1945 ,. MIATS. PAT8. re ••Ia ... ,.. TI Ih,.. ,. Z' ••• AI 110, •••10 .., .... ...... PWCI8811:D FOODI. 1> ... ".Pt, (..": t~r •••" X~ ••U. 8UOAa, " •• k. ' •• r .Ia_.. .. nil. '.r flu ......... '.018. " .." 110, ••• fair ....... J •••••• , •••••••n.IIII,. GASOLINE. III-A ... po •• I." '.r , .., ,Ill••• aD' 1101••• '7. C·•••• IOWA: PartI7 eloady and C·, nil ,., fl.. .aII.... PUlL OlL. ...rI.. ... DAILY I ·OWAN U., •• ,b 'I.e e•• ,... • •••, al,. I.d ,.el"" ,.rt.. THE warmer TluIrIdn. 'ea, .D' "Y ...... Iowa City'. Morning ~ew.pap.r FIVE CENTS IOWA CITY, IOWA VOLUME XXI NUMBER 175 Berlin Claims. Russians At~Glanc.- . k Today's I u. s~ · Third Army Crosses ! 44 Mi"les F.ro m Yan 5 Iowan.. .. .. Emie Pyle killed by Japanese Czechoslovakian Border Red Tanks Yanks Secure machine lun bullet on Ie Jim •• Yanks Invade Czechoslovakia; HIGH NAZIS IN ALLIED HANDS British 18 miles from Hamburl. GOP Senators Yanks Take fross Neisse. Beachhead Berlin say. Russians attacklni westward toward Yank line•. Communique Reports Truman ~Ivetl GOP offer to Visit Truman Magdeburg Two-Way Drive Aimed Establish 35 Mile consult at "avoid conflicts." Foothold in Second At Czech City, Bruenn Carroll Coleman to join SUI Republican. In House Continue Drive Mindanao Invasion journalism staff. Pre ..nt Opposition LONDON, Thursday (AP) - To Center The Germans announced today MANILA, T h u r's day (AP)­ To Tari" Bill Of Leipzig that Russian First Ukraine army Battle-tested doughboys 01 Maj. W ASHING1X:>N (AP) - Presi­ tanks, in a 47-mile breakthrough Gen. Frederick A. Irving's 24th PARIS (AP)- ln1antrymen and west of the Neisse river, had RAF Bombs Rain dent Truman received offers yes­ army division, landing under ex­ teraay at advance Republican con­ tanks of the Unlled States Third slashed within 44 miles of a junc­ cellent air and naval cover, se­ army slashed across the border of tion with the Americans and sultation to avoid legIslative shoals cured a 35-mlle beachhead on On Nazi Navy Base In the senate but encountered his Czechoslovakia yesterday, cutting threatened imminently to under­ southern Mindanao Tuesday in a Germany In two geographically, mine Berlin's hard-pressed eastern first G. O. P. opposition in the while other American forces con­ second invasion of that Japanese­ house, on the tari1f question. defenses from the south. Infested Philippine Island. 750 U. S. Bomber. quered Magdeburg, 60 miles south­ MUilans 01 Ru.Ians, lJIear­ Blast Area Between A delegation of Republican sen­ wut ot Berlin, and drove almost headed. by new "breakUarou&'h" The divisllM's lOth corps went ators headed by Taft of Ohio called to the heart of Leipzig, the Relch'lI lankl and au&omaile ",",pOns asllore at Malabang and Parang, U. S. and Red Armies at the White House to pay thefr tlfth largest city. 1IIrow .... US llbel~ a minute, Wflft on the eastern shore of II lana Bay. respects as the "Joyal opposition" This was eastward across Moro and to upress their willingness to The historic crOSsing into the reported by the GennIlns tocla)' to LONDON (AP) - German1's Sudetenland, which Hitler an­ be pourtnr aer088 the Oder and gulf (rom Zamboanga peninsula, north sea island fortress of Helgo­ consult with the president "at any time where prospects of differ­ nexed in 1938, was made north of Nelsle rivers nortJleut and south­ now largely in the hands of 41st land was carpeted with approxi­ A.sch by doughboys of the 90th ellt tlf Berlin and directly Into THE PRESENCE of RUllllan For­ division Yanks who made the mately 4,000 tons of explOOves ences over legislation appear." A infantry division l'iding in jeeps Ute clb'a eastem envirolllll. ell'n Commissar Vyacheslav Molo­ tirst Mindanao landing March 10. yesterday by nearly ],000 RAF member 01 the 11'0UP said Truman and on the backs of tanks. Last The Nazis reported he-a vlest tov, above, at the United Nations Gen. Douglas MacArthur, an­ heavy bombers making a record told them he would welcome such night they were reported two pressure on a 60-mile arc ]8 to conference at San Franclaeo ' i, nouncing the new invasion in his attack on the navy base which advice. miles inside Czechoslovakia in the 20 miles east of the city and said Iten by sOble observers aa an out­ communique today, reported that now is believed shelterin, the The tariff fight was renewed vicinity of Gott-Mannszgrun, ]0 other powerful armies had crossed come 01 8.ussla's coneern over Filipino guerrillas, opera tlng along major part of Hitler's U-boat neet. alonc historiC party linel as the miles east of the German city of the lower Oder below the Baltic pOssible British domina nee of the tile shores at Moro gulf, had help­ About 7:1 flying fortresses at the house ways and means committee Hof. port of