Quarterly Report No. 7 April 30, 2016 ANCRE - Quarterly Report No. 7 from January 1 to March 31, 2016 1 ANCRE Advancing Newborn, Child and Reproductive Health Program Quarterly Report No. 7 January 1 to March 31, 2016 Distribution: Ricardo Missihoun, USAID/Benin Agreement Officer Representative Michelle Kouletio, USAID/Benin Agreement Alternate Officer Representative This report was prepared by the USAID/Benin Advancing Newborn, Child and Reproductive Health (ANCRE) program. ANCRE is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Benin in Cooperative Agreement No. AID-680-A-14-00001. University Research Co., LLC (URC), manages the program in collaboration with Dimagi, Inc. and the Results for Development Institute (R4D). WARNING: The points of view expressed by the author in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the United States Agency for International Development of the United States government. ANCRE - Quarterly Report No. 7 from January 1 to March 31, 2016 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................................ 4 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 7 SUMMARY TABLE OF ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE PERIOD ........................................................... 8 MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE QUARTER ..................................................................... 12 IR 1: IMPROVED PUBLIC HEALTH SECTOR PERFORMANCE ........................................................... 12 IR 1.1: Improved planning and management of health systems and services, especially at the decentralized level ....................................................................................................................................................... 12 IR 1.2: Improved quality of service delivery in private health facilities, especially for women and young children ...................................................................................................................................................... 13 IR 1.3: Essential commodities more available at service delivery and distribution points ........... 14 IR 2: IMPROVED PRIVATE HEALTH SECTOR PERFORMANCES ...................................................... 17 IR 2.1: Improved public sector policies, oversight and supervision of private sector health care delivery ............................................................................................................................................................................. 17 IR 2.2: Improved quality of service delivery in private health facilities, especially for women and young children ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 IR 3: IMPROVED PREVENTION AND CARE-SEEKING BEHAVIOR OF AN EMPOWERED POPULATION .................................................................................................................................................... 19 IR 3.1: Increased Appropriate Health Promoting Behaviors Made by Households and Especially Women .............................................................................................................................................................................. 19 IR 3.2: Informed families make appropriate choices for accessing public and private sector health services and commodities ........................................................................................................................... 20 IR 3.3: Strengthened community-level contributions to health sector decisions and financing . 22 SUPPORT FOR MANAGING THE LASSA FEVER EPIDEMIC ................................................................. 23 ANCRE PROJECT VISIBILITY ACTIVITIES ................................................................................................ 24 PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 25 PARTNERSHIP AND COLLABORATION ......................................................................................... 25 PERFORMANCE MONITORING......................................................................................................... 27 PROBLEMS/CHALLENGES ................................................................................................................. 31 APPENDICES .......................................................................................................................................... 32 APPENDIX 1: Progress of programmed activities from January to March 2016 ................................ 32 APPENDIX 2: Visitors and consultants received .............................................................................................. 