." • • , t old heel," said Palmer, "I owon like it. I took a lot of putts Serving the State Unwer,'ty of Iowa and the People of Iowa C", but I wasn't pulling poorly. just didn't make them." Established in 1868 10 Cell .. Per Copy Iowa City, Iowa, Saturday, August 22, UN Palmer's 34-34 - 68 gave him a lead over Tony Lema, British Open champion who the only other one o( the 88 to break par over the soggy Cease-Fire HII~'W""~ and dripping greens. Today/s News Briefly tching par were Tommy Weis· f Bedford, Ohio, a 21·year-01d up $487.50 in the West. THREE YOUNG escapees from dent Johnson and top State and De· Violated· a South Dakota jail were appre· fense department leaders when he his (irst attempt as a allace Asks Repeal .' /rol'ess:ional; Ed Griffiths, Harold hended here Thursday night. returns to Washington for consulta· Bill Cotlins and Mason Ru· Robert James Denoyer, 17, Ok­ tions Aug. 30. reek, Jerry Buckley Helm, 21, Win· The Carmer chairman of the On Cyprus ner, and Lester Elmer Peneaux, .S. Open champion Ken Ven· Joint ChIefs of Staff is likely to NICOSIA, Cyprus IA'f - More was among those tied with 71. 18, Winner, all of South Dakota, report also to Senate and House were taken into custody by Iowa overflights and two shooting incl· had a 36-35. PGA titlist committees on the conduct of the dents were reported Friday in Cy· Nichols all but shot himsell City police at 11 :45 p.m. in Cront war in South Viet Nam - an issue of the Toy Center. prus. The sbootings were the Cirst of contention with a 40-35 - expected to loom large in the pres· serious breaches of the cease· fire The three escaped from the Win· idential election campaign. Law ner County jail three days ago with that followed Turkish air attacks U.S. officials said there are no against the northwest comer oC the a Courth companion, who was not indications that Taylor will seek with them when police stopped island 11 days ago. riday Night.1 them. additional American support for One Greek Cypriot was killed Friday the men were in the the South Viet Nam government. and a Turkish Cypriot policeman Taylor is spending only four days was seriously wounded in separate Militant Red sherifC's custody, and extradition in Washington and part of this time Gavernor Hints At ight Series , proceedings were underway. incidents around Paph08, western • • will be devoted to personal affairs. Cyprus. A Greek Cypriot spokes· MORE THAN 7,000 bulletins • • • man said the Greek Cypriot had Italian Chief warning against quackery and SECRETARY OF STATE Dean been killed by Turkish CyprIots TV Ends while working on his farm. Third Party Effort questionable cures for artbrilis Rusk plans to make a "normal NEW YORK IA'I - An era passes were mailed to Iowa doctors and number of speeches" on foreign Turkish Cypriot headquarters ATLA TIC CITY, N.J. (AP) - S gr gationist Gov. George night when Johnny Persol some laymen Friday by the Iowa policy during the political cam· said Police Inspector Mustafa Ah· Togliatti Dies Hank, a pair of light palgn period. administration offi­ met had been shot in the back in C. Wallace of Alabama demand d of Democratic platform writ­ Chapter, Arthritis and Rheumatism MOSCOW IA'I - Palmira TogJl­ h""vv""",orhl. meet in a fight that Paphos. ers Friday a plank calling (or outright r peal of the Clyil Rights Foundation. cials said Friday. att!, iron· fisted chief of Italy's of a 20'year series Dr. William D. Paul of Iowa The secretary also may issue The Greek Cypriots also said un· act and hinted at a po ibJe new third·party movement. box ing shows from Communist party - biggest in the City, medical chairman, and C. statements "to set the record idenUCied aircraft twice penetrated Western world - died Friday of In language, Wallace warned uprising against 1V1"'~IlS4:m Square Garden. sharp of n William Schneider of Des Moines, straight" if that is deemed neces· Cyprus airspace. A spokesman complications following a stroke. this is the last one to be executive director of the organiza· sary, the officials added. They said the overflights were in north· the party's "pr \fRiling Jeadership" unles it reverses Man alieJI from the (amous New lion. said in a joint statement that noted that the Defense Depart· west Cyprus. He had no other de· The 71·year-old veteran revolu· philosophy of aovernment which. battleground , the curtain (or recent hot, humid weather has in· ment alreody had Issue d rebuttals tails. tionist, underground agent, secret the American people cannot long armchair fan doesn't come creased the pain of arthritis and to some charges by the Republican propagandist and