SteWn toward the plains world security meetlnr followi .. ed prepare tne way for the land­ United States Eighth airtorce opened hearings on the adminls­ trations' request for authority for The last etcht miles ot the northeast of Berlin and were Roosevelt's death. It was also ob­ ings by effective assaults on Jap­ bombed a railway yard Bl')d tl'/lDs­ phmn to the border was made across the Neisse river in Saxony former station at Traunstein, 23 further sweeping rate reductions. served that the Kremlin could a nese forces. wUhou' o)lposltlon~mbollcal of south of the capital. diplomatically hardly dJsre,ard miles northwest of Hitler's Alpine The 10 Republican members pre­ Three enemy divisions, amount­ sented a solid opposition :front be­ tlJe preten& low staie of Nazi arms The situation on the Nelsse President Harry S. Truman'. di­ ing to approximately 50,000 troops, hideout at Berchtesgaden, -bu' a tront dl8patch said brisk front was complicated by a con­ rect appeal that the hll'h-rankln, American Bomben Strike hind Repreaentatlve Knutson of are estimated on Mindanao, second Minnesota, committee minority tire WAI encountered after Lieut. fused German broadcast saying Soviet otllcial attend. (Interna· largest Philippine island and the This group was part of a force Oen. Georre S. Patton's men and that Marshal Ivan S. Konev's tlonal) only major one not under Ameri­ of 750 American heavy bombers lea~er. armor had croned the lin south­ first Ukraine army had succeeded Truman pitched into his second can control. These include the 30th whicll smashed at freight yards normal working day at a rate only west. of Chemnltz, at the western iI'I a breakthrough and implying tip 01 Czech ...lovakla. and 100th infantry divisions and and rali facilities deep in south­ sUghtly relaxed from the breath­ that this force might be within 44 a mixed division at naval, marine ern Germany and in western As Patton's veteran troops miles of the American First army Truman Commends less pace of his nearly 15 hours plunged into one of the last oJ: and garrison troops. Czechoslovakia for the third on the job Tuesday. fighting at Wurzen in the Leipzig Davao, one of the major cities straight day. That is the area be­ Hitler's stolen nations~ three other area. tween the American and Russian Leaving his official resIdence at American armies fought to clear Senate Ratification of the Phllippines, is 85 miles east Blair house at 8:45 o'clock this In tlltlr eGIIIDluniqu& lite Rus­ armJes. the important cities of LeipZig, of the new landing beach, much morning, he walked briskly the sians onl, &IlIIounced rains In a AS NINE ALUm ARMIES rampared throurh Germany, theae three Nuernberg and Duesseldorf, and at the intervening country Is Sf) The heavy bombers were ac­ lellll than two blocks to the White hl'h Nazi officials were wept up In the powerful offensive. two-way drive Into C.eeholllo.. Of Mexico Trealy rugged it is shown as "unexplor­ companied by 600 Mustanp and British armored clo ed within 18 valla, bo&h aiJQed ai t be arsenal HOUle. taxing newsppper men to [l(!Jd MaralllU A... ...a. Yen Mackenten, lett aboVe, 96, who Ia In AlUed miles of the great.North Sea port WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ ed" on recent maps. Thunderbolts strafing all, al~ keep up. Arriving, he: elt)' or Bnienn (Bmo); eldellBlon dromes in the area in a hunt handa, commanded the German ' eastern front In GaUela ID World 01 Hamburg at the apex of an ad­ of the weclre PUlh1n. northward dent Truman last night applauded This invasion came as 133rd 1. Received the Republican sen­ War I. The German diplomat, Franz von Papen, upper rtrh\' former vance along a 40-mile front. the senate's action in ratlfying the division around troops continued which already has brought the de­ atorial delegation and consulted flo_ VleJUJa; and IlOntinuation Of struction at 2,950 German planes chancellor of the German republic, was captured .In the Ruhr area. Front dispatches last night said controversia I trea ty d i v i din g to mop up ehemy cave positions separately I ate r with Senator • fIIh' 10 extermlna.te the German in 11 days and the total of 1,483 Dr. Manfre~ Zapp, lower rlrM, Nazi propalanda chieftain, who W&l the historic city of Leipzig, site of rarrtmn of Plllau, I .., Nazi-held waters of the Rio Grande and on the outskirts of Bnguio, Phil­ Hawkes (R., N. J .). expelled from the U. S. III 1941, Is ,also a prisoner, (International) Germany's renowned lairs, might Colora'do river between Mexico ippine summer capital on northern in the last two days. 2. Received War Food Adminis­ pound on the Samland peninsula The American fliers failed to tall within hours to Lieut.
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