de Waal HO. 2004. Bibliography of the larger African predators and related topics on their habitat and prey species Bloemfontein South Africa: University of the Free State; Report nr ALPRU African Large Predator Research Unit. Keywords: 1Afr/Acinonyx jubatus/bibliography/caracal/Caracal caracal/Carnivora/cheetah/habitat/ Leopard/Leptailurus serval/lion/literature/Panthera leo/Panthera pardus/predator/prey/serval Abstract: An extended bibliography of the larger African predators with 34 articles concerning cheetahs. Bibliography of the larger African predators and related topics on their habitat and prey species Compiled and edited by HO de Waal University of the Free State Bloemfontein South Africa March 2004 ALPRU March 2004 2 DISCLAIMER The reader or user uses the content and material contained in this Bibliography at his or her own risk and the reader or user assumes full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from its use. The reader or user acknowledges and accepts that although every reasonable care has been taken to verify the content and material, the editor cannot evaluate and verify all the facts contained in this Bibliography. Deviations or errors may occur due to various reasons beyond the control of the editor. The editor hereby disclaims himself against any claims for damage or loss, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages, which the reader or user may suffer as a consequence of the content of this Bibliography or any omissions, irrespective of the cause of action or the degree of fault. The content of this Bibliography is copyright © protected. ——————————————————————————————————— Bibliography of the larger African predators and related topics on their habitat and prey species ALPRU March 2004 3 Bibliography of the larger African predators and related topics on their habitat and prey species There is no definition for large African predators; but within the Order Carnivora, 3186 titles on the following species and relevant associated publications have been included in this bibliography: Family: Felidae Caracal Caracal caracal (Schreber, 1776) Cheetah Acinonyx jubatus (Schreber, 1775) Leopard Panthera pardus (Linnaeus, 1758) Lion Panthera leo (Linnaeus, 1758) Serval Leptailurus serval (Schreber, 1776) Family: Hyaenidae Aardwolf Proteles cristatus (Sparrman, 1783) Brown hyaena Hyaena brunnea Thunberg, 1820 Spotted hyaena Crocuta crocuta (Erxleben, 1777) Striped hyaena Hyaena hyaena (Linnaeus, 1758) Family: Canidae African wild dog Lycaon pictus (Temminck, 1820) Bat-eared fox Otocyon megalotis (Desmarest, 1822) Black-backed jackal Canis mesomelas Schreber, 1775 Cape fox Vulpes chama (A. Smith, 1833) Ethiopian wolf Canis simensis Rüppell, 1840 Golden jackal Canis aureus Linnaeus, 1758 Side-striped jackal Canis adustus Sundevall, 1847 Family: Mustelidae Honey badger Mellivora capensis (Schreber, 1776) Some species are not restricted to the African continent only. If a demand develops for information to be made available for and/or research to be conducted on any other African predators, these species might be considered for inclusion in the activities of ALPRU. African Large Predator Research Unit [ALPRU] Department of Animal, Wildlife and Grassland Sciences (70) Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences University of the Free State PO Box 339 Bloemfontein 9300 South Africa Tel: +27 51 4012210/11 Fax: +27 51 4012608 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: http://www.uovs.ac.za/alpru ——————————————————————————————————— Bibliography of the larger African predators and related topics on their habitat and prey species ALPRU March 2004 4 Abbott, S. & Fuller, T. (1971). A fresh look at the cheetah’s private life. Smithsonian 2(3): 34-42. Abraham, Curtis & Pluth, David (1998). Kidepo - a glimmer of hope in Uganda. Africa - Environment & Wildlife 6(4): 58-67. Abramov, V.K., Pikunov, D.G. & Bazylnikov, V.I. (1973). The leopard of Soviet Far East: Its population and protection. In: Solokolov, V.E. (ed.). Rare species of mammals in the fauna of the USSR. Nauka Publishers, Moscow. Abramson, N.J. (1965). Von Bertalanffy growth curve I1, IBM 7094, UNIVAC 1107, Fortran IV. Transactions of the American Fish Society 94: 195-196. Abuzaid, S.M., El-Nahla, S.M.M., Osman, A.K. & Erasha, A.M. (1989). Some gross anatomical studies on the morphology and arterial segmentation of the spleen of the lion (Panthera leo) in Giza Zoological Garden. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 22(43): 8-12. Abuzaid, S.M., Gad, M.R.A. & Wally, Y.R. (1993). Renal venous system of the lion (Panthera leo): a gross anatomical description. Assiut Veterinary Medical Journal 41(1): 131-135. Acharjyo, L.N. & Misra, R. (1975). A note on inter-parturition interval of some captive wild mammals. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society 72: 841-845. Acocks, J.P.H. (1975). Veld types of South Africa. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa. 40: 1-128. Pretoria, Government Printer. Acocks, J.P.H. (1988). Veld types of South Africa. Memoirs of the Botanical Survey of South Africa. 