l/ I ( rtc /l J ,S -v/: 7/ Official Publication of THE WASATCH MOUNTAIN CLUB Club Headquarters: 425 South 8th West, Salt Lake City, Utah Lodge: Brighton, Utah Telephone EM 3-7150 DALE EN, President 277·6417 ANN ONALD, Vice President 277·0816 CLARE PAVIS, Secretary 278·3174 JOE GAQ;ES, Treasurer 486·6557 DAVE C~ Boating 355·4086 PAUL SCHETTLER, Conservation 322.3010 JUDY ALLEN, Entertainment and Recreation .466·6123 LEON EDWARDS, Lodge 467·4849 GEORGE SMITH, Membership 484·9873 TOM STEVENSON, Mountaineering 364·5268 ERNIE KATTEN, Publications 364·3167 ALEXIS KELNER, Publicity 359·5387 BOB DEMINT, Trails 277·5056 JOHN MacDUFF, Transportation 355.2374 ANN McDONALD, Trips and Outings 277·0816 TRIP SCHEDULE '-----:fune 1964 Call all Registrations to Club Headquarters -EM 3-7150 June 3 Board Meeting. Meetings are open to any Club member-, (Wed. ) call the Club Secretary, Clare Davis, for time and PlaceG June 4 Rock Climbing~ Meet at Sto~ Mountain reservoir0 This is (Thur.) the last calss for intermediate and experienced climbers. Recreational clilnbing for all. Food and refreshments will be available after climbing for a nominal charge. Starting at 7:300 June 6 Deseret .•Peak. The view from this peak probably is one of (Sat. ) the best in western Utah , On a clear day you can see parts of eastern Nevada. This hike is of medium length (rated 8.0), approximate hiking time 5! hrs, Regisc.er by 6~00 PM Friday, June 5. Leave from Club headquarters at 7:30 AM. Leader, Joe ,Ga:tes.":. June 7 Lodge Work Party. The work party will start at 9 AM. (Sun.) The main tasks are removing the snow from the roof. and general Clean up. Please bring shovels, brooms, strong hands, and willing spirits. _Lunch will be provided for workers who have registered. Register by 6:00 PM Saturday. Leader, Leon Edwards. June 8 l_ Boat Work Party. All persons expecting to go on the (Mon. ) Desolation Canyon boat trip are invited to be at Ann McDonald's at 5;00 PM. Bring a picnic lunch if you wish. Please park only in Ann's driveway. June 10 Seeing Stars. Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, galaxies, and (Wed. ) nebulea are allan the agenda as Jack Keuffel of the University physics department leads us on a guided tour of the heavens. The University observatory is soon to be torn down so this may be your last chance for some time. Meet at 8:30 PM at the observatory (North-East of Kingsbury Hall on the University campus). If in doubt about the weather, call Jack Keuffel, CR7-5733. -1- June 10-14 - Desolation Canyono Hidden away between the towns of (Wedo-Suno) Ouray and Green River is 128 miles of beautiful canyons , rap.l.ds , side canyons, petroglyphs and ruf.ns , This trip is limited to experienced river runners who can swim, The cost is dependent on the number who go and will be about $250 There is room for 18 people if not too much gear is takeno Register by 6~OO PM.SaturdaY:9 June 60 Departure will be on Wednesday} June 10, at 7~00 PMfrom Ann McDonald's (5344 Cottonwood Lane) 0 Please arrive early for loading the bus 0 Leader, Gale Dicko June 11 Rock Climbingo Meet at Storm Mountain, This is the (Thuro) last beginners cLass , Food and refreshments will be available at a nominal chargee Intermediate and exper- ienced climbers should meet at Memory Grove (City Creek Canyon) for crevasse rescue practiceo Meet at the stairs ascending to the west just inside the park south entrance, Bring your ice axe and pi tons 0 June 13-14 _ Lbdge Openo Take the family and spend a pleasant (Sato-Suno.) weekend at the Lodge , This is a children's weekend with a hike to Lake Catherine SCheduled for 1~00 PMo Children's weekends will be scheduled for the second weekend of each montho Register by 6~00 PMFridaY9 June 120 Leaders} Clare andMel Davi,s , . June 13 Snow Climbing Practiceo Meet at Storm Mountain parking r-,(Sato) lot (not the reservoir) at 6~00 AM, yes that's six AM.9 with ice axe in hand for a little snow climbing and self arresting pract.Lce , Leader Dail Ogden. REGISTERby 6~00 PMFriday, June 120 June 14 Storm Mountain via Ferguson Canyono This trail isn't (Sune) Used much so expect some brush on the trailo Rating 805 so the hiking time should be about 6 hI'S. Register by 6:00 PMFridayo Meet at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon at 7:00 AMoLeaderj Bruce Christensen. June 17 Board meetingo Call Clare Davis for time and placeo (Wedo) June 18 Rock Climbing" Meet at the road bar-r-i.er-, 1..3 miles (Thuro) up from the "Y" in the mouth of Little Cottonwood