ol the 88 246waders recorded, 97 percent were ol Palearcticorigin and 3 percent Australasian. The surveyconcenlrated on bays,mudf als and estuarieswhere mosl Palearclicmigrants are Iound. Re atively few Auslralasianwaders were encounteredas mosl were d spersed lor breeding al this I me.Three spec es of calidridinewader made up 85 percenl ol lhe totalnumber. The mostnumerous specieswas the Red-neckedStnt which comprised52 per cent of the total.The malorityol lhe Paearctic (84%) and Auslralasan (70%) waderswere found in Port Phi ip Bay, CornerInet and WesternPort. Generally lhe areaswith the higheslnLrmbers also had h gher speciesdivers ty. The tola abundanceof Palearcticwaders was positivey correlaledwith lhe eslimaledarea of interlida and shallowlreshwater weiland in eachregion if onehighly-eulroph c area (Werribee Sewerage Farm, Westernside ol Porl PhillipBay) was excludedfrom the dala.The numbersoi onlyone species,the EasternCurlew. were correlated wilh wellandarea. INTRODUCTION rcgions havc l)ecn conductcd as part of theRAOU WadcrStudies Progranr (Martintlalc l9lll; Lanc Although thc Victorian Corst conprises onl)' 191t7)but tlrcrcsults ol thislirst count havc not i pcr ccnt ol the coastlincol contains bccnpublishccl in full. \\'adcrhubitat of nirlionill lnd intcrrationitl signifi- cance (Lanc. 1987). Increasinuindustrial and rccrcillionaluscs of coastalllreas are causingthc METHODS nroclilicationancl clcstluctionof thcsc habitats. [-algc-scltlc survcYs ol wa(lcrs rrc ncccssarvto Mosl ol thc vi\itcd on thc wccktnd ol I l cstablishthc rcllrtivcirnpottillce ol eachilrelt so Dcccnrbcr. 1979.As rhc *1rLllhcrcordilions lvrfc rnsuital)lc thirt priorilics li)f thcir rcsclYatiorrnd appropriatc lor trir!cllilr! in \rrrirll boi(\ o I Dcccnrbcr. lhc \'a(lcrs irt nrrnilltcrllcntpolicies can bc cstablishcd.Regular \cveral silc\ ha(l lo bc counlcd up to thrce wccks |rtcr. Thc counts ol rvirclcrshlivc l-tccn carriccl out in a nincty olrscrrcrs ussisliIgirr thc coLrnl\\'crc coDlPclenlin lhc rrrrnrbcloi lrcas in coastalVictoria (Whcclcr identilication ol u'r(lcr \pljcrts irr(l nriinv hirLlc\l)cricncf of cslimitlinllthc nunl)er ol $irdcrs rt high tidc roo\ls in Wc\lcrn 195.5:Lo!'n 1975:Corrick and Norman1980; I'}(Jrr C'orrickl98l; .lones l9lJ-l:t-ane I9li7).Althrugh 'l'hc thc\c \rlrvc!s providc much inlirrmation al-xrut l)ifrlslvcrr countod ut roostingsjti.s whcn conccrrlrrtcd rrrr,ltr IrrrIrrr|.rtiorr.,rl pirlrLulirr .ite.. il i. rr,'t thcrc 1rlhigh tidc Prclinrinirr\suncys ilr (irrncr Inlct (inclLrd to asscsstlrc rclativcimpoltancc of cach ing Shoul Inlcr). (lifp\Lrnd t-rkrs Lrnd Shallo$ Inler wcfc Possiblc (nJsring irrcll iD Viclorirr $,ithr)utcomplctc surveysof rrlrdc 1o dctrrnrinc rhlr locrtions of rhc sircsus rrosl $crc nnkn()sr. ll lhc roostsirr ( (Jlncrlrrlcl and Andcrslnr'\ wir(lcrIlallilats al()ng thc coilst. Inlcl u,crc courlc(l ffonr horrs. Ihc ilrclcmclrlx'cllhcr dLrring In this pupcr. lllc rcsultsarc prcscntcdol thc lhc