Scanning Electron Microscopy Volume 1986 Number 1 Part I Article 28 4-18-1986 Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on Microvascular Architecture of Human Coronary Vessels by Corrosion Casts: Normal and Focal Necrosis T. Ono Kure Kyosai Hospital Y. Shimohara Kure Kyosai Hospital K. Okada Kure Kyosai Hospital S. Irino Kagawa Medical School Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/electron Part of the Biology Commons Recommended Citation Ono, T.; Shimohara, Y.; Okada, K.; and Irino, S. (1986) "Scanning Electron Microscopic Studies on Microvascular Architecture of Human Coronary Vessels by Corrosion Casts: Normal and Focal Necrosis," Scanning Electron Microscopy: Vol. 1986 : No. 1 , Article 28. Available at: https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/electron/vol1986/iss1/28 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Dairy Center at DigitalCommons@USU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Scanning Electron Microscopy by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@USU. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY / 1986 / I (Pages 263 - 270) 0586-5581/86 $1.00+0S SEM In c ., AMF O'Hare (Chicago) , IL 60666 - 0507 USA SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDIES ON MICROVASCULAR ARCHITECTURE OF HUMAN CORONARY VESSELS BY CORROSION CASTS: NORMAL AND FOCAL NECROSIS T. Ono ,§ Y. Shimohara , K. Okada , S. Irino * Federation of National Public Service and Affiliated Perso nal Mutual Aid Assoc iation Kure Kyosa i Ho spital , Hiro shima , Japan *Th e First Departm ent of Internal Med ic ine, Kagawa Medi ca l School, Japan (Re ce ived for public ation J a nuary 24, 1986, and in revis e d form April 18, 1986) Abstract Introduction Microvasc ular arc hitectur e of the norm al human hea rt and The morpholo gy of the coronary blood vessels of the heart myocardi al focal necros is were studied by sca nning electron has been extensiv ely investigated by variou s method s, includin g micro sco py of corrosion cas ts. Casts macrosco picall y identical dissection , dye injection , serial dissection, roentgenography , in­ in form to the left ventr icular posterior wall were prepared. jection corrosi on, plastic cast and their combi nation s. (2 ,3,6,7,10, The following results were ob tained in the norm al human 12, 16,18-20) Th ese studi es have bee n primarily focussed on the hea rt. (I) Mo st of the arteri oles co mmuni ca ted with ca pillar y arran ge ment and appearanc e of relatively large branches and plexuses smoo thly and strai ghtforward ly in the left ventricular on the genera l distribution pattern of myocardial capillaries , but posterior free wall. (2) Arterioles which branched from the hardly any reports have been mad e on the detailed arrangement arteri es ran in various directions and co ntinued into ca pillari es or distribution of the capill ar ies in the normal and abnorm al either at right angles or obliqu ely in the trab ec ulae ca rneae. (3) heart. capi llaries runnin g parallel with the cardiac muscle fibers ran Thi s paper describes our findings on the stereomicrovasc ular in different directions to cross over with each other in different arc hitect ure in the normal left ventri cular posterior wall of a layers of myocardium. Ca pill aries in the myocardium formed 24 yea r old Japanese female and foca l necros is in the heart of a co ntinu ous and coa rse net-like architec tur e with many bifur­ a 60 year old Japanese male obtain ed by sca nnin g elec tron cat ions and anas tomoses . Cap illaries were abo ut 5-7 µ.m in microscopy with the use of corros ion casts . diame ter. (4) Some veins gatheri ng cap illaries in the ep icardium ran into the myocardium and the others ran in the epicardi um . Materials and Methods Veins co nnecting with capi llari es in the myocard ium ran in the myocardial layer and co mmuni ca ted with large r veins. (5)A n The posterior free wall of the left ventri cle of seven autopsy ar ter io-veno us anastomos is and two different types of venous­ cases was removed together with a part of the ventri cular sep­ venous anastomoses were observed in the left ventricular pos­ tum and right ventri cular free wall at time of autopsy. terior wall. A teflon sheath needle was inser ted into the left circumflex At the site of foca l necros is, cross sect ions of dilated vesse ls branch of the coro nary artery , which was irrigated thoro ughly were observed in large numbers by light microscopy and sca n­ with saline solution (1000ml). The cut ends of the relatively large ning electron microsco py. (I) At the site of focal necrosis , dilated coro nary