Canyon, -2- Take the dirt trail leading west from the parking area north of the road for about 150 yas. for an evening of bouldering (climbing on boulders). Multipitch climbing ~, may be done on the near-by canyon walls. Food and refreshments will be available after 7:30 PMo June 19 Grandeur Pko Moonlite Hike. Grab a flashlite and some (Fri.) refreshments and join,us on this moonlitehikee Dale will lead the sing-along" Meet at 6:00 PM at The Place (was Finnlandia). Leader~ Wolf Snyder. No registration. June 20-21 Lodge Open. Get away from the heat of the cityo Come up (Sat. -Sun , ) to the lodge for the evening or stay all niteeLeaders, June and Al Wickam" June 20-21 Craters of the Moono This is the first childrentstrip (Sat •...Sun ,) of the summer. There will be plenty of room for the kids to explore in the weird rock formations such as the,Devil's S.ewer. .Leavs at 9:00 AM Saturday from Ann Mcliona Ldt s (5344 Cottonwood lane), camp overnite and return late Sunday. Re gister by 6:00 PM Fri day 0 C05;t will be $7050 for adults, $5.00 for Children" No children under 6 years of age. Leader, Ann McDonaldo June 21 Twin Peaks. One of our 'annual hikes but iclassified as (Sun. ) a long hike. Bring your lunch and ice axe. Registerby 6:00,PM Saturday. Meet at the mouth of Big Cottonwood Canyon at 6:30 AM. Leader, Ray Ploch. The rating is 10.5, hiking time about 6~ hrs. June 21 Rock Climbing. Meet at the Lake Blanche trail at 9:00 AM (Sun,) for practice on the slabs. .Leader'to be announced. Register by 5:00 PM Saturday, June 20. All beginners are ~ urged to attend. June 25 Rock Climbing. Meet at the Storm Mountain for an evening (Thur.) climb. Food and regreshmentswill be available for a nominal charge. June 26~28 Bike Trip. ,Leave June Wickam's (31~ Girard Ave.) at (Fri.-Sun. ) 6:30 PM Friday and drive to Evanston. Next morning we will cycle to Mirror Lake. Camp.overnite then cycle back to Evanston Sunday. June guarantys it's down hill all the way back to Evanston. Leader, June Wickam. Register by 6:00 PM Thursday. -3- June 27-28 Lodge Openo Sarah Weller is the hostess. Dinner will (Sato-Suno) be served at 6~30 PM for a nominal fee for those who request it when they register. The American York ---. hikers are invited to have dinner and stay over-ni.t.e, .Please register for the dinner before 6:00PM Thursday, June 25. June 27 Amero Fork Canybn to Brighton. This is the first leg (Sate) 'of the two day hike from Amerlcan Fork to Lambs Canyon. See "Ramblings" by Dale Green. Plan to have dinner (Furnished by Sarah Weller at a nominal fee) and stay overnite at the lodge. Bring Sunday breakfasto Meet at Harmon's 39th South and State at 8:00 AM. Rating~ 700. Leader~ Bob Demint. Register by 6!00 PM Thursday. Specify if you want dinner at the lodge. Rock Climbinge Meet half way between bridge above Stairs Power Station and Stairs Gulch Creek for moderate climbing on Storm Mountain it.se.Lf',Leader to be announced, Register by 6:00 PM Friday, June 26. June 28 Brighton to Lambs Canyon. Here is your chance to see a (Sun;) different part of the Wasatch. This is the second half of the American Fork to Lambs Canyon hike. This hike is quite long~ Some of the trails are not used much so expect some brush~ Leader, Bob,Demint. Meet at the lodge at 8:00 AM. Register by 6:00 PM Thursday. June 28 Boat Work Party. All persons going on the West~ater (Sun. ) river trip are invited to a work party 1:00 PM at ~ Ann McDonald'so Please park only in Ann's driveway. July 1 Board Meeting. Call Clare Davis for time and place~ (Wed.) July 2 Rock Climbing. Meet at the road barrier in Little ( 'I'hur , ) Cottonwood Canyon (103 milesfron the ny" for mo.re Bouldering. Food and refreshments will be ava.i.Labe after 7:30 PM. July 2-5 -- Westwater to Moab. This is the first time the Club has made this river ~ripo Friday we will be going Westwater Ganyon with several good rapids. Saturday will be a :ILeisurelydrift down smoother water to'Moab. Sunday we -4- will visit some of the local points of interest and then return homeo Leader, Carl Bauerg Cost~ $12eOO. This will be a popular trip' so register early. (Registration -r-, consists of entering your name and paying your money.) Register by 6~00 PM 'I'ue sday', June 30~ Leave from Ann McDonald's (5344 Cottonwood Lane) 7:00 PM Thursday, July 20 July 4-5 -- Lodge Openo Come up Saturday evening (Lodge is rented (Sat.-SunJ till 5~00 PM) and spend the holiday away from the heat and fuss of the city.
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