Cessna~~ A Textron Company AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE RECORD AIRCRAFT SERIAL AND REGISTRATION 17J.$//)'1sl/ N/P/90fJ RECORD NUMBER _/ _ D5517-2-13 This record shou Federal Aviation ing government r Note: Record Se this record as Maintenance Re .j MAINTENANCE RECORD DATE TOTAL TIME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, IN SERVICE DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED . CERTIFICATE TYPE HOURS 10THS & NUMBER ELT Battery date eXPire~ Key # ~O Airworthiness Directives comply through d.,Cf)8" B 3 6 Aircraft Airworthy, Total Time in Service: _, 3 .0 Total tach time: 3.D Hobbs time: ~ __ The G1000 System Software installed in this aircraft is Cessna publication number M~LUOO - O~ The G1000 System 10 Number is ~Fl£..4J,L.8'=O__ Seat#4 - Serial## Mll_---,~r4-----...,..itation Datc_-----L-'V" Seat # 5 - Serial # MliI__.. .--'-"IPr4- __ JxIliration Date --.--'-'t"'~ Seat # 6 - Serial # MliI__.. --'LJIfoA- __ """iration Date -----'L.l.\"'\_ MAINTENANCE RECORD . ~\-," DATE TOTAL TIME "'."\ ':' i,·v,.. .•..;....-' IN SERVICE DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED AtJTHORIZED'SIGflIATURE, CERTIFICATE TYPE· 10THS ~8 HOURS & NUMBER , " , This aircraft has been inspected and found in compliance with the requirements of FAR 21.183 and all 05~as:nges. The Transponder SIN 1f1Jl>'T0T7was inspected and tested on and is in com~he FAR 91.413. The Static oJJ? ~ 0 Pressu-reSystem was inspected and test~d on . I .' The ADC and Altimeter(s) I I have been inspected and tested and are In compliance WithFAR 91.217 an~Ii};)1.1,;; an altitude' of ~4 feet. ADC 9/tff-f~71fs0Date 05 J 0 A1tim~ te Date .= I 8' R '-n'n Date . ELT Certifie a d tested per FAR 91.207D. Standard -- ~C~K Certificate of /(Irworthiness dated W has been issued by the undersigned, OO~RF100·1~ ~ I . , .. o MAINTENANCE RECORD DATE TOTAL TIME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, IN SERVICE DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED CERTIFICATE TYPE HOURS 10THS & NUMBER ., Cessna Independence Facility One Cessna Boulevard· Independence, KS 67301 • Repair Station 197R796N Date: 27-Jun·2008 Aircraft Serial: 172S10574 Registration: N6196P Service Order: 2-06330 Tach: 3.5 Hobbs: 4.7 A Textron Company ........ _. .__ _.. .. _ .. _ _.~i_rf~'?~_~.~~.~_~_~~r:x __.__.__ _._.. _.__. • [ITEM 1]· AHRS R&R (Component replacement: Removed PIN 011·01105·00, SIN 68507233 and installed PIN 011.01105 00, SIN 68506619.) • [ITEM 2]- Aircraft was ground tested after service with no defects noted .• --END OF ENTRY-- The' airc~aft~-airframe' and' or iippliance' ieientitied '~a'-s' inspected 'and' repai'red- i'n accorciance 'with' current' reguiations' of the - -. Federal Aviation Administration and is approved for RETURN TO SERVICE. Pertinent details of the repair/in~n are on file at the repair station, S/O, 2-06330. Repair Station: 197R796N. ;/~ ----.~. ~\ Inspector Signature and.>:Stamp. ~ "-.: ry MAINTENANCE RECORD DATE TOTAL TIME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, I .. --_..........- I DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED CERTIFICATE TYPE & NUMBER AIR~-'1II ORLANDO AI" ORLANDO MAINTENANCE. INC. Date: 7-1-2008 -, Make: Cessna Model: 172S SIN: 172S10754 Tach: 12.8 Removed GIA63 (GIA2) Sin 68506619 and installed newly overhauled GIA63 (GIA2) Sin 68500792. Uploaded software and configuration. Ops check normal.