57: 1-146. Pretoria, Government Printer. Adam, S. (2001). Mammal counts in Waza National Park. In: Bauer, H., De Iongh, H.H., Princée, F.P.G. & Ngantou, D. (eds.). Status and needs for conservation of lions in West and Central Africa: An Information Exchange Workshop. Limbe, Cameroon. 2-4 June 2001. Conservation Breeding Specialist Group (IUCN/SSC), Apple Valley, MN, USA. pp. 111. Adams, J. (1978). The Asiatic lion. Marwell Zoos Paper 24: 10-12. Adams, J.S. & McShane, T.O. (1996). The myth of wild Africa, conservation without illusion. University of California Press. Los Angeles. Adams, W.M. & Hulme, D. (2001). If community conservation is the answer in Africa, what is the question? Oryx 35(3): 193-200. Adamson, G.A. (1964). Observations on lions in Serengeti National Park, Tanganyika. East African Wildlife Journal, 2: 160-161. Adamson, G.A.G. (1963). Observations on lions in the southern portion of Serengeti National Park, mid-June to mid-november 1962. Manuscript in the Tanzania National Parks files. Adamson, G.A.G. (1968). Bwana Game. Collins and Harvill Press, London. Adamson, J. (1960). Born free. Collins & Harwell Press, London. Adamson, J. (1961). Living free. Harcourt, Brace and World, New York. Adamson, J. (1962). Forever free. Collins & Harwell Press, London. Adamson, J. (1966). Pipa Kehrte in die Freiheit Zuruck. Das Tier 6(12): 4-7. Adamson, J. (1969). The Spotted Sphinx. Collins, London. Adler, H. (1955). Some factor of observational learning in cats. Journal of Genetic Psychology 86: 159-177. Agar, N.S. & Gay, C.A. (1995). Erythrocyte metabolism in the gibbon, the elephant and the lion. Comparative Haematology International 5: 156-162. Agrawal, R.D., Ahluwalia, S.S., Bhatia, B.B. & Chauhan, P.P.S. (1997). Note on mammalian coccidia at Lucknow Zoo. Indian Journal of Animal Science 51: 125-128. Aiken, B. (1987). Nightstalk. Afropix, Jersey. Akeley, C. & Akeley, M. (1932). Lions, gorillas and their neighbours. Dodd, Mead & Co., New York. Akersten, W.A. (1985). Canine function in Smilodon (Mammalia: Felidae; Machairodontinae). Contributions in Science. 356 ed. Los Angeles (County) Museum of Natural History. Los Angeles. Akin, A. (1989). Anatolian leopard on the brink. Cornell Veterinarian 11: 10-10. Akin, A. (1991). The status of the leopard in Turkey. In: Shoemaker, A. (ed.). International leopard studbook. Riverbanks Zoological Gardens. Columbia, South Carolina. pp. 7-10. ——————————————————————————————————— Bibliography of the larger African predators and related topics on their habitat and prey species ALPRU March 2004 5 Albone, E.S. & Gronneberg, T.O. (1977). Lipids of the anal sac of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) and of the lion (Panthera leo). Journal of Lipid Research 18: 474-479. Albone, E.S., Eglington, G., Walker, J.M. & Ware, G.C. (1974). The anal sac secretion of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes): its chemistry and microbiology – a comparison with the anal sac secretion of the lion (Panthera leo). Life Sciences 14: 387-400. Alcock, J. (1989). Animal behaviour: an evolutionary approach. 4th ed. Sinauer Associates, Sunderland Massachusetts. Alden, P., Estes, R.D., Schlitter, D. & McBride, B. (1995). National Audobon Society Field Guide to African Wildlife. Alfred Knopf, New York. Alderton, D. (1993). Wild cats of the world. Facts on File, New York. Alexander, K.A. & Appel, M.J.G. (1994). African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) endangered by a canine distemper epizootic among domestic dogs near the Masai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 30: 481-485. Alexander, K.A., Conrad, P.A., Gardner, I.A., Parish, C., Appel, M.J.G., Levy, M.G., Lerche, N. & Kat, P. (1993). Serological survey for selected microbial pathogens in African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) and sympatric domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) in Masai Mara, Kenya. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 24: 140-144. Alexander, K.A., Kat, P.W., Frank, L.G., Holekamp, K.E., Smale, L., House, C. & Appel, M.J.G. (1995). Evidence of canine distemper virus infection among free-ranging spotted hyaenas (Crocuta crocuta) in the Masai Mara, Kenya. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 26: 201- 206. Alexander, K.A., Kat, P.W., House, J., House, C., O'Brien, S.J., Laurenson, M.K., McNutt, J.W. & Osburn, B.I. (1995). African horse sickness and African carnivores. Veterinary Microbiology 47: 133-140. Alexander, K.A., Kat, P.W., Munson, L.A., Kalake, A. & Appel, M.J.G. (1996). Canine distemper related mortality among wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in Chobe National Park, Botswana. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 27: 426-427. Alexander, K.A., MacLachlan, N.J., Kat, P.W., House, C., O'Brien, S.J., Lerche, N.W., Sawyer, M., Frank, L.G., Holekamp, K.E., Smale, L., McNutt, J.W., Laurenson, M.K., Mills, M.G.L. & Osburn, B.I. (1994). Evidence of natural bluetongue virus infection among African carnivores. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 51(5): 568-576. Alexander, K.A., Richardson, J.D., Munson, L.A. & Kat, P.W.
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