counl pcriod rcsulrcd in r poor covc gc ol Shallow lolcr rnd lclv *rdcr\ \rcrc sccn rhcrc. Ho*rvcr. r lloek ol onc lirst sur'\,evof thc clistribrrtionilnd numtlers ol thousiirrdunidcnlilled wirLlcfswa\ recordcd rnd those l)ifds wadcrs along thc coast of Victoria conductcd in \rcrc i cluded in thr t(xrh. Small arcaswcrc counlcd b! s'lall Deccrntrcr1979. Subscqucnt surveys of the same gl1)upsof observersduring the \ame high'tidc. December,'1994 P. Darni Dislribulionand abundance of Palearcticand Auslralasian Waders 149 I:igurel.r,.ba]lionso|!h(DuIinarus&f|'|(|li|tIhi!!u|'\'(\'.l.hcnutttlr'rsn,pn,tcntthc|lt|ltll'in fr.{&,rrr l- .f.nrrr'xa,.i/.ht(oust.2. Il?lldrin( I\' instllu hn Phillip Bu\.3. W(slott Sil( Pon I'ltillip B \'.4 Lu\i,rn Silt I\rt I'hillip Bttr.5. Wc!k\n Pa,!,6. Anlrt\ot1\ Inld,1. ShalkN lnl4, 8. (t,tkt lnl(t intludittg Shoul lnltr,9. Gippslund Luk.], 10. Edlt (;it)plll d. Th( ip.(ili( \it?\ |'|)u|?l|i|lu|h(ruu|L'gi||'lli1)!h(k'\I'|liDk1tuluruso| \ut\t:\ dt? !trt,t i litbl( -1. Mo\l (rt lcri\t 90"") of the signilicrnt wctlilnds in colslrl 7. Shallow Inlet. Srnd! I']oin1. (i)tlcrs Bcach rnd lwo Victolia rvcre includcd in lhc ccnsus.Shallo* Inlct rvis lhc unnamcd silcs irl(Dg lhc norlhcrn rnd weslcrn shorcs. (r,rl\ \ignilicrnt rrcu nor well .olcrc(1. Ihc nrjor lrcl\ - sur\'erc(i iirc shoNn in I;igufc I ii d co tirincd lhc toll()!ving 8. Corner Inlet including Shoal Inlet. Mrngn)vc Island. Duck Point. Iianklin Islund.Tooru Bcach. BLrllockIsland. vrrious parts ol Sn:,ke rd I.ilrle S tlkc lslands. Sunday l. South-weslernCoast. I\).tllnd lJit\r. l-rttle Rivcr lo Port Island. Clonncl Island. Box Bank. Dru r Island. Clonnlcl Irajr! (inclrding Criflilhs Island.Porl Fitirv lo l o\\cr Hill Banks rrnd St Margarcl lsland. In addit(}n. 1l unnamcd srlcs\!crc co!cr cd. l. BcllarinePeninsula. Port Phillip Bay. PoinrHcnry (Ceclong Srll\rork\). Poir\l Richards. St l-co nrds- Ld\\'rrds l,oint i). Gippsland Lakes. Lrkc Rccvc. (;oldc,r Ucrch. Sc,i\pray. t() Ouccn\clitl. iIrcluding Srvan Ishnd: Point Lo sLlalc. Poinl Wilson. Lakcs Q)lcmrn rnd (julhridrc. Lrke Trers l.ukes Nfurtnagurt rnd Conncwrrrc. Frcshwatcr. Rccdv Ileach. Ewinqs l\'1a$h. Lirkcs Entrrncc. Crcscc l and iro(l Vrcrorir Lrkcs rnd Mud Islands BilnoI I\lan(ls. .1 WesternSide, Port Phillip Bay. Avalon Srlllvork\. Wcrribcc l{) East Gippsland.Tlmboo . Win{irI an(lS!dc hanr Inlets. 'Ihuril Scs,cr'luc I:arn and Thc Spit Sliitc Nirlurc Rcsclre. Ri!er. (;ood!vinSands. Devclings Inlct (Mrllacoota l-r\ rft()n Inlet)and Lakc War War. L EastcrnSide, Port Phillip Ray. t:rlithralc. (arrun anLlSca 'l'hc di\'!'fsil! ol wirdcl\ irt crch \ilc \rir\ cxprc\\cd ir\ thc lord S\\'rnrp\ Sh,rnnon-Wcrvcr Indcx (H') which is :(p I p) \\hcrc I is 5. Wcslcrn Porl. Siindr Poinl. Yaringr. Tooritdin. Ylll{)ck thc ffofortion oI thc tolrl po|uLrti(nr contril)utccihy circh (\.tt. Ilun\rp Ri\er. Srttl{r cnl Road. Slockv.rrdI'oirjt. spccicsin lurn (Shannon rncl Werrcr 19.19). C.M.H. Drrin. ajllntvillc.Rccf