Volulne 1 Fall 19-16 Number 2 GREYHOUND GRIDDERS GREET GRADS First row: (left to right) Cilman. Hildehrand. Delvin, Raab, Janney. Klos (Capt.). McBride, M. Kistler. D. Kistler. Briggs. Bunge. Freden- hewer. Second row: Champlin (Mgr.), Skinner, McCrath. Benicasa. Pellet, W. Rider, h'icodemus. C. Kistler, Eagleson, Eicher. GrosshoR. Crowe, Vance (Mer.). Third row: Sidebottom (Asst. Coach), Car, Wruck, Moreman. Sparks. Yearling, Newton, Burkhardt. Macaulay. Shutz, Payne, Brenneman. Broom (Mer.). Fourth row: Coach Bripht. Duhl (Asst. Coach), Hayes, Griffith. J. Rider, Oakley. Cumminga. Smith. Har- PCY. Clark, Young, Sharp (Mar.). Truesdale (Mor.). ~ CENTRAL DEFEATS CANTERBURY Resuming activities on the gridiron, after fifteen HONORARY DEGREES GRANTED years .of inactivity, the Greyhound eleven handed The Forty-first Annual Commencement at Indiana the Canterbury (Central Normal) squad a 6 to 0 Central was held on the morning of June 5 in the defeat in the initial contest of the season. Coach college gymnasium. President I. Lynd Esch presided Bright and his squad faced the opposition with a and conferred degrees on thirty candidates from fighting spirit which made up for their lack of ex- perience. Two of the starting line-up backfield men the senior class. - --_ - _I_--- _-__ Dr, Harold R. Heininger, president of the Evan- and four of the linemen had never before played gelical Theological Seminary at Naperville, Illinois, interscholastic football. Full of enthusiasm and delivered the Commencement address. fight characteristic of squads seen in former years, the boys came out on top. Four honorary degrees were conferred on recog- The Canterbury squad was no easy dish, making nized church and civic leaders. The Doctor of Laws several sustained drives deep into Central territory. degree was conferred on Hobart Creighton of War- Each time the Red and Grey held at the crucial saw, speaker of the House of Representatives of the moment and turned the tide. Indiana State Legislature and a member of the Early in the second quarter the Greyhounds took college Board of Trustees; and on Lawrence L. Huff- the ball on the IVarriors' 46 following a blocked man of Dayton, Ohio, president of the college Board kick. Rushing accounted for several gains, then of Trustees and head of the Otterbein Press, pub- Uriggs passed to Crowe to advance to the 20. Here lishing house of the United Brethren Church. the IVarrior line stiffened to the running attack, but Doctor of Divinity degiees were ccnferred on the Friedenberger took to the air and RZcBride caught Reverend E.. Craig Brandenburg of Bedford, super- it on the .IO. h'icodemus then plowed through for intendent of the Indiana Conference of the United 5 yards, and repeated to put the ball on the 1-foot Brethren Church; and on the Reverend George Rlc- line. From here V. Gillman scored. Cox came in Ahren of Viola, Ivisconsin, superintendent 6f the to kick but failed. Wisconsin Conference,. (Continued on page 4) .. 1 $ I ANNUAL ALUMNI LUNCHEON ADDRESS UNKNOWN 1 All Alumni and friends of the college and par- If you know the curreni address of these alumni i ticularly those of YOU who are teachitig in the public and former students who served in the armed forces, I schools of the state are invited to the Annual Alunini please send it to The Alumni Office, c/o Indiana I Luncheon. It is to be held at 12:oO noon in the Central College. .. Gold Room of the Washington Hotel on Friday, JVayne Abernathy Idloyltl R. Gillinghatn i I October 25, the last day of the Indiana State Teach- Lewis E. Abbott Leonzo Glidewell 1 ers' Convention at Indianapolis. Carl R. Adanis Robert Iaee Good I Misses Sibyl IVeaver and Blanch Penrod are CO- Clifton L. Adatns Francis J. Griesenier chairmen on arrangements and program for the Richard Carl Alford . Edgar Griffith luncheon. Dr. Escli, Coach Uright and Alumni Pres- James Albert Alley 1,awrence Allcn Grinyer j ident, Glen O'Dell, will speak a few words which Rex Applegate Irvin Halbert i should be of interest to everyone. College talent John Lynn Arhogast U en j a ni i n H amke I will furnish the music for the occasion. A good Lawrence IVendell Baker L. Hammersley attendance is anticipated. Alilford Barrick James A[. IIannori I Gordon Bennington William IIarition AUDITORIUM SERIES Robert hl. Bissey IVilliam H. Harris I In an attempt to provide another opportunity for Thelma Applegate Black \\Warn IIarritt I -the-studentsof-the college -and the people of the Franklin F: Borg . Harold IIarvey 'I community to hear outstanding speakers, musicians, Maurice K. Uorklund Ralph IIayter and writers, Indiana Central College inaugurated Charles J. Bowers William L. Heck their Auditorium Series. Harry Britton Lloyd E. Hiatt The programs were so well received last year Carl Edward Brown Robert A. IIiatt that another series has teen arranged. On Septem- Albert F. Browne . Kelly J. Hickel ber 27, Bomar Cramer, nationally known Indianapolis L. Gerald Burrus 'l'om