www.ukrweekly.com lished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! rainian WeeklV Vol. LIX mNo. 25 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 23,1991 50 cents 2,000 greet Archbishop Sterniuk Ukraine's authorities register at outdoor liturgy in Toronto Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church LVIV - The Ukrainian Greek- The act of registration was com­ Catholic Church has been registered in pleted on June 15 in Kiev by the vice- Ukraine on the republican level, report­ chancellor of the Lviv Archeparchy, the ed the Church's Lviv Press Office. Rev. Roman Shafran. Registration occurred on May 28 Having been registered, the Ukrainian following a visit to Kiev by the head of Greek-Catholic Church now has all the the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Cardi­ rights given to religious institutions in nal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky. accordance with the recently passed Law on Freedom of Conscience and In the Ukrainian capital the primate Religious Organizations. had met with the chairman of the In other news, Cardinal Lubachivsky Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet, Leo­ announced on June 11 that he will nid M. Kravchuk. They discussed remain permanently in Ukraine and will registration of the Ukrainian Greek- begin much-needed work to establish an Catholic Church and the fact that this infrastructure for the Ukrainian Greek- Church does not have its own house of Catholic Church in Ukraine. worship in Kiev. A speedy resolution to In a June 6 statement written in Lviv both matters was assured by Mr. Krav­ and released to the public on June 10, chuk and other government officials Cardinal Lubachivsky noted the follow­ present at themeeting. ing; Toronto's Ukrainian Catholic Bishop Isidore Borecky (left) stands next to Archbishop Volodymyr Sterniuk of Lviv, at recent celebrations marking the centennial of Ukrainian settlement in Canada. by Christopher Guly Canadian National Exhibition Grounds. Special to The Ukrainian Weekly During his homily, Archbishop Ster­ niuk paid tribute to the "confessors TORONTO - Battling a premature of the faith" who successfully fought summer heatwave and the heavy pangs Communist oppression of the faith that his 84-year-old body brings him, the since Josyf Stalin declared the Church senior bishop of the Ukrainian Catholic illegal in 1946. Church in Ukraine told stories of the His voice breaking with emotion, the old century which made his audience resident primate of the Ukrainian weep. Catholic Church in Ukraine spent Lviv Archbishop Volodymyr Ster­ almost an hour detailing his expe­ niuk, repeatedly called the patriarch of riences of imprisonment and house the Ukrainian Catholic Church by his arrest. Archbishop Sterniuk made spe­ host, Toronto Bishop Isidore Borecky, cial reference to the ardent fervor of the delivered an emotional address here on late Bishop Nicetas Budka, Canada's June 5, as part of the local eparchy's first Ukrainian Catholic bishop who centennial celebrations of Ukrainian returned to Ukraine and who died an settlement in Canada. emotionally embattled man. Today, About 2,000 attended an outdoor many consider Bishop Budka to be a Cardinal Myroslav Ivan Lubachivsky offers liturgy at St. Mykola Naberezhny pontifical divine liturgy at Toronto's (Continued on page 8) Church in the Podil district of Kiev. "A new page begins in our history. Military conversion conference held in Kiev The time for martyrdom of blood has passed and the time for the martyrdom by Ana Goshko According to Mr. Antonov, defense held in the Blue Hall of Kiev's October of living is here, which in everyday Special to The Ukrainian Weekly enterprises in Ukraine will have auto­ Palace. testimony and the constant obedience KIEV — "Ukrainian defense pro­ nomy in decision-making and will pay Volodymyr Pylypchuk, chairman of of God's and the Church's command­ duction enterprises will be transferred taxes only to the republic. In turn, the the Ukrainian Supreme Soviet's Sub­ ments we witness to God in our home­ from union control to the control of the Ukrainian government will pay a fixed committee on Economic Reform and land and among our people. Our task is Ukrainian Republic," according to amount of tax to the union government. Management of the National Economy, to renew the spiritual and moral life of Viktor Antonov, the Ukrainian state Some Ukrainian defense enterprises are said at the conference that there are four the Ukrainian people, and we will also secretary for the defense complex and also to be turned into joint-stock steps to privatization of state enter­ spare no efforts for the betterment of conversion. companies. Fifty percent of an enter­ prises: nationalization, diversification, their material state. We will especially Mr. Antonov spoke at "Conversion prise's shares will be retained by the commercialization and privatiza­ focus our attention on the education of ^1," a three-day conference, which took government, but may be later sold to tion/demonopolization. new cadres of dedicated priests and place May 