42 APPENDIX 3: Changes in performance indicators .......................................................................................... 43 ANCRE - Quarterly Report No. 7 from January 1 to March 31, 2016 3 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS AGR Activité Génératrice de Revenu AMDEC Analyse des Modes de Défaillance, de leurs Effets et de leur Criticité ANCRE Advancing Newborn, Child and Reproductive Health Project ANV Agence Nationale de Vaccination AS Abomey-Calavi – Sô-Ava AZT Allada – Zè - Toffo CAME Centrale d’Achat des Médicaments Essentiels CBGH Comè – Bopa – Grand-Popo – Houèyogbé CCSC Communication pour un Changement Social et Comportemental CHUD-BA Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Départemental du Borgou-Alibori COZO Covè – Zagnanado – Ouinhi CPN Consultation Pré Natale CPN-R Consultation Pré Natale Recentrée CRAMS Chargés de Recherche et d’Appui à la Mobilisation Sociale CSU Couverture maladie universelle DCO Djougou – Copargo – Ouaké DDS Direction Départementale de la Santé DHIS2 District Health Information System 2 DIP Direction de l’Information et du Pré-archivage DIU Dispositif Intra Utérin DNEHS Direction Nationale des Etablissements Hospitaliers et Soins DNSP Direction Nationale de la Santé Publique DPMED Direction de la Pharmacie et du Médicaments DPP Direction de la Programmation et de la Prospective DRFM Direction des ressources financières et du matériel DRZ Dépôt Répartiteur de Zone DSME Direction de la Santé de la Mère et de l’Enfant ANCRE - Quarterly Report No. 7 from January 1 to March 31, 2016 4 EAQ Equipe d’Amélioration de la Qualité EEZS Equipe d’Encadrement de Zone Sanitaire ERPA Evaluation Rapide de la Performance des Agents de santé ETME Elimination de la Transmission de la Mère à l’Enfant RBF Financement Basé sur les Résultats FHVL Fièvre Hémorragique Virale de Lassa FS Formation Sanitaire FSP Formation Sanitaire Privée GF Groupement Féminin KGS Kandi – Gogounou – Ségbana MCZS Médecin Coordonnateur de Zone Sanitaire MS Ministère de la Santé OBC Organisations à Base Communautaire OMS Organisation Mondiale de la Santé ONG Organisation Non Gouvernementale PF Planning Familial/Planification Familiale PFE Pratiques Familiales Essentielles PIC Plan Intégré de Communication PIHI Paquet d’Interventions à Haut Impact PMP Plan de Monitoring du Projet PNLP Programme National de Lutte contre le Paludisme PNLS Programme National de Lutte contre le Sida POS Procédures Opérationnelles Standards PRPSS Programme de Renforcement de la Performance du Système de Santé PSSP Plateforme du Secteur Sanitaire Privé PTF Partenaire Technique et Financier RAMU Régime d’Assurance Maladie Universelle RC Relais Communautaire ANCRE - Quarterly Report No. 7 from January 1 to March 31, 2016 5 RI Résultat Intermédiaire SABA Savalou – Bantè S&E Suivi et évaluation SGSI Service de la Gestion du Système d’Information SMNNI Santé Maternelle, Néo Natale et Infantile SNIGS Système National d’Information et de Gestion Sanitaires SR Santé de la Reproduction UNICEF Fonds des Nations Unies pour l’Enfance URC University Research Co., LLC URC-CHS University Research Co., LLC-Center for Human Services USAID Agence des Etats-Unis pour le Développement International VIH Rus d’Immunodéficience Humaine ZS Health Zone ANCRE - Quarterly Report No. 7 from January 1 to March 31, 2016 6 INTRODUCTION The Advancing Newborn, Child and Reproductive Health (ANCRE) program is financed by USAID. ANCRE supports the Ministry of Health, its partners and communities to address the direct causes of maternal and child mortality in Benin. Implemented by University Research Co. LLC (URC) with Results for Development Initiative (R4D) and Dimagi Inc. as key partners, the program operates in 10 health zones (HZ) throughout 5 departments: Kandi – Gogounou – Ségbana (KGS) and Tchaourou in Borgou-Alibori (Northeast) Djougou – Copargo – Ouaké (DCO) and Bassila in Atacora-Donga (Northwest) Savalou – Bantè (SABA) and Covè – Zagnanado – Ouinhi (COZO) in Zou-Collines (Central Benin) Cotonou 2 & 3, Abomey-Calavi – Sô-Ava (AS) and Allada – Zè – Toffo (AZT), in the Atlantic Littoral (South) Comè – Bopa – Grand-Popo – Houèyogbé (CBGH) in Mono-Couffo (Southwest). ANCRE is in its second year of implementation. The program covers a population of 3,500,000 inhabitants representing one third (33%) of the total estimated population of Benin in 2014. The activities conducted by the program in collaboration with the Ministry of Health take place in the public and private health sectors as well as at the community level. The anticipated
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