E496 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks May 28, 2020 being the first secular parliamentary democ- of the scandalous government spying on the their own stories in their own words. She has racy in the Muslim world. Azerbaijan was also Donald Trump Campaign and the rogue FBI spotlighted those who face violent attacks, jail among the first states to grant women the and intelligence agencies conspiracy to sabo- and worse for their courage in speaking out, right to vote. This stands as a testament to the tage the Donald Trump Presidency, I include heroes like Tola Moeun in Cambodia, Islamic world of the universal validity of demo- in the RECORD today’s revelations in the The Mahmud Rajab in Uzbekistan and Gaspar cratic aspirations, and that self-government Washington Times by Rowan Scarborough en- Matalaev in Turkmenistan. Because of Judy and the respect for individual rights is not in- titled ‘Tail wagging the dog’: and ILRF, there are networks of organizers imical to their traditions. Not much was going on in the Michael and advocates around the world who are able Unfortunately, Azerbaijani independence Flynn probe until The Washington Post and to provide needed assistance to those fighting was soon snuffed out by totalitarian USSR, a leaker reenergized the FBI, according to a for labor rights. which, not unlike Russia under Vladimir Putin, newly disclosed transcript of closed-door tes- Judy’s work exemplifies the concept of sought to spread values much different to timony by former bureau Director James B. intersectionality. She has seen that there are Comey. those espoused by the fledgling Azerbaijan many different forces used to oppress the The FBI had filled out the paperwork to rights of workers, and she has worked to bring Democratic Republic. After the fall of the So- end the Flynn-Russia probe, but Mr. Comey viet Union, Azerbaijan regained its independ- halted the closing in early January 2017. together those fighting them. Laborers in the ence and was recognized by the United Transcripts emerged of the incoming White fields don’t just face poor working conditions States. House national security adviser talking by but live in societies rife with poverty and rac- Today, Azerbaijan remains a close partner phone with Kremlin envoy Sergey Kislyak. ism. Children in the tobacco fields are not just to the United States and our allies. Not only The retired three-star Army general and being exploited for their labor but are sub- has Azerbaijan been an integral part of our ef- Mr. Kislyak talked about not overreacting to jected to environmental and chemical hazards. economic sanctions that President Obama Women in sweatshops are not just subjected forts in Afghanistan, but it has also been an imposed on Dec. 31, 2016, in retaliation for excellent partner in the wider war on terror. It to poverty-level wages, they are often the tar- Moscow’s election interference. get of gender-based violence and harassment. is also noteworthy that as a Muslim country, Mr. Comey went to work. He provided top- Azerbaijan enjoys strong relations with the secret call intercept material to Director of As a result of Judy’s leadership, last year, the Jewish community and maintains a strong National Intelligence James R. Clapper, who International Labour Organization adopted a friendship with our ally Israel. Finally, Azer- told Mr. Obama. At a Jan. 5 White House convention and recommendations on violence baijan is a critical energy provider for Europe, meeting, the FBI chief and Mr. Obama again and harassment in the world of work. playing an important role helping our allies discussed that Flynn had talked with Rus- Judy Gearhart has done the work, at sians during the transition. There is no law, UNICEF’s monitoring and evaluation office, there diversify their energy supply away from per se, against such communications. working on women’s rights and democratiza- a domineering Russia. And there things stood, Mr. Comey said in tion efforts in Mexico, with the ILO’s Inter- With this partnership and Azerbaijan’s com- his most extensive narrative of what he did national Program on the Elimination of Child mitment to our friendship in mind, I would en- in the pivotal January time frame when the Labor in Honduras, on developing research courage my colleagues to join me today in Obama team was leaving the White House to and training programs for workers at Social honoring Azerbaijan on its Republic Day. Donald Trump. Accountability International, and, of course, at f f ILRF. Not only does she put her knowledge to IN MEMORY OF FORMER HONORING JUDY GEARHART work, she shares that knowledge through her CONGRESSMAN SAM JOHNSON teaching. She has served as a tutor for many HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY of us, not just on labor policies but, more im- portantly, about the facts on the ground. And, HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON OF ILLINOIS more formally, Judy is a long-time adjunct pro- OF TEXAS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fessor at Columbia University’s School for IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, May 28, 2020 International Affairs, where she teaches stu- Thursday, May 28, 2020 Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise dents about international human rights and de- Ms. JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, today to celebrate and thank Judy Gearhart velopment policy. today I rise to celebrate the life of a trusted for her leadership at the International Labor Judy Gearhart and ILRF have stood with colleague, dear friend, proud Texan, and true Rights Forum. Judy, the executive director of cocoa workers in Cote D’Ivoire and Ghana, patriot, former Congressman Sam Johnson. ILRF since March 2011, will retire in June. cotton workers in Uzbekistan, garment work- What impressed me the most is that, after While she will leave that position, I know that ers in Bangladesh and fruit workers in Hon- serving in the Air Force during the Korean and she will never leave the fight to protect the duras. Judy has provided guidance and inspi- Vietnam Wars, Sam Johnson did not dis- rights of workers around the world. ration to those struggling for fair pay and just appear into what would have been a well-de- In 2013, 1,134 garment workers were killed treatment for their labors. For all she has served retirement. His love for his country and and 2,500 injured as the 9-story Rana Plaza done, and for all she will do in the future, I affinity for public service led to a fruitful career factory collapsed—the deadliest garment fac- want to express my deep appreciation and in the House of Representatives. Known for tory disaster in history. The vast majority of gratitude. his tenacity as a legislator and shrewdness as those killed and injured as a result of cor- f a statesman, Sam Johnson certainly left his porate neglect were women. Like the 1911 Tri- REMEMBERING THE LIFE OF SAM mark on this institution. As senior members of angle Shirtwaist Factory fire in the United FELTON the Texas Congressional Delegation, he and I States, the disaster spurred activists to push made progress together on important issues for reforms. Judy Gearhart helped lead the HON. MARCY KAPTUR that will benefit our home state for years to fight and won agreements with the garment in- dustry to make improvements—although much OF OHIO come. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Madam Speaker, on behalf of the Texas progress remains to be made. I had the privi- Congressional Delegation, I’d like to extend lege to work with Judy in the aftermath of Thursday, May 28, 2020 my sincere condolences to Sam Johnson’s Rana Plaza and have continued to support her Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise today family, friends, and loved ones during these and ILRF on international labor rights cam- to remember the extraordinary life of Samuel trying times. paigns since then. Like so many others, I have ‘‘Sam’’ Felton, Jr., one of Lorain County’s f relied on her expertise, her experience and most honored, visible, and tireless veterans, her passion for improving the lives of working and a valued father figure for his entire com- NEW SCANDAL CONFIRMATION women, men and children around the world. munity. Judy has made it her practice not to pro- Sam Felton was the only person from Lorain HON. JOE WILSON mote herself, but she focused on lifting up the County to win the Navy Cross in Vietnam. He OF SOUTH CAROLINA Labor Rights Defenders who are organizing never rested on his laurels and built a legacy IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and mobilizing every day, often at great risk to of service to Lorain, Ohio. He served three themselves. She has brought workers’ leaders tours of duty during the Vietnam War with the Thursday, May 28, 2020 to meet with members of Congress, the Ad- U.S. Marine Corps from December 1968 to Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam ministration, the media and the public—mak- August 1971. While serving in Vietnam, he re- Speaker, every day new evidence is revealed ing sure that they have the opportunity to tell ceived both the Navy Cross for heroism and VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:37 May 29, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A28MY8.004 E28MYPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with REMARKS.
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