SPECIAL CONSEIL CONVOCATION EXTRAORDINAIRE The conferring ofan honorary degree La presentation d'un dip/6me et /'admission and the call to the bar of the graduates au barreau des dip/6mes du cours de of the bar admission course formation professionnelle du barreau THE LAW SOCIETY OF UPPER CANADA SOCIETE DU BARREAU DU HAUT - CANADA 3 THE GRAND TH E ATRE London, Ontario Tuesday, March 19, 1991 2:30p.m. 5 NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa. Ontario Wednesday, March 20, 1991 3:00p.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa, Ontario ·Le 20 mars 1991 15h 9 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, March 22, 1991 /0:30a.m. 13 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, March 22, 1991 3:15p.m. CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU 1 The ceremony of Call to the Bar takes place in two La ceremonie entourant !'admission au barreau se separate procedures. First, the Benchers of The Law deroule en deux temps. En premier lieu, le tresorier ou Society of Upper Canada, who are responsible for the la tresoriere, qui est le chef de la direction de la Societe, government of the legal profession in Ontario, are ouvre un Conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des called to order on the stage in a Special Convocation conseillers ou des conseilleres de la Societe du barreau by the Treasurer who is the head of the Society. The du Haut-Canada, qui sont responsables de candidates will be presented by the Chair of the !'administration de la profession juridique en Ontario. Admissions Committee to the Treasurer who will Le president ou la presidente du Comite d'admission confer on them the degree of Barrister-at-Law and call presentera Jes candidats ou Jes candidates au Tresorier them to the Bar of Ontario. Convocation will then ou la tresoriere qui leur remettra le dipl6me d'avocat­ adjourn and a Special Session of the Court of Appeal plaideur ou d'avocate-plaideuse et Jes recevra au for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice will be barreau de !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil sera alors convened by the Registrar. The Chief Justice of levee et le greffier ou greffiere convoquera une session Ontario will preside over the administering of the Oath extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et la of Allegiance, the Barristers Oath and the Solicitors Cour de justice de !'Ontario. Le juge en chef de !'Ontario Oath, to the newly called members of the Bar. The presidera a la prestation du serment d'allegeance, du Court will then adjourn. Upon completion of these serment des avocats-plaideurs et de celui des procureurs two ceremonies the graduates become Barristers and par les nouveaux membres admis au barreau. La Solicitors, authorized to practise law in the Province of seance de la Cour sera a!ors levee. A!'issue de ces deux Ontario. ceremonies, les diplomes deviennent avocats-plaideurs et procureurs, et sont autorises ou autorisees a exercer le droit dans la province de !'Ontario. OATHS SERMENTS 2 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE SERMENT D'ALLEGEANCE You do swear that you will be faithful and bear Yous jurez que vous serez fidele et rendrez allegeance true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth a Sa Majeste la Reine Elisabeth II (ou au monarque The Second (or the reigning sovereign for the time qui regne actuellement), ses heritiers ou ses heritieres being), Her heirs and successors according to law. et successeurs conformement a la loi. Ainsi Dieu vous So help you God. soit en aide. BARRISTERS OATH SE RM ENT DES AVOCATS You are called to the degree of Barrister-at-Law to II vous est confere le dipl6me d'avocat pour proteger protect and defend the rights and interests of your et defendre !es droits et !es interets de ceux ou celles de fellow-citizens as may employ you. You shall conduct vos concitoyens ou concitoyennes qui peuvent faire all cases faithfully and to the best of your ability. You appel a vos services. Yous instruirez !es causes shall neglect no one's interest nor seek to destroy any fidelement et de votre mieux. Yous ne negligerez !es one's property. You shall not be guilty of champerty or interets de qui que ce soit ni ne chercherez a detruire maintenance. You shall not refuse causes of complaint sa propriete. Yous ne vous rendrez pas coupable de reasonably founded, nor shall you promote suits upon participation a un pacte de quota !itis ni de soutien frivolous pretenses. You shall not pervert the law to d'une partie sans interet Iegitime. Yous ne refuserez favour or prejudice any one, but in all things shall pas de defendre Jes causes justes ni n'intenterez pas de conduct yourself truly and with integrity. In fine, the recours fondes sur des motifs frivoles. Yous ne Queen's interest and your fellow-citizens you shall denaturerez pas la Joi pour favoriser qui que ce soit ou uphold and maintain according to the constitution and lui porter prejudice mais, en toutes choses, vous agirez law of this Province. All this you swear to observe and avec franchise et integrite. En conclusion, Yous