OSVOtCO TO Sportsmen anZ Athletes Base Ball, Trap Shooting Hunting, Fishing. College Foot Ball, Golf. Laivn Tennis. Cricket, Track Athletics, Vasket Ball, Sorter. Court snnif. Billiards, Bowling, Rifle and Revolver Shooting, Automobtlmg. Yachting. Camping, Rowing, Canoeing, Motor Boating, Swimming, Motor Cycling, Polo, Harness Racing and Kennel. VOL. 67. NO, 21 PHILADELPHIA. JULY 22,1916 PRICE 5 CENTS illp:':":::;:-::>::>: George men are chased from the game, probably suspended, IN SHORT METRE when they have a righteous kick. For instance, it looked like bad judgment on the part of Bill Klem to ANAGER FIELDKR JONES, of the Browns, is chase Zimmerman last Tuesday,-as 7Am had a right M one of those veterans who thinks the game is not porting Hilt to talk and argue with the umpire, as he is captain played as intelligently as it formerly was: He said: A WEEBTLT JOUBNAL DEVOTED TO BABB BALL, TRAP of the Cubs. Tet a lot of fellows have been pulling "I have not seen many of the plays which formerly rough stuff, and just because they are stars have been \vere used by winning major league teams. They seem SHOOTING AND ALL CLEAN SFOBTS. getting away with it. Ty Cobb was fined ^25 and to have been forgotten or relegated by the order of *HB WORLD'S OLDEST AND BEST BASB BALL JODKNAL. suspended three days for pulling a stunt that should things. The hitting nowadays is not as strong as it have banned him for a month, without pay, yet maybe used to be in the old days, when the pitchers were ZOTTNDED APRIL, 1SS3 a captain or manager will be soaked just as much as just as good as they are today, and in many instances Cobb for arguing with the umpire over a decision that better. There is but one beneficial change; .thVre is Title Registered In th« United States Patent Office by TB« SP«rt. is questionable. Both Tener and Johnson should be more pepper among the players and a majority of inf Life Publishing Company. Entered at the Philadelphia Pott Office as second-class mall. a little more consistent in handling this rough, spirit them are faster, but the old game was an improve­ and eliminate it in the right way." ment over the present one." Published every Saturday by CCORDING to Mr. Jack Ryder, of the Cincinnati Sporting life ^ublisffjing Company THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION A "Enquirer," there is not the slightest chance of 34 SOUTH THIRD STREET Hal Chase taking the place of Charley Heraog as man­ . PA., TJ. S. A. HE NATIONAL BOARD, of the National Aiseeia- ager of the Cincinnati Reds. Mr. Ryder, who is usu­ T tion, has just handed down the following decisions ally very well informed regarding the affairs of Herr- THOMAS S. DANDO.................. President and Gaa Editor in cases involving National Associations clubs and Na­ mann's club, says no man now on the team has a FRANCIS C. RICHTEB....... Vice-President and Editor-in-Chief tional Association players. chance to succeed Herzog; and George Stovall, who J. CLIFFORD DANDO, Secretary-Treasurer and Business Manager is mentioned »s Herzog's successor, is also out of the THOMAS D. RICHTER.. ..................... .Associate Bditor Claim of John Bertitti vs. San Antonio, allowed. CHANDLER D. RICHTBR. ................... .Associate Editor Claim of Harry Coffin to be released from Dallas, allowed. running. I. DOtJGLASS DANDO.... .................Adrertising Manager Claim of Dallas vs. Player Ctoreh, allowed. A. S. PARET. ....... ......................... ..Office Manager Claim of H. Keupper vs. Quincy, disallowed. f ONDITIONS ON THE Polo Grounds are snch that Claim of George Crook vs. Bridgeport, disallowed. ^> official action by the Ame'rican League ought to be TO SUBSCRIBERS Services of Player Gardin awarded Petersburg, V«. taken in the matter of the right field, says the Wash­ "Sporting Lite" la told at all LIVE News Stands EVERY­ Services of A. E. Gilpin awarded Newport News, Ti. ington "Star." There is no reason why the pop flies WHERE to the Sportsmen AT HOME and ON-THE-ROAD at Claim of Frank Balllies vs. Superior, Wls., disallowed. oc. a copy. Give your Dealer a STANDING order to HOLD a Claim of Umpire E. B. Knovtlton vs. Frest. Bramkioj, nil- which are hit into these stands in right tield should copy for yon EVERY week or otherwise the TRAVELING man allowed. go as home runs, and the club owners are going to is likely to get YOURS. If yon cannot get it from a dealer, send Claim of N. A. Robinson vs. Gettysburg-, Pa., allowed. insist that Ban Johnson shall issue an order making SUBSCRIPTION direct to Sporting Life OfBce, J2.00 a year 52 Services of C. V. Hoar awarded Johnsanburg, Pa hits into right good for only two bases. That would be issoes foreign, tl.OO, Canadian, 50c. extra postage. Subscrip­ Application of Player Simdheim. granted. a liberal ruling. tion "eipiration date" ii indicated o« addressed wrapper. "Re­ Claim of Player demons, allowed. newals" forwarded two weeks previous te aaid date insures un­ Claim of Player Reynolds, allowed. interrupted delivery for another year. Forward both old im<J Claim of J. E. Cofflncloffer v*. Charleston, W. V»., allowed. TY COBB is out to pilfer the 100 bases he narrowly Claim of P. K. Troutman vs. Charleston, W. Va., allowed. 