vessels in the myoca rdium were closed with ties. Then, ca pillari es runnin g with tortu os ity were see n in large numb ers half polymerized methylmethacrylate res in prepar ed by Mura ­ by sca nnin g electron microscopy of co rro sion cas ts. (2) Wh en kami's method (13) was injected und er a press ure of 100- 150 co mpared with vesse ls in the normal myocardium , small arter ial cmH20 until the coro nary vessels were filled with the injected branches were dilated and run tortuously. (3) These dilated resin. ca pillary plexuses were observed in the area which comm uni­ The resin injected hear t was immersed in hot water of 70°C cated with twigs bran ching off at the right angle from the arterial for 12- 24 h , macera ted for 10 h in hot bath (50 °C) of co ncen­ branch. trated sodium hydro xide solution , washed for 2 h in running water, and then dri ed in air. Key Words: Corro sion casts, scanning electron micro sco py, The co rrosion casts of the left ventricular posteri or wall thu s hum an coro nary vessels , microvasc ular architecture, focal prepar ed were trimmed into appropriat e blocks suitable for scan­ necros is. ning electron micro sco py (SEM), mounted on metal-stubs with §Addre ss for correspondence: silver paint , coated by vaporiz ed gold , and observed with a T. On o JSM-24 type scanning electron microsc ope at an acce leratin g Federation of National Publi c Service voltage of 15kV. and Affiliated Personal Mutual Aid Assn . Kure Kyosai Hospital , Nishi Chuo 2-3-2 8 Kure City, Hiroshima Prefectur e, 737 Japan Phone No. (0823) 22-2111 263 T. Ono , et al. Results of twigs, and that the myocardium of the ventricular wall and trabeculae carneae were filled with a capillary network. Vascular beds of the left ventricular posterior wall were suffi­ The following findings were observed by scanning electron ciently casted by injection of half polymerized methylmethacry­ microscopy of the corrosion casts. late resin (Figs. 1,2). It was macroscopically observed that coro­ Arteries nary arterial branches ran in the epicardium , giving off a number Comparatively large arteries with a caliber of 100- 150 µm 264 Microvascular Architecture of Human Coronary Vessels Fig. l. The myocardium of the ventricular wall was filled 8). A relati vely large numb er of veins, co nnec ting with capil ­ with capillary network, and coronary arterial branches ran laries in the epicardium , ran and j oined w ith a large vein in in the epicardium. the epicardium (Fig. 9) , whil e oth ers ran into the myocardium from the epica rdium and connected with a large r vein having Fig. 2. Trabeculae carneae were also filled with capillary a caliber of about 85- 100 µm (Figs. 10, II) . Almo st all vein s, networks in the endocardium. co mmuni cating with capillary plexuses in the myocardium , ran and join ed with a larger vein in the myocardium (Fig. 12). Fig. 3. In the left ventricular wall, arterial branches (a) Anastomosed vessels divided into several arterioles which communicated with Th e arterio-venous ana stomos is in the subepica rdium of the capillary plexuses smoothly and straightforwardly. (Epicar­ left ventricul ar posterior wall was about 150 µm in diamet er dium of the left ventricular posterior wall). and co nnected also with capillar y plexuses (Fig. 13). A type of venous-venous anastomo ses with a calib er of about 30-75 µm Fig. 4. In the trabeculae carneae, the arterial branches (a) form ed a coarse net-lik e archit ectur e with som e ana stomo ses ran to the endocardium from the deep zone of the ventricular in the epicardium. Som e of the se anastomotic vesse ls conne cted wall and divided into several arterioles which continued into with capill ary plexuses in the epicardium and ran into the myo­ capillaries at right angles or obliquely. ca rdium (Fig . 14). Another typ e of venous-venous anastomo sis was observed in the myocardium of the left ventricular posterior Fig. 5. Comparatively large arteries (A) penetrated between wall. Thi s anastomos is form ed a loop and co nnected with veins the trabeculae carneae and the endocardium and gave off runnin g into the myocardium from the epica rdium (Fig. 15) . twigs, communicating with capillary plexuses. (Tr: trabecu­ Focal necrosis Iae carneae , Ed: endocardium) Many cross sec tions of dilated vesse ls we re observed in large numbers in foca l nec rosis areas by light microsco py (Fig. 16). Fig. 6. Capillaries in different layers (C 1, C2) of the myo­ Th e norm al myoca rdium has many mu sc le bundl es , while few cardium ran in different directions, crossing over each other.
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