Bird & Wildlife List

Bird & Wildlife List

1 The Fauna of Eprapah Creek Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. FAUNA LIST WORMS (ANNELIDA) Leeches (Hirudinidae) Leech Gordardobdella elegans 4 M Earthworms (Oligochaeta) Earthworms various spp. 1,2,3,4 ARTHROPODS (ARTHROPODA) Crustaceans (Crustacea) (Atyidae) Freshwater shrimp Caridina nilotica 4 (Grapsidae) Crab Helograpsus haswellainus 5 M Crab Parasesarma sp. 5 M (Ocypodidae) Crab Australoplax tridenta 5 M Burrowing mud prawn Thalassina sp. 5 Fiddler crab Uca sp. 4,5 (Parastacidae) Yabbie Chera x depressus 1 M Centipedes (Chilopoda) Common Garden Centipede Ethmostigmus sp. 4 Millipedes (Diplopoda) Millipede unidentified sp. 4 INSECTS (INSECTA) Cockroaches (Blattodea) Black cockroach Platyzosteria sp. 1 M Mangrove cockroach unidentified sp. 5 Beetles (Coleoptera) Rainforest beetles (Callirhipidae) Rainforest beetle Ennometes sp. 1 M The Fauna of Eprapah Creek 3 Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. Longhorn beetles (Cerambycidae) Longhorn beetle Platyomopsis nigrovirens 4 M Leaf beetles (Chrysomelidae) Rose-shouldered leaf beetle Monolepta australis 1 M Leaf beetles Octotoma scabripennios 2,3,4 Lantana beetle Uroplata giradi 2,3,4 Lady beetles (Coccinellidae) Striped lady beetle Micraspis frenata 2,4 M Weevils (Curculionidae) Weevil Eurhynchus sp. 1 M Click beetles (Elateridae) Click beetle unidentified sp. 1 M Darkling beetles (Tenebrionidae) Darkling beetle Ecnolagria aurofasciata 2 M Springtails (Collembola) various spp. 1,2,3,4 Flies (Diptera) Biting midges (Ceratopogonidae) Sandflies Culicoides spp. 4,5 Mosquitoes (Culicidae) Mosquito Aedes vigilax 4 Hover flies and Drone flies (Syrphidae) Drone fly Eristalis sp. 4 M March flies (Tabanidae) March fly unidentified sp. 4 Flies (Tachinidae) Tachinid fly Rutilia sp. 4 M Crane flies (Tipulidae) Crane fly Leptotarsus sp. 4 M Mayflies (Ephemeroptera) various spp. 4 Butterflies and Moths (Lepidoptera) Tiger moths (Arctiidae) Black and orange moth Asura lydia 2 Tiger moth Ceryx sp. 4 Spotted moth Utetheisa pulchelloides 4 Emeralds and Geometers (Geometridae) Leaf-vein moth Oenochroma sp. 4 5 The Fauna of Eprapah Creek Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. Ghost moths and Swift moths (Hepialidae) Larval tunnels in Glochidion Aenetus eximius 4 Skippers (Hesperidae) Orange palmdart Cephrenes augiades 4 Orange dart Suniana sunias rectivitta 2,4 Large dingy skipper Toxidia peron 4 Symmomus skipper Trapezites symmomus 3,4 Blues and Coppers (Lycaenidae) Small dusky blue Candalides erinus 3 Small green-banded blue Danis hymetus 2,3,4,5 Amaryllis azure Ogyris amaryllis 5 Salt-pan blue Theclinesthes sulpitius 5 Common grass-blue Zizina labradus 1,4 Army worms, Cutworms and Semi-loopers (Noctuidae) Fruit moth Erebus terminitincta 1 Old lady moth Dasypodia cymatodes 4 Granny's cloak moth Speiredonia spectans 4 Nymphs and Browns (Nymphalidae) Glasswing Acraea andromacha 2,3 Black and white tiger Danaus affinis 5 Lesser wanderer Danaus chrysippus 3,4 Blue tiger Danaus hamatus 3,4,5 Wanderer Danaus plexippus All Common crow Euploea core All Common brown ringlet Hypocysta metirius 1,2,3,4 Common eggfly Hypolimnas bolina 2 Meadow argus