perform to the best of your knowledge and ability. maintiendrez Jes interets de la Reine et ceux de vos So help you God. concitoyens ou concitoyennes conformement a la constitution et aux lois de cette province. Yous SOLICITORS OATH jurez d'observer et d'appliquer ces principes au mieux de votre connaissance et de votre competence. You do sincerely promise and swear that you will Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide. truly and honestly conduct yourself in the practice of a solicitor according to the best of your knowledge SERMENT DES PROCUREURS and ability. So help you God. Yous promettez sincerement et jurez d'agir avec franchise et honnetete dans vos fonctions de procureur ou procureuse, conformement a votre connaissance et a votre competence. Ainsi Dieu yous soit en aide. LONDON 3 PROGRAMME THE GRAND THEATRE PROCESSION A warded The Beverley Genest Prize for the student London, Ontario attaining the highest grade in Family Law in the Bar Tuesday, March I 9, I 99 I The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Admission Course at London 2:30p.m. Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, Lyrinda Marie Sheppard James M. Spence, Q.C., will open Convocation. Appointed Law Clerks to The Honourable F.W. ADDRESS Callaghan, Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) Roberta L. Jamieson, Ombudsman for Ontario will Andrea Jane Caskey address Convocation. Teresa Mary Donnelly PRESENTATION OF PRIZES ·The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course and will congratulate those who have received special appointments. The candidates will be introduced by the Assistant Director, Margaret A. McSorley. Awarded The Pensa & Associates Prize for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course at London Victoria Ramsay James Douglas Skinner CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar will be presented 4 to the Treasurer by Donald H.L. Lamont, Q.C. of the Admissions Committee. Margot Mary Douglas Ballagh Mary Patricia Hannan Lyrinda Marie Sheppard Karen Marie Mahoney Jim Najeeb Hassan James Douglas Skinner Bellehumeur Darwin Eugene Hayward Deidre Denise Smith Randy Scott Brant Francine Annette Herlehy Anthony Soares Janet Lorraine Buckingham Virginia Theresa Hillis James Earl Stengel Gregory Alfred Campbell Charmian Hills Delbert Orland Stewart Andrea Jane Caskey Susan Louise Hoffman Gillian Lee Swanson Roderick Roland Catford Edith Marie Holly Gerald Shawn Swarts Dean Hugh Korah Clark Danielle Claire Istl Margaret Szilassy Patricia Anne Sarah Conlon Simon David Johnson Anne Rose Thomas Dale Joseph Cox William Foster Kelly Cynthia Ann Thrasher Darlene Yvonne Paula Crooks Fredrick Blake Kenwell Andres Emil Tooming Robert Ross Cunningham Dawn Joanne Kershaw Enio Trignani Julie Renee Daniel Edward Michael King Harry Frederick Marius Angelo Carmelo D'Ascanio Diane Ellen Robertson Kirby Van Bavel Richard Christian Delaney Alan David Krueger William Bela Vass Francesco E. De Sena Joseph Michael Laliberte Hilary Jane Vaughan George Barnhart Dietrich Ian Frank Leach Charles William Walters Larry William Dillon David Francis MacDonald Paul Michael Walz Teresa Mary Donnelly Marilee Ann Marcotte Richard Lawrence Wasylishyn Lorraine Christine Drumm James Ralph Martin Darwin Rodger Witmer Robert John Dumanski Daniel Alexander McCann David Mark Woodward Michael Allan Eizenga Carla Lynn McLean Owen Richard Wyrzykowski Heather Lynn Evans Mark Lindsay Millar Arthur Zuidema Lisa Marie Feasby Shelina Neallani Jyoti Varma Zuidema Derek James Ferris Colleen Marceline Norris Andrew James Ford James Wayne O'Hanley Susan Frances Fremit Eija Helena Peltokangas Stephen James Funk Roger Anthony Sidney Pinnock Monica Helene Grygier Graham Charles Porter Judith Marilyn Potter CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Victoria Ramsay Ruth Jane Raphael Special Sitting of the Court ofAppealfor Ontario and Lynn Ann Joyce Robinson the Ontario Court ofJustice Abha Tomar Romkey Mr. Justice Thomas G . Zuber, Senior Regional Judge for the Southwest Region of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) will hold a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. COURT WILL RISE OTTAWA 5 PROGRAMME ...... .. .......... .. .. ......... ....... ........ ........ .. ... .... ... ........ ........... .... .. NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE PROCESSION ENTREE SOLENNELLE Ottawa. Ontario Wednesday, March 20, 1991 The audience will rise when the Treasurer and L'assistance se levera au moment ou le Tresorier et !es 3:00p.m. Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, conseillers feront leur entree dans la salle. Le Tresorier, James M. Spence, Q.C. , will open Convocation. James M. Spence, c.r., ouvrira le Conseil. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS ADDRESS ALLOCUTION Ottawa, Ontario le 20 mars 1991 Roger Tasse, Executive Vice-President of Legal and Roger Tasse, Vice-president executif (Affaires /Sh Environmental Affairs for Bell Canada, will address juridiques et environmentales) de Bell Canada Convocation.
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