27-30 in Kiev. The confe­ workers' collectives or other entities. Mr. Pylypchuk said he considers the faithful among our youth. In the very rence was sponsored by the Harvard More than 70 Ukrainian government conversion of defense enterprises an near future we will make a series of Project on Economic Reform in U- officials, Supreme Soviet members and integral part of diversification. decisions regarding the strengthening of kraine, and SPURT, an association of general directors of Ukrainian defense "Available consumer goods must be enterprises and cooperatives in Kiev. enterprises attended "Conversion ^l," (Continued on page 8) (Continued on page 8) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JUNE 23,1991 No. 25 Political developments in Ukraine: Battle of Brody monument demolished TORONTO - A monument Fifty-three Galician Division an analysis of complex situation dedicated to the Ukrainian soldiers veterans, captured after the battle and killed 47 years ago in the World War II sentenced to years of imprisonment in Battle of Brody on May 26, in the village Soviet concentration camps, attended by Dr. David R. Marples heights after the issuance of a Ukrainian Radio Liberty Research of Yasheniv, Brody region, was the holy liturgy and funeral service program to deal with the disaster's demolished in a powerful explosion in officiated by Catholic and Orthodox effects, which has reduced radiation CONCLUSION the early hours of June 18, reported the clergy on May 26. norms for the population and con­ Ukrainian Central Information Service Dmytro Chdbit, a Ukrainian people's Ukrainian Inter-Party Assembly siderably expanded the territory said to based in London. deputy from Brody, and Myroslav be contaminated in Ukraine. The monument, a 10-meter white Hlubysh, head of the Drohobych City In western Ukraine, the alienation of Chornobyl continues to be an emo­ marble obelisk adorned with a black Council, delivered commemorative the three non-Communist western tional issue in Ukrainian politics that marble cross and a gold lion, the symbol addresses. The Brotherhood of Galician governments from the rest of the re­ can hardly be underrated. The Chor­ of the First, or Galician, Division of the Division Veterans was represented by public is well known. In February, the nobyl Committee and Green Party have Ukrainian Army, was unveiled on the Volodymyr Molodetsky of Toronto, three oblasts held a joint assembly to reported that the number of current anniversary of the Battle of Brody in a who was the commander of the Galician discuss cooperation and the possibility casualties to date among clean-up crews solemn ceremony attended by Division at the Battle of Brody. Mr. of forming an autonomous Galician is 7,000 to 10,000, but the all-union approximately 15,000 persons, reported Molodetsky greeted those gathered as region within Ukraine.17 While these authorities have not commented on the World Congress of Free Ukrainians. both a Galician Division commander areas have been seen as particularly these figures. On April 24, Mr. Yavoriv­ Designed by sculptor Valeriy Potiuk and representative of the World radical, extreme currents have begun to sky spoke at a press conference in Kiev, and erected under the sponsorship of Congress of Free Ukrainians. manifest themselves. at which he cited documents purporting the Lviv Brotherhood of Students, the The UCIS, in a news item One of the most publicized has been to show that the former first secretary of monument was dedicated to Ukrainian. disseminated by the WCFU, stated that the Ukrainian Inter-Party Assembly the Ukrainian Communist Party, soldiers of all armies killed in the 1944 at 4 a.m. on June 18, unidentified (Ukrayinska Mizhpartiyna Asambleya- Volodymyr Shcherbytsky (a conserva­ Battle of Brody, although it is persons detonated a bomb which UMA), (UMA), which held an unsanc- tive figure appointed in the Brezhnev unmistakedly a memorial to soldiers of destroyed the monument and shattered tioned meeting to protest the union re­ era), wanted to evacuate the city of Kiev the Galician Division, reported the the windows of 50 homes irt its ferendum on March 17. The UMA is by May 10, 1986, but was prevented WCFU. immediate vicinity. made up of several ultra-nationalist from doing so by Gorbachev personally, who informed Mr. Shcherbytsky that groups; the Ukrainian Committee of 22 Catholic Youth; the Union of Nationa­ he was a "panicker." Stepcm Khmara trial postponed, list Youth of Ukraine; the Ukrainian The point here is not the effects of National Radical Party; the Ukrainian Chornobyl per se, but the perception in Kovalchuk taken to hospital Ukraine that the disaster was a result of Popular Democratic Party; theDmytro by Marta Kolomayets The lawyers for Dr. Khmara and his Dontsov Ukrainian Nationalist Club; and the reported incompetence and callous­ ness at the union level (Mr. Yavorivsky Kiev Press Bureau co-defendants expressed their vote of the Committee for the Creation of no-confidence in the judges, stating that National Armed Forces.
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