.. ... ~ T(!)'[)AV: 'BOYCOTIERS WIN HOUSING VICTORY *'LIBERTINE ON· WARPATH * '3 e ~) . _ _ '. ' . , . 6 FNDCUNI)ER. FIRE- Controversy over-pos.tfor 'white' South African- . - . :c ' GWEN LISTER !itf A MAJOR row is brewing about a new appointment at the parastatal First Natlonal Development Corporation (FNDC). The corpOration,' accused of a 'whites-only' attitude- iri the past, appe~s not to be departing from previous practices in this regard, desPite a promised 'new deal'. At the centre of the controversy is ence that the cotporation would be the advertising of the post for a pub­ entirely dismantled, but it later tran­ lic relations. officer who will be re­ .' spired that it would remain, possibly, quired to ' 'repr~sent the FNDC at all in a changed fOrIn, .and resort under official functions" and to "defme the envisaged national development the impact and implications'of gov­ ' bank. ernmental agreements and member­ Approached ~or comment, Paul ship of organisations such as Sacu, Shipanga, public relations officer, the SADCC, the Comm~nwealth, etc, said'he was'" shocked" at the news. on the functioning ofthe FNDC". He said he and his colleague, Isak UnconfirIlled reports allege that Gowaseb, had already met on Tues­ an appointment to the post of public day morning with Trade and Industry relations officer has already been Minister Ben Amathila to express made, in the person of Minnie Ven­ their disquiet about the move. ter, a South African. Shipanga said in the past he and The cOlporation already ha,s in its 90waseb had frequently made repre­ employrtwopu.blicrelations officer$;' . s~ntatlolls to the FNDC that the two Paul Shipanga and IS'ak Gowaseb, be allowed to sit in on management both N~bians , whom, it' appears, committee meetings to provide them were not informed about the move with feedback on the views of Na­ . beforehand. ...- .-< mibians about.the corporation as a The FNDC, also known as Enok, whole. has frequently come under fire in the It was also essential that they do past for 'racist' practices, both in th~ so, he added, since they were also recruitment of staff as well as in ...... required ' to inform the people and assistance to small business persons. COMMANDER-in-chief of the ANC's military wing, Umkhonto we Sizwe, Joe Modis(!, addressing the There we.,re reports after independ- CONTINUED ON PAGE ~ local press yesterday on current political developments in South Africa. On the left is Swapo chief co­ ordinator Moses Garoeb, and on the'right the ANC's Namibia representative, Abbey ChikaJ)e. At the \- -end of the press conference, Garoeb told journalists Swapo and the,Namibian government would not ATTENTION NAMIBIA be intimidated by anyone iIl its support of and relations with the ANC. N.A.N.T.U. NAMIBIA NATIONAL: ~----------~~~----~~ . TEACHERS UNION NATIONAL -1989- TEACHERS Boycotters UNION win house (NANTU) EDUCATE TO ",QUT~"'l'~ cost 'war' LffiERATE LIBERATE A ROW over the price ofNasboukor DA'OUO VRIES houses, which has 'been raging at NANTU 'WINDHOEK BRANCH Okuryangava for the last five months, THE African National Congress had taken. a "deliberate decision" may soon be resolyed in favour of MEETING to suspend the armed struggle so as to pa·ve the way for negotiations, boycotting residents. Joe Modise; the commander-in-chief of the ANC military wing, Residents were angered by high Umkhonto we Sizwe, said in Windhoek yesterday. increases in the cost of houses at Okuryangava, compared with the . m~mb~r Modise, a of the ANC negotiations are taking place", said prices asked by Nasbouko~ for si,mi­ VENUE: Shifidi Secondary School n~tional ~xecutive conuuittee, is Modise .. lar houses at Wanaheda. They con­ visiting Namibia and yesterday briefed It was the prerogative of ANC to demned the increase as unjustified Hall local journalists on current political decide whether the talks had gone on and unfair, and deCided to embark on developments in South Africa, long enough and before adopting a a mortgage boycott in protest. The DATE: Thursday 30 August 1990 - He also held discussions with the different strategy towards resolving residents pointed out that the same . '. Namibian head of state, President the problem in South Africa, he told con!ntcCors luld b~~t the Wanaheda TIME: 15h30 Sam Nujoma, on Tuesday. the press. ' housing dev.elopment, saying prices "TheANC is a peaceful organisa­ . The South African president, FW could not havejumped so 4rastically tion and we have been committed to de Klerk, was "intelligent" enough between the finishing of one !lite and peace for many years;" Modise said. to realise tltere was no alternative to the starting of another. ........ AGENDA He said in his opinion the suspen­ finding a solution to the country's After investigation by the Minis­ . sion of the armed struggle was not problems but to go to the negotiating try for Local Government and Hous.' "premature". The eradication of table, Modfse commented. ing, which was asked to mediate in 1. Welcome and sbort introduction . apartheid ,was of paramount impor­ "The tountry is ungovernable: TIle the matter, it was decided that the tance, he stated, and it was against situation is explosive. people are not price difference would be wiped out. ·2. Elections , this backdrop that the decision· was paying rent and electricity. There is However, Minister Dr Libertine taken. no other way but toflnd a solp!ion by Amathila stressed she had found "no 3. GeneraJ The ANC would not resume the <\rmcd struggle "for as long as the , CONTINUED ON PAGE 4 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3 / ' ( " ' .•.n. ..0 / YOUR DAILY GUIDE TO F.1I'F.NT!<o: W(J!J(LU-l'VUJ'J!; r Angola looks at I:j lL F i econofuicreform\'." ...., <' ••,-1 .. , " ", , ' LUANDA: Angola's parliament begari a four-day meeting on Wednesday, with plans for reforming an economy devasted.by 15 y,~ars of civil war tOl>ping the'agenda, the state newspaper Jornal de Angola said. " . ~..,.. -.f, It said the 'session would hear de­ th~ , ~ouncjl of ministers , ~ad ;,given tails of the 1989~90~conomic ' ~ecov- . the. go-ahead for tax reforms designed , ery: plan', the state budget and the ; to incre,ase goveminent revenue and government's policy outline for the, cut-state .spendip.g this year by 50per year. As the d~qa,te started, tl,lenews­ cent. , ' paper said nine civilians and 17 Upita A full package of economic re­ rebels had been killed in the past five form measures, which has yet to be At least three people were killed during Tuesday night in unrest­ days. , " . _ '. ,' mil;de .public, has .1;)een 4,escribed as related incidents on the East Rand, the South African Police said yesterday morning. A police --Alhird round of talks between the an austerity plan by those who have spokesperson told Sapa two people were hacked to death in Tembisa and set on rIre. Another was aiso Luanda government ,and the ,US­ seen ii. Among components of the hacked to death at Katlehong. The bodies were discovered outside hostels. More than 500 people backed Dnita rebels opened in Lis­ plan, according to published reports have died in fighting in the Reef townships in the past three weeks. The spokesperson said,police also bon onMonday in an effort to en<;i the and information given to Reuters, is found the body of a man near a hostel in Sebokeng on Tuesday morning. The above picture was taken civil ~ar that has ruilled the 'once- the intended devaluation of ~ kwanza rich countll)'. currency \lIlit to 60 to the US dollar at the.height of the violence in Vosloorus, a township. east of Johannesburg. On the night of August Angola, w~ch gets 90 per cent pf from its present rate of just under 30 22, 38 people died in clashes between lnkatha and ANC supporters. Photograph: Alexander Joe, its revenue from oil production, has to the dollar. Agence France-Presse. h~ldt? plough !Ibou~ hiM its,income The black market rate, no~ around into defence spending in recent years. 1 800 to the dollar, has reached hlghs ~ress reports earlier in August saiQ 012200. US · pl~ne cras·h claims 13 Arafat puts plan for . ", ' . in worst loss of life i'n Gulf build-up Gulf,· to conference , RAMSTEIN, West Germany: A US Air Force transport plane crew members from Kelly Air Force crashed and burst into flames in West Germany on Wednesday, Base in San Antonio. Texas, Air Force !1pokesperson said. GENEVA: Palestinian leader Vasser Arafat, offering to mediate the killing 13 people in the worst loss of life in the Gulf military build­ up. e-5As ,are being used extens,ively Gulf crisis, proposed in a five-point peace plan on Wednesday that a in the Gulf build-up. often using United N~tions force replace all foreign forces in the Gulf. The gian,t C~5A Gal,axy was being LandstuhlDS Army:¥edical Centre. Ramstein as a stop-over. In a speech read bya representatIve at.a Geneva conference on used as part of the US "Operation The police and the military cordoned More than 75 metres long. they Palestine, he said the Palestinian Liberation Organisation (PLO) of­ Desert Shield" to ferry troops and off the crash site as rescue workers can carry either 360 troops, two Ml fered to mediate in the crisis triggered by Iraq's August 2 invasion of equipment to Saudi Arabia and the sifted through the wreckage for bod­ tanks, 16 trucks, six Apache attack Kuwait. The plan would end all sanctions against Iraq and implement Gulf. The first US serviceman to die ies. helicopters or 10 Pershing missiles. them against any state which refused to withdraw from the territories in the Gulf crisis was an Air Force The accident occu~ed eight kil­ Ramstein was the scene of West it occupied.
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