hard·as·nails polio embrace - an unsound and danger· The overflights were not Invnedl· tician had survived two prison until Sept. 11 when the bout made its victims "prinne targets Presidential nominee, Arizona Sen. ately confirmed by the United Na· Wagner Gives ous philo ophy." h .. lw.. ,on Dick Tiger and Rocky for any product which promises ef. Barry Goldwater. terms, 18 years in exile, an auto­ , tions. Swedish U.N. troops arouM mobile accident, an assassination He implied he will take leader­ will be televised from fective treatment or relief from Rusk is expected to concentrate Kokklna on Cyprus, northwest cor· hip in a thlrd·party movemeQt pain." on what he calls the major, non· attempt, two critical illnesses and ner confirmed sighting two Turk· all the shifts in the Kremlin line. immedIately after the presldentt.! The two warned against use of partisan national policies, explain· ish warplanes flying over the area Endorsement election It, as be put it, the DeIflCl­ remedies lacking reputable medi· ing them in speeches which he Thursday aCternoon. But the chunky Togliatti had craUc and Republican parties ;'me­ been in shaky health since a stu· cal endorsement. plans to make in different parts of In response to a U.N. appeal, too each other through the preaj. decades fight enthusiasts '~""iDl" rlp.n!. shot him (our • • • the country. Turkey said on Aug. 12 that it d ntlal campaign of thla year." · Ilhl'oUllholul the country have been CUBA HAS ORD,ERED a sus· in 1948 in To Kennedy would 8 u s pen d reconnaissance In such an event, the Alabama watch the game's leading pension of purchases abroad, a • • • almost set· THE FEDERAL TRADE Com· flights for the time being. But it NEW YORK IA'f - Mayor Robert governor's .tatemenL said: belt each other around the State Department official reported off a civil F. Wagner announced Friday his Millions made it a weekend mission on Friday postponed for warned it would keep close watch "We will beeln Immedlatel~ Friday night. for new attacks by Greek Cypriots . war. He suffered long·anticipated endorsement of . tuning in to the fight of The official said that accord in" six months its new rule requiring a stroke Aug. 13 after Nov. S to start a m.ovemeqt that cigarette labels c.arry a warn· on Turkish Cypriots. Robert F. Kennedy for the Demo­ to bring about representative IOV· the week, most of them emanating to State Department information, vacationing cratic senatorial nomination from from the Garden. this order had been brewing Cor ing that smoking "may cause the So· Wallace Warns Demos ernment. death from cancer and other dis· New York, virtually a urlng the some time, the groundwork having on the Gov. G,orge C, Will act of Allbaml told tho D,mocrltic Plltform attorney general', nomination. "We will UlIe public opinioo. and been laid by suspension of pur· eases." NATO Chief _._._ .... Sea. He was we will use the ballot box. Commi"" Friday thoy should writo a plank calling for ropoII of Kennedy Is expected to oppose chases of several overseas prod· The rule was scheduled to go in· t ric ken while to effect Jan. I, 1965. At the reo tho cIvil ri.hts Ilw. H, also hInted It • posslbJ. third Plrty mo"" the incumbent Republican. Sen. "We are going to remove IOIJII! ucts some weeks ago. vIsiting a camp 01 Kenn th B. Keating, who Is seek. people from oCflce, and we are Ro­ He said the action taken by Cuba quest of the House Commerce Young Pioneers - mont Ifttr tho ,I,ctlon If tho Domocratic Ind RtpubliCin plrtlos Committee, the FTC said it would Needs More ing a second term Independently or ing to repre nt people who want Shooters from all 50 states and was due at least in part to the drop Soviet Boy Scouts - and was so "m,·too ,ach othor throughout th, prosld,ntlal campaign this yo.r." the GOP presidential candidate to save this country." Canada will be on hand for the thIs year in the price of sugar. postpone the rule until July 1. The postponement was disclosed gravely ill he could not be moved Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona. WALLACE. who entered presi· clay target test on the three-quar' He explained that since sugar from the camp's infirmary.' ter mile firing line. The entry for provides the principal export in· to newsmen by Paul Rand Dixon, Arms~ Barry Keating is 64, a veteran of 18 dentiaJ prImaries In WilCOllsln, In· the No. 1 event - the Grand come for Cuba, any decrease in FTC chairman, and was announced Italian Premier AIda Moro, Il year. in Congress, the last six as dIana and Maryland and shoWed to the House by Rep.
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