Junonia villida 4,5 Evening brown Melanitis leda 2,3,4,5 Common aeroplane Phaedyma shepherdi 4 Swallowtails (Papilionidae) Big greasy Cressida cressida 5 Pale green triangle Graphium eurypylus 3 Blue triangle Graphium sarpedon 3,4 Orchard butterfly Papilio aegeus 3,4 Whites and Yellows (Pieridae) Common albatross Appias paulina 4 Lemon migrant Catopsilia pomna 4,5 Common migrant Catopsila pyranthe 3 Wood white Delias aganippe 5 Common jezabel Delias nigrina 2,3,5 Common grass yellow Eurema hecabe 2,3,5 Small grass yellow Eurema smilax 5 The Fauna of Eprapah Creek 7 Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. (Pyralidae) Sod web worm Psara licarsisalis 1,2,3,4 Wasps, Bees and Ants (Hymenoptera) Bees (Apoidea) Introduced bees Apis mellifera 3,4 Native bees Trigona sp. 4 Ants (Formicidae) Red ant Leptomyrmex sp. 2 M Inch ant Myrmecia sp. 2 M Jumper ant Myrmecia sp. 4 Gold spot ant Polyrachis sp. 2,4,5 M Social Wasps (Vespidae) Paper wasps Ropalidia sp. 2,4 Termites (Isoptera) (Termitidae) Arboreal and mounds Microcerotermes turneri 3 Arboreal termites Nasutitermes walkeri All Lacewings and Antlions (Neuroptera) Lacewing adult Nymphes myrmeleonides 4 M Ant lions various spp. 3,4,5 Dragonflies and Damselflies (Odonata) Damselflies various spp. 1,3,4,5 (Libellulidae) Dragonfly Trapezostigma loewii Dragonfly Agrionoptera insignis allogenes Dragonfly Diplacodes haematodes 1,3,4 M Grasshoppers and Crickets (Orthoptera) (Acrididae) Grasshopper Cedarinia sp. 4 M Grasshopper Methiola sp. 1 M (Gryllidae) Grasshopper unidentified sp. 2 M subfam. Mogophistinae Gryllid unidentified sp. 4 M (Tetrigidae) Grouse-locust Unidentified sp. 4 M 9 The Fauna of Eprapah Creek Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. (Tettigoniidae) Mountain grasshopper Acripeza reticulata 1 M Stick insects (Phasmatodea) Stick insect Ctenomorpha tessellata 3 M Caddis flies (Trichoptera) various spp. 4 Mites, Ticks, Scorpions and Spiders (Arachnida) Mites and Ticks (Acarina) (Hydracarina) Water mites various sp. 4 Ticks (Ixodidae) Wallaby tick Haemaphysalis bancrofti All Bandicoot tick Haemaphysalis humerosa All Australian paralysis tick Ixodes holocyclus All Common marsupial tick Ixodes tasmani All Spiders (Araneida) Tent web spider Cyrtophora moluccensis 5 Garden orb weaver Eriophora transmarina 1,2,3 Silver orb-web spider Leucage dromedarin 5 Golden orb weaver Nephila sp. 2,3,4,5 Leaf-curl spider Phonognatha sp. 2,4 Wolf Spiders (Lycosidae) Water spider Artoria sp. 4 Large water spider Lycosid sp. 4 M Huntsmen (Sparassidae) Huntsman unidentified sp. 4 Scorpions (Scorpionidea) Large Brown Scorpion Liocheles waigiensis 4 MOLLUSCA Bivalves (Lamellibranchiata or Pelecypoda) Freshwater mussels (Hyriidae) Freshwater mussel Cucumerunio novaehollandiae 4 The Fauna of Eprapah Creek 11 Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. Snails (Gastropoda) (Amphibolidae) Estuarine snail Salinator solida 5 M (Camaenidae) Land snail (large) Sphaerospira fraseri 4 (Charopidae) Leaf litter snail Gyrocochlea sp. 2 M Leaf litter snail Nautiliropa omicron 4 M (Ellobiidae) Estuarine snail Ophicardelus ornatus 5 M (Helicarionidae) Leaf litter snail Liardetia scandens 2 M Land snail Helicarion virens 1 M (Lymnaeidae) Freshwater snail Austropeplea lessoni 4 M (Planorbidae) Freshwater snail Glyptophysa gibbosa 4 M Freshwater snail Planorbella trivolvis 4 M (Potamididae) Mangrove snail Cerithidea anticipata 5 M (Rhytididae) Leaf litter snail Saladelos urarensi 4 M Leaf litter snail Strangesta strangei 4 M (Subulinidae) Leaf litter snail Eremopeas tuckeri 4 M CHORDATA Amphibians (Amphibia) Toads (Bufonidae) Cane toad Bufo marinus 1,4 5 Tree Frogs (Hylidae) Green tree frog Litoria caerulea 4 Eastern sedgefrog Litoria fallax 2,3,4 Graceful tree frog Litoria gracilenta 4 Broad-palmed rocketfrog Litoria latopalmata 3 Naked tree frog Litoria rubella 3 Southern Frogs (Myobatrachidae) Tusked frog Adelotus brevis 3 13 The Fauna of Eprapah Creek Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. Great barred frog Mixophyes fasciolatus 1,2 Copper-backed brood frog Pseudophryne raveni 1,2,3 Fish (Pisces) Freshwater fish (examples) Eels (Anguillidae) Long-finned eel Anguilla reinhardtii 3,4 Silverside (Atherinidae) Pacific blue-eye Pseudomugil signifer 4 Gudgeons (Eleotridae) Firetail gudgeon Hypseleotris galii 4 Live bearers (Poeciliidae) Mosquitofish Gambusia affinis 2,4 5 Estuarine fish (examples) Mullet Mugil cephalus 4,5 Toado Spheroides hamiltoni 5 Bream various spp. 5 Flathead various spp. 5 Reptiles (Reptilia) Lizards (Squamata suborder Sauria) Dragon lizards (Agamidae) Tommy round-head Diporiphora australis 3,4 Eastern water dragon Physignathus lesueurii 2,3,4 Bearded dragon Pogona barbata 4 Snake-lizards (Pygopodidae) Burton’s snake-lizard Lialis burtonis 4 D Common scaly-foot Pygopus lepidopodus 4 D Skinks (Scincidae) Wall skink Cryptoblepharus virgatus 4 Grass skink Lampropholis delicata 1,3,4 Pink-tongued skink Tiliqua gerrardii 4 D Blue-tongued skink Tiliqua scincoides 4 D Goannas or Monotor lizards (Varanidae) Lace monitor Varanus varius 3,4 Snakes (Squamata subord. Serpentes) Pythons (Boidae) Children’s python Liasis childreni 4 D Carpet python Morelia spilota 1,2,3,4 The Fauna of Eprapah Creek 15 Common name Species Loc. Info. Common name Species Loc. Info. Colubrid snakes (Colubridae) Brown tree snake Boiga irregularis 4 D Common tree snake Dendrelaphis punctulata 4 Elapid snakes (Elapidae) White-crowned snake Cacophis harriettae 4 D Yellow-faced whip snake Demansia psammophis 4 D Black-bellied swamp snake Hemiaspis signata 4 D Red-bellied black snake Pseudechis porphyriacus 4 D Eastern brown snake Pseudonaja textilis 4 D Turtles and Tortoises (Testudines) Freshwater turtles (Chelidae) Eastern snake-necked turtle Chelodina longicollis 4 D Saw-shelled turtle Elseya latisternum 4 D Birds (Aves) Birds of Prey (Accipitriformes) Kites, Goshawks, Eagles and Harriers (Accipitridae) Wedge-tailed eagle Aquila audax 2 White-bellied sea-eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster 2,4 Brahminy kite Milvus indus 5 Whistling kite Milvus sphenurus 2 Osprey (Pandionidae) Osprey Pandion haliaetus 2,4 Duck-like birds (Anseriformes) Geese, Swans and Ducks (Anatidae) Pacific black duck Anas superciliosa 2,3,5 Herons and Allies (Ardeiformes) Herons, Egrets and Bitterns (Ardeidae) Great egret Ardea alba 4 Cattle egret

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