lsland.Rhyll lnl(r r (Phillip -lhc I\llod). Iintoisc lluad. Blucgum Poinl and Rams rrnd arcrs oi inlcrlidal arrd shallow lrcshwr(cr wclhnds i Brffrllilr I\lrnd\ (l:rcnch l\llnd). eacb sccti()nol th€ corsl werc cslinralrd lrom l()pogrlphical Drafs anLl acrirl phorogmphr. if tublished csrimareswcrc 6. Andersons Inlet. NIahef\ I-rtnding. Town\cnrl Ululf. uriivirilithlc Ob\crvrtions bv countcrs ot rvrtcr lcvcls wcre N{rsons Roird. PoLrn(lCrcck. lslands:rt thc nlouth of thc also uscd in LlcrcrftininS thc approxi rirtc rrcls of shallow 'I ar$in Rivcr .rnd Point Smvlhe. frcshwirlcrwellirnds .rt the time of thc survcy. 150 P. Danrr Distributionand abundance palearctic of and AuslralasianWaders Corella18(5) .I'ABI,E I ollhf|cli()n\arc|\i()l|o\rs:|.southN|stcrn(i)as1.2.Bc||l||icPe;insul|I,()rtPhi||ipI]"".:,ri':"";'lliij t]tt\..{,I:lI\l(msidcI1]ltI,hil]lPBa}'.5'wcstcrnPon'6'n1r(|cls()n:' Inlcl. 9. Cippslrrd Lirkcs.I0_ Elsl cippsl.rnd. lLl Tol:rl Pltlcarctic* utlcrs q5.l 1l 16{) lii 355 3 t.l0 9 897 5 191 I 25.1 l0 165 I 070 15 il5 :tl r r ll.l l. ti .6 6.1 1.5 tl.N 1.6 ALrslraLrsillnwirdcrs l|rl 6ti0 5U6 119 .161 21 l1 lti I r55 sl 30tl 6 :t.6 19.5 1"12 15.i 0.8 r.l t).1 5.1 2.1 T(rtaI I Ir.l ll f.i0 t9 ll l l{Jl5it 5 .118 I 1J3 l0 616 I ll5 1)1 l{t 2t6 t.l 1.1.7 33.1 1.2 l t.7 6.1 t.5 11..1 t.7 {,.I TABLE 2 I hc nunrbeisoi wl(le (i)irst.2. iollo!\s: L Sotrlh \\cslcrn Ucllarinc Pcnin\ulir- Por1Phillip Blv.3. \\lcstcrn Siclc- Pon philtip Biry.4. EasrcrnSirlc I)oftPhillilBal.5.WcstcrnPof1.6.Andersonslnlcl.7.ShullowInlct.8.CorncrInlct-inctudingShorlI;lcl 9. Cippsland I-irkcs.10. Easr (iipp\lilod. 'Iixitl sfccic|i l0 I)iedO\slcrcatchljr ll -r.1 20 3ll ll 29 501 S(!)ly Oystcrcrtchcr i7 2 2IJ +ll N{rskcd I-rf\ring 16 19.1 t0l{ 170 33ll 15 ll ll 915 (ircv ['lo\cr l1l ll l5 I19 l-cs\cr (iol(lcfi I'lo\cr 11 t2 t!) 28 50 25 5l 3 26',7 Rcd'knccd Dolt( rel 9 5t l.l 15 lloodcd Illovcf -l t1 62 Mongolrrn Plovcr 29 I iJ0 It0 Doublc t):rndedI'l(^ cr .+ ltt 2.1 Lrrgc SL'nLlPlovrr ll Rcd cappedPlovcr 31 152 130 15 11 23 tl 72 lr 590 Black lrontc(l Pl{Ncr -t -'l 1 '1 I'l Black-$'i gcd Stilr 6 196 l3.l 210 5.{8 UundcdStilt I l-5 26 Rcd-nerkcd Avoccl ito llu I9it Ru(ld! Turnst()nf 196 85 10 12 8l 40,1 EastcrnCurlc$ ]0 26 652 ll l6 I 170 I I t00 5 3 IJ Wood Silndpipcr 2 2 Gre)-lrilcd Trttlcr 1.135 22 21 lJ8 Common Sandpipcr 521 Crccnshank 3 196 l0rJ lE(l 12 531 Mar\h Sandpipcr l3 ll Tcrek Srndpipcr I Llthaln \ Snipc t0 l1 l16 I t7l Black tLiilcdGod*'it 92 l{l 2l Ua11itilcdCorlwit I 352 t2 229 5 500 5 6 099 Rcd Knot t24 it5 l4 I 560 30 I I 834 (lrcrt Knot l8 30 4d Sharp'tailcdSandpiper l.l0 1255 6 364 3 000 293 l0 llr ,101 13594 Rcd-ncckedStint 463 6 808 13 1E8 t06 .+800 5 000 202 10 250 2 620 36 43 473 Curlcw Srndpipcr 9 999 tt 97tt 15 3 srJo 300 I I 102 10 I1 994 S ndcrling t'7 300 317 U idcntificd 1 000 I 000 'I oral l 134 129,10 29,1'1i 3 669 l0357 54tu i 288 20 646 3 225 l2'7 rJ82,16 December,1994 P.
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