E. Hines pianist, played an all-Chopin program as the first John Thomas Burton George Hinshaw concert. Other programs to be presented on the Ralph E. Butler JIerrill D. Hoban series are as follows: John E. Byers Paul F. Hobbs October 18, Dr, Albert Parry will present his lec- Denby €I. Byrne Paul C. Hodler tur2, "Russia, East and IVest" James L. Carnes Paul Holland Deceriber 3, Elsie SlacFarlane, New York contralto Arthur Clark James Horner Jantrry 10, Lewis Cotlow, world famous explorer, . Robert. Clark Ralph Hurst \vi2 show color pictures and lecture on "Amazon Ora L. Clayton T$'oodrow Inks Jutigle Tribes" Darwin Chipper Don Jameson Februery 11, The Lansingers Quartet (mixed) Harold Conkle Arcold R. Jansen . March 7, Newton Bell, lecturer on world affairs Carl E. Conrad Robert Jordan April 18, production by the campus dramatic club, Leland JVayne Cortin Leon Karnes Alpha .Psi Omega. ' George E. Keenan .. Paul E. Cosby Dyson W. Cox Owen B. Keene , BOARD OF TRUSTEES ELECT Xoral F. Crowder Richard Kesler , Hobart Creighton of IVarsaw, speaker of the In- George Daniel Crowe Sheldon A. Key , John Kenneth Davis Maurice Kistner diana House of Representatives, and JVilliam €I. -'i Chester' Klingermati * *"" -1 Book, executive secretary of the Indianapolis Cham- licjbert' Dejernett"' ' "' ber of Commerce, were elected trustees-at-large of hliran C. Dewart Etlnrin Krause Indiana Central at the annual meeting of the Board Julius J. Dolnics Robert \V. Lake of Trustees of the college held last February. Paul A. Doolittle Duane Morris Lamb Re-elections announced at the close of the session Charles Drake Ethel Lamb included Dr. I. Lynd Esch, president of the college; Fred Dugle John L. Lamb Evan K. Kek. treasurer and business manager; Dr. \Villiam Dunn Joseph IVm. Landon L. L. IIuffman, Dayton, Ohio, president of the Board; IIarold Dutcher Ben (Charles) Lawson and Arthur Catlin of Decatur, Illinois, trustee-at- Virgil E. Eaton Niles Leach large. The Reverend George H. McAhren of Viola, IVilliam Beason Esm I JVisconsin., was named vice-president and Dr. Virgil Harold W. Everitt .G..Hunt, Indianapolis, secretary, of the Board. 'IValter J. Finn . ": .Elected to the Executive. Committee of the college Tom E. Foutq were 'Bishop Fred .L. Dennis, Indianapolis ; Dr: Don- .'Leroy Ti Frey . '. .aid :.F; Carmony; Rlishawaka.;: Dr. L. .L..Huffman; Fr&1: 'JV.': Fries . .I '. -fn&tin.:E. Slarsliall-, Indianapolis ; Dr. L. L.: Baugh- 'Jolin Henry:Frutli -, ;: mat^.; IDecafur, Illinois;. Dr. 'E. ' Craig: Brandenburg, -Harold B.-GaIliglie'r Bedford, Indiana ; Dr. B. €I. Cain,:TVarsaw, Indiana, 'Iiarold .Gantz .: . and Dr. Virgil G. 'Hunt: .. ". George A. Garriott ALUMNI NEWS ANNUAL ALUMNI MEETING . Indiana Central College The annual I. C. C. Alumni Association dinner Indianapolis 3, Indiana and business meeting was held June 1 at 6:30 P. hi. Address all communications to The Alumni Office, at the Lakc Shore Country Club, Indianapolis. One Indiana Central College, Indianapolis 3, Indiana. hiintlretl and forty alutiini and guests attended. Rob- ert Durham was toastmaster at the dinner and Glenn Subscription rate, $1.00 per pear. Single copies 35 O’I>ell, Association president, was in charge of the cents. business meeting. ’The Alumni News is published for the alumni, for- Justin Marshall welcomed the class of 1936 into mer students and friends of Indiana Central College the Alumni Association and Robert Sachs, repre- by the Alumni Association during the spring, summer, senting the new class, gave the response. fall and winter seasons. Election results for officers of the Association were Editor: (pro-tem) Edgar S. Gault. announced by Miss Blanche Penrod. They were as Assistant Editors : Alva Stoneburner, Alerrill Un- follows : A. Glenn O’DeIl, president ; George Fisher, derwood, Albert Findlay, Cloyd Rose, Eugene Alogle. vice-president ; Kathryn ?tiogle, secretary ; Edith Bailey, treasurer, and IV. Earl Stoneburner, trustee. Delta Cummins; member of the Committee on Res- EXPERIMENT NUMBER TWO olutions, submitted the following resolutions \vhich The reactions to “Experiment Number One” were were voted on and adopted by the Association: __I__-~~____^ 1 ___A ai___d- A‘.‘.-- -- numerous and -all of. them phrased -the same ,idea, - __ .------ --- I. WHEREAS, Indiana Central College has made positive and ma- namely, “IVe have just received the first copy of terial progress in all phases of its program during the past year and ‘Alumni News’ and enjoyed it thoroughly. Let’s WHEREAS, the establishment of a broad program and the prog- ress made toward ita accomplishment is due in no small measure have some more of it.” to the wisdom. initiative and leadership of ita president and staff - BE IT RESOLVEI), that the Alumni Association extend its beai The staff appreciates these. responses and it is very wishes. and tender its full remurces to, as well as express its confidence in, Dr.
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