\ UnjwuAT, SEPTEMBER l4, II TACK FOSOETTEEfr ^ - iSmtr^rBtrr Sttrabtg 9md!t / Put the Axis Under Bonds to Keep the Peace *mm • Ezekiel Benson of 38 Benton Gibbons Assembly Catholic Russell Clifford of lOO-^ooper Miantonomnh Tribe No. 58. 1. Marcel Donze, steward of About Town street-was surpriaed yesterday on Ladies of Columbus will have a Hill ntree^t left Saturday for'-Rprt- O. R. M., will hold its regular American Legion home, left to-] the occasion of his 78th birthday dog roast tomorrow evening at land. Me.'/'where he will spend meeting In Tinker Hall this eve­ for a two weeks' vacation. He PINEHURST DELIVERIES by family dinner party at his home. 6:18 In Center Springs Park. Last annual vacation. He will be the ning 'fit eight o’clock sharp. The leave for New York today It yo« »rtll read our udvorttnemont on thio patfp. for dollvory His two sons, John A. Benson and nriinute reservations may be made guest of Mr. and Mr*. Edgar Kee- entertainment committee has se­ wtll later majke a trip to Cafi.E| Average Daily Cirralation I The A m erlc^ Legion Post and The Weather driven, you win realire why It U neooisary to pnhliMi thta notlco: family of Wlndisoi-, and Arthur through Mrs. WlUiam L. Cohlon. ley and family. He ia employed a* cured moving pictures showing For the Month of Angnst, 1S42 Auxiliary will hold a joint instal­ 6995. f Foroenat of C. B. Weather W. Benson and family of Prince­ a bookkeeper by the \V. G. Glen- several of Jack Dehnpsey’* heavy­ Miss Flora Pickles of Har "HfUmiji ord«ni are llmltod-to a rnlnlninm of $2.00 Monday lation of officers tonight at eight ton street: Mrs. Benson, Sr., and ney Company. , ~ weight championship flghts to ztreet has ' resumed her seoJ tbraottl Thursday;..$3.00 Friday and Saturday,” Tho (rroatrr o'clock In the Legion hall on Leon­ Miss Alice Benson their daughter, TTie Garden club will meet to­ be shown at the close of business. 7,530 ard street. Mrs. T. E. Brosnan will together with the five grandchil­ year studies at BndicoU ColU Slightly wnnner In west portion Jiar$ ®f OUT delivery orders have always totaled this amount.. night at 7:30 in Center c^lurch Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Cros- Refreshments will be servjid. A Pride’s Crossing, Mass. * of aw AndH install, the officers, assisted by dren made Just an even dozen house. -A members’ flower show. large turnout Is hoped for.- tonight. aad with a little care, perhaps by biiylnK for two days, we are .Mrs. Hilda Kennedy as sergeant- sen of 22 . Ru.ssell street returned of CSlIZiUttOH* around the family dining table. In three classes will be a feature. last night from a' vacation spent X, mre It win be no problem to brini; your order to Ibis amount. at-arms, and past presidents. In- They- presented the honor guest Manchester— A City of Village Charm .staiiing officers and. outgoing of- at Lake Cbngamond, Westfleld, Colonel and Mrs. A. L. Billiard NATIVE POCLTRY with a purse of money and other Mas.s. ' DEMANDS FOR COAL ■ftcers are reQuested to wear white. gifts. John Limerick of Main street have rented the home o< the late Pryers — Broiler.^ — .Fowl and Chickens. (ClaMMed Advertlaing on Page ) TJie latter are asked to bring their and the members of his family James O. McCaw bn S3 Coburn hivolva TOI.. LXl., NO. I9B 10 MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1942 (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Freahiv Chopped Ground B eef......................... badges or send them to the meet­ Second Lieut. Gordon T. Weir, were pleased Saturday night to Miss Claire Lavey of Foster Toad for the winter. SOUP SHANKS. : ....... ............................15c, 19c and 2r>c ing. Following the ceremony re­ son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weir. hear over W. T. 1. C. the voices slroet, student nurse at the Hart­ Transpor­ freshments will be served in the H^- 117 Summer street, has reported of Privates Francis J, and Joseph ford hospital. Is spending a part tation Runches aaaa.aa..*aeaaa*e»«*a«.. •• CH. 1 2C b.r.sement and dancing will follow.- for duty as"'a flight Instructor at Limerick, who for the past six of her vacation in Washington, Confessed Slayer Points to Tellfcle Tire \k Rare R o n e s ...........................,,,,,,*,.e....e*.e..aaa.«^ l b s , 1 Oc Mrs. Lillian Metter is chairman of hnonths have been' together at D. C. As long as you keep an adl the. committee of arrangements. the nifw Army Air Forres Twin Wedding and Farewell NEW CROP Engine Advanced Flying School at Fort Knox, Kentucky, in the Quar­ Quate supply of coal or coke 11 U. S. Has Balance termasters corps. About 10 Con­ hand, we need not have a bottti Russians Still Hold Blythevllle, Ark. He ha.