Fabrication of microstructures in photoetchable glass ceramics using excimer and femtosecond lasers Joohan Kim Halil Berberoglu Abstract. We discuss laser fabrication of microstructures in photoetch- Xianfan Xu able glass ceramics called Foturan (Schott Company, Elmsford, NY). A Purdue University KrF excimer laser (ϭ248 nm, ϭ25 ns) is used for surface microma- School of Mechanical Engineering chining, and a femtosecond laser (ϭ800 nm, ϭ80 fs) is used for fab- West Lafayette, Indiana 47907 ricating 3-D structures. Important aspects of the machining, such as E-mail: [email protected] depth of machining resulting from different laser processing parameters and threshold laser fluences, are presented. A detailed analysis of the absorption process of both lasers in photoetchable glass ceramics is provided. © 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers. [DOI: 10.1117/1.1759330] Subject terms: photoetchable glass ceramics; excimer laser; femtosecond laser; micromachining; 3-D machining. Paper 03025 received Mar. 5, 2003; revised manuscript received Dec. 19, 2003; accepted for publication Dec. 19, 2003. 1 Introduction A detailed study on laser-based micromachining of pho- Photoetchable glass ceramics are very promising materials toetchable glass ceramics is presented. The intention is to for fabricating a variety of microstructures and systems. understand the micromachining process using two different These materials have high Young’s Modulus, transparency types of lasers, a UV excimer laser and a femtosecond la- ser. Due to high absorptivity at the excimer laser wave- in visible wavelengths, and good thermal and electrical in- ϭ sulation properties. In addition, their chemical stability, bio- length ( 248 nm) and the large laser beam size, the ex- compatibility, and high melting temperatures enable the cimer laser is mainly used for fabricating complex fabricated microdevices to be used in corrosive and high- structures on surfaces. Machining characteristics using dif- ferent processing parameters are studied. Results obtained temperature environments for a variety of biological and from the two lasers are compared. In Sec. 2, the principles chemical applications.1 For example, photoetchabe glass of micromachining in photoetchable glass ceramics are re- ceramics have been used for making high aspect ratio spac- viewed. In Sec. 3, experimental results from this study are ers in field emission displays ͑FED͒, gas electron multipli- presented and analyzed. ers as detectors, and microreactors.2–4 To effectively machine microstructures in glass ceram- ics, it is desirable to find alternative methods that have 2 Principles distinctive advantages compared with conventional litho- The photoetchable glass ceramics used for our study, Fotu- graphic techniques. Laser-based fabrication in photoetch- ran, are manufactured by Schott Company. The basic idea able glass ceramics has been studied for making miniature 5–7 behind laser processing of photoetchable glass ceramics is satellites and other microdevices. Photons from the laser to create a way to induce anisotropic chemical etching. beam are used to change material properties locally, fol- Glass is an amorphous material, meaning there are no spe- lowed by a material removal process accomplished by cific directions within its structure to create directionally chemical etching. Therefore, the laser-based method com- specific etching. However, by locally modifying this amor- bines the advantages of two processes: fast and local pat- phous structure using irradiation such as a laser beam, it terning using laser beams, and efficient material removal becomes possible to change its etching characteristics and using wet etching. Another advantage is 3-D machining of therefore to create designed structures.5,12 In Foturan, this is photoetchable glass ceramics by focusing a laser beam in- achieved by creating a local crystalline phase that etches side the material. This 3-D machining eliminates many dif- about 20 times faster than the amorphous one. Processing ficult assembly steps in microdevice fabrication and pack- of Foturan requires three main steps, namely photosensiti- aging. Femtosecond lasers are very useful for making 3-D zation, heat treatment, and etching. structures on glass ceramics due to their low absorptivity at the laser wavelength (ϭ800 nm) except at the focal point where the laser intensity is high enough to cause multipho- 2.1 Photosensitization ton absorption. Embedded 3-D structures such as Y- or Photosensitization is the first step in structuring Foturan, H-shaped channels have been produced with femtosecond where the structure to be created is written and/or projected lasers.8–11 onto the material with a suitable light source. During illu- 478 JM3 3(3) 478–485 (July 2004) 1537-1646/2004/$15.00 © 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Kim, Berberoglu, and Xu: Fabrication of microstructures... mination, local temperature rise induces formation of Ce3ϩ ions. These