IMMUNICONCEPT INDIA PVT. LTD. F-242A, Street No. 7, Pandav Nagar, Mayur Vihar Phase-I, New Delhi-110091 Tel.: +91 11 22753711, 43063564 [email protected] Fax.: +91 11 22753710 [email protected] IMMUNICONCEPT INDIA PVT. LTD. www.immunoconceptindia.com Product Catalog-Diagnostics (Elisa Kits & Rapid Tests) INDEX STREPTAVIDIN - COATED WELLS ELISA KITS Pack Size Kit sensitivity/ Product Name Incubation Standard Range SL.NO DESCRIPTION SHEET (Wells) components specificity TSH Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15' at RT 96/192/480 7 cal(0-40ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.037ng/ml 1 STREPTAVIDIN - COATED WELLS ELISA KITS 1 T3 Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15' at RT 96/192 6 cal(0-8ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.037ng/ml T4 Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15' at RT 96/192 6 cal(0-25µg/dl),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.16µg/dl 2 REPRODUCTION (Fertility & Steroidal Hormone) 2 6 cal(0-100mIU/ml),with FSH Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15' at RT 96 RTU/CE,IVD 0.002mIU/ml control 3 TUMER MARKER (CANCER MARKER) 4 6 cal(0-200mIU/ml),with LH Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 45'/15'at RT 96 RTU/CE,IVD 0.012 mIU/ml control 4 VITAMINS DETECTION KITS 5 6 cal(0-250mIU/ml),with HCG Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15'at RT 96 RTU/CE,IVD 0.082mIU/ml control Prolactin Elisa Kit (Serum/ 5 PRENATAL SCREENING 6 60'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-100ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.002 mIU/ml Plasma) 6 AUTOIMMUNITY 7 FT3 Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 45'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-16pg/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.037pg/ml FT4 Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 45'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-8ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.017ng/ml 7 DIABETES / OBESITY 8 CEA Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 45'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-250ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.1 ng/ml F-PSA Elisa Kit (Serum/Plas- 60'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.03ng/ml 8 ALLERGY/ ASTHMA/COPD 9 ma) tPSA Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 30'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-100ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.07ng/ml CA 19.9 Elisa Kit (Serum/ 9 BONE & MINERAL METABOLISM 10 inquire 96 RTU/CE,IVD Plasma) CA 15.3 Elisa Kit(Serum/ 10 NEUROLOGY 11 inquire 96 RTU/CE,IVD Plasma) CA 125 Elisa Kit (Serum/ inquire 96 RTU/CE,IVD 11 NEPHROLOGY 12 Plasma) AFP Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 45'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-500ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.67ng/ml 12 INFECTIOUS DISEASE MARKERS 13 Ferritin Elisa kit (Serum/ 30'/30'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-800ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.82ng/ml Plasma) 13 CARDIAC PANEL 14 Anti - TPO Elisa Kit (Serum/ 60'/30'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-500U/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.90 U/ml Plasma) Anti - TG Elisa Kit (Serum/ 14 GASTROENTEROLOGY (IBD/Crohn`s/CELIAC DISEASE/ULCERATIVE COLITIS) 15 60'/30'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-2000U/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 2.00U/ml Plasma) Total IgE Elisa Kit (Serum/ 15 COMPLEMENT 16 30'/30'/15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-400 IU/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 1.0 Iu/ml Plasma) HS - CRP Elisa Kit (Serum/ inquire 96 RTU/CE,IVD 16 HEPATITIS MARKERS 17 Plasma) Myoglobin Elisa Kit (Serum/ inquire 96 RTU/CE,IVD 17 FOOD SAFETY/ANALYTES/ADULTERATION TESTING 18 Plasma) cTroponin I Elisa Kit (Serum/ inquire 96 RTU/CE,IVD 18 SALIVARY ELISA KITS 19 Plasma) Vitamin B12 Elisa Kit (Serum/ 6 cal(0-2500 pg/ml),with 60'/10'-15'at RT 96 RTU/CE,IVD 75pg/ml 19 STOOL TEST ELISA KIT 20 Plasma) control Folic Acid Elisa Kit(Serum/ 60'/10'-15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-25ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.48ng/ml Plasma) 20 BIOGENIC AMINES 21 25 OH Vitamin D Elisa Kit 60'/10'-15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-150ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.40ng/ml (Serum/Plasma) 21 RAPID TESTS KITS 3 AMH Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma) 60'/10'-15'at RT 96 6 cal(0-20ng/ml),with control RTU/CE,IVD 0.025ng/ml 01 04 REPRODUCTION TUMOR/CANCER MARKERS Pack Size Sensitivity / Pack Size sensitivity/ Product Name Incubation Standard Range Kit Compnents Product Name Incubation Standard Range kit Components (Wells) Specificity (Wells) specificity HCG (Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' 96 6 Cal.