1 missed reaching last year. Ty was intent upon aew address when requesting change. reaching the 100 mark last season. He fell short by TO. ADVERTISBRS: Claim of Chas. Beers vs. Charleston, W. Va., allowed. Tie Advertising form* close on MONBAY preteiiar date »f Claim of C. Sims vs. Charleston, W. Va., allowed. three steals. Now, after a slow start, with the season i. Advertising Rates on application. (See "To Agent*.") Claim of H. Daubert vs. Charleston, W. Va., allowed. about half gone, he is close upon the 40 mark, with at TO CONTRIBUTORS: In addition, Secretary Farrell has issued the fol­ least a chance to smash his 191.") record a record 10 Good Stories and Articles on SPORTS will be conaldereil. lowing special notices: The franchises of Lerington, steals beyond the Milan mark of a few years back. The Editor in not responsible for manuscripts while in bis pos­ Ky., Frankfort, Ky., Charleston, W. Va., and Hunt- session or in transit; Authors are recommended to retain dupli­ ington, W. Va., have been forfeited to the Ohio State T THE BOSTON American League Club's park cate coojr. League. Attention is called that optional agreements A persons catching foul balls in the stands can have TO AGBNTS: a complimentary ticket for the next day's game by "Sporting Life" 1* a MAJOR "Class" publication not must be exercised on or before the loth of August, by MINOR. It is an "OfBcial Voice" penetrating the whole realm notifying and forwarding to the National Association returning the ball to the Red Sox office. This is a of SPORT, and offers you the greatest SUBSCRIPTION possi­ Secretary a check for the amount involved. The sale new departure in base ball, and President Lannin's bilities. EVERYBODY (BOTH men and women) loves Sport! of the release of the services of a player by a Na­ policy very likely will be picked up in the other cities. SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS WANTED everywhere. Write us for- tional Association club after August 20 is prohibited' terms you will find them vety interesting. or to a major league club within 20 days of the close of PRESIDENT DAVID ITLTZ, of the Base Bail the season of the club disposing of the player is pro­ ^ Players' Fraternity, has been making his annual WEEKLY EDITORIAL DIGEST DEVOTED TO BASE BALL hibited. round of visits to the minor league players' camps, lec­ MEN AND MEASURES "WITH MALICE TOWARD i . * « turing them on what is for their best interest and MONK AND CHARITY FOR ALL" EDI»- urging them to get out and convince the public they TOH FRANCIS C. RICHTER. THE INTERNATIONL'S LIABILITY are worth all they get and then some. STAFF CORRESPONDENTS TN THE LAST ISSUE of "Sporting Life" appeared HE FOITR LEADING BATSMEN of base ball Bostea. Mass.,Herman Xlekerson Cleveland. 0.?....Edward Bane T come from Georgia, Virginia, South Carolina and Brooklyn, N. Y...Donald .Morris Detroit. Midi.. ..Jos. S. Jackson 1 a verbatum report of the decree of a majority of Chicago, Ills. ....I. E. Smibora New York..... .Harry Dix Cole the National Commission in the case of the Brooklyn Texas. The era of reconstruction is evidently over. Chicago. Ills., H. T. Woodruff Pittsburgh Pa....A. R. Cratty Club's $75,000 claim against the International league. The carpet-baggers have given away to the three- Cincinnati. 0.. Rea Miiltord. Jr. Washington, D. C., P. W. Eaton The National Commission dismissed the claim for baggers for good. $75,000, but it sanctioned part of the claim of the PHILADELPHIA, JULY 22, 1916 Brooklyn Club against the Newark Club1 by decree­ HE DIRECTORS of the Virginia League have ac­ ing that Newark must pay Brooklyn the difference T ceded to request made some time ago by the Rocky _ All the happenings in the Bate Ban World and between $25,000, the amount received by the Inter­ Mount Club that the mileage of that team be pooled, in the FieU of Sports of AH Sorts are recorded in national League on the sale of the club to Fred Ten- in order that it should not carry an. unequal burden. SPORTING LIFE fully, accurately and impartially from ney and Jim Price, and the actual net losses of the ID ANYONE EVER HEAR of pitcher Mathewson, meek to week. club in Newark and Harrisburg during the Federal »-^ .
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