ions are stabilized by Sb2O3 and other reducing agents:13 2Ce4ϩϩSb3ϩ$2Ce3ϩϩSb5ϩ. ͑1͒ The unstable Ce3ϩ ion in turn absorbs enough photon energy from a laser beam, giving away one electron going into the stable Ce4ϩ form. Ce3ϩϩh!Ce4ϩϩeϪ. ͑2͒ The created electrons are then absorbed by the silver ions, which are reduced to silver atoms. AgϩϩeϪ!Ag. ͑3͒ Fig. 1 Spectral transmissivity of Foturan. The thickness of the The resulting silver atoms act as nucleation sites, around sample is 0.2 mm. which lithium metasilicate in Foturan can be crystallized during the heat treatment step. Cheng et al. suggest that silver atoms are created at the heat treatment step, inducing etcher at room temperature.13 Fuqua et al. suggested using a precise high spatial resolution of the crystallized region, 5% HF at 40 °C.15 Both sources quote an etch ratio of 20 to but the exact mechanism is still subject to investigation.14 1 between the exposed and unexposed region. It is found in 2.2 Heat Treatment our experiments that the aspect ratio and the etch rate are around 10 and 0.5 m/min, respectively, which are compa- Following photosensitization, Foturan is heat treated for rable to the reported values.16 The etch rate decreases as the lithium metasilicate to crystallize around the silver nucle- dimensions of the structure gets smaller, since HF cannot ation cites. During this step, it is desirable to obtain as reach in as effectively. This is one of the biggest problems small a crystal size as possible to reduce surface roughness for creating high aspect ratio and embedded structures, as it after the etching step. This is quite important for creating can become quite difficult to get the etchant to every part of microstructures, since uncontrolled crystal sizes ranging the structure without broadening the easily accessible sec- from1to10m are possible. Also, it is believed that the tions. crystal sizes can affect the etch ratio between the crystalline phase and the amorphous phase. Although there is no exact 3 Experiments and Results recipe for the heat treatment process, several procedures have been proposed in the literature.15 Accordingly, in our The lasers used are a KrF excimer laser (pulsewidth work, Foturan is first heated up to 500 °C at a rate of 5 °C ϭ25 ns, wavelengthϭ248 nm) and a Ti:sapphire amplified per minute. During this portion of the heat treatment, silver femtosecond laser (pulsewidthϭ80 fs, wavelength atoms diffuse to form silver clusters in the exposed regions. ϭ780 nm). For creating 2-D surface structures using the After staying at this temperature for about an hour, the excimer laser, the image of a mask is projected onto the temperature is ramped up to 605 °C at a rate of 3 °C per Foturan surface. In this case, the minimum feature size is second. At this temperature, crystallization is most efficient limited by the crystallized grain size after the heat treat- and the Foturan is held at this temperature for about an ment, which is around a few microns. In our work, a well- hour. Finally, the sample is cooled to room temperature in defined pattern can be obtained using a single pulse when 15 ambient. Fuqua et al. also mentioned that the formed the smallest feature size is above 10 m. Another method crystals would have a lower density, so internal stresses and to create a pattern is to scan a beam with a primitive shape, surface roughness would show up to a degree, depending such as a circle along a predetermined path. This latter on the size of the structures. Note that the temperature used method is used in both excimer and femtosecond laser pro- in this heat-treating process is much higher than the tem- cessing. Various features can be printed on or inside the perature caused in the laser processing step, therefore, crys- material ͑for the femtosecond laser only͒ with a proper fo- tallization does not occur during laser processing. cusing lens and computer-controlled high precision motion stages. The depths of focus for the excimer laser and the fs 2.3 Etching laser focusing lenses are 24.3 and 1.6 m, respectively. The final step in the structuring of Foturan is wet etching. Figure 1 shows the transmissivity of a 0.2-mm-thick Fo- In this step, the crystalline regions are etched away using turan sample with respect to the wavelength measured us- hydrofluoric acid ͑HF͒. ing a spectral photometer. At the wavelength of the KrF excimer laser, 248 nm, the transmissivity is 2.6%, indicat- ϩ ! ϩ ϩ ͑ ͒ Li2SiO3 8HF 2LiF H2SiF6 3H2O. 4 ing that most energy at this wavelength is absorbed in the material in the near surface region. Because of the very low In the literature, there are several different concentra- transmissivity at this wavelength, it is rather difficult to tions and schemes suggested for etching. Dietrich et al. focus the laser beam using the focusing lens set into the used a solution of 10% HF in an ultrasonic bath or spray material for creating embedded structures, and avoid pho- J.
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