O M \ . Average Dafly Net Press Ran rx The Weather Pw Wie WeMc Ended Clear, very cold ‘tonight, Novemlitrr 14, 1970 winds diminishing; low in up­ per teens. Tomorrow mostly 16e080 sunny; high in 30s. Wednesday cloudy, milder. Manchester— A City o f Vtiiage Charm VOL. LXXXX* NO. 57 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1970 (Clusifled Adveitlsiiig on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS IsraoK, Ai Americans Swiss A] L eadersSet Remember •f- Sneak Raid By DENNIS REDMONT b n d r e m a b t o n By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Associated Press Writer Aaeoclated PreM Writer /uriomu Memorial' services are being RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil (AP) — Terrorists with WAsHINOTON (AP) — Top ccmducted around the country Arab and Israeli leaders are today to mark the day—^Dec. 7, automatic weapons kidnaped the Swiss ambassador to­ due this week to meet with U.S. 1941—that President Franklin day after shooting a Brazilian government agent as­ officials as part of stepped up Roosevelt said "will live in signed to guard him. Witnesses reported seeing a blonde maneuvering preceding the ex- infamy.” among the abductors. pected resumption of Middle Many were arranged by the 'A i ’Hie terrorists fled with Am­ East peace talks. 4,000-member Pearl Harbor Sur- bassador Giovanni Enrico Buch­ Jordan’s King Hussein is vlvors Association, a 12-year-old er, a 67-year-oId bachelor and a scheduled to start the discus- oi^sonization for servicemen popular fig;tu'e in the diplomatic corps here, after scattering leaf­ Bloas upon arrival Tuesday. He were stationed on the Is- <c. Israeli Defense Minister Moshe ^ “• ®^p within lets identifying themselves as laraeU Defense Minister Moishe ^® *s>and the day members of the National Liber­ Dayan arrives. Pearl Harbor was attacked by ation Alliance, an organization The Israeli war hero original- •^^P®nese forces, believed to have folded with the ly scheduled his visit as I orl- ®- ''®*^ death of its leader last month. vate, fund-raising trip, but he, «M p > ^ tlon ,” says Joseph In ap operation carried out too, wiU see high U.S. officials i member in Los with military precision, the ter­ before returning to the Mideast. “ rorists ^rrounded the ambassa­ Hussein, who is making his . h dor’s car as he was being driven T/,.,r4h tu rr . "Our puipose is to remind to the embassy. ’They ordered P®°Pl® t T w e let everything the driver out of the automobile. since the 1967 war, is ex a cted ^ ^ n d - ’The security guard tried to re­ to dwel on the resumpUon of ^ e get smacked right sist and was reported to have n e g o ^ ^ , military aid and between the horns. We don’t been shot three times. GIOVANNI BUCHER the Palestinian guerrilla situa- vvant an3rthing like that to ever The entire operatlcm lasted Kidnaped happen again.” two minutes. The question of the peace Rahlya now a security officer It was Brazil’s fourth political Volkswagen remained at the talks is overriding, however, in for Northrup CJorp., was aboard kidnaping since a rash of such end of the street, blocking the the minds of the U.S. officials, the USS Oglala, f l ^ h i p of the _ . A i ) - seizures began with the abduc­ road. TTiey are also said to be con- Navy’s mine force, when the tion of U.S. Ambassador C. A fourth car—a red Volkswa- vlnced the talks, under the aus- concussion from a Japanese tor- K Burke telbrick on Sept. 4, 1960 in gen—drove away with the am- pices of United Nations media- pedo burst its seams, Rio de Janeiro. Elbrick was re- bassador, as his bodyguard- tor Ounnar Jarring’ will resume “We were lucky. ’There were leased after the military gov- federal agent Hello G. Xavier— before the curroit cease-fire about 200 of us. on the Oglala r i emment freed 16 prisoners held jay on the ground wounded, tuns out Feb. 0. vriien it happened at 7:66 in the in connection wdth politically in- According to witnesses, at All parties. Including Israel, morning. A few were Injured A wounded Cambodian soldier mops his head with a towel as a buddy crouches are ready for a new effort at ne- but not one of us was killed,” he spired offenses. least six terrorists were In- next to him after their unit was ambushed by North Vietnamese troops east Soldier Says ’The other kidnapings in Brazil volved, including a blonde wom- godations, the officials say. said. Rahiya, then a 21-year-old of Skoun. Ambush occurred as Cambodians tried to reopen Route 7. (AP Photo) were' of Japanese Consul Nobuo an. The black briefcase which * * * ® * * * * * * * * ^ ^ sailor, spent the next four days Okuchl in Sao Paulo last March the ambassador was canylng A personality portrait of Moshe fighting ship fires. Galley Slew and Ambassador Ehrenfried with him, was taken by tlie