THE WASMIAUTON HEKAtD, FRIDAY; NOVEMBER: 15. 1912. iiimiK;:!:;;;::::;:i:;i:::::i:jin:nimao Thanksgiving FRESH FISH SPECIAL OF ALL .Five large bottles Fine 1 California Wine, assorted or KINDS1N of one kind. SEASON g w jj ' $1.00 Jm 0 m Am KtmWrSBBUmmimJmm V .M RED HEAD AND MAL- - 1 MAKYLMI WINE & H. LARD DUCKS. LIQUOR COMPANY CLAXTON'S Kronheim of Georgetown. FISH MARKET! 3218 M St. W.852 QUICK DELIVEBY. Free delivery all parts of to LA. AVE. N. W. the city. 94012 t Phone M. 679. H We Eire Herald 423,000 We give Herald $23400 H contest votes. c conteat votes. g ii:;;;:;:::;:::;;:::i;i::::::;:::::::::::::;:ns a aaawaanaii rTTiiiiii aiim i laia iss1 naTiaii . a a LIBRARY MARKET i PeiisylviRia Potatoes, ftttt4'HMf("HtK!HMfilllHrUH The Hone of We Know Ysm Wait te Eat the Very Best the Market Affords : Headquarters for Butter, Eggs, Coffee, Cheese I PRIVATE IN ' Pk., 25c; Bu.. 90c For a Few Day Only, Best Beat Beat Beat Choice Food. Vegetables, Poultry Broiling Chickens, lb 20a Batter, Egga, Coffee, Fruits, ID Fowls, - 300 To be bad at Turlceva. lb 33e lb. do. 38c lb. $M PRICES lb 18c ALWAYS LOWEST. THE THOMAS A. CANNON COMPANY, Ducks, Incorporated All kinds of fruits, vegetables, gro 3d and A Sts. S. E. Lin. 416. 76-8- 4 CENTER MARKET ceries, wines, and liquors. i Redman's White Front Market We take especial care with your orders, giving you the very beat 916 La. Ave. N. W. Tel. M. 228 We give Herald $23,000 contest to tea. quality of poods at the right price, believing that In so doing we will P.K.Chaconas&Co. secure you for a regular customer. Our Coffee Roasted Every Day. Full line Choice Groceries at Whole- - Send us a order for your Sunday dinner. sulo Prices. Free Delivery of All Orders Over 11.00. trial you 9th and La. Ave. f. STRAWBERRY Call by and see us, even If are not In a position to buy now. St give $25,000 contest votes. IKsSL,r1T You will be sure to deal with us eventually. Telephone St. 1693. TeL M. We Herald CHOCOLATE ! V ! ! I ! ! ! t ! 1 1 t We give nerald $23,000 contest votes. PEACH VANILLA CREAM The Groceries that BUSSfcY'S SI per Gallon. 50c i Gallon House SPARROW'S FREE DELIVERY Good Housewives New Oyster 51. 33S. Oysters Shucked REAL HOMEMADE AMREIN Like Daily BREAD 5 Loaf 1009 New York Ave. N.W. (Next to Bussey's Grocery) C. V. We give Herald $25.000 content votes. A. LUSTINE SPARROW 11tti & Kenyon Sts. N. W. ENJOY THE 621 7th St. S. W. I 806 N. Capitol Street. Tel. L. 1366. Phono M. 6333. Col. 223. 3 We give Herald $25,000 conteat votea. H We rive Herald $25,000 conteat votes. MARKET'S BEST For Yor Breakfast We give "lerald $25,000 conteat votea tj;i;!:;i;;iii;;;ii:!i;ii8;!iii;i:iiiii!:i!!!!ii:i:;i;:iiii;i;;;;;i;;;;;i;i;;i;:ii;;;:;;!;:::;;;:;uus JA& D DOM MELLY 1 And at the same time save money Best Goods Best Servlcs QZrlAh 1st 1 on jour groceries and provisions. AUTH'S Marion Market Fill your market basket here Good Things H.T.GOVER, Tt aire Herald rsSJVM eoateat Toti (F. M. HODGES, Prop.) and you are assured of prime Cor. C BERKSHIRE For Everybody's Table 7th and Sts. S.W. Renshaw Bros. Specialty of qualities, absolute cleanliness, Telephone Special Old Virginia Port Clean. Choice Eatables, Handled In a us your order for 13th and M Sts. N.W. and modest prices. In a HILL Home-Dress- clean manner. clean siore. ed Eggs. Phone North 807 Poultry Guaranteed strictly fresh Full d Chickens. Quart, 75c n Vegetables. We etre Herald $25,000 conteat votes. BRAND Dressed while you wait and abso- WELLS BOTTLES lutely guaranteed. J. GROCERIES 5 ASSORTED Wine, $1.00 HOME-DRESSE- LALEGER, D SAUSAGE 1800 T Street N. W. R. J. 1379. 100 Sixth Street S. E. Phono N. N. W. Complete line, clean and fresh. ADE choicest 1742 Col. Rd. The Murphy Wine Co., MEATS from the We give Herald 825.000 contest votea. Line. 333 Phone Col 4:S1. Tel. M. 204. of the pig, in- We ctve Herald $25.000 votea $23400 conteat votes.. Staple and Fan- parts roilnl We aire Herald We give Herald M cluding the hams. $3,000 contest votes.. 