( 0-500 IU/l ) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD 1.25 IU/l TOTAL PSA (HS) in (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15' 96 5 Cal(0-30ng/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.05ng/ml LH (Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' 96 5 Cal. (0-100 IU/l) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD 0.15 IU/l FREE PSA in (Serum/Plasma) 30'/30'/15' 96 5 Cal(0-5ng/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.035ng/ml FSH (Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' 96 5 Cal. (0-100 IU/l) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD 0.15 IU/l CA 12-5 in (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15' 96 6 Cal(0-400U/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.25U/ml 5 Cal. (0-2000 mIU/l) With PRL ( Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 5.0mIU/l Control CA 15-3/M12 in (Serum/Plasma) 30'/30'/15' 96 5 Cal(0-250U/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.75U/ml ESTRADIOL (Serum/Plasma ) 120'/15' 96 6 Cal.(0-20 nmol/l ) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD 0.025 nmol/l CA 19-9 in (Serum/Plasma) 30'/30'/15' 96 5 Cal(0-240U/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 1.0U/ml 7 Cal. (0-300 nmol/l) With PROGESTERONE (Serum/Plasma) 120'/15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 0.25 nmol/l CA 72-4 in (Serum/Plasma) 120'/60'/15 96 5 Cal(0-200U/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 1.0U/ml Control CYFRA 21-1 60'/15' 96 5 Cal(0-50ng/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.5ng/ml 17(OH) PROGESTERONE (Serum/ 6 Cal. (0-10 ng/ml) With 60'/15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 0.09 ng/mL Plasma ) Control CA 27-29/M20 60'/15' 96 6 Cal(0-50U/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.5U/ml 6 Cal. (0-100 nmol/l) With TESTOSTERONE (Serum/Plasma) 120'/15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 0.15 nmol/l Control M22 30'/30'/15' 96 6 Cal(0-100U/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.75U/ml FREE-TESTOSTERONE (Serum/Plas- 6 Cal. (0-100 pg/ml) With 60'/15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 0.06 pg/mL CEA 60'/15' 96 6 Cal(0-64ng/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.50ng/ml ma ) Control AFP 60'/15' 96 6 Cal(0-500U/ml)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.50U/ml DHT (Serum/Plasma ) Inquire 5 Cal. (0-277.8 nmol/L) With HCG/β-HCG With Median's val- SHBG (Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD nmol/L 60'/15' 96 6 Cal(0-500IU/l)with control RTU/CE, IVD 1.25IU/l Control ue(14-21st week) 6 Cal. (0-10 ug/ml) With NSE(Neuron Specific Enolase) 30'/30'/15' 96 6 Cal(0-150µg/l)with control RTU/CE, IVD 0.3µg/l DHEA-S (Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 0.025 ug/ml Control S-100 B inquire 96 RTU/CE, IVD ACTH ( Serum/Plasma) Inquire Chromogranin A Inquire 96 RTU/CE, IVD PTH (Serum/Plasma ) Inquire HE 4 (ovarian cancer confirmatory 6 Cal(0-1000pmol/l)with 25 (OH) Vitamin D (Serum/Plasma 60'/15' 96 RTU/CE, IVD 10ppmol/l 60'/10'-15' 96 6 Cal. (0-150 pg/ml) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD 75pg/ml marker) control ) Vitamin B12 Elisa Kit (Serum/ 5 Cal. (0-2500ng/ml) With HE4 Rapid Test inquire 10test 60'/10'-15' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 0.48ng/ml Plasma ) Control DM 1 ADC(trastuzumab Emtansine (T- Folic Acid Elisa Kit (Serum/Plasma DM1)Antibody-Drug Conjugate) competi- inquire 96 60'/10'-15' 96 5 Cal. (0-100 ng/ml) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD 0.40ng/ml ) tive OR Sandwich ELISA 6 Cal. (0-30 ng/ml) With MMAE ADC(Monomethyl auristatin E DHEA ( Serum/Plasma ) 60'/20' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 0.10 ng/mL Control Antibody Drug Conjugate) competitive inquire 96 OR Sandwich ELISA Androstenedione (Serum/Plasma) 60'/15' 96 6 Cal. (0-10 ng/l) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD 0.01 ng/mL MMAF ADC(Monomethyl Auristatin F Aldosterone (Serum/Plasma / 6 Cal. (0-2000 pg/ml ) With 60'/20' 96 Ready to use CE-IVD 95% Antibody Drug Conjugate)Competitive Or inquire 96 Urine ) Control Sandwich ELISA Renin (Serum/Plasma ) Inquire B2 Microglobulin Elisa Kit inquire 96 5 Cal. (0-100 ng/ml ) With Cortisol ( Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' Ready to use CE-IVD 95% Control TPA Elisa Kit inquire 96 AMH Elisa Kit ( Serum/Plasma ) 60'/15' 96 6 Cal. (0-20 ) With Control Ready to use CE-IVD Human alpha - Fetoprotein Lens Culinaris inquire 96 Agglutiin 3 Elisa Kit (Liver Cancer) HUMAN PLACENTAL LACTOGEN 30'/15' 96 5 (0-20 ,liq.stable) With Contrlo Ready to use CE-IVD 0.03 mg/l ELISA KIT( Serum/Plasma ) THYROGLOBULIN Antigen (TG) Elisa Kit 60'/15' 96 5 Cal(0-400ng/ml) with control RTU/CE, IVD 1.0 ng/ml 03 04 VITAMINS DETECTION KIT PRENATAL SCREENING Pack Pack Size kit Compo- Sensitivity / Product Name Incubation Standard Range sensitivity Product Name Incubation Size Standard Range Kit Compnents (Wells) nents Specificity (Wells) PAPP-A in (Serum/Plasma)With (9- 6 Cal (0-10000mU/l) 6 (0-150, liq.
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