Md- Dayan, who to many Israelis ’Die Japanese attack killed von Hollenben of West Germany napers. is the modem embodiment of 2,008 U.S. Navy men that day, last June. Okuchi was freed Diplomatic sources speculated the Jewish Biblical fighters, 109 Marines, 218 soldiers and 68 Losses Heavy on Both Sides V iet M onk upon the release of five prison­ on the reasons the terrorists had can- be found on Page Two. civilians. Hundreds more were ers and the West German when chosen Bucher. wounded." By HARRY ROSENTHAL 40 prisoners were released. One of them, the sources said, ’The Oglala was one of nine Associated Press Writer Bucher’s kidnaping took place could have been as a revenge Navy ships sunk. In the attack As Cambodians^ Cong Battle near his residence in Santa against the recent expulsion of However, there were indica­ FT. BENNING, Ga. (AP) — tions in Jerusalem Sunday that 188 American planes were de- Teresa, a residential section on two Brazilian terrorists from Israel, which broke off the orlgi- stroyed. ’The Japanese lost 29 PHNOM PENH, Cambodia other fighting in Cambodia eaht, faced government troops 60 witness testified today that Lt. a hill overlooking Rio de Janei­ Switzerland. south and west of Phnom Penh, miles north of Kompong Som William Calley, after shooting nal talks Aug. 26 because of al- aircraft. (AP) — North Vietnamese and ro. The ambassador had also re­ leged Egyptian violations of the The Pearl Harbor Survivors Viet Cong troops may have decl- The battle for control of High- had moved nearer the city, two groups of civilians at My The time was 8:40 a.m., as cently come under fire in Swiss way 4, Phnom Penh’s link, with tightening their control of the Lai, blew the head off a whlte- cease-fire, is not ready for the Association has 76 chapters mated a Cambodian battalion the ambassador was on his way Parliament In the case of a and captured a district head­ Kompong Som and the Gulf of road. robed Vietnamese monk and new talks. to the office. Swlss-Brazlllan student who was (See Page Ten) quarters it was defending 37 Premier Oolda Meir said she Siam, continued with fighting There also was a 9)4-hour bat- ® child, ’Ihe ambassador’s butler, being tried on charges of. sub­ miles northeast of Phnom Penh, reported about 20 miles north- tie at Prek Thnot Dam, an inter- **^® testimony of Galley’s "sees the need for further clari­ Manoel Mlro, said he woke up versive citivltles. the Cambodian command said east of the coast. A source said national project 40 miles west of operator, CSiarles Sledge, j.gg had breakfast Speculation in Switzerland fication” with the United States tile prosecution introduced the today. enemy battalions which had the capital on the Thnot River. and left for the office. was that the kidnaping was a on conditions sought by her gov­ first evidence on two charges Pilots flying air support had The government reported killing When Bucher’s car arrived at delayed retaliation against ernment before rejoining &e against Calley—the shooting of Teachers been unable to establish radio at least five Miemy soldiers in a quiet nearby street, it was g^iss measures taken against talks. the monk and the shooting of contact with the defenders at ambushes near Prey Veng, a blocked by two cars-^-a Volk­ Dayan’s trip cqqaarenUy holds the child. Peam Chikang since late Sun­ provincial capital about 30 miles swagen and a Wlllys. Another (See Page Eight) the key to the clarification U .S . M ulls In all, the 27-year-old platocm Back on Job day, a spokesman said. At that east of Phnom Penh, and Kom­ sought by Mrs. H eir about leader is on trial in connection time, he reported, heavy losses pong Chhnano, ebost 6 miles to American political, economic with 102 deaths—30 of them at a had been incurred by both sides the northwest. and mlUtary support, M onth-Long trail in the vlllsige and 70 at a In Hartford in a day of fighting. a ie made her clarificaUcm U.S. Stratofortresses based in ditch just outside. White House Says: statement in the wake of a note uADnniVkTjrk / at>\ ’The-government has been un­ Thailand dropped bombs over Sledge said he was with Cal­ from President Nixon reaffirm- HARTFORD (AP) - After able to resupply the embattled V iet Truce North Vietnamese supply routes ley when they came up to a ing UB. pledges to supply arms boycotting classrooms for 14 district headquarters or evacu­ in Northern Cambodia Sunday, group of people in the village __________ ^ WASHINGTON (AP) — Secre Ineffective Communications to the Jewish state if necesseuy days, striking Hartford teachers ate casualties, the spokesman attempting to slow down the en­ and heard the lieutenant tell to maintain the Mlde'ast balance went back' to work Monday.
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