-END- 100 ...".nli$lOO Bbove has been ;ns¥Z lAW manuf"""",", maintenance manuals and current F) regulatio nd is approved for return to service. J I _ Jeff Hud ::tt€ston AP2828753 o o o MAINTENANCE RECORD TOTAL TIME AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE, IN SERVICE DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK PERFORMED CERTIFICATE TYPE HOURS 10THS & NUMBER --~--- - -- en· .". .» AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE RECORDS :/t~ AIRFRAME MAINTENANCE RECORDS Log No. _L _ Ai rcraft Registration No._,_rV__ G;__1_9__U;_ P _ Aircraft Mfg. CESSNA Model 172$_ seriaINo.17Z-$ICJ75'( Engine Mfg. _ Model _ Serial No. i Engine Mfg. _ Model _ Serial No. _ Propeller Mfg. _ Model _ Serial No. _ Hub Design No. _ Hub Serial No. _ Blade Design No. _ Blade Serial No's. _ Propeller Mfg. _ Model -- Serial No. _ Hub Design No. _ Hub Serial No. _ Blade Design No. _ Blade Serial No's. _ (All applicable information MUST be filled in) J8/IJIlC/I PIIIDCIDIJIJIIIIJIC, www.adlog.com PO BOX 1359/ SOUTHOLD, NY 11971-0965 (631) 765-9375 1-800-235-6444 • C 1979 Aero Tact! PublicatIOns Inc. FAX: (631) 765-9359 Page No. TOTAL TACH OR TIME RECORDING DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED- DATE IN METER SIGNATURE & CERTIFICATE NO. OF PERSON PERFORMING WORK SERVICE TIME TOTAL brought forward from previous page N6196P Tflch: 15.1 SIN: 172S10754 7/7/08 N6196P Tach: 49.9 SIN: 172S10754 7120/08• . , 1. Remo,,'gitLai,t'fi replaced both cabin door stops PIN 0517.92~i ~l~.W."C~ssna 17 , Ch.52-1O-00. <to; ~ ~ h ~. ~PA ~rtMri~'fice N Cd%ff./? Date: ~8 Tach: «2. 9 Perfo~d,~'Airframe Phase I inspection lAW ~ . Cessn~l:t2,PJIase @ard Iuspectiell·Iggram. I certify ~}~5"-''lI :;t "', ~ this airframe to be tn an ajrwo . y.... Ition at this time. Phase II Due at".'P11t.25t ..~I·.> . ~ ~l. _ ....",,'"__,P" ";\t .j!. e: Signature ~.~J~)K&P~t~SSgqS Signature.-L..L--...J.-.l.....=s.L-JL..Jo£..>....L.4''-LL_ ) N ~ ate: Aftc,1fj Tach: 1'77 'f 7 r .Signature .~M2l(V N6196P Tach: 289.5' --SIN: 172S10754 9/28/08 N{Pfifr.tzf! Date:# Tach: ZL(J ./ 1. 2. 3. Page No. TOTAL TACH OR DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED-- DATE TIME RECORDING IN METER SIGNATURE & CERTIFICATE NO. OF PERSON PERFORMING WORK SERVICE TIME TOTAL brought forward from previous page N6196P Tach: 387.0 SIN: 172S10754 10124/0: 1. 2. 11125108 ate: I~ Tach: lI8S: ~ 1. 12/29/08 SIN:172S10754 12/19/08 1. 2. __/__ 3. 1. d replaced RIH cabin upper air valve PIN :illd ".. W. Cessna 172S MM Ch. 21-20-00. 2. ..:0 . ction of altern; Page No. TOTAL TACH OR DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED- DATE TIME RECORDING IN METER SIGNATURE & CERTIFICATE NO. OF PERSON PERFORMING WORK SERVICE TIME TOTAL brought forward from previous page N6196P Tach: 581.8 SIN: 172S10754 1/27/09 1. 2. 3. SIN: 172S10754 2/12/09 1. Signature-+-=-"''''--'''''----'''_-''--_ awlms AP3147355 N6196P . Tach: 730.3 SIN: 172S10754 3/22/09 L Signaturez;....<:~=-_=_===---"-"'--" Page No. TOTAL TACH OR DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED- DATE TIME RECORDING IN METER SIGNATURE & CERTIFICATE NO. OF PERSON PERFORMING WORK SERVICE TIME TOTAL brought forward from previous page • SIN: 172S10754 5/4/09 AIR-;'-'" ORLANDO AIR ORLANDO """NTENANCE, INC. )ate:5-8-09 "ake: Cessna Model:172S S/N:172S10754 Tach:823.0 ~wS609-24-01 by inspection of wire bundle. OK for service. ~eplaced both main tires PN 606C6161. Cleaned and repaced nain wheel bearings.