«i been Parties For Soldiers SWEET POTATOES 5 lbs, 25c .Members of Lady Roberts necticut boys were on the, 6:45 neck In transporting -eo»L stationed at Moody Field, Ga., WARD E. KRAUSE coke to homes and Industries. | M cI n t o s h a p p i . e s ....................... i n»s. 2.'.c; ba.skei noc ■l^idge. Daughters of .St. George, program and the Limerick broth­ ers greeted those at their home. Our Specialty. HHls Brothers’ C offee ........................ ................... .lb. 1(lc will meet, with Fidelity Lodge of Mystic Review. Woman’s'Bene­ Instructor Of Power Against Bristol, Wednesday at 1:30 p. m„ From a Sandwich To -a Meal! SEAMAN COAL CO. Garden o f Allah Tea B a n s ..................'...................r)0 fo r 49c fit H.ssoclatlon will meet tomorrow Clarinet — Trombone and for the Connecticut .School of Tn- evening in Odd Fellows hall. State The Center Hose company will Saxophone POLA COAL CO. Tuesday. Order: Scot tissue. Paper Napkin.s, Hou.«eho1d slructinn. The local members A. PAGANI & SONS Field Director Grace Best will be hold ft* regular meeting tonight Studio: 87 Walnut Street Ammonia.'Bleach \\ atcr. plan to leave on the 11;4S a. m. at eight o'clock at the ftre h e^ - Tel. 5790 Chaa D. Whltclier, Prop. pre.sent and a social time with re­ Telephone 5336 SS6 Center St. TeL SMl Japs in Pacific train- from Depot Square. freshments will follow the busi­ Quarters. ness. Attention of the members of the ln(ihu/rst Qrocemme. Woman's Christian. Temperance The Stanley group of the South Admiral Blandy Says MAI / i n ./ o o o K/( AIM CTDCFT I'nion is directed to the change of .Methodist W.S.C.S. will have .a Action Needled DIAL 4151 ' 302 MAIN STREET ipeetlng day. It will be held this covered dish supper for menjbers That Is His Opininn NORTH. OF POST OFFICE £ BLOCK FROM STATE ARMORY ' week on Wednesday afternoon at tomorrow evening at, 8:30 at the After 26,000 Mile I 2:30 at the Smith Methodist church.. The members have the To Halt Boost Stiikas Blasting the Ot church. privilege of Inviting a giiest. HALE’S BLANKET! inspe'etion Trip of All RAF Bom bers Smash St|iiarp by Square Bi Parts of Our Armed X: In Living Cost ' Infantry of Foe OnH Forces: His Reasons. Nazi Naval Station MODERN A m OLD FASHION •1 ^ V <*aiiis .300 Yards Aftei 1 --------- Henderson Says That Whole Day's Fightin|(| CLUB NOW! Washington, Sept. 15.— ; HALE'S SELF SERVE — Rear Admiral W. H. Blan-! Prices and Wages Must Observers Report That Savs Fuel Oil In tiie North Red Armi D A H C E The Original In New England! Given Bv The Manrhester <-H < luh dy. just back from a 26,000- j Be Frozen Now Or It Hundreds of Explo­ keeps Hitting at Line! mile ini^pection trip, declared sives Were Dropped CITY VIEW I)AN(XH.VLL today that United States Will Mean Disaster. To Be Shared lA>se on Central Front Keeney Street x ANbTIEALTH MARKET $1.00 Down forces presently hold the bal­ On Germans’’ Docks. Washington, Sept. 15 — (/P> — Wednesday Evening, Septeinher Nl6,, 1942 ance of striking power in the Moscow, Sept. 15.- Price Administrator Leon Hender­ 111 This Area Dancing 8 to 12. western Pacific. Blandy, Navy London. SepL 15—The R. A. F. Racks to the Volga, the d€ TUESDAY SPECIALS son told the Senate Banking com­ ifnstormcr’s Orchestra. Henry Spins. Prompter. 5 0 / W e e k ly ordnance chief who talked hurled a strong force of bombers fenders of Stalingrad ate mittee today that stabilization of .\ctmission. Including, 'fax. .^0 Cents. with reporter* at Secretary last night against Wilhelmshaven, to their guns today under thj Double Green Siampa Given with farm prices, and wages and sala­ New England Director Knox’a pres* conference, declared bhief German naval station. on"* the heaviest of pattern bombin he was not "bold enough’’., to ries. was Immediately'-necessary to Declares It Will^Be and stiii heid hiiis lookii Cash Sales All Day TueMlay. make any forecast* of the - future avert the "disaster" of Inflation, Robert T. Bailey, confeaied slayer of two Wisconsin social workers, points to tire on cars stolen North Sea, and kindled fires which participating pilots aaid were left Rationed Same as Gas* down upon the heart o f thI We Have Plenty of Pacific situation but that “for "as deadly as a bomb and as fiom ther the clue which led to hi.* a:, -t by Officers J. T. .Johnson .and K. C. M gginbothatn (right) the time being, roost certainly," treacherous as the Japanese." at Santa .Maria.
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