12th&OSts. N.W. cy Groceries. Phone N. 742. Wm, H, Leimbach Everything to the YOU SHOULD 1LYVE ON TOUR LIST a new product, but Goods that 'Hake Good' We give Herald $25,000 conteat votes. NOT that has pleased DEALER IN "Queen's Taste" MAYFLOWER H. Z. HEIST palates of Washington Once your market basket is A. W. TAYLOR Select Groceries, High-grad- 300 E STREET N. E. people for 35 years. One-pou- e Groceries and filled at this store, we can count MAPLE BRAZILS 'Phono packages. Meats and Provisions Choice all on jou as a regular customer. A wholesome food, as well as a fine Lincoln 1624 Meats of kinds. confection. W gle Herald SS5.000 coatrtt Totem. Game in Season Choice groceries and provisions SEA FOOD N. Auth Provision Co. at pleasing prices. 50c Pound 25c Half Pound Cor. Sixth and G Streets S.W. Berman's Corner Eastern Market 623 D Street S. W. 'PHONE MAIN U1S. M. ANNADALE THE CANDY BOX 23d and H Sts. N. W. J. A. CARSO Automobile for special delivery use. 1209 H N. E. L. 153 'Phone Orders Promptly At- We give Herald $25,000 conteat votea. St 1024 Fourteenth Street N. W. We clvc Herald 925000 contest rote. $25,000 contest votea. 353414th St. N.W. We glie Herald $25,000 contest votes. We give Herald We give Herald $25,000 conteat votea. tended to. Lincoln 2207 Phone Col. 3523. We give Herald $25,000 ceateet votes. The Famous Market Always a choice line of eat Come to the New Store. of OFFUTT 3 HUMMER Home-dresse- The Best Groceries ables at the The Market's Best. d Meats, And the Choicest of Delicatessen, FRESH MEATS S. Gurevich Fine Groceries, Fancy Select Apples, $2.75 Barrel. J. Groceries, Combined with Courteous Service. New Jersey Market 1501 S St. N. W. GROCERIES Select Irish Potatoe., pk 20c We Herald $25,000 conteat votes. 12t-- Oysters, gle Meats, Groceries, Fresh and Salt Sweet Wrinkled Peas, can c Provisions, Fancy Maine Corn, can 12$ic Groceries and AND PROVISIONS Meats. Pet Milk, large cans. S for c Meats and Fish in Season. and Provisions Granulated Sugar, lb 5Hc 21c Visit our 5 and 10c Counter. POPULAR PRICES. Star Soap. 6 for And Provisions of Finest Quality C N. E. PIERPONT MARKET Second and Sts 4th and Eye N. W. E. HOURIHANE Orders called for and delivered. ATWELL'S MARKET TeL Lin. 797 Streets J. L. F. LUSBY, Phone Xorth 1215. We give Herald $25,000 conteat votes. Telephone M. 2968. S. E. Cor. 4th & N Sis. Cor. 8th and East Capitol Streets Branch Store, 12th & K N. W. 318 M St. N. VY. H. 2226. We Herald $25,000 conteat Phone L. 1613. Phone Main SIS Home Dressed Meats die votea. We give $25,000 contest votea. give Herald $25JM0 contest votea. nerald We give Herald $25,000 contest votea. We give Herald $25400 contest votea. We Ham and Veal If it's good to eat, Deal with Us and THE OLD Triangle Grocery Store, A Little Better ESTABLISHED G ! Gaylor, II BRILL, PROP 200 Street Northwest We have it You Will Be GROCERY. Groceries, Meats, Provisions, At a Little Less 200 Florida Ave. N. W. Phone M. Choice Groceries. Meats. Wp- - Vegetables, Fruits, and Candies. An Idea for Soups. We give Herald (35,000 contest votes. Satisfied. SELECT GROCERIES tables, and Fruits, always deliv- of Royal Complete line of high-gra- gro Under tho portico the Ex AND PROVISIONS. ered promptly. A. Keys, change, though across the street from ceries at popular prices. Red Front Market J. W. E. BELL It. hovers a little soup shop, or eat- ' 3701 New Hampshire Avenue. ing house, famous In London for 200 JOSEPH J. CAYLOR a Porton's Market Clean, courteous, and prompt serv- 3077 M St. N. W. Phone, Col. 3822. 131 E j ears or thereabouts. If jou had 1033 Sixth N. St. S. E. small fan of three sticks and called 15thSt.andMd.Ave.N.E. L.2G60 Street E. ice. Give us a trial. We carry a full line of beat Dres We give Herald $25,000 conteat votea. We give Herald $25,000 conteat votea. 1 e give Herald $25,000 conteat votea. Beef and Poultry. the rivet Birch's, the first sUck would The cream of the mnric.r at all tfm. We give Herald $254)00 contest votea. represent the Royal Exchange, the We give Herald $25,000 contest votes. Try us. Fresh Beef, Lamb and Poultry second and longest, the Bank of Eng- Also all seasonable vegetables, ev- Fine land, and the third the Mansion Woodland, Straight You'll Like Our Goods erything at rock bottom prices. Call CAPITOL MARKET House, the home of the Lord Mayor, GEO. W. FARR, ana give us a irjai. so close la Birch's, to one of the Kentucky Whiskey. Jr. Fhone W. 468. and Our Service Orders called for and promptly Groceries world's great centers. There are other $1.00 Qt. $3.50 Gal. FINE FRUITS, places In by same delivered. PROMPT DELIVERY SERVICE London the name.
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