--END-- 71e aircraft listed above has been inspected and repaired lAW manufacturer's 1aintenance manuals and current FAA reg ions and is approved for retum to ervice. -,-- Date: 05-19-09 Aircraft:N6196P Tach: 828.6 Total Time: 828.6 1 certify that an annual inspection has been performed on this airframe in accordance with FARpart 43 appendix D. Inspected skin for condition and deanliness, inspected battery, seats and safety belts, tires, windows, instruments, brakes and hydraulics, fue~ electrical and pitot stQtic systems. Inspected and lubricated flight controls and landing gear. Replaced both left and right brake linings pin 066-10500. Inspected and tested ELT in accordance with FAR part 91,207d, batteries expire May 2013. AD~ researched through issue 2009~09, no airframe AD~ due at this time. Airframe retumed to se ceo --------------------- A&P 625989983 IA SUB-TOTAL this page TOTAL-Carry forward to next page Page No. ~---'" TOTAL TACH OR TIME RECORDING DESCRIPTION OF WORK PERFORMED- DATE IN . METER SIGNATURE & CERTIFICATE NO. OF PERSON PERFORMING WORK SERVICE TIME - 14300 SW 129 ST Suite # 101,Hangar·M5 Miami, Florida 33186 Phone 305-255-5077 .. ~ FAX 305-255-5699 cessna R~2e~FAA CRS OJ)QR1.628.- FAA Certificated Repair Station Cessna Factory Authorized Service Station - Reg# N6196P A/C model 172S Date: June 9, 2009 A/C serial# 172S10754 Hobbs 1067.5 hours Tach time 842.5hours Removed starter pIn 149-NL sIn FN-060949 and Installed starter pIn 149-NUEC sIn FNE-110994. Removed battery and serviced iaw maintenance manual. Performed operational check on starter, ops checked good. Aircraft approved for return to service Pertinent details of the work performed are on file under repair statio" work orders 799 ~ . ~ Joseph Dougherty Chief Inspector kCRS 09QR1628 I - I -~- - - ---':'?"~;:; , AIR~?JI ! ORLANDO I AIR ORLANDO MAINTENANCE. INC. Date: 8-19-2009 Make: Cessna Model: 172S SIN: 172S10754 Tach: 896.8 Removed stand-by attitude indicator s/nT9529~0 and installed overhauled unit s/nT82926Q. Operational check normal. The aircraft listed above has been inspected and repaired IA~ . manufacturer's maintenanc: manuals and r: FAA regulations and IS approved for return to servtce. .JJ:::::. ~l ..J Jeff Hu-ddleston AP2828753 I I Date: 09-10-09 Aircraft:N6196P Tach: 927.8 Total Time: 927.8 I certify that a 100hr inspection has been performed on this airframe in accordance with FAR part 43 appendix D. Inspected skin for condition and cleanliness, inspected battery, seats and safety belts, tires, windows, instruments, brakes and hydraulics, fue~ electrical and pitot static systems. Inspected and lubricated flight controls and landing gear. AD's researched through issue 2009-16, no . rame AD's due at this time. Airframe returned to service L1-7. --- ------ --- 7f&P 328588534 TOTAL-Carry forward to next page .- Page No. DATE Date: 10-14-09 Aircraft:N6196P Tach: 1027.5 Total Time: 1027.5 I certify that a 100hr inspection has been perfonned on this airframe in accordance with FAR part 43 appendix D. Inspected skin for condition and cleanHness.
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